Author Topic: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed  (Read 10072 times)

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #75 on: April 02, 2011, 01:04:21 pm »
Good 1h players with steel shield and pick etc are a pain in the ass :P the left slash is so quick i find it difficult to see in time to block sometimes :D (i suck btw) The thing with 1h players is that the mistake is yours to make :D if i meet a 2h player he is more likley to make a mistake allowing me to kill then a 1h if you know what i mean....
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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2011, 07:02:29 pm »
I think that is needed "reduce"

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #77 on: April 09, 2011, 08:51:58 am »
you know the game is horribly unbalanced when 75% of all kills are from 2h and high level polearms.

1h weapons and low level polearms (pike/spears) are a complete joke.

2h swing speed needs to be dramatically reduced, specifically anything crush or cut.  What makes sense is 2h weapons being able to cleave thru multiple people

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #78 on: April 09, 2011, 09:06:38 am »
you know the game is horribly unbalanced when 75% of all kills are from 2h and high level polearms.

1h weapons and low level polearms (pike/spears) are a complete joke.

2h swing speed needs to be dramatically reduced, specifically anything crush or cut.  What makes sense is 2h weapons being able to cleave thru multiple people

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #79 on: April 09, 2011, 11:01:20 am »
let us know when you graduate high school and can post intelligent debate instead of regurgitating quotes like a mindless parrot

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #80 on: April 09, 2011, 11:06:35 am »
Diggles, you need to play CRPG. All i see are shielders and range, with a few people using 2h and polearm. 1h actually has the same extra "thrust" range as 2hers, sometimes the sarranid cavalry sword hits before my GLA does because of the extra reach in a thrust. 1hers are not weak at all, polearms are a lot weaker than 2hers over all, because theres "ghost" speed for 2h and extra length due to efficient animations for 2h.

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #81 on: April 09, 2011, 04:53:06 pm »
All i see are shielders and range, with a few people using 2h and polearm.
simply put ... not true, as their are a lot of ranged out there those go mostly 2h/polearm because of needed space for amunition. Besides those most cavalry players go pure polearm.
Nevertheless there are more shielders out there then say 4 months ago, my guess there are some who were upset by constantly being shot to death. Even as shield guy 40-50% of my deaths is by getting shot by some kind of ranged weapon.

1h actually has the same extra "thrust" range as 2hers
Again not entirely true as far as i can tell, there are weapons with ghost ranges, but not only with 1h's but with 2h's/polearm aswell and there is no single 1h weapon witch has nearly the same length as a medium sized 2h/polearm. So if you backpaddle/spam and the 1h didn't adjust to the tactic change, 2h/polearm wins because of range. If you aren't able to do that, then either you may no yet have the feeling for your range or the shielder has enough athletics and brains to close in and come into his weapon range.

1hers are not weak at all, polearms are a lot weaker than 2hers over all, because theres "ghost" speed for 2h and extra length due to efficient animations for 2h.
First time i hear someone mention ghost speed, ghost range i here often but ghost speed? What is that? Any developers who could tell me about ghost speed?
If you talk about speed and animations, what about the shield animations, one of them isn't actually touched by shield skill. Also lots of 2h's/polearm's stun shields which have lesser weigth which gives u additional time(speed) to finish off the 1h guy.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2011, 04:56:50 pm by kinngrimm »
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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #82 on: April 10, 2011, 12:42:58 pm »
1. Those people who use bows and crossbows are range, they used polearms/2h as backup weapons. You hardly see pure polearm/2H anymore
2. The animation extends the effective length of a 1her just like a 2her's stab, the arm extends as the thrust is completed.
3. Since you are a shielder, test the speed of a Great Long Axe with a danish greatsword. Count the number of swings you completed in a minute. People have been saying that 2hers have a +5 speed bonus to their weapon.
"shield stun" is a nonissue, since you would have to just take another hit and then you can retaliate. Personally i've never seen "shieldstun" before, since all the heavy weapons have crushthrough or the shield is a huscarl.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 12:44:40 pm by Thucydides »

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #83 on: April 10, 2011, 01:10:14 pm »
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« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 01:18:16 pm by owens »
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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #84 on: April 10, 2011, 01:15:38 pm »
But really 1h is easier if people know how to play. Australia's Roman is the best player in the world proven(hes a gook). He uses 1H and no shield. The game is balanced your a choad.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 01:22:36 pm by owens »
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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #85 on: April 13, 2011, 03:18:38 pm »
In comparison, yes both 1h/shield and 2h are good, but in all honesty the shield user has to make less mistakes then the 2h fighter in order win a fight mainly because of many 2h fighters going pure strength now.

For example it will take me 4-5 swings to kill a pure strength build 2h fighter when I die in 1-2 swings. Compound that with superiour range, speed, and weapon stun after a parry it is indeed quite difficult to be a shield user (not including huscarl shield).

On the flip side people say that the shield is a huge advantage and it is when it comes to survivability at range, but there is a speed rating on the shield and a penalty to the speed of your weapon when you use a shield. Essentially manual blocking is faster, doesn't break, and stuns lighter 1h weapons. On the flip side shield blocks in all directions from the front. Also shields are not forever, they do indeed break fairly easily (I use the elite cavalry shield on foot) with the exception of the high tier shields.

Honestly what I find is that if a 2h enemy blocks my attack, I need to immediately block their next swing, if I block their attack, often their swing speed is so fast I can't even swing back in time before being hit by their next attack. hence the "spam" that many shield users face, and why I use a fast shield.

I don't really care anymore about the speed debate because 2h and polearms are faster then 1h WITH a shield, however the time it takes to attack again after striking a shield is not modified and if anything is shorter than a complete swing. The only thing I would like to see is that perhaps when you strike a shield you need to wait till the time of a completed attack before being able to swing again.

This would make it basically come down to block/swing for both parties. Then the 2h player has the speed and range advantage to step out of combat and re-enter it with an attack instead of just left attack over and over again with a faster weapon.

Some other things I noticed are:

Backpedaling and stab for 2h and polearm is over powered and should work the same as a 1h. It has been quoted by other players that the most difficult attack to do successfully is a 1h stab because it requires the fighter to be moving forward in order to successfully use the attack. The 2h stabs on the other hand can be done moving in any direction.

Next is that 2h and polearm weapons can go through physical obstacles that 1h weapons normally get caught on, like fighting in a tight space and the 1h players weapon hits the wall next to them, and the 2h poleaxe fighters weapon just goes through the wall and hits the other person. Also this includes the weapons ghosting through team mates that would normally result in a TK.

From my observations I have found that 2h and polearm is much less restricted by the physics in this game in comparison to 1h weapons which litterally get caught on everything.

+2 cents

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #86 on: April 13, 2011, 03:40:41 pm »
Backpedaling and stab for 2h and polearm is over powered and should work the same as a 1h. It has been quoted by other players that the most difficult attack to do successfully is a 1h stab because it requires the fighter to be moving forward in order to successfully use the attack. The 2h stabs on the other hand can be done moving in any direction.

Next is that 2h and polearm weapons can go through physical obstacles that 1h weapons normally get caught on, like fighting in a tight space and the 1h players weapon hits the wall next to them, and the 2h poleaxe fighters weapon just goes through the wall and hits the other person. Also this includes the weapons ghosting through team mates that would normally result in a TK.

From my observations I have found that 2h and polearm is much less restricted by the physics in this game in comparison to 1h weapons which litterally get caught on everything.

+2 cents

This is just SO wrong.
When you back peddal and stab with 2h and pole you will do minor damage or bounce. Same goes for 1h.
I don't know what 2h/pole you saw passing thru the wall, none of my poles have ever passed thru the wall. On the other hand I find fighting in closed spaces and tight corridors A LOT easier with my 1h. A lot less TK and a lot easier to coordinate when theres more of you attacking one enemy.
And absolutely no wall hiting.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2011, 03:44:13 pm by Vibe »

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #87 on: April 13, 2011, 04:01:28 pm »
Agreed with all 3 of you above me.

I still hit up Quake Live quite a bit to get my fix.  But like you guys have made mention to as well, I'm a dinosaur in gamer years (30) as I grew up with all this shit.  I still have longing memories of playing Dukem on T.E.N. for close to two years hardcore (meaning 5-10+ hours a day, sometimes 24+ hours with no sleep at home on dial up and at lans on the weekend) in my youth.

New FPS gamers have no fucking clue about intense twitch gaming.

Speaking of Quake Live.  If any of you old-timers play it as well like I do, hit me up.  I go by Vap0rWare or SnakeEyz (first gaming handle I ever had).  We can set up some matches for lulz.
Map knowledge, aim, movement control, timing, strategy.  All performed in micro second adjustments.  New games still don't compare to the classics.

Speaking of nostalgia:
Same handle (SnakeEyz).  Hit me up.

Pardon the slight off topic. But that was some twitchy stuff I just saw. I thought a lot of you guys were old timers, but you can still twitch like that? Now being beaten by a twitchy 10 year old I can accept, as my reflexes are not what they used to be, but being beaten by a twitchy old timer would be embarrassing. If that is the case I will stick with wargames and "pwn" newbies who don't know how to protect supply depots and megastack their armies to get attrited to death.

Played some tremulous which was based on q3, but those q3 games are super twitch fests in comparison. Too bad trem developers were all alien fanboys with no idea of balance. Trem was a good game to show how k/d meant nothing to skill, as inexperienced human players could rack up 4-1 kd and still lose since the balance was that bad. We had hotshots racking 30-1 kds with mass driver but doing nothing to win the game. Team players are a scarce commodity.

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #88 on: April 13, 2011, 04:11:20 pm »
This is just SO wrong.
When you back peddal and stab with 2h and pole you will do minor damage or bounce. Same goes for 1h.
I don't know what 2h/pole you saw passing thru the wall, none of my poles have ever passed thru the wall. On the other hand I find fighting in closed spaces and tight corridors A LOT easier with my 1h. A lot less TK and a lot easier to coordinate when theres more of you attacking one enemy.
And absolutely no wall hiting.

I believe it has more to do with the weapon when chambered already being inside the obstacle instead of being in front of it and hitting it on the attack, instead the weapon starts outside and passes through it. I have seen this many times and you can test it your self since I know it happens. The ghost swings through team mates happens a lot with the flamberg and I in all honesty many flamberg players will even admit to it.

The back peddling with 2h stab works much better than it does for 1h if that is the case, but I really never land backwards walking stabs, I almost always need to be moving forward for it to work.

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Re: NERF 2h/polearm, esp. reduce 2h and polearms speed
« Reply #89 on: April 14, 2011, 03:33:05 am »
Why is this thread still going?

I though everyone agreed Finished sucks?