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Messages - Angellore

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Type: Rageball Map

Name: Tournament Arena

Size: 160x80 (playable)

[screenshots] (v1.2)

[download] (v1.2)

Slightly different approach to Rageball map:
- Spawn points are located only on two sides of the map. (had to add more respawn points in v1.2, because I figured out ball starting position is also players respawn point :().
- Ball in the middle lays on pole, so it's impossible to kick it from there.

[2014.06.12] EDIT v1.1: Two platforms slightly changed to avoid the ball going inside them.
[2014.07.01] EDIT v1.2: Added new respawn points in the middle of the map.

Let's say you have 8 riding, what would be the best choice?
That's the problem with current devs "balancing" ideas. In single patch, they increased heavy horses requirements, decreased heavy horses armor a lot, decreased heavy horses charge a lot, and some heavy horses lost other stats. Same time they buffed most light and medium horses.

For example Eastern Warhorse:
Code: [Select]
| [3] Champion Eastern Warhorse                      | old                            | new                           |
| gold                                               | 107306                         | 101971                        |
| difficulty                                         | 5                              | 7                             |
| hit points                                         | 125                            | 131                           |
| body armor                                         | 51                             | 44                            |
| speed                                              | 41                             | 40                            |
| charge                                             | 40                             | 34                            |
After patch, it not only requires 2 more riding (which is reasonable change, since just 5 riding for all heavy horses was too low imo), but -7 def, -1 speed, -6 charge, and +6 hp.

New Destrier stats (medium horse):
Code: [Select]
| [3] Champion Destrier                              | old                            | new                           |
| difficulty                                         | 5                              | 6                             |
| hit points                                         | 135                            | 150                           |
| body armor                                         | 29                             | 25                            |
| speed                                              | 44                             | 45                            |
It received +15 HP, -4 def, +1 speed, which is clear buff to me.

Comparing Arabian Warhorse and medium horses with heavy ones (but not heaviest):
Champion Arabian Warhorse 
Speed: 42
Body armor: 18
Hit points: 132
Maneuver: 50
Charge: 16

Champion Destrier 
Speed: 45
Body armor: 25
Hit points: 150
Maneuver: 44
Charge: 22
Champion Barded Warhorse 
Speed: 43
Body armor: 32
Hit points: 143
Maneuver: 44
Charge: 26
Champion Padded Warhorse 
Speed: 44
Body armor: 34
Hit points: 146
Maneuver: 43
Charge: 28
Champion War Horse 
Speed: 43
Body armor: 38
Hit points: 140
Maneuver: 43
Charge: 32
Champion Large Warhorse 
Speed: 42
Body armor: 41
Hit points: 151
Maneuver: 42
Charge: 35
Champion Eastern Warhorse 
Speed: 40
Body armor: 44
Hit points: 131
Maneuver: 44
Charge: 34
Champion Cataphract Horse 
Speed: 42
Body armor: 46
Hit points: 143
Maneuver: 41
Charge: 37
Even Arabian Warhorse (light horse) has more HP now than Eastern Warhorse (which supposed to be heavy horse). Large Warhorse has almost same HP as Destrier, Padded Warhorse and Barded Warhorses are not far away too. War Horse (I consider it as last medium horse, but it's more like in between) has just 8% armor less than Large Warhorse, while having more reasonable speed/maneuver stats.

Whoever played cav in crpg, should know horse HP is the thing which matters the most with high damage hits (arbalest, heavy xbow, long bow, high damage 2h swing, high damage pole swing, high damage throwing weapons), while armor protects mainly - but not only of course - from low damage hits (horse archers, archers with low tier bows, people with low PS or low damage weapons).
I played my heavy horse mainly to counter archers with low tier bows (like horn bows) and HAs, they were doing max 1/10th damage to my horse (in most cases not even that much). Now, with body armor decreased in heavy horses, and same time HP increased in medium horses, I see absolutely no reason to take heavy horse! Especially medium horses are much better in avoiding everything, from throwing stuff, archers, xbowmans, to other cav and aware infantry. Riding on heavy horse, which has just slightly stronger defence now than medium one, is stupid (eg. now Eastern Warhorse dies from 2 bolts from Arbalest, Destrier also dies from 2 bolts from Arbalest). Devs could just remove Large Warhorse, Cataphract Warhorse and Eastern Warhorse, as their hp, decreased body def and especially speed/maneuver abilities are terrible compared to buffed medium horses. Those 3 horses just lost their ability to survive high amount of low damage hits, so the only advantage they had over medium horses.
In case of Charger, Mamluk Horse and Plated Charger - I never really liked those horses, because of their low speed/maneuver. Now, with decreased survivability (eg. Plated Charger lost 9 HP and whole 10 armor), I don't like them even more than before.
From my point of view, far best horses now are some light and all medium ones (basically all horses in shop from Courser to War Horse). I don't understand why light and medium horses were buffed, especially their survivability, but now there is absolutely no sense to use heavier horse than War Horse.

This patch is same kind of absurd, as archery low tier bows change (their current crazy missile speed and accuracy).
If chadz wanted to show he wasn't that bad dev, by giving crpg development to complete amateur hands, his plan worked brilliantly. All those broken promises, patches which never came, destroyed builds, rollbacks, even database resets (yeah, I remember those) were nothing, comparing to what new devs are doing with this game. From one hand, it's a shame crpg ends like that, but from the other, many people can finally free themselves from long years of crpg addiction.

Like a year ago, plenty of people asked devs to increase items limit in armoury for account (currently, one account can have only 25 items in armoury).
Original post has 40 upvotes and 0 downvotes. Basically everyone agreed this change is needed. I also sent PM to Harald about this topic, but devs were "too busy" to change it back then.
It's year later now, and limit is still 25 items. How hard is to change this limit, you ask? Well, it's changing 1 value in code, so like 5 minutes of work at most.
You guys need to understand, crpg developement is pretty much dead already. Original devs are working on Melee: Battleground game, and don't want to spend even few minutes on crpg anymore.

BTW: My post from January, about new respec idea:
It would be briliant if you can change attributes/skills anytime for specific, but quite high amount of gold.
For example, decreasing 1 attribute or skill point would cost 100k gold. Decreasing 1 weapon proficiency point would cost 10k.

So let's say you want to change 21/24 build:
(click to show/hide)
To 24/21 one:
(click to show/hide)
Firstly, you will have to decrease AGI by 3 attribute points, which will cost 300k. Then Weapon Master/Athetics/Two Handed weapon proficiency points will turn red (you can't have 8 WM/ATH and 184 2h WPP with 21 AGI), so you will have to take off 1 WM and 1 ATH point, which will cost additional 200k. Then you need to decrease Two Handed WPP from 184 to 170, which will cost 140k gold (14 WPP points x 10k gold = 140k gold). Then confirm button appears and you can make whole change for 640k gold - if you need just slight build adjustment, it's fair price imo.

Buying training lessons for 2+ mln just to change your build by 3 attribute points makes no sense atm, so it would be cool to have this kind of alternative.
This quick build change feature will be expensive enough to keep training lessons popular for full respec, just like they are now. This will also solve the problem of putting wrong attribute or skill point to your build - for the price of 100k you will be able to fix the build again (right now you have to stick with broken build).

And my opinion from March about current crpg development situation:
The whole problem is, devs capable of implementing such ideas are making new game atm (Melee: Battlegrounds), so they don't care about crpg anymore.
Only changes you can count on are: new items (thanks to Zagibu), more broken animations (thanks to Tydeus), some DTV changes (thanks to Fips) and bad balance changes (I guess mainly Tydeus/Paul ideas?).
What I learned in last months, writing on this forum is waste of time. I'm trying to be as inactive as possible now.

Announcements / Re:
« on: April 02, 2014, 12:04:41 pm »
My Crossbowman's build just changed from 15/30 to 15/27 with 3 unused attribute points, 1 unused skill point and weapon proficiency reset. I guess that's fair move.

General Discussion / Re: When are macro abusers getting banned?
« on: March 28, 2014, 11:55:43 am »
they should have their hands cut off and nailed in the gates of Vienna.
But they don't need hands to use macro anyway - they can run it even with nose :P.

On a serious note, fortunatelly this isn't big problem on battle/siege servers. Just few people uses macro feinting there. It gives them clear advantage, you can check this by watching how they are playing. Most of those macro-feinted attacks reaches the target, so it is very effective (otherwise, they wouldn't use macro at all).
But look at people who uses this - they aren't really top players. Yeah, they do nice KDR (thanks to macro), but from their gameplay you just see they aren't good players (mainly blocking part reveals this). Best players don't need macro to do well. Those who uses macro, are not good enough to play well, so they prefer to annoy others with macro than being annoyed by their incompetence (which is understandable).
The problem is in Warband itself - devs just didn't predict this can be a problem in future - you can cancel current animation and start another one straight away anytime, how many times you like to, which gives possiblity to use macro. I hope in Bannerlord, devs will implement uncancelable feint animations or delays between feint possibility (which will last like ~0.2s). This way you won't be able to get clear advantage using macro.

When I played as an archer, I had funny situation with one of known EU macro feinters. In battle mode I took an arrow from the ground and didn't notice I dropped my sword. Later, known macro feinter attacked me, and I couldn't take out sword, because I didn't have one with me, so I stayed surprised and defenceless with bow in my hands. The guy made 5 feints and hit me once, then another 5 feints and killed me with his second attack. I was laughing so hard. It still brings a smile on my face when I think about this situation :lol:.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf 1h cav damage.
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:02:33 am »
Made a proposal a week ago about adjusting damage so pure 2h is stronger, 1h weaker (...)
2h cav is fine now, buffing it would be bad decision. Most people takes STR build as 2h cav, and believe me - my 8 PS Bardiche build deals slightly more damage than my 6 PS 1h cav Arabian Cav Sword build, which means basically 1 hit kill most people. If you increase damage of 2h cav, I would deal such a damage with 6-7 PS, it would be way too good class.

You should consider decreasing damage of 1h weapons on horseback by 10%, when using shield by additional 5% and when having shield on back by additional 5%, so 1h cav has option to play with two shields (-20% damage), with one shield (-15% damage) or to play without shield at all (-10% damage). Of course % values could be tweaked, it's just an example.

NOTE: Firstly, I wanted to propose more penalty for having shield in hand than on back, but I realised some people would start switching shield to back 1s before attack and taking it back right after swing. This technique would be not only effective and easily abusable, but also not funny for rider. Same penalty for shield in hand and on back seems to be better solution here.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Peroidic auctions
« on: March 24, 2014, 07:23:42 pm »
The whole problem is, devs capable of implementing such ideas are making new game atm (Melee: Battlegrounds), so they don't care about crpg anymore.
Only changes you can count on are: new items (thanks to Zagibu), more broken animations (thanks to Tydeus), some DTV changes (thanks to Fips) and bad balance changes (I guess mainly Tydeus/Paul ideas?).
What I learned in last months, writing on this forum is waste of time. I'm trying to be as inactive as possible now.

Unfortunatelly, we can't watch "Most Hardcore Scenes of Russian Warriors", because no cameraman ever survived such an event :|.

Suggestions Corner / Re: So we have a Medium Heraldic horse...
« on: March 20, 2014, 04:19:17 pm »
I also made this heraldic large warhorse. It's like the barded one, but shows the mail protection on the head, which means it could have the same stats as the large warhorse maybe(...)
To be honest, it would be better if we have different stats on each item. We can assume those heraldic horses uses additional/thicker surcoat (the one with banner), so maybe they should get slightly more defence (surcoat gives slightly more protection), but a bit less charge (hitting with surcoat creates additional softness).
I guess having same stats on 2 items isn't bad solution either, but different stats gives more options, which is always good thing to have.

My proposition:
Barded Warhorse
hit points: 130
body armor: 32
difficulty: 5
speed: 41
maneuver: 41
charge: 24
Heraldic Barded Warhorse
hit points: 130
body armor: 34
difficulty: 5
speed: 41
maneuver: 41
charge: 22
Large Warhorse
hit points: 130
body armor: 43
difficulty: 5
speed: 40
maneuver: 41
charge: 34
Heraldic Large Warhorse
hit points: 130
body armor: 45
difficulty: 5
speed: 40
maneuver: 41
charge: 32
I consider 2 charge in most cases is worth more than 2 defence, but it also depends from playstyle and cav class. From the other hand, heraldic version is better looking one, so I think this kind of stats are reasonable to keep regular versions still popular.

Since we are in horses topic. You should also consider slight horse adjustments:
- Eastern Horse: decrease difficulty to 7 riding, since it's completely unused horse currently with not that good stats in first place.
- War Horse: decrease charge damage from 34 to 30. Considering this horse uses smaller model, it shouldn't deal so huge damage. Especially between Padded Warhorse and War Horse, there is currently huge 10 charge damage difference. Since this horse has best speed from all 40+ def horses, it also has highest additional damage from speed bonus. That's why it just don't deserve to have as high charge as Large Warhorse.
- Cataphract Horse: increase maneuver from 39 to 40, decrease charge damage from 36 to 35. This horse deserves slight maneuver buff since like ages. It's good horse, but considering stats, Large Warhorse is better choice atm.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game settings, where they are stored ?
« on: March 07, 2014, 03:28:37 pm »
Game config files in Win7 are located in:
C:\Users\*(your_username)*\Documents\Mount&Blade Warband
WinXP should be similar: My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband

WSE2 config file name: crpg_beta_config.ini
Warband config file name: rgl_config.txt

Suggestions Corner / Re: [Item/Suggestion] European Cavalry sword
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:48:23 am »
What about making it 106 length (...)
Maybe it should make the big 107 reach?
                Reach    Damage (swing)
Sword A:  longer   less
Sword B:  shorter  higher
Why? Because +98% of hits on horseback are swings, so if this new sword has exactly the same reach but swing damage is lower, i would go ACS. I don't mind about rest of the stats (spd, mass etc.) but imo this is a big picture how to balance cav swords.
And this is why balancing this sword can give a headache to item balancers. Current problem is more in Arabian Cavalry Sword than anything else. Right now Arabian Cavalry Sword has weight advantage, swing damage advantage and length advantage. It has everything which is important on horseback. That's the main reason why it will be hard to add something to compete with it.
Like Kafein and Owens mentioned, making new sword longer than Arabian would be nice option. The problem is, people already considers Arabian as too long weapon, so putting even longer 1h weapon to the game is a risky move.
Probably best solution would be to shorten Arabian Cavalry Sword by 2-3 length points, but as I understand, this is out of discussion? That would require model change, and will make a lot of people unhappy. But yeah, since Arabian got 33 cut damage on swing, it would make more sense to make it shorter (102-103 length), and new weapon with 32 swing damage longer (105 length). So it would be length for damage trade (best possible solution, like few people already mentioned).

Suggestions Corner / Re: [Item/Suggestion] European Cavalry sword
« on: March 07, 2014, 01:20:20 am »
Yeah 722, it would be heavier, longer and slower Nordic Champion's Sword. In other words, Nordic's version for cav.
I proposed those stats, because of simple elimination.
Having 105 length 1h weapon already gives it amazing reach from horseback, so I don't think we should increase the length even more. It would be ideal to set it's swing damage to 32.5, but i'm affraid we can't be that accurate :(. If you set it's swing damage to 33, it could just replace Arabian. Swing speed isn't that important from horseback (it matters much more when dehorsed), so even if you give it 1 less speed than Arabian, with same swing damage, almost all people might change to new sword. I just feel, giving this sword 33 cut damage on swing will make it the obvious choice for cav, just like Arabian Cavalry Sword is now.
I know 1 swing damage less makes huge difference for 1h cav, but nowadays 1h thrust (even from horseback) isn't that bad, so having 2 thrust damage more should give it some nice bonus. It could even get 3 thrust damage more (up to 22 thrust damage, since it would be 2 speed slower than Nordic).
I think 1 more swing damage or 2-3 thrust damage is valable choice. Maybe slightly favors Arabian for 1h cav, but both weapons would be very good - 105 length is the key here, because atm Arabian is the only 105 length 1h weapon in game.
Anyway, it's just my opinion, and i'm not the balancer. I just hope it will be added to the game in any form. Stats can be tweaked later, if needed :).

Suggestions Corner / Re: [Item/Suggestion] European Cavalry sword
« on: March 06, 2014, 09:41:37 pm »
Your sword looks very nice. At the moment Arabian Cavalry Sword got no competition, so would be great to see new sword for 1h cav.
Comparing your sword to Arabian Cavalry Sword, I think it should be lighter (2.1kg?), have less swing damage (32?) and more stab damage (21?). I also don't understand why devs buffed Arabian Cavalry Sword (+1 speed) in recent patch. I think both swords (yours and Arabian) should have 95 speed. So, imo their stats should look like this:
Arabian Cavalry Sword
weight: 2.3
difficulty: 13
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 105
thrust damage: 19 pierce
swing damage: 33 cut
slots: 1
European Cavalry Sword
weight: 2.1
difficulty: 13
speed rating: 95
weapon length: 105
thrust damage: 21 pierce
swing damage: 32 cut
slots: 1
I hope this sword will be added, to have more variability in 1h cav weapons :).

Diplomacy / Re: The Coorporation Diplomacy
« on: March 06, 2014, 07:19:28 pm »
Oh come on, stop this cheating assumption stupidity. It isn't about having proof or whatever.
The whole problem is how Strategus is working. If one faction gets 80 troops per hour, and in same time other faction gets 30 troops per hour then, in matter of few days, first one has to become much stronger. It's not Druzhina's fault, Strategus is all about number of members. Basically everything depends here from it, starting from roster advantage (we have problems to complete roster almost every battle, they don't), silver gaining (with more members you do more trading same time) to troops number (every active member gives +1 troop per hour). In current form, you could just count number of members in biggest factions today to figure out who is going to win Strategus.

Stop treating Strategus like strategy game, because it has nothing to do with strategy, it's just all about numbers. Try to have as much fun as you can, because that's the key point of this game. Who cares Druzhina has 4 times more troops than we have after just two weeks? Who cares we can't win Strategus, it's just impossible for anyone outside UIF? We have 2 options - we can leave Strategus for UIF, so they can gather troops and silver for next 10 months or try to mess with their farming simulation game at least slightly :P.

I have to say, I'm already proud of Coorporation and what we achieved. Now we have a war against biggest, most experienced and best organized alliance in Strategus, and we aren't doing bad at all. It's not like we are losing badly without a fight. Yes, we made few mistakes, and in longer period we just can't defend ourselves successfully against such a force, but at least we are trying to fighting them back. If we will be wiped in next week or so (and I'm not saying we will!), at least I will know we tried, had some fun, had some nice battles and meant something in Strategus 5. Even if that's the matter or first 2 weeks, no one can take it away from us now!

So just have fun guys! We will try to learn from our mistakes to become stronger and more challenging for our enemies in next battles. Who knows what the future holds?

Min and max are accurate(...)
According to this damage calculator, my 2h hero with 21 STR, 7 PS, 170 WPF, Claymore +3 (46 cut damage), 4 weight helmet, 14 weight armor, 2 weight gauntlets, 3 weight boots, against most popular 65 body armor (50 armor + 15 gauntlets) would deal minimum 9.23, maximum 17.9 damage. Average melee player has 60 HP, so I would need 4 to 7 hits to kill the guy.
In game, just 2 hits (even without holding damage bonus) are enough to kill almost everyone with this build/weapon. There is also speed bonus, but I don't think it would basically double effective damage? Especially i'm walking backward most of the time with my 2h char :wink:.

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