If no one stops me, I am going to revise the map cycle on eu1/eu2 next weekend, as there are some strange villages in there.
If you find a map you would like to see removed, get me it's name and a reason why it sucks (screenshot gives bonus points, if its a village, you can use
http://eelio.pagesperso-orange.fr/ to get a nice picture). Just telling me to remove that village on that hill won't do the trick, as there are 110 villages, so please provide a name. If you dont want to lose your modifier, you can start mb:wb a second time and look at the server browser to see the name of the map.
If you want a map added, provide screenshots, links to download etc, but I won't add fantasy (flying fortress stuff), symmetrical maps (like the NA-bridge map) or other imbalanced/strange maps.
The removal list so far (if you see a map you want to keep, give me a reason, or fix it when it just needs to be fixed). Will be changed according to the poll:
- Uzgha, it's a village siege, not battle. Looks nice, but not balanced at all
- Aldelen, unbalanced sides, provides too much camping
- Amashke, unbalanced sides, provides too much camping
Broken spawns:
- Ibiran, the spawns are next to each others.
- Jayek, the spawns are next to each others. Or change spawns.
- Elberl, spawns are next to each others. Could be nice map if spawns are changed.
- Ismirala, unbalanced spawn again
- Saren
- tshibtin
Dull, boring, or not really battle material
- Gisim, shitty huge mountain! Spawn change could fix this though.
- Jamiche, very open and flat field in front of village
- Dugan, very open and flat field in front of village
- Habba, same as Dugan
- Dusturil. One team starts in village, the other under a giant hill. Very boring.
The add list so far:
-That one awesome ruins map I saw on eu4, if you have the name/link/permission, please tell me
-Blue Bells & Beech Trees
-Burning of the Ships
-Santa's Castle
-River delta
-Tilting at windmills
Lets hope that list gets a little bit longer until next weekend