Hobb. u one frustrated guy
"uif" don't need control over na lands and if not for templars ur last village would fell as any other we could have sent our armies north after taking merc village on NA and could have ended it back then u was such an easy tarted before u started getting external support :0 that we didn't bother with u.
Tkov ur achieved - nothing ))
PS; i love NA drama
What isnt an easy target for the UIF? Think about it, you guys have sat around doing nothing but making money for the past 7 months while everyone else has been fighting wars and enjoying the game. The fact that union, a much larger faction then us, better equiped etc, couldnt finish us off in the time they had is pretty pathetic. Not to mention they lost over what, 7k shiny troops? to a faction that had a little less then 3.5k to begin with. While yes, we wouldnt have survived without the templars, we certainly didnt achieve "nothing".
Also, to Harpag, the NA/ EU split just wasnt enough. The idea was to remove the whole "EU vs NA mentality" so people didnt have to wake up at 4:00 AM in the morning and fight on bad pings. NA loved this, as we like to actually have wars with each other and have fun, whether we are friends or not. EU however had the UIF that refused to fight each other, which consisted of what, 70% of the EU side of the map? No wonder the other minor UIF factions quit the game. Can you honestly tell me that union has enjoyed having to fight us at 3-4:00 AM, with half a roster, on NA ping, losing all the work they had to put into those armies (which admittedly isnt much considering they have been hoarding for the past 7 months). Also, i just love how you guys have gone from denying the existence of the UIF and calling kesh a crazy conspiracist, to now just saying "Oh the UIF is here, its just not that strong anymore". Give me a break.