cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Rico on August 29, 2014, 12:49:00 am

Title: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on August 29, 2014, 12:49:00 am
You are reading Teaser #1
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:arrow: Teaser #4 (March 2016) ('s-daruvian's-and-rico's-item-workshop-give-us-feedback-and-join-us!/msg1211556/#msg1211556)

As discussed with Tydeus on IRC, this thread is a collection of finished meshes of new and updated old items, ready to be polled upon in the subforum of the item balancers. I am helping out with the artistic design, coordination, presentation and final proposal of the projects, but most of the technical work of editing or creating the meshes and textures is done by the following people: _Tak_, Daruvian, matt2507, Blackbow, Viriathus, Jona, Zisa and Halk.

This post only presents finished results. For the work-in-progress reports, browse for items from Tak's thread. For the items of the other contributors, check out the comments in this discussion.

Finished projects (in chronological order based on the finishing date):

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Byzantine Palace Guard Armor by Zimke Zlovoljni (permission for cRPG only)
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The download link for this one is internal use only and will be posted in the Item Management forum

+ lots of surprises in the next patch


9th of September 2014: Senni_Ti, who made the European Cavalry Sword, has the technical skill to add new items and agreed to exert a managerial role to add adequate meshes to the game. Tydeus: "Still have a few things to work out with him, but it would seem like the ball is consistently moving forward, although nothing is set in stone yet. Well, even though I say nothing is set in stone, the ball essentially has picked up too much momentum to stop."

16th of September 2014: Cmp introduced an internal Item Management forum section for proposals.

22nd of September 2014: 25+ items proposed in the Item Management section.

3rd of October 2014: Lots of items accepted. Will be included in the next patch.

5th of October 2014: Patch due.

19th of October 2014: Actual patch date wwwwwwww)

If anybody with knowledge in texturing and 3D-modeling is interested in joining us, please contact me via Forum PM and whenever I am online via IRC query. We are looking forward to hear from you!

If you have inspirations or requests, please abstain from double-posting them or spamming PMs! Otherwise they are welcome.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krave on August 29, 2014, 12:55:18 am
Nice, black gothic set is all I want
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: San on August 29, 2014, 12:58:20 am
Cool. There were also a ton of older OSPs from Panos' threads that zagibu was in the middle of refurbishing before he left. I think it might be worth it to take a look at some of them again.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on August 29, 2014, 12:59:37 am
Cool. There were also a ton of older OSPs from Panos' threads that zagibu was in the middle of refurbishing before he left. I think it might be worth it to take a look at some of them again.
Can't agree more, but I am afraid we need more people or it might take us a while!
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: _Tak_ on August 29, 2014, 01:01:58 am
Cool. There were also a ton of older OSPs from Panos' threads that zagibu was in the middle of refurbishing before he left. I think it might be worth it to take a look at some of them again.

Panos actually missed alot of great OSP that are within mods, some mods recently just went OSP and its not hard to find goodies. the only thing that matters is dedication and time.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: San on August 29, 2014, 01:05:52 am
Neat, good to know. Thanks for the quick response!
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on August 29, 2014, 01:34:44 am
it is good to see some people motived about new items.

There is some time, I started to do some retextures to try to make a heirloom armor pack.
But it takes me a huge amount of time and i don't have the talent and the patience of finalboss so I don't think I would finish this  :(

Anyway, if you are interessted by my stuf, feel free to ask me.

There is my galery:,q2pod1b9j6dm4t0,efow769o8x8jocq,bpsup68yzgdlwg2,bac6bxfwfmx6yqq,a59eu9qabza1yho,f4x0rhv62qpisut,b2hnvaar5d8ok06,388wyk9wx63a2w4/gallery#ja4pcgr902sbc0b

ps: the Gothic Knight set is awesome  :D
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tydeus on August 29, 2014, 04:57:55 am
"Still have a few things to work out with him, but it would seem like the ball is consistently moving forward, although nothing is set in stone yet. Well, even though I say nothing is set in stone, the ball essentially has picked up too much momentum to stop." - Tydeus
Here's to hoping we don't run across any unexpected black holes.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krave on August 29, 2014, 02:24:46 pm
Damn, matt, that black gilded aketon is soo sexy. I want this in cRPG! ( I wish to put this in sp too)
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tydeus on August 29, 2014, 03:34:37 pm
it is good to see some people motived about new items.

There is some time, I started to do some retextures to try to make a heirloom armor pack.
But it takes me a huge amount of time and i don't have the talent and the patience of finalboss so I don't think I would finish this  :(

Anyway, if you are interessted by my stuf, feel free to ask me.

There is my galery:,q2pod1b9j6dm4t0,efow769o8x8jocq,bpsup68yzgdlwg2,bac6bxfwfmx6yqq,a59eu9qabza1yho,f4x0rhv62qpisut,b2hnvaar5d8ok06,388wyk9wx63a2w4/gallery#ja4pcgr902sbc0b (,q2pod1b9j6dm4t0,efow769o8x8jocq,bpsup68yzgdlwg2,bac6bxfwfmx6yqq,a59eu9qabza1yho,f4x0rhv62qpisut,b2hnvaar5d8ok06,388wyk9wx63a2w4/gallery#ja4pcgr902sbc0b)

ps: the Gothic Knight set is awesome  :D
Holy shit. Those are some good looking retextures. Even if you don't make am heirloom pack, I still wouldn't mind having those to replace current armors.

That Rus Scale and +3 Heavy Aketon... damn.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Panos_ on August 29, 2014, 04:01:34 pm

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Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Algarn on August 29, 2014, 04:03:47 pm
Raylin's armors are probably the best armors I ever saw for warband... Add it please, set it on max priority !  :twisted:
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Panos_ on August 29, 2014, 04:04:33 pm
the red rus scale is so sexy, if it gets added, im gonna insta loom it  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on August 29, 2014, 05:19:59 pm

Fully black Black Lamellar Vest and Cuir Bouilli over Mail

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Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on August 29, 2014, 05:23:22 pm
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Joseph Porta on August 29, 2014, 05:48:44 pm
Have plus.
I can only upvote.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Panos_ on August 29, 2014, 05:55:16 pm
Here are all the OSP`s I have posted until now.

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Just in case you can see if they are suitable to be in c-rpg.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on August 30, 2014, 11:34:15 am
hello guys you did rly great job !!

if you need i can maybe help with texturing. i worked in print house on photoshop, illustrator...
in past i did some retexturing/recoloring on some crpg armors for my self but i always had some trouble with specular and files
i have no knowledge in 3d so i was a bit stuck with it and had to give up.
i will not say i'm a beast at texturing but i would like to learn more on how deal with spec and normal files...

i made some mods for other games like don't starve, natural selection 2 and atm i work on a ship mod for starbound.

Don't starve :

NS2 :

some crpg stuff :
crpg life bar
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old feather hat
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some recoloring try but i'm not rly happy of it =)
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i was not rly happy of bows texture from heirloom skin pack, they was not rly looking in natural wood to me so i also made a recolor of it, it look darker and more medieval than ikea bows. (im a bit lazy to make some screen of ingame bows so i will just add texture file )

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i just realize i lost what i did long time ago on churburg and brigandine... :'(

so if help needed and want to give a chance to a nub in texturing who want to learn just pm me =)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on August 30, 2014, 04:44:41 pm
Let me explain the situation before more motivated people post recolored armors etc.:

In terms of new items, we finish what we started, but we won't start new projects and the likelihood that they will included into the mod is relatively low (which is not up to us to decide though, we only propose and the item balances vote). Instead of multicolored versions of existing items and entirely new items, the next projects we start will only be fixes and remakes of existing items in the sense of replacements. Some items from Native have very edged meshes and very blurred low-res textures. In some cases, we replace the mesh and the textures, in other cases, we replace only the textures.

These fixes and remakes are essential for new items to make it into the mod. If every item we currently have has a good minimum standard, we can think of making new items which look nice as well. But until we have extremely ugly low quality stuff in the mod, adding high quality items will be very difficult because these items will stand out. Either they will be completely overused, or the difference of quality will be so remarkable that the overall quality of the mod will be highly doubted. We can't afford cheap eclecticism, so we first focus on improving what we already have.

For this reason, please understand that if you are motivated to help us, you will be first assigned jobs about improving the quality (not the design, just the resolution and smoothness) of existing models before we go on with interesting new stuff. If this does not keep you from supporting us, please PM me on IRC.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tydeus on August 31, 2014, 12:12:39 am
These fixes and remakes are essential for new items to make it into the mod. If every item we currently have has a good minimum standard, we can think of making new items which look nice as well. But until we have extremely ugly low quality stuff in the mod, adding high quality items will be very difficult because these items will stand out. Either they will be completely overused, or the difference of quality will be so remarkable that the overall quality of the mod will be highly doubted. We can't afford cheap eclecticism, so we first focus on improving what we already have.
Not exactly. I think there's been somewhat of a misunderstanding. We definitely want high quality stuff to be added. It's more a matter of art style, than anything else. Still, I'm not the authority, I'm just a voter.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on August 31, 2014, 12:25:06 am
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Strudog on August 31, 2014, 07:33:49 am
Holy shit Raylin all those armour look incredibly sexy all of them in CRPG now!!!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on August 31, 2014, 06:28:31 pm
got the point about art stuff...

i'm gonna help matt on his aketon about legs and will meet team on irc like monday to see what can i do for help =)

to be honest my main idea was more about try to finish the heirloom skin pack, why not add the pack in crpg ?
that would be so great to have different skin for each weapons, armors,horses depending on his loom level ...
it could be a good plus to make come back leaving players from the mod and attract more players to it.
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on August 31, 2014, 06:55:53 pm
it is good to see some people motived about new items.

There is some time, I started to do some retextures to try to make a heirloom armor pack.
But it takes me a huge amount of time and i don't have the talent and the patience of finalboss so I don't think I would finish this  :(

Anyway, if you are interessted by my stuf, feel free to ask me.

There is my galery:,q2pod1b9j6dm4t0,efow769o8x8jocq,bpsup68yzgdlwg2,bac6bxfwfmx6yqq,a59eu9qabza1yho,f4x0rhv62qpisut,b2hnvaar5d8ok06,388wyk9wx63a2w4/gallery#ja4pcgr902sbc0b

ps: the Gothic Knight set is awesome  :D

Rus scale, byrnja gief!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on August 31, 2014, 07:14:00 pm
I hope that we will see some of this armors in cRPG.

Also we need some new lighter armors (body armor between 30 - 40).

Half of server is running around in this
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We need more armors with similar status as Mail Shirt with Fur and Byrnie.
Zagibu already did a good job with Pino pack -
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Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on August 31, 2014, 07:30:14 pm
Here are all the OSP`s I have posted until now.

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Just in case you can see if they are suitable to be in c-rpg.  :mrgreen:

i need dis

and heirloom pack implemented, so nubs can see what is loomed n stuff + it looks fucking awesome
Title: Re: Alex's, Daruvian's and Rico's item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on August 31, 2014, 11:37:41 pm
Here's to hoping we don't run across any unexpected black holes.
so that's what happened to zagibu...
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 01, 2014, 05:52:33 pm
Worn Robe fix (for Panuru to put in the OP):

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Algarn on September 01, 2014, 11:52:19 pm
I hope that we will see some of this armors in cRPG.

Also we need some new lighter armors (body armor between 30 - 40).

Half of server is running around in this
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So much people running around in this I didn't see more than 2 guys of 40 guys wearing it. Warmask+Kuyak/Saracen Guard armor combo is much more obvious.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Chosen1 on September 02, 2014, 02:53:08 am
Worn Robe fix (for Panuru to put in the OP):

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wow put him on the dev team chadz
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 02, 2014, 04:39:26 am
wow put him on the dev team chadz

you hurt my feelings
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 02, 2014, 06:52:08 pm
please add the white coat of plates
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Chosen1 on September 04, 2014, 01:44:38 am
you hurt my feelings


that was very rude of me

you did an A+ job. hell i dont even know how you do something like that, don't you edit it in like openbfr or something
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 05, 2014, 01:41:32 pm
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Download link: (website icones included)

Item list:
-Luxurious Heavy Aketon
-Luxurious Hose
-Luxurious Kettle Hat
-Luxurious Iron Hat
-Luxurious Chapel de Fer

In game screenshots:

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Ikarus on September 05, 2014, 02:56:01 pm
I should really start to try out some stuff :>
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 05, 2014, 10:30:48 pm
It would be great if any of you guys could put up a tutorial on how to do this, a video maybe? i got photoshop skills but i dont know how to retexture a dds file.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 05, 2014, 10:46:26 pm
It would be great if any of you guys could put up a tutorial on how to do this, a video maybe? i got photoshop skills but i dont know how to retexture a dds file.

You're going to want to torrent GIMP, at least that is the software I use to edit the textures in .DDS files (the file Warband uses for all of its textures). You could also use Photoshop, I just don't know anything about using it. I do not know if it can load/edit DDS files. Are you more curious about tips for actually editing the textures?

Gimp download link:

However, in order to work on .DDS files you are also going to need to install a plug-in for GIMP. You will want to install a different version of the plug-in for a x32 or a x64 bit OS. Figure out which you are running and then install the appropriate plug-in. I'll put links below. The readme in the .zip folder explains how to install the plug-in.

x32 DDS Plug-in for Gimp:
x64 DDS Plug-in for Gimp:

Once you've installed Gimp and the DDS plug-in, you can load and edit Warband texture files by locating your Warband folder in Program Files, and opening the folder named "Textures". If you want to load/edit files for cRPG specifically you will have to go to Warband/Modules/cRPG/Textures. Your PC may not initially know that you want Gimp to be the program for these texture files so when you double click your first one to open it, it may ask you to choose a program. You want to find and select Gimp for that.

As per using Gimp I recommend just going to Youtube and typing in "gimp tutorial".

If you have any questions don't hestitate to ask.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 05, 2014, 10:55:07 pm
It would be great if any of you guys could put up a tutorial on how to do this, a video maybe? i got photoshop skills but i dont know how to retexture a dds file.

You need a dds plugin for whatever program you use. If it's photoshop, just google for the photoshop dds plugin. It will allow you to open dds files in photoshop and save them in high quality as well. For retexturing works, photoshop skills are all you need.

However, some of our projects require 3D remodeling previous to texture edits. Nobody of us seems to be extremely proficient in this area; with the exception of alex, everyone is trying around using the tutorial senni_ti posted here:

If you are eager to help, we could use more 2D retexturing people without 3D skills nonetheless. If you want to join us, please message me.

Edit: typo, and also what Daruvian said if you want to switch to GIMP
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on September 05, 2014, 11:14:46 pm
It would be great if any of you guys could put up a tutorial on how to do this, a video maybe? i got photoshop skills but i dont know how to retexture a dds file.

Get the .DDS plugin as above :P

When you save as .DDS, use DXT 1 as compression. (You can't have multiple layers and save as .DDS; higher levels of compression are DXT 3 and 5, which allow use of the alpha mask.)
Also generate mipmaps (tick box on GIMP), similar to LODs, but for textures.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 05, 2014, 11:40:36 pm
Get the .DDS plugin as above :P

When you save as .DDS, use DXT 1 as compression. (You can't have multiple layers and save as .DDS; higher levels of compression are DXT 3 and 5, which allow use of the alpha mask.)
Also generate mipmaps (tick box on GIMP), similar to LODs, but for textures.

Personnaly, i always use the dxt5 now because i got somes troubles with dxt1 in the past  :?

Also, dxt3 and dxt5 files have the same weight so dxt3 is a bit useless in my opignon.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 06, 2014, 03:04:02 am
Great posts guys.

I was using some freeware program to convert a dds file into a jpeg, then i would edit it in photoshop. Works fine, only the program doesnt convert the jpeg back to dds haha.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 06, 2014, 03:13:57 am
Great posts guys.

I was using some freeware program to convert a dds file into a jpeg, then i would edit it in photoshop. Works fine, only the program doesnt convert the jpeg back to dds haha.

The dds plugin for toshop is here:

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Butan on September 06, 2014, 03:38:31 am
Also we need some new lighter armors (body armor between 30 - 40).

Half of server is running around in...

There is around 50 kind of armors just from 30-40 body armor range... Its player's fault if they only pick a small portion of those  :P

What is really in need is 55-60 range which is very used by a very large group of players who want the best protection possible, but only have 8 body armor options with half of them looking almost exactly the same!
We could have more kind of plate, but also something that isnt available today : non-plate very heavy armours.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: FleetFox on September 06, 2014, 09:07:00 am
Thanks a bunch guys for doing this, your time and effort is really appreciated!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 10:15:06 am
Very nice work.
I think that White Coat of Plates will be much better with some dirt on it - right now is too much clean.   :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 06, 2014, 10:17:15 am
Very nice work.
I think that White Coat of Plates will be much better with some dirt on it - right now is too much clean.   :)
Blood will look badass on it
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on September 06, 2014, 10:47:27 am
Blood will look badass on it

Oh yea, and that.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 08, 2014, 12:10:07 pm
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Download link (That brf contain all my previous work):

-3d mdified for the legs, the bottom of the tunic and for the metal circle.
-Texture reworked.

In game screenshots:
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 08, 2014, 12:13:29 pm
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Download link (That brf contain all my previous work):

-3d mdified for the arms, body and somes other things.
-New uv map.
-New normal map.
-New specular map.
-New 2k texture.

In game screenshots:
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Ikarus on September 08, 2014, 02:41:10 pm
gj matt, the pilgrim hood REALLY needed better textures  8-)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on September 08, 2014, 03:25:46 pm
That Black Gothic Knight set (by Tak) have proper hand and leg armor?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 08, 2014, 03:36:11 pm
That Black Gothic Knight set (by Tak) have proper hand and leg armor?
Leg Armor: Black Greaves, possibly Eastern Black Greaves or Strange Greaves
Hand Armor: Black Leather Gloves, Light Strange Gloves, Black and White Plate Gloves, possibly Heavy Plate Gloves

Edit: fixed typo
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 08, 2014, 03:55:01 pm
we need that pilgrim armor :O
looks so much better
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 08, 2014, 04:13:11 pm
we need that pilgrim armor :O
looks so much better

it can not be worse. :mrgreen:

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 08, 2014, 05:09:31 pm
So i tried blender for the first time; its very intuitive and simple once you get used to the tools and comands, the UV map deal is a bit raw to me atm.

I came up with this, lets see if i can texture it: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Feel free to download the blender file and texture it yourself! it would be great accualy; I was thinking of making it all bright steel and black leather on the handle.

Download link:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on September 08, 2014, 07:15:13 pm
gj matt, the pilgrim hood REALLY needed better textures  8-)
Must be something wrong with me, because I don't think that old one looks bad. Yes, the new one is in higher quality, but this hood... it somehow doesn't fit to the rest tbh
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 08, 2014, 07:50:43 pm
Another ninja weapon, the throwing Kunai: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

This one im thinking of texturing in all black and white teflon tape like material on the handle

Download link:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 09, 2014, 02:14:51 am
Must be something wrong with me, because I don't think that old one looks bad. Yes, the new one is in higher quality, but this hood... it somehow doesn't fit to the rest tbh

it's gonna sound like a stab in matt's back but i think like you.
keep in mind it's still work in progress...
so we gonna change colors a bit it should make it fit better with the rest
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 09, 2014, 02:21:45 am
I disagree; in my opinion, the design of the new one is much better. Maybe greyish blue and brown don't form a nice contrast, but it was the same story with the original model. I don't see how the hood looks any worse compared to before. It has a clear texture now, actually visible shadows and it's in higher resolution. So it's better all the way.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 09, 2014, 04:38:06 am
no worrie i just want to make a try at dicreasing color intensity of fur and should be fine
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 09, 2014, 07:15:45 am
Yeeees Virathius :D
make dem Kunai
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 09, 2014, 06:29:19 pm
I made another model, its a Two handed throwing axe:

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Looking for some one to texture it like the one in this picture:
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 09, 2014, 06:53:30 pm
yo guys
Today i would share with you some nice texture website. and also ask if you dont have some others in same kind to share with me =)

my favorit one (thx pollacaballo) : (thx matt)

(if pictures below are too big to see everything on your screen just right click on picture and click on "copy picture link" then put the link on your browser...)

about the new pilgrim made by Raylin (Matt) just made this little recoloration of the fur and to me now it's fit with the rest.
sometimes little details make huge difference.

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now it's about green and purple hose
i'm rly sick of those legs armor, they fit only with two armors, heavy aketon and R G B Brigandine over Aketon
i just made a simple recolor and now it fit with any other amor. ( i was going to add more details on it but the knee junction of 3d model is a bit weird on those armors and fuck up everything.)
on devs side i guess they just have to rename the "green and purple hose" by "brown hose" =)

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about steppe armor raylin cleaned the texture and i remade stripes close to hands
but we are not happy of the result, the texture is fucking crapy so we gonna remake a full texture for it
just a screen of the fail try =p
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 09, 2014, 09:22:28 pm
I made another model, its a Two handed throwing axe:

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Looking for some one to texture it like the one in this picture:
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omg 2hand throwing axe sound so cool and op =)
i think we can do that texture (raylin and me)

can you send me something like this plz ?
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if possible with the 3d model in a brf because i'm a nub when it's about 3d =p
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 10, 2014, 12:17:24 am
omg 2hand throwing axe sound so cool and op =)
i think we can do that texture (raylin and me)

can you send me something like this plz ?
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if possible with the 3d model in a brf because i'm a nub when it's about 3d =p

I can deal with the uv map.

By the way, Viriathus, can you upload your models in the .obj file format please ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 10, 2014, 01:17:47 am
Doing it right now
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 10, 2014, 01:31:05 am
.obj file along with every other file:

Blackbow, why would it be OP, only 1 ammo and it should be a 2 slot weapon (even tho its pretty much the same size as a mace or a 1h fighting axe), has to pack a punch to break those shields... the animation for this is pretty much the overhead 2h.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on September 10, 2014, 01:59:26 am
.obj file along with every other file:

Blackbow, why would it be OP, only 1 ammo and it should be a 2 slot weapon (even tho its pretty much the same size as a mace or a 1h fighting axe), has to pack a punch to break those shields... the animation for this is pretty much the overhead 2h.

Sitting at roughly 1k triangle polys with that latest model, would prefer it if simple melee weapons stuck around 500. (Most of the polys are in the hilt, blender has the default cylinder pretty 'high' poly)

Not a huge problem, 1k is still pretty reasonable.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 10, 2014, 02:35:14 am
I have no clue about 3D modeling, i just make some meshes in blender, maybe you could teach me/us one time?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on September 10, 2014, 03:49:34 am
I started working on a rough design of a conical Norman helmet today, but I'm pretty bad with 3d modeling.  I figure that most of the helmets in the game are very mismatched and certain helmets only go with certain armor (thanks chainmail textures!)

I wonder if I would get in trouble if I just borrowed the coif from the Narf Men at Arms pack.

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 <-- this


oh man, I merged the "norman helmet" with the coif from that pack and got this:

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looks disgusting from the horrible openBRF merge, but cRPG could use some more helmets like that, I think.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 10, 2014, 04:37:02 am
I started working on a rough design of a conical Norman helmet today, but I'm pretty bad with 3d modeling.  I figure that most of the helmets in the game are very mismatched and certain helmets only go with certain armor (thanks chainmail textures!)

I wonder if I would get in trouble if I just borrowed the coif from the Narf Men at Arms pack.

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 <-- this


oh man, I merged the "norman helmet" with the coif from that pack and got this:

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looks disgusting from the horrible openBRF merge, but cRPG could use some more helmets like that, I think.

As a Norman, i love this helmet  :D

.obj file along with every other file:

Blackbow, why would it be OP, only 1 ammo and it should be a 2 slot weapon (even tho its pretty much the same size as a mace or a 1h fighting axe), has to pack a punch to break those shields... the animation for this is pretty much the overhead 2h.

Thanks !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: smals98 on September 10, 2014, 05:42:21 am
Gotta say, I love 14 and 15 on the OP. All of 'em are really good, but 14 and 15 are my favorites. :mrgreen:
Here's a little something for your hard work :P
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 10, 2014, 08:46:46 am
.obj file along with every other file:

Blackbow, why would it be OP, only 1 ammo and it should be a 2 slot weapon (even tho its pretty much the same size as a mace or a 1h fighting axe), has to pack a punch to break those shields... the animation for this is pretty much the overhead 2h.

héhé dont worrie i mean op in good way, i can imagine a bit the thing ...
like in chivarly dlc there is a viking classe with a big long axe and their able to throw it !! it's so cool

and u know what we need dual weapons in crpg just imagine one of your axe in each hand ... =)
ok ok i stop dreaming...

I started working on a rough design of a conical Norman helmet today, but I'm pretty bad with 3d modeling.  I figure that most of the helmets in the game are very mismatched and certain helmets only go with certain armor (thanks chainmail textures!)

I wonder if I would get in trouble if I just borrowed the coif from the Narf Men at Arms pack.

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 <-- this


oh man, I merged the "norman helmet" with the coif from that pack and got this:

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looks disgusting from the horrible openBRF merge, but cRPG could use some more helmets like that, I think.

dude nice job it look rly cool !!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 10, 2014, 06:11:40 pm
i hope this gets added :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on September 10, 2014, 06:31:11 pm
Alright, well this is just a simple rehash of two items that already exist in cRPG, but I believe it is finished:

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I'm a little worried that it won't fit properly, but maybe somebody with a little more experience can fix that.

brf download:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Algarn on September 10, 2014, 06:36:05 pm
Can you make a mail coif with the same mail as "kettle hat with aventail" items, please ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on September 10, 2014, 06:40:48 pm
I can't imagine it'd be too hard to change the texture.

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Inglorious on September 11, 2014, 03:36:30 am
It's harder than it seems.

Seams in armor, like chainmail and the kaftan can be difficult to work around, not to mention making a clean continuous chain feel. I tried a few days ago to change the mail mittens texture to the same color as most other chainmails and it was disastrous for the longest time. Color was corrected to be the same tone, but had millions of microscopic holes that showed up as shiny flecks. I had to spend 1-2 hours filling them in before it looked anywhere close to decent.

Then there is making 3D modeling... Ho' Lord... as a side hobby I make 3D models for a game my cousin is making. It's at best tedious work that requires a lot of scrutiny to get the right look and feel.

Animating? That's a whole new process I'd love to avoid. I usually just pass the project off at this point to a friend who is much more skilled and patient than I for this part, because if it's not right, someones gonna let you know the hard way.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on September 11, 2014, 04:46:50 am
i mean

i can help

after i'm done with my bread teleportation experiments that i've been working on for the past month

first things first make tydeus think my plated donkey isn't ugly
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: ARN_ on September 11, 2014, 08:06:11 pm
Hey, something I have miss for a long time is a lack yellow coloured armours like the coat of plates, brigandines and corrazina armours. If someone could make those i would be awesome :D

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on September 12, 2014, 03:50:04 am
Hey, something I have miss for a long time is a lack yellow coloured armours like the coat of plates, brigandines and corrazina armours. If someone could make those i would be awesome :D


that'd actually be very easily done using just gimp or even blender and openbrf, no need for texture edits
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 12, 2014, 07:23:48 am
Hey, something I have miss for a long time is a lack yellow coloured armours like the coat of plates, brigandines and corrazina armours. If someone could make those i would be awesome :D


Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Hiro on September 12, 2014, 03:34:45 pm
love these ones! :D
keep it up!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 15, 2014, 03:53:53 pm
Looking for some one to finish off the rendering on this one.

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 15, 2014, 04:48:10 pm
I have been lazy the last days and I'm busy this evening, but you guys will hear from me soon :P Keep up the good work
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: _Tak_ on September 16, 2014, 01:59:22 am
Congrats to Senni__Ti for being the item manger!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on September 17, 2014, 05:39:27 pm
Hey, something I have miss for a long time is a lack yellow coloured armours like the coat of plates, brigandines and corrazina armours. If someone could make those i would be awesome :D


i plan in futur to redo some brigandines colors (especialy green one), will try to make a yellow... but dont think it's gonna be done soon.

I have been lazy the last days and I'm busy this evening, but you guys will hear from me soon :P Keep up the good work

pff same here =p
sun is finaly shining after a shity august month so ... better sun than screen =p

Congrats to Senni__Ti for being the item manger!
gratz and welcome =)

Looking for some one to finish off the rendering on this one.

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oh cool, texture is already done it look great good job !!
look like the 2d texture dont need more work ? i'm right ?
about rendering cant help =/
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 17, 2014, 08:46:01 pm
oh cool, texture is already done it look great good job !!
look like the 2d texture dont need more work ? i'm right ?
about rendering cant help =/

Yes, the 2 texture is done, ready to lay it down, the problem is the mesh itself, when i load it on to OpenBRF the two faces of the axe head dont show, besides, i didnt test the new texute i made properly because i cant export an image to dds. files! I tried various versions of GIMP and its not working, I cant download the dds plugins to photoshop too because im using a portable version, since the legit version expired the trial.

Thats about it.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 17, 2014, 08:58:24 pm
i cant export an image to dds. files!
Use Paint.NET for it. The software doesn't seem incredibly refined, professional and flexible, but its .dds plugin does a nice job.

I am on a congress today, the day after tomorrow and maybe also tomorrow; please don't expect many updates from my side during this period.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on September 17, 2014, 09:05:45 pm
Use Paint.NET for it.
thank you Mr. Congressman
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Screaming Idiot on September 18, 2014, 04:40:29 pm
We need more armor between 30-36 body armor.

Also, add more plate armors and more heavy boots/gauntlets/helmets.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 18, 2014, 09:02:40 pm
Another medium (around lamellar vest type) armor or ligher would be nice :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on September 18, 2014, 09:24:29 pm
Yea really, we need more armors with similar status as Mail Shirt with Fur and Byrnie.

Zagibu already did a good job with Pino pack -
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tovi on September 18, 2014, 10:15:49 pm
I wait for the norman mail for months !

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This mod needs new items quick to survive.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on September 19, 2014, 12:32:23 am
Congrats to Senni__Ti for being the item manger!

Thanks :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tovi on September 19, 2014, 12:51:38 am
The fleur de Lys armor is really cool. Especially the crenellated tabard wich was common in middle age, but very rare in Warband/cRPG
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 19, 2014, 05:09:00 am
Alright as the least among us item advisors I have to ask how we fix this. The highland claymore's sheath currently disappears into the back or body armor of whatever player it is on. It happens with most armors to some extent, and it looks awful phasing in and out of a guys back. So, how the frack do we fix it?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on September 19, 2014, 08:10:26 pm
Alright as the least among us item advisors I have to ask how we fix this. The highland claymore's sheath currently disappears into the back or body armor of whatever player it is on. It happens with most armors to some extent, and it looks awful phasing in and out of a guys back. So, how the frack do we fix it?

Move it in openbrf :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 19, 2014, 08:20:36 pm
Tak/Alex is busy with real life stuff and out until further notice.

Tak, if you read this: Thank you very much for your good work! We will continue our mission, as you requested))
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on September 19, 2014, 08:30:02 pm
I wait for the norman mail for months !

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This mod needs new items quick to survive.

plz more Norman items
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on September 20, 2014, 03:43:34 pm
Where did Tak's Black Brigandine over Mail go? Any chance it will get into the game, and any chance the black belt will be recolored back to brown like the rest of the leather straps?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 21, 2014, 10:36:16 am
Where did Tak's Black Brigandine over Mail go? Any chance it will get into the game, and any chance the black belt will be recolored back to brown like the rest of the leather straps?
It's still WIP. If we have free capacities I'll ask someone to tackle it.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 21, 2014, 08:54:05 pm
you guys should get paid in looms or real money, doin a good job out there

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on September 21, 2014, 09:40:59 pm
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 21, 2014, 09:48:23 pm
(click to show/hide)

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on September 21, 2014, 10:50:25 pm
you guys should get paid in looms or real money, doin a good job out there

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Accepting bribes!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 21, 2014, 10:53:12 pm
Give all bribes to me, I distribute them fairly among everyone and share screenshots as proofs of the transactions :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 21, 2014, 11:46:22 pm
Ok, there is a new set of armors for replacing few current armors and some of my previous retextures.

These models are from the mod "Full Invasion" (
_Tak_ granted me the permission to use it for cRPG (Only  :wink:):

Thanks to him for this and thank to his team for making these good models.

Mail with surcoat
(click to show/hide)

Plated mail with surcoat
(click to show/hide)

Light leather (3 new variants)
(click to show/hide)

Byrnja (3 new variants)
(click to show/hide)

Rus Scale Armor (3 new variants)
(click to show/hide)

Coming soon

My suggestion:
Remove these items:
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   visitors can't see pics , please register or login
   visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Remplace them with my "Mail with surcoat" and his variants.

Remove this one:
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Remplace it with my "Plated mail with surcoat" and his variants.

Remove this one:
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Remplace it with my "Light leather".
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 21, 2014, 11:52:26 pm
Give all bribes to me, I distribute them fairly among everyone and share screenshots as proofs of the transactions :mrgreen:

I can make you false screenshots if you give me 50% !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 22, 2014, 06:42:33 pm
i want that Byrnja! (i just got one +3, thats why  :lol: )
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Moncho on September 22, 2014, 07:27:50 pm
22nd of September 2014: 25+ items proposed in the Item Management section.
Are these the ones in the post by Raylin (3 posts before this one) and the ones in the OP, or maybe some more or less?

Anyway, loving most of what I see in this thread.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 22, 2014, 07:41:18 pm
Are these the ones in the post by Raylin (3 posts before this one) and the ones in the OP, or maybe some more or less?

Anyway, loving most of what I see in this thread.

The ones in the OP and some extra stuff
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Man of Steel on September 22, 2014, 09:49:50 pm
And when is that Patch comming? ;)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on September 22, 2014, 11:24:05 pm
And when is that Patch comming? ;)

December 2010

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on September 24, 2014, 07:13:37 am
December 2010

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patience it is then :|
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: smals98 on September 26, 2014, 12:51:19 am
you guys had a look at this armor yet? Just found it and personally think it'd be a nice add......if I should have put this somewhere else I'm sorry....too lazy to post a thread........
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Nice thread all the armor you guys are postin' here..... :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on September 26, 2014, 01:10:00 am
you guys had a look at this armor yet? Just found it and personally think it'd be a nice add......if I should have put this somewhere else I'm sorry....too lazy to post a thread........
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Nice thread all the armor you guys are postin' here..... :mrgreen:

I know that armor and the guy have make a really good work on it but I find it too unrealistic personnaly.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: smals98 on September 26, 2014, 02:30:32 am
think so? hmm......Yeah I guess you're right. Mostly mail and stuff of the sort...still it looks cool ;_;
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on September 27, 2014, 03:08:54 pm
Remplace them with my "Mail with surcoat" and his variants.

These armors look awesome. I am also strongly in favor of replacing some of the Native heraldics with these good ones, rather than adding additional armors. The game looks much better when everyone is wearing quality armor textures.

Disclaimer:  I own a +3 Heraldic Mail with Tabard, so I am shamelessly lobbying for something that directly benefits me
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sharpe on September 27, 2014, 03:47:38 pm
That Heavy Aketon is so sexy, but who am I kidding archers can't afford luxurious clothing
Best stick to my Robin Hood Tunic.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on September 30, 2014, 07:22:45 pm
A lot of this stuff looks great... would anyone mind giving us noobies here a quick tutorial in how to view these armors in-game? You've provided the download links, but I have no idea what to do with them.  :oops:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 30, 2014, 07:34:18 pm
Just download the .dll file, then navigate in Windows Explorer (the file icon thing) to Program Files/Mount&Blade Warband/Modules/cRPG/textures and overwrite the file there with the new one. Do make sure that you first create a backup copy of the original somewhere to replace if you ever want to switch back.

If the textures are compiled so there's several, then just move them all there and overwrite the files there.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: SIrCampALot on September 30, 2014, 07:37:18 pm
You should get all of the items in the game instead of using them as a replacer.
Damn can't wait for some new things in cRPG.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on September 30, 2014, 07:48:12 pm
Several of the items are being voted on by the item balancers right now to decide whether they will get added to the actual cRPG module.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on September 30, 2014, 07:51:56 pm
Right, so in the downloads there is a resource folder that contains the brf file and then a textures folder than contains a bunch of different texture files. I assume one texture file for each armor in the brf file. So if I want to replace the texture for the studded leather armor on my own, I need to rename the texture so it replaces the regular one, and then I need to rename the brf file to match that, I presume? And what do I do with brf files that contain more than one armor?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krave on October 03, 2014, 01:41:59 pm
You need OpenBRF. I put Raylin's heavy aketon that way: copy textures files to Texture folder, open brf which contains item you want to replace, import model from downloaded brf and rename them as original item. I'm not sure it's proper way, but it works.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 03, 2014, 08:53:59 pm
A lot of the items were accepted and will be included in the next patch
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krave on October 03, 2014, 09:04:40 pm
Nice! Is that a list of new items or surprise?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 03, 2014, 09:06:00 pm
Nice! Is that a list of new items or surprise?
This is cRPG. We are already on the maximum level of tolerable transparency :mrgreen:

Just wait a little longer :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Moncho on October 03, 2014, 09:11:45 pm
A little hidden signal next to the ones that may or may not have been accepted in some post where they are all gathered may or may not be transparent enough to warrant acceptance, but you didn't hear that from me, and it definitely is not a suggestion...
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 03, 2014, 09:13:44 pm
A little hidden signal next to the ones that may or may not have been accepted in some post where they are all gathered may or may not be transparent enough to warrant acceptance, but you didn't hear that from me, and it definitely is not a suggestion...

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krex on October 03, 2014, 10:00:56 pm
A lot of the items were accepted and will be included in the next patch
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on October 03, 2014, 11:40:30 pm
A lot of the items were accepted and will be included in the next patch

Patch due December 2010â„¢
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on October 04, 2014, 08:51:08 pm
LOURD !  :shock:

HEAVY* !  :shock:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kaido on October 04, 2014, 10:32:57 pm
Is this the patch that is always coming soon and will be here next year?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on October 04, 2014, 11:38:20 pm
Sure it is, december 2010â„¢, as always.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Inglorious on October 05, 2014, 03:06:50 am
Expect it to happen during the Halloween update IMO when they change all the helms to pumpkins :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on October 05, 2014, 04:21:25 am
Expect it to happen during the Halloween update IMO when they change all the helms to pumpkins :D

i hope we get a witch flying around on a broom on battle again
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on October 05, 2014, 02:48:33 pm
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 05, 2014, 06:48:24 pm
More than 2 pages of suggestions in Item Management forum, and a big part of it accepted.

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: SIrCampALot on October 05, 2014, 07:14:33 pm
More than 2 pages of suggestions in Item Management forum, and a big part of it accepted.

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I can not wait for them anymore I. NEED. MORE. STUFFFFFF!!!!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tydeus on October 05, 2014, 07:24:53 pm
Thankfully I'm not the one adding the items, so there's one less delay we have to wait on. Still, have to wait on Harald to do a few things before balancers can finish up some other stuff, and then we can patch.

Should be no later than next weekend though, if not sometime this week.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jack1 on October 05, 2014, 08:16:01 pm
Thankfully I'm not the one adding the items, so there's one less delay we have to wait on. Still, have to wait on Harald to do a few things before balancers can finish up some other stuff, and then we can patch.

Should be no later than next weekend though, if not sometime this week.

The Lord hath blessed me with a patch?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on October 07, 2014, 06:34:41 pm
1h morningstar

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European Cav Sword

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Heavy Great Sword remake

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A 2h mace i was working on a long time ago

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I still have all the resources for my 2h mace, and if people show enough interest ill finish it.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: SIrCampALot on October 07, 2014, 07:12:33 pm
This heavy great sword, oh holy lord, I want this!!!!

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 08, 2014, 06:16:57 pm

[01:19] <Panuru> san.
[01:20] <Panuru> i am so tempted to tell them at least one item :c
[01:20] <Panuru> do you think it would be ok?
[01:21] <San> They already know that new items were coming, I don't think a few teasers would hurt.

Senni has added ECS and Heavy Great Sword to the game files already.

Continue working on the maces, I'll propose them in the item management section when you are done.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on October 08, 2014, 06:21:49 pm
Senni has added ECS and Heavy Great Sword to the game files already.

Continue working on the maces, I'll propose them in the item management section when you are done.

Any teasers to offer about armor? i.e. what is being replaced and what will be a new item?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 08, 2014, 06:26:11 pm
Any teasers to offer about armor? i.e. what is being replaced and what will be a new item?
There are a some old things polished up and new armors added. The first post of this thread gives quite an accurate impression about some of the armors the next patch will offer. You'll have to wait for the surprises though!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on October 08, 2014, 06:43:38 pm
Fully black Black Lamellar Vest and Cuir Bouilli over Mail by matt2507

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on October 08, 2014, 07:00:55 pm
There are a some old things polished up and new armors added. The first post of this thread gives quite an accurate impression about some of the armors the next patch will offer. You'll have to wait for the surprises though!

OK. I didn't see the armors from matt's latest post in the OP:'s-daruvian's-and-rico's-item-workshop-give-us-feedback-and-join-us!/msg1071432/#msg1071432

Those are the armors I think people are most excited about, was just curious if these were considered for the next patch, or if they are reserved for some future round of additions.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on October 09, 2014, 03:59:05 am
Any teasers to offer about armor? i.e. what is being replaced and what will be a new item?

dis patch gonna be like
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 09, 2014, 04:03:26 am
Those are the armors I think people are most excited about, was just curious if these were considered for the next patch, or if they are reserved for some future round of additions.

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Switchtense on October 09, 2014, 08:01:57 pm
Dunno if it was mentioned already, but any way the half covered hands of the original Pilgrim Disguise can be brought into the revamped version?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on October 13, 2014, 02:53:30 pm
Dunno if it was mentioned already, but any way the half covered hands of the original Pilgrim Disguise can be brought into the revamped version?

not sure at 100% but i think this part got removed !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 13, 2014, 07:14:29 pm
show me black cuir bouilli please !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on October 13, 2014, 07:24:09 pm
show me black cuir bouilli please !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 13, 2014, 08:14:48 pm


Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on October 13, 2014, 08:16:15 pm



You must wait to see if she was added or not.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Bittersteel on October 14, 2014, 06:00:26 pm
Thankfully I'm not the one adding the items, so there's one less delay we have to wait on. Still, have to wait on Harald to do a few things before balancers can finish up some other stuff, and then we can patch.

Should be no later than next weekend though, if not sometime this week.

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Dooz on October 15, 2014, 01:43:24 am
Are the retextures of armors that already exist going to replace them or be added as new options? I'm specifically wondering about the byrnja, saw that it was changed to black... the regular version is all I've worn for the 3 years I've had my main, and I would e-die if it was completely replaced by the new one.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 15, 2014, 01:50:10 am
Are the retextures of armors that already exist going to replace them or be added as new options? I'm specifically wondering about the byrnja, saw that it was changed to black... the regular version is all I've worn for the 3 years I've had my main, and I would e-die if it was completely replaced by the new one.
they will be added, not replaced
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on October 15, 2014, 02:07:20 am
they will be added, not replaced

No armors will be replaced, or just the original Byrnja will stay? Because I know Matt suggested replacing those native Mails with the Full Invasion ones, since the native ones are pretty crappy.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 15, 2014, 02:12:42 am
we also replace items in some cases. this information was on the byrnja

edit: typo
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Dooz on October 15, 2014, 03:34:57 am
we also replace items in some cases. this information was on the byrnja

edit: typo

praise buddha, thank you
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: ARN_ on October 15, 2014, 10:54:03 pm
Quick question, are we getting more yellow armours? :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 15, 2014, 11:16:18 pm
Quick question, are we getting more yellow armours? :D

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there are three yellow armors in this patch
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on October 16, 2014, 01:14:04 am
Can't remember how many yellow things actually made it.

It's a long a brutal road to the crpg item list.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 16, 2014, 04:33:31 pm
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there are three yellow armors in this patch

if there come any cool yellow light armors ill join Kalmar again.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 16, 2014, 09:26:53 pm
Wich kind of yellow ?

banana ? lemon ? pee ? hay ? baby chicken ? sun ?

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 17, 2014, 12:19:00 am
Wich kind of yellow ?

banana ? lemon ? pee ? hay ? baby chicken ? sun ?

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 17, 2014, 01:34:40 am
yellarn ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on October 17, 2014, 04:16:14 pm
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: lombardsoup on October 19, 2014, 01:03:02 am
Where the hell are my burqas I want to be a fashionista

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Falka on October 20, 2014, 07:46:18 am
I remember Angantyr asking some time ago for black brigandine over mail or over aketon, not sure which one. Have you done it? And if yes where I can find it? I know it's not added in the patch, but I'd like to have black brig over aketon for my personal usage, replacing the ones existing in the game :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 20, 2014, 10:05:55 am
PEPE wants moar black stuff (barbutte, cuir bouilli, mails, plate...)  :mrgreen:

New stuff is amazing ! Thanks for makers !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Knife on October 20, 2014, 12:07:51 pm
If I may ask, why replace the old Shynbaulds? If you wanted new set of footwear in the game, why not just add it instead of replacing old ones? I mean, the new Shynbaulds look completely different than the old ones so not really a texture improvement, is it? I get it if you take old ugly looking native things and improve their quality, sure, but...why yu do dis! :?:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on October 20, 2014, 03:05:27 pm
Really surprised this didn't make it in the patch:

(click to show/hide)

The game desperately needed some medium (~12 kg) heraldic armors with decent textures. The native ones look really poor.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 20, 2014, 03:36:19 pm
there is no new yellow gear.
sorry arn D:

but fuuuuuck i like this
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 20, 2014, 03:40:23 pm
Really surprised this didn't make it in the patch:

there is no new yellow gear.

hotfix incoming

why yu do dis! :?:

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make a new shynbaulds model then :rolleyes: we simply took what we had; the new model was close enough and has a good quality, unlike the old one
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: ARN_ on October 20, 2014, 04:57:40 pm
Truth be told old shynbaulds was more sexy, all the other stuff many sexy! :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Knife on October 20, 2014, 05:35:57 pm
make a new shynbaulds model then :rolleyes: we simply took what we had; the new model was close enough and has a good quality, unlike the old one

All due respect, you still didn't answer my question, why not add an an entirely new set of boots and leave the old ones alone? Afterall, it comes to the personal opinion, not so certain that everyone agree to old Shynbaulds being uglier than the new ones.

Another option I see was using those new Shynbauld textures to replace the Cased Greaves because they look pretty similar in my humble opinion.

Cased Greaves: visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 21, 2014, 12:06:19 am
All due respect, you still didn't answer my question, why not add an an entirely new set of boots and leave the old ones alone? Afterall, it comes to the personal opinion, not so certain that everyone agree to old Shynbaulds being uglier than the new ones.

Tydeus, why did you choose to replace them? :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Andswaru on October 21, 2014, 10:17:49 am
MY beautiful HGS got replaced by a very nice new model... soooo who do to I have to pay to get the classic model back, I enjoyed using that weapon it just screamed manly.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 21, 2014, 12:52:26 pm
MY beautiful HGS got replaced by a very nice new model... soooo who do to I have to pay to get the classic model back, I enjoyed using that weapon it just screamed manly.

use Final Boss' heirloom pack. it will look the same (with some nice texture additions) but not change the texture model to zweihander :P
(the slashing will be like in polearm mode though)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Armbrust_Schtze on October 21, 2014, 02:13:23 pm
hmm the old Raw Hide Coat was a lot more authentic, it looked wilder and was a native precious indeed.

could we maybe reverse that texture ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Molly on October 21, 2014, 02:16:35 pm
I'd like to see the Ranger Leather without the stripes, rather some unicolor dark cloth replacing the stripes completely. Thanks :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on October 21, 2014, 02:35:58 pm
I'd like to see the Ranger Leather without the stripes, rather some unicolor dark cloth replacing the stripes completely. Thanks :)

I'd like to see it saved as 1 mesh, that way I would actually know how to get to work on trying fix its glitchiness.  :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Molly on October 21, 2014, 02:38:16 pm
I love the model/mesh of that armor but those stripes D: Way too fancy looking...
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Man of Steel on October 21, 2014, 08:27:53 pm
Stop crying! You missed the Thank you!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on October 21, 2014, 08:45:20 pm
I'd like to see the Ranger Leather without the stripes, rather some unicolor dark cloth replacing the stripes completely. Thanks :)

yeah first you forgot the thank you to the team !!! =p
second i totaly aggree with you about this armor
from far the armor look like a big piece of leather with white stripes
and if you look closer you can see there is not only leather but some cloth and other materials...

btw i personnaly call this armor the ranged sci fi armor, the 3d model is great but something wrong with texture,
so it's on my todo list, now just dont focus me too much on battlefield and the armor could not take to long to be finished =p

each bolt took from you will increase the delay on armor by 1 week =)

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on October 21, 2014, 09:32:02 pm
Blacky on t'a promu ?!!!!! Ouh Yeaaah !!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Inglorious on October 21, 2014, 10:29:04 pm
The light plated brigandine looks derpy... Idk, it just reminds me of the heavy plate armor that no one uses anymore [looks-wise]

The shoulders are a main concern, but the more I look at it I can't put a finger on what else is bugging me. Maybe it's because it's stuck to that grey color idk. Any plans to make that a BG color armor?

And the chocolate mint ranger armor, is that a BG color armor in the future as well?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Molly on October 22, 2014, 10:35:10 am
yeah first you forgot the thank you to the team !!! =p
second i totaly aggree with you about this armor
from far the armor look like a big piece of leather with white stripes
and if you look closer you can see there is not only leather but some cloth and other materials...

btw i personnaly call this armor the ranged sci fi armor, the 3d model is great but something wrong with texture,
so it's on my todo list, now just dont focus me too much on battlefield and the armor could not take to long to be finished =p

each bolt took from you will increase the delay on armor by 1 week =)

[T]hank you kind Sir!

Instantly respecced into throwing with low ammo and shitty accuracy! So get cracking, Frenchie!  :lol:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on October 23, 2014, 09:37:59 am
Black Gothic Knight Plate have matching helmet - Black Visored Sallet with Coif, but that armor need proper hand and leg armor in same texture (Plated Gloves and Black Greaves with new texture for example).
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on October 23, 2014, 05:33:13 pm
Really surprised this didn't make it in the patch:

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The game desperately needed some medium (~12 kg) heraldic armors with decent textures. The native ones look really poor.

new mail and plate, yesh please.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Huscarlton_Banks on October 23, 2014, 05:35:43 pm
I'm pretty sure that one's in the works, along with others with differently colored surcoats.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 24, 2014, 04:03:54 pm
would love armor like this :D

for str whores to show their mighty str abs shits
and for agipeeps who just want to be speedy fucks

we need more nakedness uh, awesomeness
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on October 24, 2014, 05:08:26 pm
There is so many mods for Warband who adds so much wonderful armors... Crpg is so fukin late
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on October 24, 2014, 05:34:07 pm
would love armor like this :D

for str whores to show their mighty str abs shits
and for agipeeps who just want to be speedy fucks

we need more nakedness uh, awesomeness
Impossible, naked part are forbiden in the mod (no censure here, only because it's impossible to implement correctly  :wink:)

There is so many mods for Warband who adds so much wonderful armors... Crpg is so fukin late
better late than never
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: lombardsoup on October 24, 2014, 05:41:28 pm
Impossible, naked part are forbiden in the mod (no censure here, only because it's impossible to implement correctly  :wink:)

Hopefully Bonerload has boob physics
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 24, 2014, 06:17:50 pm
wut :o
you take the part of the arm/shoulder when you dont wear armor and put it on the mesh? :D

i dont think thats how it works but i want the armor D:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on October 24, 2014, 10:25:23 pm
I just go through files with openBrf, and there are some new items which are not in game yet ....  :) I hope that will be added in some time.
Also it will be good to have retextured hand and leg armor to fitting a new plated armors (for example new Plated Gloves and Mail and Plate Boots for Black Gothic Knight Plate).
Will soon be a patch-fix for bugs with new items (French Greatsword, Brown Hood ... etc) ?

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 25, 2014, 12:07:19 am
Will soon be a patch-fix for bugs with new items (French Greatsword, Brown Hood ... etc) ?

Yes, another winter hotfix is coming.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on October 25, 2014, 12:29:34 am
Yes, another winter hotfix is coming.

Great!  :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 25, 2014, 12:34:46 am
you take the part of the arm/shoulder when you dont wear armor and put it on the mesh? :D

gib code, leave the rest to us.
can't have an asian girl wear a skin-showing armor, and the skin has a latino complexion :c
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on October 25, 2014, 12:35:16 am
Any word on that Pinos (?) pack of leather armours? (

I was hoping some of those would be in patch of destiny :(
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 25, 2014, 12:35:53 am
Any word on that Pinos (?) pack of leather armours?

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on October 25, 2014, 05:38:06 pm
Thanks for all the great items in the last patch. Pretty sure you are aware but in the case you've overlooked it, the blue brigandine over aketon is still bugged (which I coincidentally loomed the day before patch).
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 27, 2014, 04:28:05 pm
Any word on that Pinos (?) pack of leather armours? (

I was hoping some of those would be in patch of destiny :(

they look ugly too detailed D:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 28, 2014, 03:01:42 pm
they look ugly too detailed D:
They just lack specular highlight. Raylin said he's gonna take a look at them.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Bjord on October 28, 2014, 03:13:05 pm
I like most of the new items, and I think without the support of Donkey crew you guys did a nice first job.

However, some armours have rather poor textures, as well as some of the weapons.

Swiss Longsword, Mercenary Sword and French Greatsword needs touching up, and the Gothic Knight Plate set looks like you slapped on some grey paint on it and then carved out the details.

It needs to look more like metal, and I believe you can fix that easily with some dodge/burn and whatnot.

Other than that, I'm impressed and surprised that some new guys stepped up and shouldered the responsibility of adding new content to the game, so pat yourselves on the back from me.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on October 28, 2014, 05:18:39 pm
They just lack specular highlight. Raylin said he's gonna take a look at them.

If its Raylin who edits them its fine :P
most stuff he made was great

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on October 28, 2014, 08:29:39 pm
Small teaser for next patch:

Thegn's Sword by Rath0s
(click to show/hide)

Venetian Short Sword by Oswald
(click to show/hide)

Crusader's Longsword by Oswald
(click to show/hide)

Sai by Viriathus
(click to show/hide)

Can't promise these items will be added, but they are proposed together with much more!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Phew on October 28, 2014, 08:57:37 pm
Sai by Viriathus
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IBT ninja turtle RP clans swarm the servers.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on October 28, 2014, 09:20:25 pm
We'e already got a katana, a staff, and with the addition of sais, we're only missing nunchuks! Make it happen, guys!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on October 28, 2014, 09:22:12 pm
Please give us the Pino's armor pack!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on October 28, 2014, 09:26:52 pm
I watched this today ( and have question, can you guys make black desert turban or something in that fashion ?  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: SIrCampALot on October 28, 2014, 10:34:07 pm
Small teaser for next patch:
:shock: When? When?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: LordRichrich on October 28, 2014, 11:03:58 pm
Do we get another loom respec with the next patch? :P

Cos I was waiting til all the items were out, but obviously there was only a seven day period we could do it in.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on October 29, 2014, 05:53:11 pm

here is the wings 3d file for my mace.

Ok, so i really cant figure out wings 3d well enough to uv map my mace, i was wondering if someone could make an optimized uv map and post it so i can make a texture for the mace. The model is fairly well done, only 1200 polys. if anyone would like to uv map and texture this themselves, fine by me, otherwise if someone could post a uv map i can make a color. someone who knows how to texture bake would be even better.

It would be a damn shame for this mace not to be finished because of my lack of time and attunement to wings 3d. still wish i had 3dsmax.

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 29, 2014, 09:25:21 pm
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on October 31, 2014, 10:04:49 am
I watched this today ( and have question, can you guys make black desert turban or something in that fashion ?  :mrgreen:

Ho Ho Ho, Merry Haloween!
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on October 31, 2014, 11:02:27 am
Great! I suspect that it was not too big problem for you, am I right ? Is there a chance to add it to the mod in the future ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on October 31, 2014, 11:30:37 am
What weapon is that on picture. Is it in game?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Tovi on October 31, 2014, 11:36:07 am
I dream of this weapon, but ...

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on October 31, 2014, 12:03:52 pm
I hope we will have this one in next patch : best 1H ever

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Camaris on October 31, 2014, 03:53:59 pm
Fix the kreigsmesser! Fix it!!! FIIIIIXXXXX!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Blackbow on November 01, 2014, 08:54:10 pm
Please give us the Pino's armor pack!

i dont remember this armor
do you have any screenshot to show ?

nvm i found the link for the pack =p
there is some cool stuff
have to finish what i started then will make some try on pino's armors (im not fan of colors, design look realistic but not colors... just personal opinion...)

I dream of this weapon, but ...
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same here but ...

Small teaser for next patch:

Thegn's Sword by Rath0s
(click to show/hide)

Venetian Short Sword by Oswald
(click to show/hide)

Crusader's Longsword by Oswald
(click to show/hide)

Sai by Viriathus
(click to show/hide)

Can't promise these items will be added, but they are proposed together with much more!

wow that's look fancy good job guys !!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Philippe on November 01, 2014, 11:19:37 pm
It would like to know if there is something in the pipes for the French Greatsword.

I have been waiting for years to see a sword like this in the game, but I am very disappointed by the textures. The metal look plastic, and the black scabbard look very bland. We can see leather straps on it, but everything is black. The whole model would look so much better if it was textured like the swiss longsword is, with all black parts replaced by leather brown.

It looks like a hasty job done to fix the textures bug after the patch release, which is a shame because the model is great !

Since the scabbard bug has to be addressed, I was wondering if something could be done about the textures. It seems easy enough to do, I could even do it for you if you are interested  :) (PM me).

Anyway, thanks for the great work on other items :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on November 02, 2014, 09:51:33 pm
I've written and asked in a few threads already but with no reply, so excuse me for asking again.

Any ETA on when the bugged Blue Brigandine over Aketon is going to be fixed? I reckon it's connected to you changing the color of the hoses all of a sudden?

Also, what's the official policy on recoloring already existing armors as is the case with said aketons and hoses?

Thank you for your time.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Konrad_Uberhart on November 02, 2014, 10:08:10 pm
I have a very small suggestion. I've made some interesting and historical accurate retexture of plate armor, full set of count's plate armor with realistic shiny and glassy breastplate(it is visible only in game not in brf), end XIV century. And some other retextured and remodeled armor.
Also i offer you to add maximilian armor of XVI century, which was made very well and one new variation of gothic plate.
Count's armor set, black or red on your choise:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Other retextures\reworked models:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Reworked armor of Swiss Infantry(XVI century) made by me:
(click to show/hide)
Remodeled armor(XIV century) by me:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Maximilian Armor set:
(click to show/hide)
Gothic Armor variation:
(click to show/hide)
So i hope you're interested, here you can download this:
DOWNLOD Armor ( or Download Armor (
In archive is only set of my retextured armor and maximilian set\gothic plate for now. If you interested i can send you all other.
With all respect.
I tried to send you PM but i can't because error appears. Like i type incorrect letters when sending you PM(many times!). Sorry. I hope you deal with that problem soon. Anyway you can contact me in skype: alexandr_astrahanzev
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: SIrCampALot on November 02, 2014, 10:15:06 pm
I have a very small suggestion. I've made some interesting and historical accurate retexture of plate armor, full set of count's plate armor with realistic shiny and glassy breastplate(it is visible only in game not in brf), end XIV century. And some other retextured and remodeled armor.
Also i offer you to add maximilian armor of XVI century, which was made very well and one new variation of gothic plate.
Count's armor set, black or red on your choise:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Other retextures\reworked models:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Reworked armor of Swiss Infantry(XVI century) made by me:
(click to show/hide)
Remodeled armor(XIV century) by me:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Maximilian Armor set:
(click to show/hide)
Gothic Armor variation:
(click to show/hide)
So i hope you're interested, here you can download this:
DOWNLOD Armor ( or Download Armor (
In archive is only set of my retextured armor and maximilian set\gothic plate for now. If you interested i can send you all other.
With all respect.
I tried to send you PM but i can't because error appears. Like i type incorrect letters when sending you PM(many times!). Sorry. I hope you deal with that problem soon. Anyway you can contact me in skype: alexandr_astrahanzev
Not bad and totally unexpected.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 02, 2014, 11:52:01 pm
No pictures for me..only white zone...  :shock:

Nice !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Inglorious on November 03, 2014, 02:26:24 am
They look really nice Konrad. I think some of them though are a tad too vibrant. I really liked the brigandine over leather and mail though! Good work.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on November 03, 2014, 06:30:18 pm
Yes, too much color saturation.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Konrad_Uberhart on November 04, 2014, 12:44:18 pm
Sometimes helmets and gloves covered by velvet or paint. Kneecaps armor, elbow pads and sometimes breastplate covered by brass or gold leaf. Of course it's not a soldier armor. Only nobility can afford it.
Sources in pic:
1.Brass kneecaps and elbow pads:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
2.Brass or golden breastplate(picture of one reenactor) and middle XV century source, can find more of it:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
3.Covered by cloths helmet and painted limbs, reencatment and headstones:
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Lastone not a source of course, but i made retexture for game and i'm shure if i ask those reenactors about the source they will give me it.
Don't readly want to make dispute. Also can change limbs to metal, and I'm still waiting for the developers say about this.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on November 04, 2014, 12:59:00 pm
Sure, nothing wrong with painted or gilded armor, heck my forum avatar is a painted helmet. It's that the colors on the count's armors are too strong to look realistic, the gold seems ok, but the black is too pure black and the red looks more like red metal than red paint on metal - you know what I mean? Please take this as constructive criticism, trying to add new cool armors to the mod is appreciated.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Konrad_Uberhart on November 04, 2014, 01:05:59 pm
(Offtop:My helmet too.:D)

What color(and brightnes of it) for limbs and helmet you would recommended?
Ah, well. I'll try to change it. Hope if it's gonna be ok we can see it ingame after all.))
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on November 04, 2014, 01:25:54 pm
Painted metal is hard to get right from what I've seen. A few examples from the cRPG armory, which I think have been quite successful (Zimke and Dejawolf's work, you could also check 1257ad, kuauik has made some nice items there aswell):

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Konrad_Uberhart on November 04, 2014, 03:45:45 pm
Well, that is what i've done:
Armor set (

(click to show/hide)
but in brf\in game looks better.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Angantyr on November 05, 2014, 11:13:20 am
Good job.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 05, 2014, 09:36:58 pm
Well, that is what i've done:
Armor set (

(click to show/hide)
but in brf\in game looks better.

Looks good on the screenshot, will check it out in OpenBRF and contact you later for further collaboration. Expect a msg on Sunday or so, quite busy atm. Cheers buddy, submissions are always appreciated :) Especially good ones :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 06, 2014, 07:12:17 am
looks good! nice job
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Konrad_Uberhart on November 06, 2014, 01:52:35 pm
Looks good on the screenshot, will check it out in OpenBRF and contact you later for further collaboration. Expect a msg on Sunday or so, quite busy atm. Cheers buddy, submissions are always appreciated :) Especially good ones :D

I tried to send you pm but get this again: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Link to download brf: (
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 06, 2014, 02:11:36 pm

Thank you for sending a new link, this one works. Looks good in .brf so far. Please check your PMs
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krex on November 06, 2014, 05:00:47 pm
I tried to send you pm but get this again: visitors can't see pics , please register or login

You need to have 20 posts to send PMs :/
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: WarLord on November 07, 2014, 09:24:05 pm

could you please fix the still missing/broken/doubled textures, like French and Mercenary Sword (among some others)?

It would be much appreciated  :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on November 09, 2014, 05:48:55 am
Hi guys, I've finally taken the time to try my hand at modeling some medieval weapons (my goal is to start making them and getting them into cRPG :D)

This is my first attempt, and I don't know how to texture, but I'll figure it out when I have the chance.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 09, 2014, 06:33:04 am
Hi guys, I've finally taken the time to try my hand at modeling some medieval weapons (my goal is to start making them and getting them into cRPG :D)

This is my first attempt, and I don't know how to texture, but I'll figure it out when I have the chance.

(click to show/hide)

i swear the hilt on that thing makes a better blade than the actual blade itself

otherwise good job
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 09, 2014, 12:02:19 pm
Hi guys, I've finally taken the time to try my hand at modeling some medieval weapons (my goal is to start making them and getting them into cRPG :D)

This is my first attempt, and I don't know how to texture, but I'll figure it out when I have the chance.

(click to show/hide)

yesyesyesyesyes make an Arming sword type weapon (lenght and speedwise)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on November 09, 2014, 06:04:45 pm
yesyesyesyesyes make an Arming sword type weapon (lenght and speedwise)

nou! 2hmasturrace!

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 09, 2014, 06:48:09 pm
nou! 2hmasturrace!


2h arming sword


there are not many peasant 2h weapons (moneywise) , maybe make one?
like a crude bastard sword or crude longsword, whatever
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 09, 2014, 08:27:21 pm
2h arming sword


there are not many peasant 2h weapons (moneywise) , maybe make one?
like a crude bastard sword or crude longsword, whatever

just buy a longsword and never repair it or something
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 09, 2014, 09:51:13 pm
Did somebody say Arming Sword?
(click to show/hide)

made a quick one for ya

edit: reduced polygons and made sword longer:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on November 09, 2014, 10:00:28 pm
Did somebody say Arming Sword?
(click to show/hide)

made a quick one for ya

lol @ vertices
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 09, 2014, 10:14:26 pm
Did somebody say Arming Sword?
(click to show/hide)

made a quick one for ya

edit: reduced polygons and made sword longer:
(click to show/hide)

wow looks pretty good

you should make weapons. now. in detail. alot. do et.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 09, 2014, 10:33:44 pm
wow looks pretty good

you should make weapons. now. in detail. alot. do et.

Thanks, all I need is pictures (must be a good picture) and I can model it, the more weirdly shaped though, the longer it will take me.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 09, 2014, 11:37:02 pm
Suggestions :D

two handed machete type
(click to show/hide)

Italian-hilt curved sword
(click to show/hide)

Falchion type short (spam sword :3)
(click to show/hide)

Italian Rapier (god i want a rapier, i reallllyyy want it)
(click to show/hide)

Bamboo kendo sword (for peasant ninjas)
(click to show/hide)

Straight stab sword
(click to show/hide)

Straight Katana (we need this, with a little pointy end, for stab)
(click to show/hide)

normal machete
(click to show/hide)

enough inspiration? :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Algarn on November 09, 2014, 11:40:52 pm
Falchion's retexture, please please please please !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on November 09, 2014, 11:42:20 pm
Rapiers would indeed be cool, but they don't fit into the time frame of crpg. Also, I feel like they would be rather OP... 115 length or something crazy, with something like 105 speed.  :lol:  Would probably have 20 or so cut damage on the swings (at best), but stabs would be insane, no doubt.

Also it would be awesome to have a European-styled longsword with a curved blade.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on November 10, 2014, 03:12:42 am
Suggestions :D

two handed machete type
(click to show/hide)
I'd love to see a 2h scythe; something resembling a falx

Italian-hilt curved sword
(click to show/hide)
We could use a ton more one edged swords, however you posted a messer xD

Falchion type short (spam sword :3)
(click to show/hide)

Italian Rapier (god i want a rapier, i reallllyyy want it)
(click to show/hide)
I'd like rapiers too, but they don't fit the time period; also, they'd destroy people in duels (i.e. they'd turn a knight into swiss cheese)

Bamboo kendo sword (for peasant ninjas)
(click to show/hide)
Why not? <3 for peasants

Straight stab sword
(click to show/hide)

Straight Katana (we need this, with a little pointy end, for stab)
(click to show/hide)
I've wanted to implement something like this, however the only straight bladed sword from Japan that would resemble a sword from ~Sengoku period is the ninjato; which no one has found physical evidence of ever actually existing

rip weeaboos

normal machete
(click to show/hide)
1 edged swords

enough inspiration? :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: BlindGuy on November 10, 2014, 03:21:18 am
Rapiers would indeed be cool, but they don't fit into the time frame of crpg. Also, I feel like they would be rather OP... 115 length or something crazy, with something like 105 speed.  :lol:  Would probably have 20 or so cut damage on the swings (at best), but stabs would be insane, no doubt.

Also it would be awesome to have a European-styled longsword with a curved blade.

There is no time frame of crpg: we have items from 800AD to 19th century.... A thousand years of gear difference.

As for curved european longswords.... what you smoking bro?

I'd love to see a 2h scythe; something resembling a falx

Shortened Military Scythe. Try checking shop sometime :D

EDIT: Thryn where in Catalonia you from?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on November 10, 2014, 03:48:29 am
There is no time frame of crpg: we have items from 800AD to 19th century.... A thousand years of gear difference.

Um... what items do we have from the 19th century?

As for curved european longswords.... what you smoking bro?

One example is the Swiss Sabre:

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 10, 2014, 04:00:45 am
Um... what items do we have from the 19th century?

One example is the Swiss Sabre:

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)
I'd be down to make that, but F*** that fancy hilt shit. Ill make it next weekend
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on November 10, 2014, 06:51:19 am
It'd be really cool if somebody would fix up the models and textures on the 1h axes.

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 gotta love that meaty iron texture
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 10, 2014, 06:53:55 am
It'd be really cool if somebody would fix up the models and textures on the 1h axes.

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visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 gotta love that meaty iron texture

on it
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 10, 2014, 07:07:58 am (

Have fun Panuru
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 10, 2014, 07:23:46 am
woops last one didnt get through

(click to show/hide)

Rapier stats:
101 length
weight 1.3
Difficulty 13
98 speed
thrust: 31-32p
swing 23c or 23b (depending on if the sword blade is made round in the model, would not prefer)
Cost 9.452
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 10, 2014, 07:40:08 am

(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 10, 2014, 07:42:03 am
shut up, the 2h machete is the 20-something century too, and you didnt whine about that :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on November 10, 2014, 11:52:00 pm
There is no time frame of crpg: we have items from 800AD to 19th century.... A thousand years of gear difference.

As for curved european longswords.... what you smoking bro?

Shortened Military Scythe. Try checking shop sometime :D

EDIT: Thryn where in Catalonia you from?

yes ik about shortened mil scythe, but no me gusta, and a falx is different from the 2h mil scythe

many of the weapons in m&b are very 'generic' with their names (i.e. wtf really is a war cleaver)

some nerd food for thought
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Artyem on November 11, 2014, 03:07:36 am
on it

Awesome, check out some of these:

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 bottom right

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I really like the fighting axe and the light one handed battle axe, but the first two axes are just disgusting.  Axe head is way too big and the texture looks like grey bologna.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on November 12, 2014, 09:06:32 pm

here is the wings 3d file for my mace.

Ok, so i really cant figure out wings 3d well enough to uv map my mace, i was wondering if someone could make an optimized uv map and post it so i can make a texture for the mace. The model is fairly well done, only 1200 polys. if anyone would like to uv map and texture this themselves, fine by me, otherwise if someone could post a uv map i can make a color. someone who knows how to texture bake would be even better.

It would be a damn shame for this mace not to be finished because of my lack of time and attunement to wings 3d. still wish i had 3dsmax.


no one wants to try? its a shame, its a beautiful model, but i dont have 3dsmax anymore so skinning and uv mapping is damn near impossible for me. it literally would take 5 minutes for someone to map it for me so i can make a texture. this is my last plea to save my work :(
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 12, 2014, 10:53:10 pm
no one wants to try? its a shame, its a beautiful model, but i dont have 3dsmax anymore so skinning and uv mapping is damn near impossible for me. it literally would take 5 minutes for someone to map it for me so i can make a texture. this is my last plea to save my work :(

I dont have any of that stuff or are experienced in that kind of things, but when i click on the link i get send to the filedropper homepage with no design of you :P

nice thats someone wants to do something, help the guy finish his stuff!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 13, 2014, 01:06:18 am
Awesome, check out some of these:

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 bottom right

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I really like the fighting axe and the light one handed battle axe, but the first two axes are just disgusting.  Axe head is way too big and the texture looks like grey bologna.

Ill make some of ur axes too, those look like they would take no time to make. So this weekend Ill make some 1h axes and a swiss saber
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 14, 2014, 05:05:27 pm
PEPE loves axes :

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more "fantasy" : visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Russian strange axes are fine too :visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 15, 2014, 08:29:11 am
pepe those russian Mount and MusketFire and Sword mace things, im sure youll like them :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 15, 2014, 09:40:19 am
Started on Swiss Saber, pretty much have the blade and handle done, working on the hilt and pommel <-- those will take some serious work due to how curvy and twisty they are suppose to be because of the sword design.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: bilwit on November 15, 2014, 10:29:03 am
I was told to redo the leather covered round shield... not really liking it.. I'm ready for the big boy armor stuff :mad:

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 15, 2014, 11:36:18 am
looks good :o

you could try the cuir boulli or somt
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 15, 2014, 08:29:28 pm
good shields looking !
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on November 15, 2014, 09:18:34 pm
Started on Swiss Saber, pretty much have the blade and handle done, working on the hilt and pommel <-- those will take some serious work due to how curvy and twisty they are suppose to be because of the sword design.

Less than 1k faces please :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on November 15, 2014, 09:30:48 pm
What is wrong with the current leather covered round shield? I think it looks good other than the fact that it is more accurately the "leather covered octagonal shield."
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 15, 2014, 11:10:45 pm
Panuru isn't here right now so I'll post it here; here's a Zhanmadao

3D View (

Download Link (

Supposed to look like this

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 15, 2014, 11:24:34 pm
What is wrong with the current leather covered round shield? I think it looks good other than the fact that it is more accurately the "leather covered octagonal shield."
Bingo, that's the main problem. The buckle looks crappy too, and the texture needed a rework.

Panuru isn't here right now so I'll post it here; here's a Zhanmadao
We already have a Zhanmadao by Viriathus, it's being polled upon. Please check the [WIP], [Proposed], [Needs Stats] and [Needs Added] threads in the internal forum before you do the same work again :P Irrelevant for (still) external contributors without Advisor status

Panuru isn't here right now so I'll post it here; here's a Zhanmadao
Yes, I probably won't frequent the forum until we have a solution for the code problems, so I am answering about a day later on average
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 15, 2014, 11:29:07 pm
We already have a Zhanmadao by Viriathus, it's being polled upon.


Wait do you mean the chinese war sword? Because they have similar blades, but a Zhanmadao is a two handed sword for slicing off the legs of horses. It's name literally means horse chopping saber.

And the chinese war sword that Viriathus made is a lot shorter, it seems. It looks more like a dadao. Whereas the dadao we have right now looks more like a baguadao. The Zhanmadao I made is maybe 100 or 120 in length.

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 15, 2014, 11:55:04 pm
Yes, I probably won't frequent the forum until we have a solution for the code problems, so I am answering about a day later on average

Issue resolved

inb4 archers shooting greatswords again :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 15, 2014, 11:58:50 pm
Wait do you mean the chinese war sword? Because they have similar blades, but a Zhanmadao is a two handed sword for slicing off the legs of horses
And the chinese war sword that Viriathus made is a lot shorter, it seems. The Zhanmadao I made is maybe 100 or 120 in length
If you insist, make sure to create obvious visual differences between the two (maybe minor changes in the blade shape or broadness, the round cutout in the blade, the handle etc.), or add some sort of historical reference which focuses on how the weapons are distinct, so we can propose both. I for my part will make sure that the textures look distinguishable.

In any case, if you are planning to use this model for anything, please edit the round cutout close to the end of the blade because the mesh has some weird dents there. It's okay to spend another 200 faces if necessary.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 16, 2014, 01:38:44 am
Less than 1k faces please :)

Finnneee, how much would you want it to be?

I don't exactly know what is required for the model to be ok for mount and blade

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 01:41:36 am
Finnneee, how much would you want it to be?

Most weapons in the game are only around 300-800 faces
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 16, 2014, 01:47:05 am
Alright sounds good, I can do that
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 16, 2014, 03:44:51 am
Finished the Swiss Saber

Tell me if it looks alright (

Download link (

So who wants to texture it?!?

edit:Fixed Pommel

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 04:18:04 am
Finished the Swiss Saber

Tell me if it looks alright (

Kept it at 600 faces  8-)

So who wants to texture it?!?

i wish texturing was easier than 3d modelling lol

apparently some people find texturing to be easier - how i have no idea

it takes me maybe a day or two, maybe even a few hours, to make something in 3d

texturing? where do you even start with that?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 16, 2014, 04:23:45 am
Well, all you gotta do is take the faces of the object and add the texture to the object, I mean I can put any texture onto my sword, but making the actual texture, I dont know how to do that.

But there are people who do, and I'm sure they will work with us
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 04:31:49 am
Well, all you gotta do is take the faces of the object and add the texture to the object, I mean I can put any texture onto my sword, but making the actual texture, I dont know how to do that

I can give something a texture, just don't expect it to look good in any way shape or form :P

Nah, I meant
actual texture
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: bilwit on November 16, 2014, 05:51:30 am
i wish texturing was easier than 3d modelling lol

apparently some people find texturing to be easier - how i have no idea

it takes me maybe a day or two, maybe even a few hours, to make something in 3d

texturing? where do you even start with that?

left hemisphere of the brain versus right hemisphere :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: bilwit on November 16, 2014, 08:00:39 am
meh :-/

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(yes the edge is actually smooth-ish.. weird model)

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I thought about changing the mesh on the straps because there's plenty of space but whoever made it has them uber low res but.. whatever
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 08:19:12 am
I thought about changing the mesh on the straps because there's plenty of space but whoever made it has them uber low res but.. whatever

Eh, I didn't pay attention to the straps. Nobody pays attention to the straps in game anyways.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 16, 2014, 02:57:35 pm
the shield and saber look good :)

can someone link me to the item threads? with suggestions, wip etc

i want to be updated when im bored of playing/work

I promise i wont spam, just 1 post in each to be automatically updated on forums
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 04:46:43 pm
the shield and saber look good :)

can someone link me to the item threads? with suggestions, wip etc

i want to be updated when im bored of playing/work

I promise i wont spam, just 1 post in each to be automatically updated on forums

well, if you want access to the item threads you need a to be an item advisor. if you're moderately useful in the fucking around of 3d objects, ask Panuru.

Be warned though, the item threads are pretty fucking slow. We have a lot of stuff to texture, so many things aren't even close to complete which means they barely even get a thread, if even that.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 16, 2014, 05:04:51 pm
oh D:

now i want to be Advisor or balancer

but no way they will ever accept me because i dont know shit about modeling, and only a little bit about balancing
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on November 16, 2014, 05:23:51 pm
Matt is a beast when it comes to texturing, and that is a really nice model Thumper.

I usually use GIMP, with varying opacities and brushes (like the galaxy brushes etc), use green, purple and blue to add speckly layers to a grey background. (for steel)
I then darken and lighten areas that seem appropriate, e.g any edges that I feel need highlighting get a thin light streak.

Basically many layers of varying opacity until I like the look of whatever I'm doing. (I'm not too arty so it takes quite a few layers :P)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 16, 2014, 07:28:16 pm
^Thanks more are on the way  :o

Once I got some time, I'll teach myself how to texture too, also
can I apply or something to be an item adviser?
I could help fix up some 3d models/ make new ones.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 16, 2014, 10:12:38 pm
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 we need a kendo sword, but when as secondary mode an unsheathed katana :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 16, 2014, 10:19:13 pm
bilwit, if you are done, drop me the shield DL in a PM please
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 16, 2014, 11:42:02 pm
More inspiration :)

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2h thin
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polearm blade
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wooden knob thing
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empty space can be covered with cloth :D

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let me know if you guys want more suggestions/inspirations, or say stop, because ill keep posting them :)

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 16, 2014, 11:47:19 pm
More inspiration :)

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2h thin
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polearm blade
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wooden knob thing
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Ehhh, rapier is past the time period we're restricted to, we already have a falchion and that one looks really fantasy, 2h thing looks like an unwavy flamberge and we already have one of those in the resource.brfs (not implemented), axe maybe we don't have an axe with a spike on the back yet (but the hole in the blade looks funny), axe 2 looks weird but not impossible, polearm blade has a similar problem as the 2h thing, warhammer 1 and warhammer 2 please provide a full picture and they're both the same thing, BUT THE WOODEN KNOB THING

That's different, off to work

I'm also thinking of making a gladius but that doesn't really fit the time period :V Maybe it'll get added, dunno
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 16, 2014, 11:59:11 pm
well we have a spathion and a spathovalkion allready, so get started!

why do i always have a doublepicture D:

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it's just inspiration, so the concepts can be used for the ones making it, and they can ofc model as they like

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 17, 2014, 12:04:44 am
it's just inspiration, so the concepts can be used for the ones making it, and they can ofc model as they like

I'm mainly doing the Native American War Club because there was a thread about it before (no idea where it went) and I was like "i wanna do that mebbe"

Also I think I'll make a Panabas too

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We don't got anything for the Filipinos yo
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 17, 2014, 12:06:30 am
I'm mainly doing the wooden knob because there was a thread about it before (no idea where it went) and I was like "i wanna do that mebbe"

Also I think I'll make a Panabas too

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We don't got anything for the Filipinos yo

looks sexy :o
i modified message, might want to look
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 17, 2014, 01:22:23 am
Warclub is done

3D View (

Download Link (

It's a native american weapon! Damage is definitely inferior to the metal maces since it's made purely of wood, but I'd put it at maybe 23 blunt, give or take. It's also rather short.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 17, 2014, 06:53:45 am
Panabas is done

3d View (

Download Link (

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It's a moro style blade. The Panabas should be treated like a hand-and-a-half axe, without a bonus to shield. It's not very long (120 cm at most, and the one I made is definitely not 120 cm), but it's quite slim so it probably has pretty high speed.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 17, 2014, 07:29:07 am
nice, but the warclub shaft needs to be a little bit thicker i think, if possible :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 17, 2014, 07:39:54 am
nice, but the warclub shaft needs to be a little bit thicker i think, if possible :)

I don't think so. Check again, it's probably thicker than you think. *whistles unsuspiciously*
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 17, 2014, 07:45:12 am
you're right  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 17, 2014, 09:43:05 am
"wooden" knobbed thing seems to be made with bronze I think  :mrgreen:

I love leather armor and first axe....
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 17, 2014, 10:33:04 am
"wooden" knobbed thing seems to be made with bronze I think  :mrgreen:

I love leather armor and first axe....

native Americans did not have bronze
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 17, 2014, 02:53:01 pm
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 17, 2014, 03:13:55 pm
native Americans did not have bronze

we could have a lot of role-players with the knobbed thing and that leopard vest + cap :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 18, 2014, 05:28:43 am
I'm pretty sure Panuru already has these, but just in case


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Ji Halberd (I updated the model, please redownload)

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: bilwit on November 18, 2014, 05:36:01 am
weapons are lame, moar cool armors
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 18, 2014, 07:15:29 am
isnt that halberd a little bit out of style? or just asian halberd type?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 18, 2014, 07:31:26 am
isnt that halberd a little bit out of style? or just asian halberd type?

It's an asian halberd type. It was in use since the han empire all the way to the qing.

weapons are lame, moar cool armors

eh armor is hard
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: LordRichrich on November 18, 2014, 12:59:56 pm
Just wanna say that the guisarme is basically a billhook right? It should have bonus vs shield, firstly cos it's a 2D and they suck and also because the hook on the tip was for ripping shields away.

Also, I'd love to see a longer version of the Broad Short Sword if anyones interested in that :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on November 18, 2014, 08:19:18 pm
Just wanna say that the guisarme is basically a billhook right? It should have bonus vs shield, firstly cos it's a 2D and they suck and also because the hook on the tip was for ripping shields away.

Also, I'd love to see a longer version of the Broad Short Sword if anyones interested in that :)

I'd love to see a longer broad short :P (freaking love that model)

Too busy to do it myself atm though :(.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on November 19, 2014, 01:18:24 am
I'd love to see a longer broad short :P (freaking love that model)

Too busy to do it myself atm though :(.
Did somebody say Arming Sword?

made a quick one for ya

edit: reduced polygons and made sword longer:
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^I can still reduce faces to make it useable, but that pretty much looks like a longer broad short sword

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: LordRichrich on November 19, 2014, 04:04:47 am
^I can still reduce faces to make it useable, but that pretty much looks like a longer broad short sword
It looks gorgeous!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 25, 2014, 02:59:04 pm
Axe with blunt secondary mode?
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but a bit longer than on the photo
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kasigi_Yabu on November 27, 2014, 10:30:01 am
what about this beauty?
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on November 27, 2014, 01:18:21 pm
what about this beauty?
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put in spoilers please ;P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Man of Steel on November 27, 2014, 03:50:40 pm

Ji Halberd (I updated the model, please redownload)

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I have seen the Halberd at the Power Rangers!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 27, 2014, 04:02:05 pm
I can't find it in my armoury :

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Maybe de yellow and black one ?

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probably find it there :
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 27, 2014, 04:05:46 pm
Chinese stuff with funny names : kudi budo, congkrang naga, kujang badak and kujang geni/lanang

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 27, 2014, 04:10:09 pm
Nice weapons from Philippines :
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 27, 2014, 07:02:33 pm
Chinese stuff with funny names : kudi budo, congkrang naga, kujang badak and kujang geni/lanang

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Qiang spear (red tassled), Monk's Spade (i actually made a model i'll upload), Guan Dao (Hafted Blade), idk wtf that thing is, Ji Halberd double sided, and on the table is a Zhanmadao

Monk's Spade (
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 27, 2014, 08:56:54 pm
tching-tchong guduyangdu ?

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Richyy on November 27, 2014, 09:09:33 pm
half of the pictures that people ask to make it for the game, i've seen them all already on Nord Invasion mod
just sayin
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 27, 2014, 09:09:48 pm
tching-tchong guduyangdu ?

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eh hand punchy weapons probably won't work well

and why do you guys keep asking for axes

we already have so many axes, we don't need 20 different axes from different parts of scandinavia if they all have the same stats!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on November 27, 2014, 10:02:25 pm

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on November 28, 2014, 04:10:50 pm
There is many items on the da song osp pack that can be used there.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on November 28, 2014, 04:47:52 pm
Nice weapons from Philippines :

In one word: machetes  :lol:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on November 28, 2014, 06:11:48 pm
You know what would make me really happy is for all the bugs to be worked out, and for the pack to be more rounded. for instance, dark plate has no matching gauntlets or feet.  dark armors, including the new surcoat over mail, have very little in the way of helmets. there are no dark mail gauntlets. french greatsword has a duplicate on the back, mercenary sword is all jacked up and needs an overhaul...

stuff like this should be top priority, and new stuff should be later.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Battlepriest on November 28, 2014, 07:00:59 pm
There is many items on the da song osp pack that can be used there.

I tried getting the song osp pack but several problems arose

1) I only speak Cantonese, not Mandarin, out of the 200+ dialects of Chinese. Don't even get started on literacy, I'm an illiterate peasant. America bornanraised. Ask someone else to get (more) permission.

2) I have NO FRICKIN' CLUE how to download the original OSP pack, even with google translating all the words on the site (I did manage to download the UPDATE FOR THE MOD though)

But the Song dynasty mod is pretty damn cool. Too bad I don't even know how to access it.

You know what would make me really happy is for all the bugs to be worked out, and for the pack to be more rounded. for instance, dark plate has no matching gauntlets or feet.  dark armors, including the new surcoat over mail, have very little in the way of helmets. there are no dark mail gauntlets. french greatsword has a duplicate on the back, mercenary sword is all jacked up and needs an overhaul...

stuff like this should be top priority, and new stuff should be later.

Well, considering that item advisors only have access to the item threads and not the game's actual files, I think new stuff should be fine for now. If you want bugs to be addressed, speak to the item managers, since they're the ones responsible for stuff like that. We can't do anything about bugs, since the only thing we can fix is problems with model quality.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on November 28, 2014, 10:57:50 pm
Well, considering that item advisors only have access to the item threads and not the game's actual files, I think new stuff should be fine for now. If you want bugs to be addressed, speak to the item managers, since they're the ones responsible for stuff like that. We can't do anything about bugs, since the only thing we can fix is problems with model quality.

tl;dr we make nice things, but other people keep fucking them up

lmao not quite
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on November 30, 2014, 01:13:45 am
half of the pictures that people ask to make it for the game, i've seen them all already on Nord Invasion mod
just sayin

I totally wasn't the item guy in Nordinvasion...
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Senni__Ti on November 30, 2014, 01:15:37 am
You know what would make me really happy is for all the bugs to be worked out, and for the pack to be more rounded. for instance, dark plate has no matching gauntlets or feet.  dark armors, including the new surcoat over mail, have very little in the way of helmets. there are no dark mail gauntlets. french greatsword has a duplicate on the back, mercenary sword is all jacked up and needs an overhaul...

stuff like this should be top priority, and new stuff should be later.

Most (pretty sure all) the fixes involved are already in system.
We are all just very busy with RL atm (afaik), and the donkey crew have more important things todo atm.

EDIT: Thought I added this to the previous post, ohwell.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Soldier_of_God on November 30, 2014, 07:37:44 am
Most (pretty sure all) the fixes involved are already in system.
We are all just very busy with RL atm (afaik), and the donkey crew have more important things todo atm.

EDIT: Thought I added this to the previous post, ohwell.

well hey thanks for letting us know, hopefully the fix will post before christmas, ill cross my digits in anticipation
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on December 02, 2014, 03:49:53 pm
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Taking shop pictures. Grid in OpenBRF causing troubles, need to know how to remove it. Asked Harald, thinking about bugging Elio as well :wink:

Edit: thanks Raylin
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on December 03, 2014, 12:05:26 am
Current status:
5 items, packs or edits are WIP
14 are in the voting
2 are ready to be added
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 06, 2015, 08:32:21 pm
how to unwrap this? :cry:
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edit: done!
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thanks for the help jacko :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 07, 2015, 04:39:57 am
Feminized meshes

Please help us recalling which armors lack feminized meshes, i.e. look fat on female characters:
- Strange Armors
- Tunic with Vest
- Light Leather
- Forester's Tunic with Vest
- Nomad Vest
- Leather Ranger Armor
- Studded Leather over Mail has a distorted neck cutout
- Black Studded Leather over Mail has a distorted neck cutout

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 07, 2015, 07:32:22 am
Feminized meshes

Please help us recalling which armors lack feminized meshes, i.e. look fat on female characters:
- Nomad Vest
- Leather Ranger Armor

- the new version of the old light leather armour
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on January 07, 2015, 04:02:14 pm
-samurai gear
-tunic with vest (both ones)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Richyy on January 09, 2015, 04:07:40 pm
Please (One handed weapon btw):
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 10, 2015, 08:48:57 am
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on January 10, 2015, 11:05:52 am
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Looks good, but seeing the current state of the mod, and that the devs not have released the patch fix yet, that too probably wont be implemented :|
nvm read your post :D
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Richyy on January 10, 2015, 04:32:33 pm
looks like batman's hook  :D
Title: February patch announcement
Post by: Rico on January 16, 2015, 09:52:13 pm
We are currently assembling the contents for the next patch. Expect a cRPG update in early February.

Edit: Will add some teasers soon.
Edit2: Yes, this is official and approved by chadz.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Eugen on January 16, 2015, 10:00:05 pm
take back ridicolous fast running!!!

opening lobby. would give 20 Bucks if done, for a start  :shock:
Title: Re: February patch announcement
Post by: njames89 on January 16, 2015, 11:26:58 pm
We are currently assembling the contents for the next patch. Expect a cRPG update in early February.

Edit: Will add some teasers soon.
Edit2: Yes, this is official and approved by chadz.

God bless you!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 17, 2015, 05:07:39 am
You're amazing. I was seriously about to give up and quit. Thank you!!!!!!

Happiness points increased by +9.3

HESKEY: check pm
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 17, 2015, 05:26:33 am
Broad Throwing Axe (xenoargh)
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Heavy Gothic Armor (_Tak_)
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Tunic over Mail remake (Raylin aka. matt2507)
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HD Haubergeon (Raylin aka. matt2507)

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Mongolian Leather Armor (Zimke)
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Kaftan variations (Raylin aka. matt2507)
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Leather Gauntlets (Raylin aka. matt2507)
(click to show/hide)

German Spiral Mace (Gluck, Septa, Kon Air, Rico, Raylin)
(click to show/hide)

Executioner's Sword (Viriathus)

(click to show/hide)

to list a few
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 17, 2015, 08:21:29 am
Broad Throwing Axe (xenoargh)
(click to show/hide)

Heavy Gothic Armor (_Tak_)
(click to show/hide)

Tunic over Mail remake (Raylin aka. matt2507)
(click to show/hide)

HD Haubergeon (Raylin aka. matt2507)

(click to show/hide)

Mongolian Leather Armor (Zimke)
(click to show/hide)

Kaftan variations (Raylin aka. matt2507)
(click to show/hide)

Leather Gauntlets (Raylin aka. matt2507)
(click to show/hide)

German Spiral Mace (Gluck, Septa, Kon Air, Rico, Raylin)
(click to show/hide)

Executioner's Sword (Viriathus)

(click to show/hide)

to list a few

Pino's armour??
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 17, 2015, 11:36:51 am
Pino's armour??

find us somebody who knows how to make high quality normals from scratch before feb 1st and for free or diy :( :( :(
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Moncho on January 17, 2015, 12:29:24 pm
Will those tunics over mail (white one in particular) replace the current ones? I know they look better, but I'd much rather have the old one I am used to.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 17, 2015, 12:33:52 pm
find us somebody who knows how to make high quality normals from scratch before feb 1st and for free or diy :( :( :(

What does that mean?? 

What do you need?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Aion on January 17, 2015, 09:43:16 pm
So far i like what i see. For a long time i want to see diffrent color patterns for armors. That way i can get myself some good looking armor and still have some color from my clan banner , representing your clan! Further , i dont know what the problem is with the katzbalger? I made myself a mw one but i couldnt use it cus it wasnt visable. And that for a long time , so after this long waiting i already traded mine.

Noneless , keep up the good work guys! For me u keep crpg alive.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: njames89 on January 18, 2015, 12:42:25 am
New stuff looks awesome! Thanks so much for continuing to support this amazing game!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 18, 2015, 09:26:19 am
What does that mean?? 

What do you need?

let me explain it in the most direct way i can

HappyPhantom: Hey you idiots, you keep ignoring my beloved favorite item from Pino's pack. It looks perfect and I stored looms for it since August 2010. I hate you!!11!1!!!

Rico: Yo bitch, we would totally add it if we could. But everything from Pino's pack is incomplete, and if you had the slightest modeling skills, you would see it right away. You're keeping your loompoints for like, A CONSTRUCTION SITE WITH NO SIGNS OF COMPLETION since years, makes sense?

HappyPhantom:  :cry: :oops: :cry: Why don't you just finish it sucker? :|

Rico: In our team, there is just one person with the skills to do it at the moment, and this person is BUSY. Okay, cunt?

no offense buddy, consider it arts
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 18, 2015, 09:29:06 am
Will those tunics over mail (white one in particular) replace the current ones? I know they look better, but I'd much rather have the old one I am used to.

they will. improvement requires change, so "change is bad" won't take you far
sorry sir :wink:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on January 18, 2015, 11:27:26 pm
let me explain it in the most direct way i can

no offense buddy, consider it arts


If someone explained to me what was needed (hence my question, what do you need) I was going to offer to help, but if that's your attitude and how you interpret my inquiry then nevermind. I can live both without it and dealing with you.

Apologies for my ignorance of what a "normal" was  :?.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 19, 2015, 12:41:23 am
if that's your attitude

i said arts T_T
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Richyy on January 20, 2015, 12:23:14 pm
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 21, 2015, 10:29:37 am
Suggestions :D

two handed machete type
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Italian-hilt curved sword
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Falchion type short (spam sword :3)
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Italian Rapier (god i want a rapier, i reallllyyy want it)
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Bamboo kendo sword (for peasant ninjas)
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Straight stab sword
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Straight Katana (we need this, with a little pointy end, for stab)
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normal machete
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enough inspiration? :D

references with time period and short description of features and intention please

actual weblinks/history book scans please, no creative writing challenge :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 21, 2015, 10:30:46 am
woops last one didnt get through

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Rapier stats:
101 length
weight 1.3
Difficulty 13
98 speed
thrust: 31-32p
swing 23c or 23b (depending on if the sword blade is made round in the model, would not prefer)
Cost 9.452

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on January 21, 2015, 03:24:24 pm
Apologies for my ignorance of what a "normal" was  :?.

A normal map is a texture interpreted by the game to give a 3d aspect to a 2d texture.

In this example, you can see a kuyak texture with his normal map (the blue/purple texture):

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Anyway, you can keep your loomz a bit more because all the normals maps are done for both v1 and v2 pino pack now.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on January 22, 2015, 12:08:57 pm
We still can't add them as they are (correct me if I'm wrong Raylin).

Pino used the normals on the mail and plate textures to add shadows, and he overdid it completely, resulting in dull armor parts with no reflection whatsoever at least in BRF preview. Simply disabling the normals make the armors eye-cancerish bright, but still better than the drab version.

Different story on the leather armors, which look much better with the normals in BRF.

It all comes down to whether the stuff looks different in-game, there is still some testing left to do.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thumper on January 26, 2015, 09:23:14 pm
quick texture all the things!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Veniathan on February 09, 2015, 02:56:52 pm
Oh my god those Kaftans, brb I go fap now
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kasigi_Yabu on February 12, 2015, 11:51:48 pm

Tunic over Mail remake (Raylin aka. matt2507)
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I have a question about this remake
would it be possible to make the mail darker to match most other armours?
especially between the legs there
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Krave on February 13, 2015, 01:19:29 am
I'm pretty sure it's lighting.

Would be awesome to retexture barded warhorse in different colors like surcoats.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kasigi_Yabu on February 13, 2015, 09:58:46 am
Is there any chance of colour hood?
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This is the best hood in the game, aesthetically wise, but only come in a few colours with only the yellow hood having a decent texture, (looks like the cloth on the heraldic mail with tabard which is great)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: San on February 13, 2015, 08:57:39 pm
I remember people wanted some helmets to show with beards. Anyone remember which ones? I remember the strange helmet was one of them.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on February 13, 2015, 10:28:56 pm
I believe all nordic, and some of the kerghit top helmets

but all would be great :)
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: NJ_Legion_Icedtea on February 13, 2015, 11:38:22 pm
I remember people wanted some helmets to show with beards. Anyone remember which ones? I remember the strange helmet was one of them.

Gnezdovo has never shown beards with it on although it doesn't show all of the face anyway
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on February 13, 2015, 11:51:24 pm
oh does chapel de fer show beard?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Richyy on February 14, 2015, 08:38:04 am
oh does chapel de fer show beard?
ofcourse it is
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on February 14, 2015, 09:35:17 am
Sallet with Visor and Coif does not show beard
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on February 14, 2015, 12:48:55 pm
Sallet with Visor and Coif does not show beard
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thats because it has a coif :) not supposed to see a beard there through chainmail
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Sagar on February 14, 2015, 01:46:27 pm
There is a hole on chin for beard  :) 8-)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: marlla on February 20, 2015, 06:03:26 pm
there are still old items that need work like Norman Mail Chausses
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and this is a pic of the boots working, there are plenty of armors they dont

plus let me loom my green felt hat !!!
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on February 22, 2015, 03:31:13 am
MERCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Me at work tomorrow :
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on February 22, 2015, 03:38:34 am
By the way, does somebody will make textures for the Heirloom pack ???????????
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: DeezNuggz on February 23, 2015, 02:36:09 am
I'd like to request that hot pink boots or other hot pink armor  to be added as an option!! :lol: :lol:

[lightweight please, its Bekahlynn xbow requesting here] Make it sparkle and shine...its time to add a girl item  :mrgreen:

pretty please?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Pestdoktor on February 23, 2015, 03:18:55 am
>girl item

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Azuma on February 23, 2015, 03:21:39 am
>girl item

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Thats Purple :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Inglorious on March 02, 2015, 06:54:36 am
Hello guru's of item creation. I have a request for you. Now we all know this helmet here:
Black Helmet
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Which is a fancy Burgonet helmet, that's been blackened, and had a face guard put on it. That's cool, but the black color kills off alot of clothing combinations.

I am wondering, as a request, is it possible to create a new item based on the black helmet, with some slight change to look something you'd see a common soldier wearing?
Like this to be exact:
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Getting rid of the black coloration, and removing the facemask is really what I'm requesting. Though for added detail, if you can get it to look like the picture, you would have no complaints from me.

(if it's not any trouble, I think it would be a worthy admission to the mod)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on March 02, 2015, 07:57:10 am
There is nothing wrong with my turtlehelmet!
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Do you guys know anything about the executioner's sword? I thought that was gonna be in the patch right?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on March 02, 2015, 07:59:05 am
Still waiting on (or not getting :() votes.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on March 02, 2015, 08:01:07 am
Still waiting on (or not getting :() votes.

ah, thanks for the quick reply, Jona :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Porthos on March 02, 2015, 11:13:23 am
Hey, I don't want to offend anyone but since you've asked for feedback - you've got it. I I really don't like new katana, nodachi and wakizashi models. For me it looks like as if it was made of foil or a notebook sheet thickness of one millimeter. Just to explain what I mean:
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Guys, I respect your intentions (though I have no idea what was wrong with the old weapon models) and I don't even want to try to persuade you to revert the old models (I know what it should be like - raylin creating the topic with poll and 95% of forum readers (some of them don't even play this mod anymore :lol:) voting for new models just for lolz or because it is so fresh, so new, so historically accurate and it even looks "riely keeeeewl" :rolleyes:) and so on. But. Can you please send me a link to a previous katana/nodachi/wakizashi models:
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Could you also tell me how to put them into a game (what programs should I use if it is needed and so on) to replace your works? Cos I can live with the fact that all other players will still see me waving this new ugly katana, but I just do not want to see myself in game holding this... *insert random rude word* in my hands. Thanks in advance and sorry if it sounds offending :oops:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Akavirius on March 02, 2015, 05:27:50 pm
Rapier stats:
101 length
weight 1.3
Difficulty 13
98 speed
thrust: 31-32p
swing 23c or 23b (depending on if the sword blade is made round in the model, would not prefer)
Cost 9.452

The rapier stats given are all wrong. You described a 19th century cavalry sword, not a 16th century rapier.
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The stats would be :

Length 115
Weight 2.5/3.0
Difficulty 13 or more
Speed 98/97
Thrust 29p/30p/31p
Slash 21c/22c
Price 9xxx
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on March 02, 2015, 09:25:49 pm
welp i dont know shit IRL other than that I've fought fenced with rapiers and that they are pretty light, even the old ones were super balanced and light, as ive held them too , didnt fight with them though

but do whatever to have them in crpg, i dont really know about balancing an item well etc. the stats were speculations
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: marlla on March 04, 2015, 11:50:24 pm
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                Only bugs with left swings
                its the Nordic Conical Helmet
                PLS FIX xD
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kaoklai on March 05, 2015, 04:47:22 am
The new Katana and Nodachi models look like shit.  Change them back. 
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: AwesomeHail on March 05, 2015, 07:45:52 am
The new Katana and Nodachi models look like shit.  Change them back.

Nodachi? LIKE SHIT?! are you MENTAL?!

first it was just a enlargened katana, more or less, with a bit shitty texture. now it looks fkin slick and amazing :)
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on March 05, 2015, 09:38:38 am
It looks like moar reality now... so is bigger shit ?  :shock:
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Jona on March 05, 2015, 10:20:01 am
They look a lot better imo, they just need to be made thicker than cardboard cut-outs. Also they would look a little better if the blade metal texture was shinier, they look kind of "flat" currently. Still an improvement over the old.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: HappyPhantom on March 06, 2015, 11:25:01 am
What to do to get images on website? Is it difficult? or just time consuming? Can I help?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: pepejul on March 06, 2015, 02:48:23 pm
right clic

Save image as....

Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Akavirius on March 06, 2015, 04:57:03 pm
right clic

Save image as....


And a bit of photoshop to make it look like a thumbnail. Upload. Edit the code of the page. Done?

It would take a few hours to do this for all the new and incorrect items though.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Badger027 on March 17, 2015, 12:25:13 pm
I think it looks somtihing weird

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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Finse on March 17, 2015, 01:47:59 pm
Tunic over Mail remake (Raylin aka. matt2507)
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Leather Gauntlets (Raylin aka. matt2507)
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Is this getting added to the game ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on March 22, 2015, 01:34:08 pm
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Will you adjust the position of Norman Mail Chausses ?
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Viriathus on March 22, 2015, 02:09:01 pm
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Will you adjust the position of Norman Mail Chausses ?

Now do the same thing with the heavy aketon and you will see why
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Falka on March 22, 2015, 03:22:12 pm
Most of new items are really great  :P ONe thing I would like to see added: secondary (1h) mode for dadao :) It can be used as 1h with shield currently, but since I don't use shield...  :wink: I guess it shouldn't be hard to do, just decrease dmg a bit and awesome 1hander we have :P
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kalp on March 22, 2015, 05:19:08 pm
Now do the same thing with the heavy aketon and you will see why
I understand, but either this or this should be fixed, golden point or there should be a pattern after which we are sure that new item fits to other parts. It is not a big problem, mostly visual, but it sometimes annoy me very much  :wink: The situation when item fits to 30% 50% and to second half not is not acceptable, i blame chadz  :lol:

People want new items where the emphasis should be placed on the polishing other things.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rando on April 17, 2015, 08:12:32 am
Hello, I have some feedback to give.

Horned Great helmet - Has a lot of "neck skin showing" issues that the Winged Great Helmet doesn't. Also morphs with your character's face.

Heraldic Surcoat over Mail - Please give us a new item with the old model - there was really no call for removing it, poor show there.

Heraldic Surcoat over Mail + Heraldic Surcoat over Mail and Plate - The heralds look quite poor on these - color gets severely washed out, and the line of my cross goes down one leg in my case... They also don't really match with any other items in my experience.

Gothic Plate with Bevor - A lot of clipping issues with the Bevor sticking through helmets.

Might add on more to this later, this was all I could think of for the moment. Not sure if anyone even cares but it would be nice to see these things fixed. I'd help if I could but I don't have the knowledge to fix such things.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: matt2507 on April 25, 2015, 11:31:31 pm
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on March 11, 2016, 07:59:20 pm
Here's a small preview of what's in the pipeline once the compiler is un-fucked:

Vietnamese Lamellar with Fur
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Hoan Kiem Outfit
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Vietnamese Robe
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Hooked Spear (WIP)
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Thegn Sword Remake
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Valkyrie Sword (WIP)
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Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on March 11, 2016, 08:23:26 pm
Here's a small preview of what's in the pipeline once the compiler is un-fucked:

Vietnamese Lamellar with Fur
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Hoan Kiem Outfit
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Vietnamese Robe
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Hooked Spear (WIP)
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Thegn Sword Remake
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Valkyrie Sword (WIP)
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lots of inspiration from albion swords eh
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Rico on March 11, 2016, 08:25:13 pm
lots of inspiration from albion swords eh

you are probably referring to the thegn sword scabbard; it was made by Oswald, the same guy who also made the Albion pack
senni and me worked on the blade though to make it look more metal-ish
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Thryn on March 11, 2016, 08:34:33 pm
you are probably referring to the thegn sword scabbard; it was made by Oswald, the same guy who also made the Albion pack
senni and me worked on the blade though to make it look more metal-ish

the thegn sword model itself and the valkyrja
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: kamilo2 on March 24, 2016, 07:02:21 pm
Few inspirations from me ;)

Viking Two Handed Sword :

French Two Handed Falchion :

Short Falchion :
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Kelugarn on March 29, 2016, 11:53:36 pm
Here's a small preview of what's in the pipeline once the compiler is un-fucked:

Vietnamese Lamellar with Fur
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Hoan Kiem Outfit
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Vietnamese Robe
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Hooked Spear (WIP)
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Thegn Sword Remake
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Valkyrie Sword (WIP)
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I absolutely love all of these, they are beautiful.
Title: Re: Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
Post by: Bobthehero on March 29, 2016, 11:56:49 pm
I'd like a sword about the size and look of the long espada to push my agenda of being able to have a dedicated 1h sword that can't be used with a shield with the stats of a weaker 2h sword focused on stabbing people.