With all due respect, Spongled, I must disagree, but only on some points.
Firstly, cav was nerfed, directly and indirectly:
1) Lance radius
2) Horse HP (AFAIK)
3) More projectiles
4) Buffed projectiles
Cav was buffed in the following ways:
1) Lance is faster
2) HA nerf
That's about it. Although annoying to not be able to take out pikes from horseback, it's still possible to get a good score. I was 14;1, then 18;3 on the NA server as cav just a few minutes ago. However not a "blow you out of the water" score, it's still possible to do exceptionally well as cav, if you play it right. But As far as the lance radius, give it back to us. I think it's fair. People can dodge us too easily now. And with the increase in projectiles... I think we should be allowed to take out some of them.
EDIT: Repair costs = bullshit for everyone. Give 'em back please.