No, I did not say that. I said "kite and shoot" which implies they are doing both at the same time; jump shooting allowed this. Moving away from your foe while drawing your bow and shooting instantly upon touching the ground. I never said they still wouldn't kite. And yes, you are correct: archers can still run and gain distance to shoot. This is all well and good.
Ok so which argument are you basing this on? It seems there are about 10 people arguing strongly for this, all from different angles.
You're saying your fine with archers kiting you. Just not jump shooting? I understand your trying to establish a difference between the priming your shot whilst jumping and running a bit further to prime you shot/turn/shoot. But there really is very little difference when it comes down to it. It has the same effect.
Yet others are saying they don't want jump shooting and they think jump shooting will stop kiting.
Some are saying it's not realistic.
Some are saying it looks stupid.
And I'm sure there are others.