I love the mode, just a couple things I want to say:
The coliseum map (I forget the exact name) has terrible spawns in my opinion.
Truth to be told, if you have a problem with spawnraping and endless fights - I'm afraid I have to tell you - You're doing it wrong!
You will soon understand the reason for respawning where you died.
You act like we always have a choice. Often times it's enemies spawning at my goal and I refuse to abandon it just so you can pretend your spawns are fine. Also, I don't always spawn where I died.
Many times I die on my side then spawn on the enemy goal, and they vice versa. After that, then we keep spawning where I/they die.
The coliseum map is the worst offender because of how cramped it is to begin with.
At least the open maps give you a chance to run for it.
If the coliseum map is not improved I want to see it gone completely.
Secondly, I'm partially color blind and I know I'm not the only one. I really wish the goal UI icons would be clearer which is which.
Perhaps a greyed-out icon for friendly. Or go blue/red. Green/red is a poor choice.