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Messages - JuniorD

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Strategus battle as a new, constant gamemode?
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:10:49 am »
It would definitely whet my thirst for a fast paced, insta spawn mapmode.

I'm guessing people wouldn't be able to spawn at a particular flag if it is being capped. A conquest map mode would be nice too.

General Discussion / Re: New stuff?
« on: February 21, 2012, 07:07:23 am »


Balls of rage.

Suggestions Corner / Re: NO LADDERS!....
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:37:59 am »
"Almost everyone", err... source?

Removing ladders from battle: Very rarely the ladders were fun when both teams tried to conquer the same roof. In general ladders slow you down so much that carrying them for long is annoying so in most cases this didn't happen, and if enemy already had a foothold on a roof the ladder hp was so low they could easily become inaccessible again if someone planted new ladders.
Result: Removing ladders was mostly a good thing.

Removing ladders from siege: Defending finally isn't just camping the flag in many maps. Some maps are pretty hard for attackers now, but in general the mode is more balanced.
Result: Awesome thing too.

Sure, ladders could've been made high hp / immune to friendly fire or whatever, but really, this makes the game so much more enjoyable instead of the roofcamp fests. Cavalry gets more powerful, but that's just because 90% of footmen - both infantry and archers - are retarded. No sense of surroundings and no-one carrying a spear even if they'd have the 2 slots required for bamboo spear.

I feel that ladders should be in sieges, not in battle. Also, Fire Arrows to take out ladders from range.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bring ladders back to siege
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:33:58 am »

Too obvious. Probably should have a way to counter them from an unreachable area, though. Flaming Arrows?

Suggestions Corner / Re: kills give xp an old topic?
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:50:54 am »
IMO, they could reward us for kills differently- not by exp but gold.
Not alot but still enough to make people use better equipment more often etc.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Assistkills
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:41:23 am »
Would be simpler to just purely remove the score board. And while at it remove the UI also. Immersion is so much more fun.
But to answer your question I'm not a dev. but I think it would not be possible without some hardcore programing that they are surely not going to do on that issue.

I somewhat agree. I think the horse health should be removed. Other things you need to be aware of, being that you are unaware to tell that you are hurt. IRL I would know if I were too severely injured to continue. Chat is needed due to the lack of easy communication between players. Maybe there could be a local chat, that is displayed only to people near you, but I digress.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields and archers
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:36:05 am »
I've always looked on shield skill as to how good you're at using your shield to full advantage. With the increasing 'forcefield' with higher shield skill I look at it as that the wielder gets better at moving his shield around to protect from melee strike and arrows.

This is a medieval game. Everything should at least be partially real, otherwise there is no point. I don't fire arrows to fire at invisible walls. I fire them there to hit the target. You cannot tell me that a man can be in battle AND block an incoming arrow at once. If he can block an arrow with his tiny shield, I may as well be able to block them with full metal gauntlets. Hell, Mythbusters even has an episode on this. It is impossible.

I copied that from the above post. It is extremely hard to time these things whilst fighting, and guarding yourself against an object that is going 90+ miles an hour that is the same size as a quarter.

Also, most people are probably trolls but IDGAF. Point remains.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shields and archers
« on: January 20, 2012, 12:34:08 am »
I've been ranting about this for a month now.  Stop nerfing everything.  C-rpg is nerf upon nerf upon nerf upon nerf. 

Tell the players to suck it up and learn how to counter a classes strengths, by exploiting their weaknesses.  It's called tactics.  If people are too retarded to use tactics to overcome an obstacle, that's their fault.  It doesn't mean something needs to be nerfed.

You, sir, are most likely retarded.

This is a medieval game. Everything should at least be partially real, otherwise there is no point. I don't fire arrows to fire at invisible walls. I fire them there to hit the target. You cannot tell me that a man can be in battle AND block an incoming arrow at once. If he can block an arrow with his tiny shield, I may as well be able to block them with full metal gauntlets. Hell, Mythbusters even has an episode on this. It is impossible.

Suggestions Corner / Re: No Upkeep below 8 players to fill servers !
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:01:38 am »
I like the idea, but it would be possible to spam smaller sized servers. So, it'd be best to put it on a scale.

Suggestions Corner / Assists.
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:43:10 pm »
I know it is possible. It would also make people (noobs) feel better about getting no kills.

Could also associate monetary gain and valour.

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