As an archer, I feel I have the right to bitch about the nerf in body shot damage (although, I'm almost at 9PD with a longbow and bodkins; pretty sure I'm still hitting decently hard), and it's generally never a good idea to aim strictly for the head. I think the nerf was unnecessary. I'm sure a good majority would agree. But to continue with my point, as much as I hate Pigeonteeth and every other goddamn arbalest player in this game, for Christ's sake, give them some love. I should not be able to take two steel bolts in the chest with 0IF and leather armor. It's absolutely crazy.
Someone already mentioned that most players are aware enough to intelligently juke around and keep away from an arbalest, but without the high damage, the reload speed and high upkeep makes them look pretty sad. Throw ping into the mix and I'd hate to be an arbalest user even more.