Holy texts say that when you died because one of your allies killed you, you were asked by god wether should he in your opinion be stricken by godly lightning and vanish from existence.
People could look all around them without moving their heads, and while doing absolutely anything, even running forward as fast as they can.
People could turn their right arm around their shoulders freely, even doing multiple turns in a certain direction. This was very useful for axe throwers.
Instead of nodding, people faked blocking an high attack.
You had to pass several shield use exams and get a license before being allowed to use certain shields.
Melee weapons and armours had very precise fitness requirements. If you did not meet them, there was simply no way you could use those pieces of equipment.
When people carrying shields were close to each other, their shields where all individually stronger and faster to use.
All battles were fought until one side was completely obliterated, or after a very elusive flag that all soldiers wanted to appear sooner and less randomly was capped. An army never ever retreated. Ever.
If a man or woman felt and died, he or she necessarily hit the ground with the head first. At least that's what the forensics always said when they wrote the battle reports.