Yes, because for example 31 pierce on Poleaxe is not enough.
But 28 on the best spear is not enough. Not saying that polaxes shouldn't have a ok/good stab, but SPEARS should have WAY better stab then they do. Seriously just look at this!
War Spear (6821 gold)
weapon length: 150
weight: 1.5
difficulty: 11
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 150
thrust damage: 28 pierce
swing damage: 18 blunt
slots: 2
It's just BS that it doesn't have a better stab. I can understand the low blunt swing damage and all, but the stab should be way better. At least the speed is decent.
Oh yea, let's compare it to the price equalant 2handers.
First the Morningstar:
Morningstar (6648 gold)
weapon length: 82
weight: 3.8
difficulty: 14
speed rating: 92
weapon length: 82
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 38 pierce
slots: 2
Bonus against Shield
And the Longsword:
Longsword (6660 gold)
weapon length: 106
weight: 1.8
difficulty: 10
speed rating: 98
weapon length: 106
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 36 cut
slots: 2
Secondary Mode
Either give spears a better stab or make them much cheaper. I actually would like the price drop better because then we can actually have spears as the main strat weapons (which makes historical sense) for early armies AND not "unbalance" it by making them better at stabbing. Cause, you know, a poleaxe REALLY needs a better stab than a spear...