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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2012, 03:11:50 am »

Offline Haramir

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #31 on: March 22, 2012, 03:30:11 am »
Ironically, it seems that Europe actually wants America to play world policeman for once.

America!!!    Fuck yeah!!

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #32 on: March 22, 2012, 03:44:24 am »
 Well, suggestions for a split are largely based on different mentalities between NA and EU. (Stereotyping) NA people are usually more impatient and have less of an attention span then EU people. Which is why NA want to stress having more battles with a little less strategy while Eu is fine with building up an army and invading at a good opportunity. This is why I suggested the continent idea; it would still let Eu fight Na, but it would just stress EU/NA alliances more than a large Na alliance vs a large Eu alliance.

There is also something that no one wants occuring when fighting in an EU faction vs NA faction, ping, ping, ping. You could also include the time differences reason, but I still think that is a valid tactic( an underhanded one, but a valid tactic none the less). It is just an advantage an attacker gets which is why many Eu attack while NA is working and Na attack while Eu is sleeping. It would be nice to see the battle times reworked so their could be some medium between good NA times and good EU times.

I also agree with adding more things for individual players to do, because that might make NA  cope better with building up armies and materials.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 04:11:18 am by Havoco »
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #33 on: March 22, 2012, 03:45:49 am »
I can tell you that EU and NA have different mentalities because NA people in general are more impatient and have less of an attention span than EU people (stereotyping lightly). Which is why NA want to stress having more battles with a little less strategy while Eu is fine with building up an army and invading at a good opportunity. This is why I suggested the continent idea; it would still let Eu fight Na, but it would just stress EU/NA alliances more than a large Na alliance vs a large Eu alliance.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #34 on: March 22, 2012, 04:12:13 am »
If NA and EU are split in such a way that they can't interact, period, I'd be with strat. NA primetime battles are tough for me to attend, and DRZ was more fun to fight anyway. It pains me to agree with Plazek on this, but I'm still curious why you care? It's not like you deal with NA, or are you just afraid that Grey would win strat too quickly without us around to take up extra space while the smaller EU clans are destroyed?

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #35 on: March 22, 2012, 04:18:31 am »
Please dont take my faction affiliation into this. I am not suggesting a strat where NA and EU cant interact at all. Here is the post about the continents suggestion.,28226.0.html
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 04:27:10 am by Havoco »
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2012, 05:58:58 am »

Basically im just sick of every retard who isnt on top in strat comming here and whining like a total bitch about how strat is unfair :) It isnt unfair. somewhere you failed. real strat suggestions get ignored because the whole section is filled with QQ from losers. Hell my faction has won lands and is losing lands. Just because our alliance isnt strong enough to beat Greys + Nords doesnt mean that stategus is broken it simply means that they are stronger. They may be stronger in terms of economy/players or skill but they are stronger and are winning and thats how it should be.

That said just remember this you dont have a right to hold lands or even survive strat :) just because you lose it doesnt mean its unfair <3

To generic NA players who blame DRZ. You decided to ignore the obvious fact that they would look to NA lands. stop complaining you should have been more observant
To generic everyone. Ofc the UIF will ally up they keep winning :D do something about it ^^ maybe search for allies or temporary agreements. In MP eu2 games if someone got too powerfull the others acted. maybe if leaders spoke to each other they would form a temp alliance to stop drz growing.
To harpag. hands off the pope :D

but in EU2 more than half the players are not all permanently allied with each other, so it is possible to get other people to help keep a powerful player in check.
as NA not seeing DRZ coming... of course we did... we knew it would happen before 3.0 even came up, and some people did try to do something about it, it just didnt work.
as for "if you lost, you did something wrong!" i guess so? I have an idea... what if I ask Vovka to let me join DRZ? if he lets me in then I would win at strat right? or maybe I can offer to be his Vassal so that I can claim partial victory as I am on the winning side, that seems to work for a lot of other clans.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2012, 12:52:29 pm »
What is with the obsession of splitting NA and EU, really?

Anyway it all is about balance of power, UIF first formed to counter the Templar bloc. The natural response is to create a counter to perceived threats. The only way to fight back is to form a power block of equal or greater strength, if you refuse to even entertain the idea instead saying things like it is someone else's problem then you are already defeated and will be picked off one by one. Just like the Templar bloc did forcing people to join and easily crushing their enemies until the UIF stopped them.

This would be okay if the game wasn't set in a medieval time. I'm okay with global diplomacy even though I don't like it, but it doesn't fit Strat. Furthermore, it only works until one power block gets an edge over the rest of the world. There are not enough internal destructive forces in Strategus. As long as joining the winners is the only reasonable move, Strat remains dead. The balance of power should exist, but not force the whole map to be bipolar. Factions in the desert zone shouldn't be bothered by things that happen in the nord/vaegir lands.

Strat should be like this :

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Not like this :

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See what I mean ?

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2012, 01:18:22 pm »
Yea, I agree. The game needs to be more like Crusader Kings 2.

However it isn't.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2012, 02:09:27 pm »
as NA not seeing DRZ coming... of course we did... we knew it would happen before 3.0 even came up, and some people did try to do something about it, it just didnt work

But this in itself seems completely fine. There was a big EU alliance forming in the beginning of Strat 3.0 to crush DRZ too. It fell apart due to infighting, so it didn't work. The stuff you tried to do didn't work. Hence DRZ gets to keep on steamrolling. I don't see a problem with this. DRZ isn't a problem anyways, it's "just" a single clan, not even the biggest one. They're just incredibly organized so they're a steamroll machine. Which again, is fine.

I don't like huge alliances that just crush tiny factions but that's not what I'm seeing lately. DRZ got some help from Union/Legio when attacking Chaos, but those two clans didn't provide that much help. DRZ could've mustered more strength by themselves if they came full force, for sure. I'm not too familiar with NA politics but weren't Chaos and LLJK allied? If properly organized those two clans could've fought off the attack. Maybe not now since they were at war with Hospitallers but that's not a matter of getting pwned because of massive factions bullying tiny factions, it's just a matter of good timing from DRZ.
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #40 on: March 22, 2012, 02:18:36 pm »
Vovka you mean bastard, did you have to brainwash Xant?  :cry:

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #41 on: March 22, 2012, 02:25:35 pm »
Vovka you mean bastard, did you have to brainwash Xant?  :cry:

That which can be destroyed by the truth should be, my young padawan learner.
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #42 on: March 22, 2012, 02:49:54 pm »
I don't like huge alliances that just crush tiny factions but that's not what I'm seeing lately. DRZ got some help from Union/Legio when attacking Chaos, but those two clans didn't provide that much help. DRZ could've mustered more strength by themselves if they came full force, for sure. I'm not too familiar with NA politics but weren't Chaos and LLJK allied? If properly organized those two clans could've fought off the attack. Maybe not now since they were at war with Hospitallers but that's not a matter of getting pwned because of massive factions bullying tiny factions, it's just a matter of good timing from DRZ.

This is incorrect.  DRZ had a massive amount of help throughout Strat from Bashi, Union, Greys, Legio and 22nd.  Everytime a DRZ caravan passed through any of these faction's lands without being attacked either by the factions themselves or bandits, then DRZ was getting help.  Economic Trading Alliances that span over 50% of the map are far more valuable in Strat than any military alliance. 

To give an example.  In order to match the economic output of 600 people trading over 75% of the map you would need 1800 people trading over the remaining 25% of the map.

@ The original poster - how can you complain about other clans/people playing Strat for reasons other than total victory when the sole admitted aim of the entire Templar block for Strat 3.0 was to kill the Fallen Brigade?  You achieved your aim, but now you are complaining about people wanting to be able to play Strat with similar small goals and ambitions?

People play Strat for all sorts of reasons and there needs to be a different way of measuring victory other than by world conquest.  Personally I would like to see a system that gives negative feedback when you overstep your fair share of the map.  A good organised clan will be able to overcome some of that negative feedback so that they can hold more than their fair share.  Meanwhile the disorganised clans will fail to claim their fair share of the map.  Do this right and clans will be able to go out, fight wars and kill their enemies, but afterwards they will need to retract giving up some of their new lands, thus allowing new/previously beaten factions into the game.  Basically you can make alliances, fight wars and pursue whatever small goals you like, but world domination will be a very costly ambition.  For details on a system that does all this see -,28040.0.html

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #43 on: March 22, 2012, 02:55:21 pm »
Osiris and all the others who are thinking like him + 157 (lol). Templols lose some battles, but fighting bravely, and never cry. Despite the ongoing war, I personally respect them. These are nice guys and are able to play. We have a lot of fun, cool RP, a lot of XP etc. You tearful assholes, take from them example, instead of mindlessly criticize.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #44 on: March 22, 2012, 02:57:01 pm »
This is incorrect.  DRZ had a massive amount of help throughout Strat from Bashi, Union, Greys, Legio and 22nd.  Everytime a DRZ caravan passed through any of these faction's lands without being attacked either by the factions themselves or bandits, then DRZ was getting help.  Economic Trading Alliances that span over 50% of the map are far more valuable in Strat than any military alliance. 

I don't think being attacked by bandits is major concern either way as long as you protect your caravans well enough. Don't have to be in a mega alliance to have your caravans get there and back safely.
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