1h cav is only a class which can kill unaware enemies, nothing else. when a 2h'er notice you they can use thrust to kill 1h/2h cav players.
we were able to kill aggressive 2h players with lances but it is taken from us nown
i also like to add something new to this discussion: while all ha cried we move-stop-shoot bla bla, after hotfix i see no such thing. instead i tested if i can do any good against ha with my heavy lance and result is a TOTAL failure.
ha can easily get past me from my left or right and while he does it, all i can do is thrusting empty air in front me and probably looking very retarded. if you're not ranged class player, lancers were your only chance to chase ha and push them to make a mistake but now you disabled it
so in a different view, ha got an ultimate buff..
ps: i'm not talking about 1,3k courser upkeep - shocked