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Messages - Preacher

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Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: September 21, 2011, 06:01:00 am »
We are ignoring when the 2Her animations were changed a couple months ago and lolstab was nerfed?

Yeah of course, now they stab further than their animations, and the stab last a half second past the time the thrust is done, some nerf.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: September 21, 2011, 03:13:27 am »
Why should the Long Spear be purely a support weapon?  :?

Because 2h is the holy class according to the devs, thats why its the only class that never gets f-ed with, and why anything else would be considered support.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.241
« on: September 21, 2011, 03:11:39 am »
What is all this cry about bouncing? I use polearms and the only thing I bounce off is the walls, and I dont kill teamates with backswings, must just be noob spammers crying.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 07:15:34 pm »
oh yeeeesssss.
try to ride a naked nervous and fast horse OR try to ride a heavy, slow moving horse that has been trained during years for not being afraid of combat and going straight with only a few foot movement of his rider ( because the rider generally had the two hand busy ) think about it...

All horses would be broken before being used, and ask yourself, why do you have to train that armored horse for years? To eliminate the unnaturalness and the uncomfortableness of wearing all that barding. The horse is only slow moving because of the extra hundreds of pounds of armor. If you want to give coursers a +5 to maneuverability and speed than sure, require more riding skill. Hell even give back the loom nerf to coursers with a couple extra stat points and it might be ok. And anyone with an Arabian is even more screwed.

Plus this is two major nerfs to cav on the heels of an already major cav nerf. How do you call it balancing when you dont even make conservative modifications? one at a time?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:41:49 pm »
U get stunned when you run over anyone on a horse, and your argument about horses is ridiculous, you think a naked horse with a rider should be harder to handle than one that has an unnatural amount of armor on it, rubbing its skin and chaffing it? Hindering its legs?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.240
« on: September 19, 2011, 04:12:16 pm »
Are u f-ing kidding me! Riding 6 for a courser? Its not enough that cav effectiveness was cut in half with last patch now a low level horse requires full investment? Were its stats improved to warrant a 2 point increase in its difficulty?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Churburg Price Discrepancy
« on: July 20, 2011, 11:27:01 pm »
Ok but the plain Churburg costs the most, the absence of dyed cloth or paint makes it more expensive? Not that that theory isnt exactly like real society, Less perservatives, less salt, etc =more money.

And why quote the post topic? People really abuse quoting. You could have just said because of such and such, no need to quote at all.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 20, 2011, 10:55:12 pm »
@Marathon There are plenty of other weapons to destroy a shield wall, I know plenty of 2h'ers whirling long axes and they break a huscarl in 3 sometimes 2 strikes, great bardiche as well, also you see in neither of my suggestions have I proposed that crushthrough be eliminated entirely. But allow me to amend even my first proposal and then restate the both of them.

1.Add bonus against shield to all things that have crushthrough and in fact give it back to barmace and all weapons that lost the ability, that is give them back crusthrough and add bonus against shield. But amend crushthrough so that it only applies when the shield breaks. This way one cannot merely crush and knockdown and finish off all in its path. (and why everyone is focusing on being able to do this 100% idk, just to irrationally bolster their argument I suppose, because if a fellow is able to do this even 60% of the time thats still plenty of "whelp I'm just dead and nothing I could do to stop it", plus I think they do crushthough 100% of the time its just the knockdown that is not 100% yes?)

2.Allow one to block a crusththrough attack by blocking AND pointing camera angle all the way to the sky. This still puts the blocker in a very awkward position, looking at the birds and not around him and more realistically and fairly represents the threat of an overhand from a giant hammer.

These suggestions needn't even be exclusive, they could be implemented together, I am not trying to take away from the game, I wan't to add to it. I love this game.

Wow Tsar, you are really a piece of work, you call ppl whiners and criers, and even make fancy pictures to that effect, when they point out fail game mechanics, then you start your own thread to try to change game features? What a total troll, (is that what it's called? I think so).

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:31:17 pm »
do not get hit and you are fine

Sage advice indeed good sir.

Game Balance Discussion / Churburg Price Discrepancy
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:28:45 pm »
I was just wondering if anyone could explain why the blue churburg costs less than the red now, and they both cost less than the gold? Do they loom up differently or something?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 20, 2011, 06:57:10 pm »
@ Tzar, If you think the shields are like force fields then you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, and you certainly have never held one in crpg. Any hit from the side bypasses it as well as archers always bypass one. Funny enough though a steel buckler defends ones entire body from throwing weapons, but that is a topic for another thread.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 20, 2011, 06:37:45 pm »
I am no noob, Ive been playing for over a year, and my char. is 3rd gen. just cause I don't heat it up with you hot tots here on the boards does not mean I'm new to the game. Yes I remember when everyone raged about barmace etc. I was a polearm then so it didn't really bother me. I just wanted to see what sword and board was like. Whats funny about someone using that argument about the barmace is that they addmitted that the mechanic sucked, so they altered the barmace but left the same mechanic on other hammers? Let me give you an example, idk the map name, but there is a map on seige that is considered generally unwinnable by the defense ,in fact many admins just change the map when it rolls up, D wins maybe 1-20, the wood stake walls are low, offense can take a pre-set ladder on the right and open the doors, and then the only way it is ever won is by holding the keep which has a large outer entrance and a narrower inner entrance to the flag. I was on D with the clan that wears red and uses steel shields, we formed a shield wall and the first wave came crashing into it with casulties on both sides but we managed to hold, the next wave at least 60% of the two-handers on the other team brought hammers and mauls etc. knowing that we would just be out. They knew they would just bust our stuff up and not a damn thing we could do about it. THAT is the definition of OP.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Capturable spawn point.
« on: July 19, 2011, 07:10:32 am »
Maybe its just me, but I find it odd that with the current system, a well armed group of 100 soldiers could easily defeat an unorganized garrison of 500,000 people.

This is actually not so odd. Throughout the history of warfare ,prior to firearms, one can find numerous accounts of small bands, or even single soldiers, overcoming many hundreds and even thousands of enemies.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Two Hander Problem and Crushthrough
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:33:09 am »
Thucydides you must realize the validity of my arguments and that is why you can't form effective counter arguments. By up I mean if one were to point his shield at the sky, not just put it in front of one. Of course I am sure you realized this as well but your tactic seems to be just to avoid the obvious and form an argument around any other possibility. Ohh and not to mention attack my playing skills rather than address game mechanics.

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