You can't take it literally obviously. Side sword isn't best but above average (nearly best) at everything. In terms of balance, I guess it should be average, or just provide alternatives. As I said, I don't really care if it gets nerfed or not, just that it would be nice to have more top tier swords to choose from in 1h lines (by either nerfing side sword or introduce new swords/buff the current ones).
instead of nerfing, making one bad, shouldn't then be another 1-3 swords get better?
There is nothing wrong beeing jack of all trades, as long it isn't the best in all the things that are compared. It is a contribute to playing style, there are the spammatars which is fine if they want to play like that, there are those with warhammer, which do terrible damage often twice after knockdown, and other specialities. The sitesword has no special ability but its versatility through speed.
About the speed, there are so many 2h/polearm spammers out there, some with weapons havy enough to stun my shield long enough that i rarely can counter attack.
I was asked often and many speced shielders and wondered, why dont tehy attack, they cant, they have to count when there shield isn't stuned, if they wait too long the shield is destroyed and they are dead meat. Only thing to counter 2h Spam in my eyes is to get myself high agi, 27 at least and a sword with high speed too.
So if you reduce it, i perhaps have to go with 6 str and 30 agi, to do anything and i will take the weapons which still works with that requirements, perhaps i'll pecome a spammitar myself then and the next thing you know is that people whant a nerf on it.
The weapon is surly only as good as the build and the player behind it, nerf it and if myself and otheres with sitesword still get their kills there will be voices to nerf it again, it wasnt enough.
i would choose speed anytime over other abilities, so take away some cut damage, but let me have my speed, otherwise you have to nerf a lot of 2h/polearm weapons speed too. If you want to have different playstyles you need weapons who have stregth in different areas, sitesword special area is the speed.
agreed, but i wouldnt touch the speed, perhaps take away 1-2 points cut damage.
@Blondin again make other one handers better in their special way, you want to increase different playstyles, not decrease them through nerfing one thing.
If i battle havy armored guys i need 7-10+ hits to bring em down, as i go for low armor because of weigth i get 1hited. Taking away too much damage brings me to my shield which cant sustain forever, even with my invested 9 skillpoints for long duels, so i can battle even the best players with shieldbreakers long enough to perhaps at a good day i can provoke them to make mistakes. There are several players out there who havent got an agi based built but can win against me 4 out of 5 times or more, me as i have a agi based build and a good internet connection, doesnt have an excuse there, i just suck, i know

BTW a lot of what i see in this thread is complaining/whining from 2h who seemingly get killed by 1h, that can not be, may not be, will not be, in their minds.