Also at war with BRD.
No shit eh?(click to show/hide)
Looks like we made and finished the same thing within minutes of eachother:(click to show/hide)
Also at war with BRD.
I believe that merc and cc are in some sort of agreement. Also Artyem has a couple more of the smaller factions that you either intentionally skipped or forgot about, so reference his for some of those. Props to both of you though; combined with Anders' efforts this strat is looking more and more like the 4th instead of 5th (on the forums, anyways), which can only be a good thing.
Ya the CC and MERC have an alliance atm
Artyem u should post yours in main post too just for whatever
3. You need to add AoW in there since alot of them are coming back and them and the GOBBLINS deff dont like each other haha.
That looks great! Should you bother listing the villages though? I'm assuming there will be a lot of back and forth there (at least in some areas), and you'll have to keep updating. Maybe have it you need to hold a fief for at least 2 weeks to have it counted (just trying to save you work).
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U wrote Brotherhood/MERC is allied with Despo but were not were allied with CC so u gotta switch the little green bar haha.
Also AoW i think are just white no faction dots ATM so nvm on the faction thing, i do not think they have officially made a strat faction as of yet.
My sig please, thanks for doing this Sparv.
Relations: None - Current
You know nothing of our business and Bird Law. The only enemies we recognize are pigs, because thy are trying to get our eggs.
Can you please add that we have an alliance with squirrels but a stressed relationship with snakes.
Thank you.
It makes me sad to see GAWDFREE and House of Pears still on this thing with a sizable member count, while nearly certain every single one of them have quit this mod.
I guess that they just didn't fully comprehend how much effort Strat can be.
I mean, I don't think it's that bad or anything(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
It makes me sad to see GAWDFREE and House of Pears still on this thing with a sizable member count, while nearly certain every single one of them have quit this mod.
Sungetche Castle is ours, and we will be taking it, regardless of who holds it.
Edit. You know what, fuck it, we claim Tulbuk castle as well. Free Peasants.
-Signed and approved by hungover Arys
Daily reminder of why carebear accusations at GOBBLINS are bullshit: almost all of the red lines on the parchment are facing GOBBLINS (5 of the 6 total), no green or blue lines.
Alternatively, the equally as large group of players there in the bottom right hand corner of the parchment (despotate, mercs, confederacy): no red lines, only green lines.
Just so you can all have this shown to you in visual form.
Daily reminder of why carebear accusations at GOBBLINS are bullshit: almost all of the red lines on the parchment are facing GOBBLINS (5 of the 6 total), no green or blue lines.
Alternatively, the equally as large group of players there in the bottom right hand corner of the parchment (despotate, mercs, confederacy): no red lines, only green lines.
Just so you can all have this shown to you in visual form.
Hey u all caps massive font typing my old friendot that does not apply to us and we just had a war against something other then AI.
you guys gave me a good laugh today :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
eh we were both there and saw that i had an extra shield i picked up because it was mokuchin and he is a notorious shitbag ranged delayer, so i figured i should keep it so he couldn't run away with his bow and shoot me while i stood on flags
you neglect to mention that was right after i killed you, had the highest score in the server, and won the round rofl
nice try
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What I need from the good people of NA:
- Faction Banners or an image of your liking
- Any Factions I forgot
- And diplomatic standings I am not aware of
- Anything that could make this better
First Update! Sorry to Artyem who had his own version of this ready to post not 5 seconds after mine own :(
Second Update! Yoshi lives matter and it turns out pears are still technically a faction! Who knew!
Third Update! Autism is just a name you know.
Credits: Artyem: Fief and Member Numbers
Where you seeing this? I know Huseby turned coat and joined GOBBLINS, but James and co are in Despotate
:lol: Don't worry lads. Big juicy post coming when I am home.(click to show/hide)
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Are those bears.... humping?:oops:
In the hypothetical and ridiculous circumstance that I did have Acre become GOBBLED, I want you all to know I would have done so SOLELY to watch people bitch and moan about it while I sat back uncaring. But again that is a hypothetical, ridiculous, and untrue situation. I did not have sexual relations with that faction.
:lol: Don't worry lads. Big juicy post coming when I am home.(click to show/hide)
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What was the point in the merger other than to make the already strongest faction even stronger?
I think what you're trying to say is this:
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Imagine this for a second guys, and I know this might be tough...why did you guys leave despotate though? It seemed like a great faction and was looking to be pretty strong.
Doing something because...(click to show/hide)
I can confirm some people are quite outraged. We took nothing from Despotate and left due to irreconcilable differences on strategus outlooks.makes sense why you left then, but why not make your own faction instead of joining gobblins? I mean they are already big enough, this just makes any war against the gobblins unwinnable at this point.
Again just wait till my post which will no doubt induce murdertron to kill himself and have lots of pictures!
We literally cannot get a reliable roster. And now Acre is added to the GOBBLIN roster.
It doesnt matter how many troops we have or how much gear or how many show up in TS. If the rosters are going to be 51/30 in every battle for the rest of this strategus, then there's no point showing up.
I can lose armies, gear, fiefs or even members and keep fighting on the map and playing Strat. I dont RQ easy. But if you cannot get even close to your enemy's roster then Strategus is literally unplayable. I hope this does not end up being the case.
Do you understand how we felt during the previous strat? How every faction signed against us?Bruttus we still got great rosters once the war was in high gear, the reasons we didnt get good rosters at the start was because the battle times werent any good and not many of our mercs could make it.
Your rosters will be fine if you dont convince your mercs otherwise. The 6-7 Acre players that switched wont make that much difference.
so stop complaining about it that Acre joined Goblins
If you believe its unfair, do something about it, stop whinning, start orgenising, etc.... and play this game.
Who will be our white knight to stand up against evil? Will JayJrod come back with a vengeance? Will Dutchy bring his super Jew wealth? Will AoW come out of retirement? Will Merrrrrrica ever join Gobblins?
Stay tuned.........
Jesus dude, what is your obsession with the GOBBLINS? You talk trash about them all day and then say you want to join. I don't get you man. That shit is unhealthy though.
Bring it cock sucker! I'm banned all week. Need better forum trash talk though. That shit weak.
First of all I am banned all week as well so we have that going for us
Second I am not trash talking you, I am genuinely concerned for your well being because you seem distraught.
Corrupt admins got you too?
Well thank you for asking. It's been a stressful couple days getting ready for a move. Also at the gym I got rekt by normal weights that I usually do and last but not least, Sylvester Stallone got snubbed at the Oscars. The man desrvred an Oscar.
Nah, I don't think Desire is corrupt. I think Desire just likes to pick and choose which rules get enforced.
Where are you moving to?
I like the term "selective enforcement." It's like when black people get jail time for smoking pot, while the cops say "oh, boys will be boys" when the white kids get caught. Except, in this case, McDeath is black. Which is ironic, because he's white trash IRL.
I'm Italian
Nah, I don't think Desire is corrupt. I think Desire just likes to pick and choose which rules get enforced.
Where are you moving to?
I couldn't even vigorously masturbate while I spam "LOLz, REKT, & TRASH" to Gobblins before I get the fucking boot?
Then select enforcement it is! This mother cock sucker Artyem banned me 1 hour after the tread was posted. That is a god damn world record for Crpg Admins. I couldn't even vigorously masturbate while I spam "LOLz, REKT, & TRASH" to Gobblins before I get the fucking boot? Fuck this guy.
I'm going to Fort Leavenworth to visit your worthless mom in the federal pen for a month then I get the cushy assignment of working in Southern California. Go figure but I'll take it.
Hey Artyem, how does Gobblinkingleader's dick taste like?
Sparvico, should probably add House of Godfrey to the House of the Dead. They are completely inactive with no one even around to hire for their battles.
Also Gobblins are up to 71 members since they gained 8 people from Acre and some fiefs though may want to wait a little bit since 3-4 more Acre still yet to join I think.
Occitan, Acre, Frisians, Dracul, Ravens, Chevalieres, and some of Semenstorm all in one giant mega-faction and then allied with UIF another giant faction while the next largest clans in NA have 32 members. Thanks for working hard to make Strategus 6 gay and boring carebear alliance within the first 2 months. Just ally with all the same people you do every strat and talk mad shit while outnumbering everyone else two-fold. So uncreative and boring. Bunch of lame 50 v 25 battles ahead of us. Bravo!
Post with pics
Holy shit I've been trying to remember what the group of Japanese people called themselves. Wardan, etc. I miss Crafty.
Sparvico, should probably add House of Godfrey to the House of the Dead. They are completely inactive with no one even around to hire for their battles.
Also Gobblins are up to 71 members since they gained 8 people from Acre and some fiefs though may want to wait a little bit since 3-4 more Acre still yet to join I think.
I'm giving godfrey till the end of the week to show any signs of life and then they go the way of the dodo. As to member and fief count, it gets updated for everyone at the end of the week (specifically Sunday at 10pm PST) for the sake of my sanity. It's easier to add a little red line than it is to track down every factions exact member count.
And before you go off on the mega faction tangent again, there is obviously a limit on how big a faction can get. If a faction is so big that people who want to fight but can't make it on to the roster, they're going to start getting mad and look for other opportunities. So, for example, when the battles start getting good this Strat, and Acre's second class citizen status keeps them off rosters, they're going to realize that being with Gobblins is not quite as lofty as they thought.
Spoken like a trueRepublicanDemocratLibertarianIndependentum... T-trumplican?(click to show/hide)
Time to recruit the Chinamen
and to this day i dont even have the slightest idea why he chose to join my faction and stick around the entire strat giving me money and shit and mercing for me all the time from chinaland while not even speaking the same language as me. like why.
You were the chosen one.
my secret strength in strat 4 was a chinaman. malgalad. i dont know how that man did it but he equipped like a 2000 man army with full plate and gear from trading, and had millions left over to give me. all from legitimate trading. asiatic people are just objectively better at being nerds than us.
Don't have good pictures for Hunters Dream yet however.
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Sorry, we're busy fighting a faction that can actually put up a fight, all while keeping you contained in your little cage. You can keep your shittily-specced fief for now, we'll come for it in due time.
Yea, it's really unfortunate that we can't fight during battles during the work day, having jobs and all. I guess what I'm saying is, in an ideal world we don't have a clan of grade schoolers declare war on us.
TIL that 9PM EST, aka primetime, is considered the workday. Mkay pal, maybe you should get a job that isn't some shitty 2nd shift ordeal.
Your actual attacks against anyone with gear were at 8AM EST, 3:30PM EST, and 4:30PM EST.
Since Nasaltron's memory is as short as his penis, let's take a moment to remind him that his faction has only attacked twice prior to midnight, and the only one of those battles that they won was due to the fact that they outnumbered the defenders by 15 mercs, and the defenders didn't even have gear of any kind. Bird clan is truly trying their hardest to bring quality battles to everyone this time around.
Those battles were done by my brother who doesn't even play anymore but likes to troll you guys, I was up at the time so I played in them.
Lol that classic excuse for multi accounting.
fuck this is what its like when kesh and i post isnt it
fuck this is what its like when kesh and i post isnt itActually I enjoyed reading these posts. The Daruvian contra Kesh ones are just kind of depressing at this point honestly tbh.
MURDERTRON werent you the shit zipper that attacked Shariz at like 11pm? That was a real bitch ass move broActually, it was closer to 1am, you forgot to account for Day Lights Savings time, but you're also an idiot so I wouldn't expect you to understand. The original intention was not to even attack Shariz. My original target was Caraf castle, but HOC spotted me coming over and attacked before I could. So, the best idea was to attack Caraf right after HOC. However, since HOC under Kesh's guidance is the king of secret alliances, they've negotiated most of the other factions to not sign up against them, so they took Caraf with virtually no casualties. Caraf was no longer a ripe target, since fighting 1800 geared troops while attacking a castle with just 900 is suicide. Unfortunately my quick march ran out, so instead of trying to retreat and possibly being caught in the field by Slaughter's army, with my army geared for a siege not a field battle, the best option was going for Shariz. A gamble for sure, and not the best circumstances but it was safer than the alternative. I couldn't risk waiting another day now that Slaughter had a ton of free gear from the castle and plenty of armies to reinforce him if he attacked Shariz while I was at work. Luckily, Slaughter was too much of a coward to attack me in the field, so I got to Shariz and attacked it while I was already asleep.
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if you gotta resort to that to take a city man i dont think you're allowed to shit talk
Actually, it was closer to 1am, you forgot to account for Day Lights Savings time, but you're also an idiot so I wouldn't expect you to understand. The original intention was not to even attack Shariz. My original target was Caraf castle, but HOC spotted me coming over and attacked before I could. So, the best idea was to attack Caraf right after HOC. However, since HOC under Kesh's guidance is the king of secret alliances, they've negotiated most of the other factions to not sign up against them, so they took Caraf with virtually no casualties. Caraf was no longer a ripe target, since fighting 1800 geared troops while attacking a castle with just 900 is suicide. Unfortunately my quick march ran out, so instead of trying to retreat and possibly being caught in the field by Slaughter's army, with my army geared for a siege not a field battle, the best option was going for Shariz. A gamble for sure, and not the best circumstances but it was safer than the alternative. I couldn't risk waiting another day now that Slaughter had a ton of free gear from the castle and plenty of armies to reinforce him if he attacked Shariz while I was at work. Luckily, Slaughter was too much of a coward to attack me in the field, so I got to Shariz and attacked it while I was already asleep.
And, if your memory isn't shitty, you'll remember that both Taser and I both got fucked by the Taleworlds server and I lost my only other army, meaning this really was my YOLO.
Basically HOC could have wiped me, very easily but now that I've brought this unholy alliance of Semenstorm, GForce, LLJK and the good FCC players together, they're to scared to attack me now.
Actually, it was closer to 1am, you forgot to account for Day Lights Savings time, but you're also an idiot so I wouldn't expect you to understand.I did change my site for daylight savings, it was at 11:30pm PST you dingus. Believe it or not I'm smart enough to see through your bullshit. You attacked at a pussy time regardless and managed to win. According to what I was told by HoC you even messaged them multiple times telling them it was an accidental attack and you would transfer the city to them if they didnt get a roster against you. Guess its their fault for trusting you but it doesnt mean you area any less of a disgusting tryhard who has to make up lies and cheat(i.e. the Jameyyed sieges when you guys repeatedly glitched through the walls. How many of the attacks got banned in that fight? 10? You even had people sign on defense to grief as well) to get anywhere in strategus. At least when I carebear like a bundle of sticks I dont go on the forums and act like I'm some skilled warrior who is actually decent at this game.
I did change my site for daylight savings, it was at 11:30pm PST you dingus. Believe it or not I'm smart enough to see through your bullshit. You attacked at a pussy time regardless and managed to win. According to what I was told by HoC you even messaged them multiple times telling them it was an accidental attack and you would transfer the city to them if they didnt get a roster against you. Guess its their fault for trusting you but it doesnt mean you area any less of a disgusting tryhard who has to make up lies and cheat(i.e. the Jameyyed sieges when you guys repeatedly glitched through the walls. How many of the attacks got banned in that fight? 10? You even had people sign on defense to grief as well) to get anywhere in strategus. At least when I carebear like a bundle of sticks I dont go on the forums and act like I'm some skilled warrior who is actually decent at this game.(click to show/hide)
Sorry I didn't read the rest of your garbage post, because I couldn't get over how wrong you were. The battle was at 1:30AM EST which is 10:30PST. How are you still fucking this up?
Or that Potato and HOC obviously have an agreement which lets HoC go between their northern and southern fiefs.
Wow. Wooooooooooooooooooow. Bravo dude, you're a real detective now! Despotate and HoC confirmed carebears for allowing each other to move around the map. Holy shit man, you've really lost it now if that's what you're complaining about.
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everyone stop posting right now
that's an order
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you declared war on them Jona? Wouldn't that mean that you are looking to remove them from the map and that you should be attacking them?(click to show/hide)
Nice try murdertron, Jona clearly just said he attacked you 4 times and your image only has 3.
Pffff, casul
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Understandable that with so few members you would have so little conflict on the map
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Here are all of the Bird Clan battles for this strat. Of course, like mentioned before, they were before the DST change over. So you subtract 1 hour from the posted times. Starting from the bottom HOC attacked us at:
4:27PM, which is during the work day. For Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific time zones.
5:31PM which is either during the work day for Central, Mountain and Pacific. Or during the commute home for Eastern.
8:03PM which is actually a pretty decent time, but still work day for Pacific. But like I said, we had no gear for this and I don't even know who Vanquish_BRD is. He's probably some fake BRD.
Good job guys. Of your three battles with us, two have been at times we can't play. Never let the truth get in the way of a good Jona story.
what the fuck is wrong with you
how many fucking memes do i have to post for you to stop
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Nice job:
A) completely missing one of the battles and
B) forgetting the fact that we're blockading you
If you don't want to get attacked at a bad time, don't try running away from shariz at a bad time. Simple as that.
Anyway, you should come and get me while you only have to fight on one front. If Gobblins get here, I'll probably send some armies out.
So, where's the whine that the gobblins said about people never signing up for battles as AI?
Oh wait! It only happens when it doesn't benefit them. Was a good battle with nearly 100% AI attendance.
we didnt complain because 16 of those defenders were us you dumbassThere was one of me 8-)
fcc faction is missing on the page kesh_brd as a castle
also aow are now a real group back must be added
kingdom of pars merge with hoc they got assimiliated or group up together must be added back pls
BRD is the name of the kesh-FCC faction. Got em there. Kingdom of pars did merge with HoC, but they just get included in their member count as this chart is strat factions only, not ladder clans. As to aow, I don't know their faction ID#, so until they own a fief or fight a battle I can't add them. In any event I might do a feeler-update tomorrow as there are some diplo changes. I'll probably add an AOW icon then, with member count TBD.
thanks you
If I am not wrong, BirdClan is in war with The Holy Crusade.
Still waiting when they make a declaretion of war against us, but they captured Halmar with the help of the Gobblins, from us.
Except the pigs. They have our eggs, so we're at war with them.
If I am not wrong, BirdClan is in war with The Holy Crusade.
Still waiting when they make a declaretion of war against us, but they captured Halmar with the help of the Gobblins, from us.
Shit that is some strong rpIt's not rp dude. You should read the lore next time
So I just want to make sure I understand you. You think BIRD clan hasn't declared war on you but they vultures a city away from you after the GOBBLINS attacked? Pro tip them taking the city is in itself a declaration of war.
It's not rp dude. You should read the lore next time
BIRD clan can not be at war with any factions, as none could be considered our equals. You should thank GODKING PARTYBOY every day we allow you to exist. It would be wise for most factions to submit and become our vassals while we continue to spread LOVE AND PEACE.
Except the pigs. They have our eggs, so we're at war with them.
Ow wait You are not in war with anny1, yet, you need the Gobblins to raid the city first, before you can take the city, agains a faction where youclaim that you're not at war with, and a city that not claimed was by your faction.
You tell none are you're equals, so that means that every other faction are superiour are then yours, because the other factions are fighting allone, don't get reinforcements from another faction, so I rest mine case.
How mcdeath imagines himself shitposting(click to show/hide)
How mcdeath actually shitposts(click to show/hide)
Ow wait You are not in war with anny1, yet, you need the Gobblins to raid the city first, before you can take the city, agains a faction where youclaim that you're not at war with, and a city that not claimed was by your faction.
You tell none are you're equals, so that means that every other faction are superiour are then yours, because the other factions are fighting allone, don't get reinforcements from another faction, so I rest mine case.
What's up with that Fremen faction with the FIDLGB face?
The dude abides the flow of Spice?
He who controls the spice really tied that room together?
I mean if you think about it, Dune and the Big Lebowski are really the same story.
Ow wait You are not in war with anny1, yet, you need the Gobblins to raid the city first, before you can take the city, agains a faction where youclaim that you're not at war with, and a city that not claimed was by your faction.
You tell none are you're equals, so that means that every other faction are superiour are then yours, because the other factions are fighting allone, don't get reinforcements from another faction, so I rest mine case.
100 of 100 survived the battle.
Your soldiers killed 0 of their 0 men.
Item Result:
25 Lordly Norman Mail Chausses looted
500 Lordly Brown Byrnja looted
50 Well Bred Rouncey looted
669 Blue Scottish Boots with Fur looted
458 Light Leather Boots looted
1572 Black Leather Gloves looted
1050 Crested Solak Helmet looted
1337 Nasal Helmet looted
807 Leather Warrior Cap looted
1300 Scottish Kilt and Black Tunic looted
850 Padded Heraldic Tabard looted
137 Deli Robe looted
75 Masterwork Heavy Bastard Sword looted
229 Masterwork Soldier's Cleaver looted
75 Masterwork Hafted Blade looted
10 Balanced Lance looted
25 Tempered Heavy Bastard Sword looted
16 Tempered Soldier's Cleaver looted
9 Deadly Hafted Blade looted
1075 Bolts looted
1750 Arrows looted
1340 Nordic Shield looted
424 Old Board Shield looted
70 Composite Bow looted
250 Short Bow looted
363 Hunting Crossbow looted
50 Wooden Stakes looted
10 Construction Site looted
55 Siege Shield looted
75 Siege Ladder looted
105 Medium Wooden Ladder looted
50 Small Wooden Ladder looted
130 Throwing Knives looted
169 Quarter Staff looted
400 Shortened Spear looted
201 Dadao looted
746 Shortened Voulge looted
98 Maul looted
458 Simple Sword looted
386 Simple Nordic Sword looted
windows 10?1 of my pc's bruh, i'm sorry not sorry, I kinda like it.
you deserve to be raided into the ground, YOULL FIND NO MORE FRIENDSHIP IN ME
Not to shit on peoples parades since I'm not active at the moment, but you stole what?
But seriously now Admins, if this is a sign of item duping please take note.(click to show/hide)
I will absolutely quit strat if this does not get fixed and I start to see people abusing it. You are right this could totally break strat. Plus I think you are right, It was not just the gear that was left over from after the raid, it was everything from before the raid was in there.
I noticed when i took Jelbegi Castle that i got the 'you have looted X' PM so all that gear was on my person, but identical gear in identical volumes was already in the fief.
I wasnt sure if that was dupe or me being an idiot tho cos i was pretty drunk at the time. It's possible that looting gear from a fief doesnt actually remove it from the fief now. If so raiding only benefits the attacks but doesnt harm the defense.
Damatacus might know more since he was in Ulburban defense last night after we raided it. If he had the exact same amount of gear as before the first battle was lost then that pretty much confirms it.
I have noticed it also, after the raid of Halmar, that I had still allot of gear left in the city.
I apolegise for it that I kept it quite, but the last time many people accused Acre of exploiting, and I wanted also have a conformation that other people had it also.
I am sorry for it.
Also if I may suggest, if this annoying bug still excist, that we temp. stop with raiding, until we know more
Yes I noticed that to brutus, when Halmar was attacked after the raid. Not suprised ACRE decided to exploit this rather than come forward with the bug like I have.
When I said I had seen it before I was refering to Halmar when you somehow still had tons of gear even after I had raided.
I wonder how much gear mcdeath got from the raid that FPF did on Tulbuk that wasn't reported. Perhaps there wasn't any since it was a loss for the attackers and this only happens if attackers win?
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If devs can just stop it happening in the future we should be fine (but I swear to god if imisshotmail keeps raiding that lucrative fief after this has been 100% proven... even by the time that gear is redundant that silver-duping potential...)
We did the 2nd raid before the posts about it because we were going to gimmick spam raid people (obviously not going to anymore).
I'm sorry but why is my name magically involved in this? FPF did the raid on a fief I don't own. All I did was give all my troops and gear to said fief. Jesus christ people.
You are saying that you wanted to keep it quite because you didn't want people to accuse acre of cheating but keeping it quite makes it seem like you knew about it all along. Either way, its pretty suspicious
You're right it was sparvico's fief and he would of had to notice it. Don't think it happened there since the defender won. So, only if attacker wins on a siege does it matter...
Can you change BIRD CLAN icon, thanks.
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You are saying that you wanted to keep it quite because you didn't want people to accuse acre of cheating but keeping it quite makes it seem like you knew about it all along. Either way, its pretty suspicious
Its obvious for me that if I said something, and I was not even sure about it, I was beiing trolled by every 1 at this forum, telling its not true, etc...Who would believe me, some1 from Acre? And also for the reason that many people still have grudges against Acre. Something what I try to fix by doiing diplomacy.
Second of all, I gained nothing about it, even with those accusations trown at me, I get barely merc's, except that 1 time that I had merc's to capture Halmar, well I lost 725k gold by payments from mine own personal account, not from the clanbank.
So i'm pretty sure raids don't dupe gear, only taking fiefs.I actually did, it happened like minutes before you attacked while I was on my lunch break. I'm willing to throw it back in if you're still wanting to test theory.
In our raid just then I got 0 gear when I think Khorne didn't transfer gear from fief to themselves before the attack. What probably happened was Khorne took the fief the first time, didn't realize the gear got duped so left it in the fief, then when we raided the first time it took that duped gear.
So Strategus isn't completely ruined yet.
Anyone who tests this theory in the name of science needs to accurately record how much silver or gear they gained as a result of this bug, then use it for a fun/exp battle for all to enjoy.
Its obvious for me that if I said something, and I was not even sure about it, I was beiing trolled by every 1 at this forum, telling its not true, etc...Who would believe me, some1 from Acre? And also for the reason that many people still have grudges against Acre. Something what I try to fix by doiing diplomacy.
If I am not wrong, you guy's conquered more territory then every other faction, so you should have know it earlyer then us.
Second of all, I gained nothing about it, even with those accusations trown at me, I get barely merc's, except that 1 time that I had merc's to capture Halmar, well I lost 725k gold by payments from mine own personal account, not from the clanbank.
So don't trow the ball at me, I gained nothing whille you got the city and double gear.
And for the fact that I still find that raiding a fief is still gay
I actually did, it happened like minutes before you attacked while I was on my lunch break. I'm willing to throw it back in if you're still wanting to test theory.
I removed it then screen shot to put towards your text, and I think after I got the imgur up you guys had attacked.
This community is not known for it's resistance to believe that bugs/exploits to cheat on strategus are real lol, usually the opposite.
However Jona,
It strikes me that if our 2 factions were to 'declare war' on one another in the north, and we marked only the most numerous and valuable pieces of gear in our fiefs as rank 10, nobody would be able to see or prove that we're secretly duplicating huge volumes of expensive gear on the map for each other as our in-battle mercs would only see normal volumes of regular gear to spawn with.
Oh god, the potential for abuse. Nobody will be safe from the accusations!
Even the conspiracy theorists, autists, retards and furries of this crpg community alike will be unable to refute the evidence if those steps are taken.
I'm quite certain that was the only gear we got, I think I* would have noticed if there had been more.
This is exactly the type of thing someone who received duped gear would say!
WHO CAN WE TRUST NOW?!?!?!??!!?!!!
Give me your fiefs.
Americans more honest than Russians and Polish.:P
I'm quite certain that was the only gear we got, I think I* would have noticed if there had been more.hard to miss eq in fief for 1k troops, poor play :wink:
NA Raid 2016/03/23 19:08 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : Nova Durrin Castle 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/22 08:14 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : Nova Durrin Castle 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/22 05:11 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : Nova Mijayet 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/22 02:05 The Dwarven Miners Guild 630 81 THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING : New Ulburban 100 100
NA Raid 2016/03/21 04:20 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : Nova Mawiti 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/21 03:52 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : Nova Mijayet 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/21 03:06 Hounds_of_Chulainn 529 0 THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING : Nova Fenada 0 0
NA Raid 2016/03/21 01:10 Autisttilas Horde 100 0 Berserkers of Khorne : New Habba 0 0
8 raids for 2 days pretty shure it's just for test :P
hard to miss eq in fief for 1k troops, poor play :wink:
We only got things from 2 raids, one was some bad gear worth like 5000g, and the other I posted about winning since I thought they had been bad enough to leave it in (which is when we realized it had duped).yep sorry
UIF knew about this for weeks considering the insane number of fiefs they have taken and have been raiding a lot lately and they are organized when it comes to gear and they chose to say nothing.
Americans more honest than Russians and Polish.
Just putting it out there.
But this is pretty lame if strat has already degenerated into XP battles, but since normal crpg so dead and xp easy, those are not even worth it.
It is already confirmed that every successful fief attack dupes gear. So, technically every faction should have known about it, but no one bothered to do the math. To solely blame UIF for this just shows that you are a crazy nut bag.
It is already confirmed that every successful fief attack dupes gear. So, technically every faction should have known about it, but no one bothered to do the math. To solely blame UIF for this just shows that you are a crazy nut bag.
You're so depressing lately. Where's all that GOBBLIN flair gone?
real life is an okay video game
Dont be an ass. Just said they knew about it and didnt post while Americans did. That's all. Get off your high horse, considering you should have known with shariz.
yesterday I read an entire book by Neil Gaiman (rofl gay man)
real life is an okay video game
American Gods is great, but no yesterday was The Ocean at the End of the Lane.yeah pretty sure it was bast, and the first time I read that book I was sick as fuck and had weird cat sex fever dreams that night
My favorite part of American Gods is the kinky cat sex scene with Bast. It's Bast right?
yeah pretty sure it was bast, and the first time I read that book I was sick as fuck and had weird cat sex fever dreams that night
Did you get the illustrated version? Charles Vess or something like that? It's so fucking fantastic.
you fucking dumbass we were at war with BRD
niggas gonna have his work cut out for him
Good luck sorting this out Sparvy
sparvico i have established my one man faction:
keep that in mind here
I wouldn't remove THE REALM OF THE GOBBLIN KING indefinitely if I were you. I have left whatever remains of it there end up being in Chester's hand as KING REGENT to carry out a few last unfinished tasks.
By few last unfinished tasks I mean fucking up TigerGirl's peace loving bullshit.
Update your fancy chart to show that I am now part of the AUTISTIC WIZARDS' GUILD and have taken my fief with me.
Consider Dwarves also at war with Yoshis.
And i wouldnt consider it a worthwhile investment of time marking them as having 1 fief on the map. They'll be back down to 0 soon enough.
Basically I'll be updating the Member/fief count every Sunday at 10pm PST via what their faction page says at that time.
Consider Dwarves also at war with Yoshis.
And i wouldnt consider it a worthwhile investment of time marking them as having 1 fief on the map. They'll be back down to 0 soon enough.
Updated OP to reflect the current stat of things after those two friends went and killed the mod last night.Legend
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Updated OP to reflect the current stat of things after those two friends went and killed the mod last night.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Hey Sparv can u officially update this thing? Like with Occitan Quitting and Despotate Quitting and all the rest of what is going on in NA cause i use this as my main news feed and i would hate to see it stop :( :( :(
Yes the official update is that At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square..hahaha
Nah but for reals now. I'm going to give it a week and see how things shake out. At that point I will either update for whoever is left, or pull support from it completely so that someone more invested can make their own version if anyone so desires.