Hello, I have some feedback to give.
Horned Great helmet - Has a lot of "neck skin showing" issues that the Winged Great Helmet doesn't. Also morphs with your character's face.
Heraldic Surcoat over Mail - Please give us a new item with the old model - there was really no call for removing it, poor show there.
Heraldic Surcoat over Mail + Heraldic Surcoat over Mail and Plate - The heralds look quite poor on these - color gets severely washed out, and the line of my cross goes down one leg in my case... They also don't really match with any other items in my experience.
Gothic Plate with Bevor - A lot of clipping issues with the Bevor sticking through helmets.
Might add on more to this later, this was all I could think of for the moment. Not sure if anyone even cares but it would be nice to see these things fixed. I'd help if I could but I don't have the knowledge to fix such things.