Author Topic: Stategus the trooth!  (Read 6169 times)

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #15 on: March 22, 2012, 01:29:02 am »
While Slantedfloors doesn't convey his message in the nicest way, I have to agree with him. EU should be fighting EU menaces, as NA should be fighting NA menaces.
Ironically, it seems that Europe actually wants America to play world policeman for once.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #16 on: March 22, 2012, 01:34:44 am »
Yeah its no argument that we need to just eat this one.  And I agree I'm not in support of a mod for the sake of "fun fights".  The fights themselves are usually pretty one-sided, and I only had the priviledge of attending only a handful of great matchups.  In defense of us bloodthirsty NA's, people got bored after building up since what, october. 

We may have T'd off some of the NA clans early because we stayed entirely neutral in the initial bloodshed, and again in the months after, both northwest and to the east.  NA was torn apart from the very start, and I admire what the hospitaller and occitan alliance did in the initial set up period.  They had issues with the Fallen so they decided to objectively prevent it, and that was a move worthy of acknowledgement.

What I really despise seeing is the petty racewar.  Next round we'll just need to make more EU friends, end of story. That's all that needs to be said about that.   

If it came down to EU vs NA, NA is just outproduced.  But we don't need to be locked into that mentality.  Its not that hard to make friends, nobody's that hard to deal with, and 20 ping or 200 ping, people generally want to cooperate.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 01:36:10 am by Uumdi »
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2012, 01:37:24 am »
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2012, 01:37:52 am »
In defense of us bloodthirsty NA's, people got bored after building up since what, october.
Seriously, evidently what we should have done was not fight amongst ourselves and kept building up for the inevitable EU invasion.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.

Fun times to be had there. Doing nothing except crafting lordly mail mittens for 6 1/2 months is clearly the cornerstone of a successful strategy game that will last the test of time.

Good luck with finding European clan allies though. There's clearly a few here and there that aren't bootlicks, hopefully next Strat they can do more than be rolled over while everyone else over there does absolutely nothing about it.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 01:43:13 am by Slantedfloors »

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #19 on: March 22, 2012, 01:43:53 am »
TBH you don't have to restart strat to make it more fun, all they have to do is just fix the bugs and people will enjoy it more.

Disagree with this. I think Strategus is something that should definitely be wiped on some sort of a time frame (3 months? 6 months?). Different iterations of Strategus will see different alliances, different villains, different scapegoats and "victors" and will provide people who jumped in partway through an iteration with a more level playing field in terms of potentiality come the next iteration.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2012, 01:45:14 am »
Sufferin' Succotash! You mean a small European clan stood up to to the EU Mega-Block?

Surely this will be the point when the other EU clans draw their carefully concealed knives and attack their brobdingnagian neighbours from behind! This will surely be a great war, as faction after faction say "NO MORE" to the UIF's control over...oh wait, no, the rest of EU are doing jack shit to stop them. Except for the guys who are helping them wipe out the underdogs, I guess.

WELPS, I guess it's up to NA to do what literally every other EU clan will not do. With 1/4 of the resources, as mandated by the ping wall. And facing the opposition of damn near every other EU clan trying to prove what stalwart UIF allies they are.

i.e, Go Fuck Yourself

You might have a point except that it was a lot more than just the Templar clan fighting the Greys, it was their whole alliance. This is the majority of the "crusader" themed clans that play CRPG, excluding NA.
Good job though, you totally don't look like some fool talking about stuff he doesn't actually know anything about.

I just find it amusing that you tell a guy to go fuck himself when it is his clan doing the exact thing you are raging about people not doing.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2012, 01:50:31 am »
You might have a point except that it was a lot more than just the Templar clan fighting the Greys, it was their whole alliance. This is the majority of the "crusader" themed clans that play CRPG, excluding NA.

Good job though, you totally don't look like some fool talking about stuff he doesn't actually know anything about
So what you're saying is that it wasn't even just a small clan like the Mercs being rolled over - it was a minor power bloc being dismantled, and the rest of EU stood by and did absolutely nothing while the balance of power changed significantly.

...not really seeing what point you thought you were trying to make here. Also not my fault the method for defending against mega-block alliances proposed by the OP is retarded.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 01:57:53 am by Slantedfloors »

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2012, 02:10:30 am »
you raise good points :P which is what i want :) Strat inst perfect and sure Fiefs should take time to secure and turn to core fiefs of your faction :)

what is pissing me off is that a good 90% of suggestions are not made around what is good for strat but only what is good for the player making the suggestion.

Quote from: Osiris on Today at 21:15:44

IE make alliances, seek diplomacy hell maybe in war think about surrendering land to secure peace (shock horror in games like this wars dont have to end in total defeat you can cede lands!)

All of the things in your post, this is the worst. Why on earth would a winning faction stop a war and only take a part of your territory ? There is no "core fief" or "stability" or "revolt risk" mechanics in Strat. Expanding at the fastest possible rate is always better.

On this point i must disagree. Why on earth would a winning faction stop a war. well that is down to the other factions :) If one faction is going to destroy another totally and become too powerfull then the others should step in and force a treaty

In my games of eu2 i must say that if one country totally destroyed another then the other countries would step in to ensure that a treaty was made that didnt make one country totally superior. for example (not a realistic one) If Druzinha Chaos Hospi Grey Nord and Templars were the main factions and Druzinha went to war with Chaos and was going to totally win then it is down to the other factions to ensure that such a victory doesnt mean that Druzinha becaome twice as powerfull as anyone else. If one side is winning by far then it is down to others to limit their gains :)

This doesnt happen in Strat because well we all hate each other ^^ But if for example in NA Reds and Greens looked at the map before really fighting they might have seen that Greys had devoted some resources to fight the Templars and that a combined NA thrust on DRZ might have resulted in a return to the balance of power :P

Im rambling because well ive been drinking a lil but i hope i sort of make sense :)

It is down to the players to form a balance of power not the Devs. The Devs should strive to make the game more interactive and fun for the individual player. They should not be distraced/forced into making more limits to factions because the playerbase lacts the ability to do it themselves.

just my opinion ofc :P if DRZ win repeatedly its because we let them, let the devs focus on making the game more fun for individuals let the faction leaders focus on making it more fair

You do make a point about factions trying to establish a balance of power, but this balance is too fragile. When Strat kicked in, the current winners already were in a coalition. Other factions repeatedly tried to group up and stop them but the problem remains that in Strat, allying with the strongest is the best choice. It shouldn't. The decision should be influenced by local geopolitics. From what I remember, an important part of the Shogunate coalition  turned their coats and joined the UIF, letting that precious balance of power be thrown out of the window. The problem isn't about the players, it's about the game mechanics. The strong groups become stronger much too fast, and there are no possibilities of that power ever decreasing.

Add to that the extremely defensive army recruitement/upkeep balance. A game that makes upkeeping troops much more expensive compared to recruiting them would be more aggressive, as it would lessen the number of ridiculous "standing armies" we have.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2012, 02:23:53 am »

And building up.

And building up.

And building up.


I agree fully.  We built up since fuckin...  october or something.  Its now march. 
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2012, 02:25:50 am »
I'm sure there's plenty of discussion abound concerning using locality and proximity to influence participation of mercenaries in battles. Surely that would make the deployment of big and small clans a much more active process.
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2012, 02:33:11 am »
Still think the best option is split Strategus into 2 maps. NA and EU. That would force you EU guys to I don't know, fight someone in your own lands?

And NA would have fun beating each other down until everyone 6 months in was back in peasant gear and fighting with cudgels.

Two different ideas of how to play

Should =

Two different maps.
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #26 on: March 22, 2012, 02:51:10 am »
I agree fully.  We built up since fuckin...  october or something.  Its now march.

I was wondering, you had all that time to build up and enough people to recruit an army quickly, why didn't any of the clans in the green alliance take a castle?  Up until maybe late January the castles were buying stuff like hunting crossbows and steppe armor for their defense.

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #27 on: March 22, 2012, 02:58:40 am »
What is with the obsession of splitting NA and EU, really?

Anyway it all is about balance of power, UIF first formed to counter the Templar bloc. The natural response is to create a counter to perceived threats. The only way to fight back is to form a power block of equal or greater strength, if you refuse to even entertain the idea instead saying things like it is someone else's problem then you are already defeated and will be picked off one by one. Just like the Templar bloc did forcing people to join and easily crushing their enemies until the UIF stopped them.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:28:25 am by 22nd_King_Plazek »

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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #28 on: March 22, 2012, 03:00:06 am »
But now it's a working formula I guess all we can do is counter-counter in an endless cycle!

Very sly edit Plazek.
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« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:18:54 am by Tomas_of_Miles »
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Re: Stategus the trooth!
« Reply #29 on: March 22, 2012, 03:06:45 am »
What is with the obsession of splitting NA and EU, really?
What is the obsession with keeping two completely incompatible playstyles together, especially given that the map is split to gimp one side?
« Last Edit: March 22, 2012, 03:08:01 am by Slantedfloors »