Author Topic: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?  (Read 4943 times)

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2011, 04:14:09 am »
why not make the angel too 50-60
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Offline MadScientist22

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2011, 04:21:43 am »
If Cav took no skill, why is it that certain Cavalry consistently do better than others? There has to be at least a minimal level of skill involved for there to be any consistent discrepancy. Shpongled for example, out lances me more than 90% of the time. So does Tankmen. On the other hand, I out lance pretty much everyone else in my clan and most cavalry except for a few dedicated ones.

While I took advantage of unaware infantry, I relished taking down those who saw me coming much much more. Even more, I absolutely loved taking down those infantry who faked being unaware (which is why good horsemen don't immediately couch at seeing an 'afk' player but hold lance till the last moment). That is what kept me playing cRPG even after Strategus got taken down.Now, all any infantry has to do is jump and swing and I can't reach him but he can reach me. Cavalry has been forcibly pigeon-holed into being skillless backstabbers that we have always been accused of.


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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2011, 04:50:06 am »
Horsemen took a blow this patch like never before.  They should rename Mount and Blade:Warband to just Blade:Warband.  I feel for you guys.  Horse archers stopping to shoot, lancers having to rush in to their deaths... 
High tier archers also suffer from a huge drop in range.  I feel like I'm shooting a slingshot instead of a longbow. It really detracts from the fun.
I have to wonder what the devs were thinking too.  Have they said why the changes were implemented?  I'm only glad they made throwing half feasible again.  Although throwing lances again get no love, and take 7 PT.
Your light maneuverable horses are also nerfed terribly and are slower and less easy to handle.  Very disappointing changes to a previously fun and balanced game.
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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #18 on: July 12, 2011, 05:00:35 am »
If Cav took no skill, why is it that certain Cavalry consistently do better than others?

Cav took no skill

took no skill

no skill

"Should I charge at the 2h spammer that is staring at me, or challenge the other cav that is wreaking havoc among my teamates?"

You charge, just to pad your K/D, and instead you head gets lopped off.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 05:08:31 am by DrTaco »
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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #19 on: July 12, 2011, 05:10:53 am »
man dismount from your horse - cav guys are the only ones who constantly rule the servers with scores like 20-30 to 5. archers, 2h, 1h/shield have to do hard and dangerous work for their score.
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Offline Scrat

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #20 on: July 12, 2011, 05:12:02 am »
Cav took no skill

took no skill

no skill

"Should I charge at the 2h spammer that is staring at me, or challenge the other cav that is wreaking havoc among my teamates?"

You charge, just to pad your K/D, and instead you head gets lopped off.

I never gave two shits about my K/D. I used to always take out the highest priority targets, now I have to settle for the weak, the unaware and the injured stragglers.

I used to be a Lion, now I'm a hyena.


Offline Trikipum

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2011, 06:07:02 am »
I never gave two shits about my K/D. I used to always take out the highest priority targets, now I have to settle for the weak, the unaware and the injured stragglers.

I used to be a Lion, now I'm a hyena.

Same here, being relegated to peasant killers and backstabbers removes all the skill involved. The horse combat is the best mechanic ingame... now its not even half fun as it was before...
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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2011, 06:12:27 am »
All of you settling for the weak? Guess what? It's because you never actually had any cavalry skill.

Now go l2p  :idea:
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Offline PieParadox

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #23 on: July 12, 2011, 06:50:37 am »
Wonder how cav will be now in strat...

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2011, 06:58:31 am »
Yea i agree my cav guy sucks now i just use him as Inf which is a shame coz i just got him a champion arab horse :(

But also i have a feeling they will change back coz there will just be millions of HA's coz Lance cav seemed pretty uneffective right now.

i like the part when u said coz.
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Offline Sultan_Saladin

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #25 on: July 12, 2011, 07:00:31 am »
It does make sense to an extent that cav is not only lance/bow. Now you can use 1h or 2h weapons as well against other cav.  Before it was only lances.  Lances are great if your in a line charge or tournament, however it most practical purposes for skirmishing, the spear, sword and bow were mostly used. Most of the battles we do are skirmishes, we don't have line battles unless we are in Strategus.  There you go, there is my 2 cents.
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Offline Reinhardt

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #26 on: July 12, 2011, 07:03:12 am »
With all due respect, Spongled, I must disagree, but only on some points.

Firstly, cav was nerfed, directly and indirectly:
1) Lance radius
2) Horse HP (AFAIK)
3) More projectiles
4) Buffed projectiles

Cav was buffed in the following ways:
1) Lance is faster
2) HA nerf

That's about it. Although annoying to not be able to take out pikes from horseback, it's still possible to get a good score. I was 14;1, then 18;3 on the NA server as cav just a few minutes ago. However not a "blow you out of the water" score, it's still possible to do exceptionally well as cav, if you play it right. But As far as the lance radius, give it back to us. I think it's fair. People can dodge us too easily now. And with the increase in projectiles... I think we should be allowed to take out some of them.

EDIT: Repair costs = bullshit for everyone. Give 'em back please. :D
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 07:04:51 am by Reinhardt »
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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2011, 07:24:42 am »
With all due respect, Spongled, I must disagree, but only on some points.

Firstly, cav was nerfed, directly and indirectly:
1) Lance radius
2) Horse HP (AFAIK)
3) More projectiles
4) Buffed projectiles

Cav was buffed in the following ways:
1) Lance is faster
2) HA nerf

EDIT: Repair costs = bullshit for everyone. Give 'em back please. :D

You miss that the heavy lance now costs 10k. In addition to increased horse prices.
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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2011, 08:08:30 am »
With all due respect, Spongled, I must disagree, but only on some points.

Firstly, cav was nerfed, directly and indirectly:
1) Lance radius
2) Horse HP (AFAIK)
3) More projectiles
4) Buffed projectiles

Cav was buffed in the following ways:
1) Lance is faster
2) HA nerf

That's about it. Although annoying to not be able to take out pikes from horseback, it's still possible to get a good score. I was 14;1, then 18;3 on the NA server as cav just a few minutes ago. However not a "blow you out of the water" score, it's still possible to do exceptionally well as cav, if you play it right. But As far as the lance radius, give it back to us. I think it's fair. People can dodge us too easily now. And with the increase in projectiles... I think we should be allowed to take out some of them.

EDIT: Repair costs = bullshit for everyone. Give 'em back please. :D

You're missing the point. Shpong isn't about getting tons of peasant kills, he wants to make skilled kills and take out key players. Lance cav has been relegated to a boring, skilless dance of monotony. 90% of the skill I've learned with the heavy lance are now null and void in crpg, and that's damn upsetting.
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Offline Diesel

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Re: No, really, what? Cav isn't a real class?
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2011, 09:21:12 am »
Very disappointing indeed...  :?