It took some guts to go against all those 2h/polearms, it is like a sign which says "hate me". Respect for that Michal.
Since i started playing half a year ago i managed to become a averadge to perhaps even a good player with my 1h/shielder. I still stand in disbelief before all those fantastic players with their great abilities in manual blocking without a shield. I try it myself time over time but just cant get the hang of it ... yet.
After generation 8, i had a masterwork huscarl and went all out agi.
I did so because of 2h/polearm spammers, that was my reason behind it, to create a build which can handle those.
Nowadays i try less agi and slowly find a balance which will be best for my playstyle. I guess i will allways have more agi then str, to compensate agi or less skill, put it as you want. I have seen you Michal with your shielder and you did mostly pretty good.
Spawny :"The only true issue I have with 1h/shield is the speed of the shield. You can get it up quite fast, but it's so slow to drop when you attack.
I can fight people who are just waiting for me to start an attack. Then, as soon as they see the animation start (my character slowly dropping his shield before raising his arm to strike), they swing and hit me first."true
RandomDude "You dont have to follow his backpedal. 1hs can move backwards and forwards too until the 2h/PA makes a mistake and gets too close."till the shield breaks, or he just jumps out of range if the 1h/shield attacks and spams at that moment, works often, if the the 2h/polearm guy is at least with same ath, the 1h/shielder has a difficult time trying to hug, additional weigth from the shield or getting shield stuned slows them down.
ptx:"Contrary to popular belief, 1h in c-rpg is not really easy-mode (unless you got really pimped out gear and stats ).
It requires a very different skillset from the other classes - you don't need skill to defend yourself, but it takes way better timing to return attacks, whilst you also need to aim these attacks much more precisely. Footwork is extremely important."true
So why are mostly 2h/polearm players at the top of the board? skill or perhaps imbalance or a combination of both? If imbalance, is it because of the thinking it takes more skill to block with them so it must be easier to kill with them?
I repeat i have a great deal of respect of those who have mastered blocking but how much benefits should they get in opposite to the 1h/shielders who cant block in the same way, but will loose their shield and ability block at some point and who have an additional animation that takes time and additional weight to burden them?