This is a recolored version of Studded Leather over Mail. Original item vs. our version:
We are well aware that the quality standards for recolored items are extremely high. Some of the items we currently have which were brought in from Native have a very low resolution, resulting in a blurred appearance and a very tame optical impression. Copying crap and giving it a new color by changing the hue and saturation of the whole thing does not serve the quality of the mod.
This is why we carefully adjusted the colors of the individual elements of the armor. Apart from the obviously blackened leather, we paid special attention to give all the metal parts the same shade: Nails, belt buckle, fasteners, chain mail, wrist guards. The green and brown cloth elements are now in a grey tone which matches the overall appearance of the item. The ornaments on the skirt, which are barely visible in the original item, are additionally emphasized in our version. The residual leather elements remain in an attuned color to fit the new model, and form a refined contrast to leave a satisfying optical impression, without being swallowed by the black leather or visually dominating too much.
The new armor is visually compatible all with dark leg armor, hand armor and helmets, but more daring combinations can be interesting as well and enrich the game by a multitude of additional armor sets.