weapon length: 88
weight: 1.5
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 101
weapon length: 88
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 32 cut
weapon length: 95
weight: 1.2
difficulty: 9
speed rating: 101
weapon length: 95
thrust damage: 16 pierce
swing damage: 37 cut
This may seem like a completely stupid question to some of you, if it is then you probably don't belong here. Even when discounting shields, is the Niuweidao actually a better weapon in a 1v1, assuming highly skilled players? Are 1h animations good enough to make the Niuweidao a better weapon? How about when fighting multiple people? Certainly, if the niuweidao had more cut damage I would undoubtedly say that it is, in every reasonable situation, a better weapon.
Personally, I'm on the fence about it. 5 cut is hard for me to ignore.