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Messages - rinaun

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General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 06:00:35 am »
If you're willing to suffer through the peasant stages like all the other beginners, you'll find that it really does add depth to the game.

Sorry but that line just pretty much turned me off ever wanting to play again. Willing to suffer? Does anyone ever suffer through a video game to enjoy it?  :| I hope the dev(s) are taking feedback.

Best of luck to you and your mod.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:15:21 am »
Somebody give this guy a bunch of heirlooms so he can immediately own everybody. NOT.

Never said I wanted that, did I? I'd like to start however with something better than a turkey knife against tincan polearm knights.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:11:24 am »
Well new guys, STF was put in place for newbies to learn.. I have my doubts though.

Eventually you will want a real character. You will be a peasant. Your mission is to be useful while being nigh useless. It is funny, but many unsung heroes are peasants who valiantly throw themselves in harms way to protect a team mate and actually cause the lynchpin event of the victory. And sometimes you just get squashed.

It is a complicated game, and a complicated mod of that game.

I think STF might have hurt more than helped. It not only guts the whole point of leveling but allowed people to keep respecing and find cookie cutter builds much faster. Then again, I never played before STF.

I CAN say without STF in the games current state I would of probably played for 5 minutes with decked people before realizing this is a massive grind and quit. It might help to make leveling faster and removing STF so that the first 10-20 levels ramp up quickly or such.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:06:11 am »
It's the RPG aspect of it. I do think it was more fun being a peasant in the old version though. In the old version, you had to stay near the fighting AND stay alive to get xp and gold. It was intense and fun.

Now when you start as a peasant you get stuff by not doing anything, which I think is a mistake, but whatever.

Still, you can kill people as a level 1 if you have a bit of luck and know what you're doing. You can start really racking up kills with only 12 str. All you need is a blunt or piercing weapon. Blunt and pierce work a lot better against heavier armor than cut weapons do. Also, archery REALLY sucks until about level 25 or so unless you have a lot of experience in it.

The game itself is super-fun and if you're quitting before you've even been in a strat battle you are really missing out.

I appreciate the advice. I do feel for a new player (peasant) that just sitting by the fight and surfing/hiding is much more effective than fighting, which is a serious gameplay issue. I did see lower level people killing higher levels but I hardly ever saw it happen in a fashion that was fair (1v1 etc).

I can see why siege would be more popular for beginners; a disclaimer for beginners on battles might help.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:40:14 am »
Argh...this makes me cringe. You could be wearing plate and have whatever weapon you want and there's a lot of people here who could beat you using peasant gear. That's not me being an ass, that's the truth.

Player skill is FAR more important than gear.

Most of the people who play this mod have been playing for a long, long time. They happen to be very good at it.

Hell, I wouldn't expect to jump into some long-running FPS and compete against guys who've been playing for years. Why would you think this is any different?

I do understand this, and I did see people using wooden weapons to own some people in fairly geared equipment. However, without skip to 30 do you think in the starting gear you have a realistic chance?
I mean it wasn't until the second game and us checking the site to see if we missed anything did we see the "skip the fun" section. I'm still lost on why you have 1-30 when 30 is obviously the start of the game.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:34:41 am »
dbl post

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:30:58 am »
If you have teamspeak or ventrilo, you can easily talk to some of the active players that play this game. There are others in this thread that seriously put effort in trying to help you so you may have a better experience of the game.
Thanks. I mean, my friends have already uninstalled this; we were hoping this mod would give some more depth to sieges/WB but honestly after playing the few games they did (repeatedly get spawned against tincans while they have bare chest and a kitchen knife) was too much and I doubt I will be playing this without buddies. I was just offering some suggestive feedback on how to make this game more acceptable to new players. I  have no issue with shit being hard, and if it wasn't I wouldn't be playing warband in the first place. But I mean I spent a good hour playing and only got at most 500 gold..................... That is just.........yea no thanks.

This game has a tough, yet gradual learning curve. It's actually nice that there aren't too many plateaus like you would find in other games. If you put forth a solid effort to try to get good at this game (which includes understanding stats/build making, roles on the battlefield, and working with other groups of players), you can learn to understand the amount of options you have available even as a new player.
I've played the game for a decent time and while I am hardly a good fighter, I know when the gear/build is beating the fuck out of me and not skill.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:23:21 am »
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And I'm not even a very good polearm duelist. Stick to teammates and take every opportunity you get to inflict damage.

You are proving one of my points, you realize this right? As someone mentioned before, you basically gimp yourself not putting all your stats into one spec. As me and my friends did, we balanced them out (not getting a real explanation for them aside from what they do) and as soon as we get on a server we can easily notice that stacking one stat in certain sections is just plain common sense and if you don't well lol!

If it IS this way (dump all into one weapon ability), why even have points the way they are? I think another main issue is you can't keep new players from experienced players and this will almost always (in RPGs) lead to some serious imbalances without handicaps set in place.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:08:28 am »
Thank you for reading the posts I went out of my way to write to give you a hand.

Shorter, ruder version:
You are bad. You are dying because you are bad. A skip the fun character starts with everything you need to do somewhat well. The rest is up to your individual skill, which you don't have, because you are bad.

The funny part is every other forum I talk to about this game completely disagrees with you. I'd link other forums (SA, /vg/ etc) but you get the jist.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 04:05:18 am »
I think we all know the real reason you stopped playing







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General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 03:59:30 am »
Response from the admin that kicked the thread starter (OP)

That was me, Rinaun, that kicked you from the server.

You and your apparent friend admitted to - and even seem proud of - leeching, which is against the server rules. You began your tirade by claiming that "the point [of this game] is to afk until [we] have gear."
I even pointed out that you should not do it, and you went ahead and posted that you were going to regardless.
(click to show/hide)

Rhordi of Wessex was gracious enough to tell you the consequences of performing a breach of server rules. Mrblood decided that he'd go around telling people that he was doing it earlier today, and without repurcussion. At which point I banned him for 1 hour. I admit that I did it to prove a point (that you can't break the server rules and think you can get away with it), but I think I made the point pretty clear then. Apparently you're not very courteous, either.
(click to show/hide)

You then began insulting the people who brought you this mod (for free, mind you), and then proceeded to be a smartass and telling everyone of your intent to leech (and then insulted the devs again, for good measure of your poor spirit, in case we didn't get it the first time).
(click to show/hide)

I even apologized for being curt and harsh on a bunch of newbies who were gloating about their intent to leech (which, by my reckoning, was already going out of my way).
Your "not willing to run in and die" consisted of telling me of your intent to "autobot" (not recorded, but I can check the logs, if you'd like).

Rhodri again was nice enough to tell me to lay off, since you were new. And your telling the server that you were going to "be leeching until remove(d) you" forced my hand to give you a kick.
(click to show/hide)

The server had some nasty things to say about your attitude after you left, but we'll keep it on topic, shall we.

edit: bear in mind that I only kicked you and mrblood for openly talking about your leeching antics.

you are right, you kicked me and him for essentially getting tired of running in and dying endlessly. Yes, I did play the original mount and blade. I think after talking to some people not based on this forum/mod, I will just avoid this mod and my group of friends will play native if we feel the urge to play. It sounds like this mod rewards players whom grind endlessly and put up with getting decked. I actually find it quite funny that you kicked mrblood (without warning) for basically doing what half the people doing this mod do; just stand and rake up stuff. It's not like I don't read other forums for tips/tricks  :rolleyes:.

Thanks for the explanation, though. I think the skip to 30 explains a lot more about this game tbh.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:55:03 am »
A whole 120? How many do you actually retain? Because I can tell you out of my 6 friends playing this mod, only I still play(ed) it.

edit: off to play some other games. I'd love to hear from the admins, whom from what I saw were kicking people not willing to run in and die. Sounds like cool dudes.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:50:22 am »
I agree. I like the mod, but they need to up cash income or something for new players. I love a good rpg but even after hitting 30 all I could afford was basically shit compared to what most people have. I was shooting multiple arrows on people for them to just truck through body hits and oneshot me with a quick swing. It didn't take long for this to drive away a few friends playing, thus ending this mod for me. I'm really not sure how you should fix it without saying boost the beginning players with little to no gear. Maybe some sort of formula applied to characters with under $XXXXX amount spent? I'm honestly not sure, I just know I'm sure as FUCK not dying 1000 times just to get one kill. Not. Happening.

General Discussion / Re: First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:43:44 am »
I'm not sure what is not to get. If the whole level to 30 instantly wasn't proof the game has problems I don't know what is. Without the "skip the fun" I can safely say I wouldn't of even kept playing past the first 5 minutes. It takes way too long to level and obtain gear compared to the amount of time I'm watching my character die repeatedly. Add to this admins who will remove you if you don't so happen to run into the fray and die.

So what is the point of the instant level 30 if there isn't a low level-high level gap issue? It's obviously there for a reason, just it isn't enough in my opinion.

General Discussion / First Thoughts
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:38:39 am »
Hey all!

New player here. I've been playing for a few days now and I'd like to comment on some things on why I actually stopped playing. There are some issues with this game that make picking it up and playing fresh almost impossible in its current state.

First off: Why is there such a large gap from the top to the bottom? Even with the level 30 boost I still have nothing compared to others. I even saw some people getting removed from servers for not wanting to blindly rush into death countless times. Is there a reason this game allows people with hardly anything to play with people who are completely decked? Maybe I am missing something here, but I feel no immersion being completely trampled game after game just trying to get ahead. I understand that it's an RPG but if I can't get a fair matching or fight back at least somewhat then I'm going to feel robbed and probably end up quitting before I get to end game (like my friends did).

second: Why is character creation so confusing? I pretty much wasted every stat point trying to build what I wanted, to find out my build is almost useless unless I go cookie cutter and put all my points into one skill. Why wouldn't you just tell beginning players this? Are you trying to make the game harder for beginners? Once again I'm lost on the motive.

 In my vast game experience, you try to get people hooked before giving them a challenge and not just completely start them downhill, expecting them to wade through shit dying 100 times to get one cheap upgrade in the hopes that at some point it will be playable and fair. Just my 2c.

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