I'll save the RP for a clan that caresThanks God. I don't have to read some bullshit thing for 30minutes just to get to the point.
I demand a list of those obvious reasons thou bespoketh! You cannot deny us forum nerds this small drama satisfaction at least!Alright young blood, I'll get you some reasons.
4)Multiple accounting should be illegal, wait a minute it is. So this is more of a duty for the community to put these guys on ice than anything else. Nobody likes a cheater.
If this is true, you realize that means you and all of your clanmates spent all of strat benefiting from a multiaccounting faction with full knowledge, reaping all the rewards with no consequences? Might as well declare a jihad against HoC for the same reason. Allahu Ackbubar, Allahu MBMake my day Smoothrich! End my misery and attack me tough guy. "Come on! Do it! What are you waiting for! Kill me! I'm here!"..-Major Alan Schaefer aka "Dutch". #Predator#1987
Well, Bonesaw, you accuse MB for multi accounting, I really wants to see the proof of itBruttus take some English lessons before dealing with NA issues. You remind me of a turk with down syndrome looking for a free bowl of soup. Go find some offs to fuck peasant.
2) If it is true, wouldn't make you also not guilty, because you knew it, and have taken advantage of it in strat in the glory of VE
well, tell the hounds what really happend, instead of playing the innocent victem who didn't do annything wrongWow are you still here? Go away Bruttus, nobody needs a seizure trying to decipher your peasant babbling.
mine betrayal was an action of your insults at mine adres
like i said before, i don't going to make forumwars with or going to trow insults at ya, not mine style.
well, tell the hounds what really happend, instead of playing the innocent victem who didn't do annything wrong
mine betrayal was an action of your insults at mine adres
like i said before, i don't going to make forumwars with or going to trow insults at ya, not mine style.
well, i has said more then enough
if you can't provide the proof that MB is multi accounting, sais enough about you
you believe youre own lies
Alright young blood, I'll get you some reasons.Suicide is the cowards way out.
5)Maybe this war will bring about "the end game" so HoC can enjoy their summer finally and take on a more mercenary stance in the future.
Suicide is the cowards way out.
And please, provide proof of our "multi accounting". Fact is, HoC pricks will say anything about MB to gain the advantage. Even if this would be true (which it isn't), you would be an accomplice because your previous faction benefited from this and you didn't report it right away. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one multi-accounting bonesaw.
MB is for the most part decent, but I wouldn't be surprised about the multiaccounting knowing who their leaders are in strat. I support HoC/TKov/even FCC in their purge of MB from the map.
Suicide is the cowards way out.
And please, provide proof of our "multi accounting". Fact is, HoC pricks will say anything about MB to gain the advantage. Even if this would be true (which it isn't), you would be an accomplice because your previous faction benefited from this and you didn't report it right away. I wouldn't be surprised if you're the one multi-accounting bonesaw.
MB is for the most part decent, but I wouldn't be surprised about the multiaccounting knowing who their leaders are in strat. I support HoC/TKov/even FCC in their purge of MB from the map.Why do you hate MB so much anyhow?
Why do you hate MB so much anyhow?
Jesus hates every faction that is bigger/stronger.Well.. I mean I never noticed bad blood between us and him, but if it's something I can fix, I would. I always thought he was a pretty cool guy.
Well.. I mean I never noticed bad blood between us and him, but if it's something I can fix, I would. I always thought he was a pretty cool guy.
Hey if you want to talk about horrible battles.. let's take a trip back to Weyyah Castle and the last... 5 sieges made by HoC on that.
How many troops did you lose? 10k+ on a single castle not even to be scratched because poor HoC planning, equipment, and horrible leadership. I think my pet goldfish could put more brains behind those siege attempts than HoC did.
We only led one battle. TKOV led most of them.That pretty funny. I guess we remember it differently. I find it surprising that you become your own faction when you can't even properly gear your troops to attack a castle.
I find it surprising that you become your own faction when you can't even properly gear your troops to attack a castle.
That pretty funny. I guess we remember it differently. I find it surprising that you become your own faction when you can't even properly gear your troops to attack a castle.
If you want to get into a pissing match, I'll just walk away now because you're not even worth the time. #Ignored
Why do you hate MB so much anyhow?
We took your castle without losing half our army.Don't remember you taking any castle within the past 3 months. (Weyyah reference.. It's funny)
Why do you hate MB so much anyhow?I never said such words. I don't hate anyone. I don't even know how anyone could feel hate for someone over an online game, that seriously baffles me. I still however support an MB purge from the strat map for their underhanded ways.
There was a multi-day period well over a year ago where the site was down for the duration, and the only thing displayed on it was that mysterious, cryptic symbol. Mod is ded = \o/
There was a multi-day period well over a year ago where the site was down for the duration, and the only thing displayed on it was that mysterious, cryptic symbol. Mod is ded = \o/
, Help I'm drowning!
I always see a little guy with his arms up vvvv \o/ vvvvv
That pretty funny. I guess we remember it differently. I find it surprising that you become your own faction when you can't even properly gear your troops to attack a castle.You give us shit about not gearing a siege, atleast we can gear a land battle http://c-rpg.net/index.php?page=battlesparticipated#!?page=battleroster&id=2547
If you want to get into a pissing match, I'll just walk away now because you're not even worth the time. #Ignored
I like cats!
Am I doing this drama thing correctly?
I like cats!
Am I doing this drama thing correctly?
We took your castle without losing half our army.
The irony in this entire situation... seeing Bonesaw insult Bruttus' grammar and spelling is quite funny. After maturing up and looking back at this, you must realize that this is not his only language that he speaks, in fact I'd like to know how many languages most of your HoC members speak... When it comes social skills, I'm pretty sure Bruttus could get much farther than you Bonesaw in many different countries. So, instead of completely fucking the idea of diplomacy in the ass and spitting putrid false claims in Bruttus' face about how he's a multi-accounter, and spells in what he defines as a secondary language, why don't you play the game like a game is supposed to be played and keep your shitty ego in line. C-rpg NA! I bring to you! The HoC leader and his royal kiss asses.
The irony in this entire situation... seeing Bonesaw insult Bruttus' grammar and spelling is quite funny. After maturing up and looking back at this, you must realize that this is not his only language that he speaks, in fact I'd like to know how many languages most of your HoC members speak... When it comes social skills, I'm pretty sure Bruttus could get much farther than you Bonesaw in many different countries. So, instead of completely fucking the idea of diplomacy in the ass and spitting putrid false claims in Bruttus' face about how he's a multi-accounter, and spells in what he defines as a secondary language, why don't you play the game like a game is supposed to be played and keep your shitty ego in line. C-rpg NA! I bring to you! The HoC leader and his royal kiss asses.
The HoC leader and his royal kiss asses.
I....can't believe you are still so butt hurt over BoneSaw after all these months...
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The irony in this entire situation... seeing Bonesaw insult Bruttus' grammar and spelling is quite funny. After maturing up and looking back at this, you must realize that this is not his only language that he speaks, in fact I'd like to know how many languages most of your HoC members speak... When it comes social skills, I'm pretty sure Bruttus could get much farther than you Bonesaw in many different countries. So, instead of completely fucking the idea of diplomacy in the ass and spitting putrid false claims in Bruttus' face about how he's a multi-accounter, and spells in what he defines as a secondary language, why don't you play the game like a game is supposed to be played and keep your shitty ego in line. C-rpg NA! I bring to you! The HoC leader and his royal kiss asses.Sorry, most of us don't speak eurobabble, not like any language other than AMERICANmatters.
Sorry, most of us don't speak eurobabble, not like any language other than AMERICANmatters.
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The irony in this entire situation... seeing Bonesaw insult Bruttus' grammar and spelling is quite funny. After maturing up and looking back at this, you must realize that this is not his only language that he speaks, in fact I'd like to know how many languages most of your HoC members speak... When it comes social skills, I'm pretty sure Bruttus could get much farther than you Bonesaw in many different countries. So, instead of completely fucking the idea of diplomacy in the ass and spitting putrid false claims in Bruttus' face about how he's a multi-accounter, and spells in what he defines as a secondary language, why don't you play the game like a game is supposed to be played and keep your shitty ego in line. C-rpg NA! I bring to you! The HoC leader and his royal kiss asses.
thread like this make me glad to be unclanned again hahahaha.........was really hoping all this drama was merely calm b4 the storm pre war talk....and yet...theres no war
soo...speaking on behalf of ze united unclaned folk of crpg...HoC....MB...TKOV....shame on you
In the place of a post containing a deluge of drama of the likeness to llamas, I instead I submit to the autistic fopwits of this community, a translation of the great poem of Beowulf.
-Finnian Tiercel,
A son was soon brought forth to him ( Scyld Scefing, the good king,
still) young in this land, whom God sent to the people for relief;
(Beowulf) perceived the dire distress
15 that they before suffered a long while without a king; The Lord,
Lord of Life of Heaven, had granted him (Beowulf) worldly honor,
Beowulf, son of Scyld, was renowned-- (his) glory widely spread in the
land of the Danes.
20 Thus shall the young man, (while) in his father's lap, goodness carry
out, and often give out splendid costly gifts, that dear companions in
old age, when war comes, serve the person; lofty deeds
25 for the tribe shall on every occasion (cause) one to prosper.
Scyld went, he who was very strong, to the fated hour in to the Lord's
28-31 As long as words came to him, Scyld, friend of the Danes, dear
prince of the land, bade that they bear him away on the current of the
waters (just as) one's own companion.
32-> At the harbor stood a ring-prowed ship, vessel of a prince, covered
with ice and ready to set out, the dear beloved king,
35 dispenser of the circlet, laid down in the lap of the ship, whose
mast was glorious. The ship made ready to burn, there were many
precious valuables of decorated armor brought from distant lands, I know
no guardian so nobly kept with weopons, armor,
40 and sword; He in the lap lay on the multitudinous precious treasure,
that with him should far in the floods (be his) possession. They
furnished no less their little gift, people's treasure,
45 than did they in the beginning when he was sent forth alone as a
Then they set a golden banner
high over his head, let the water carry him,
gave him unto the sea; sad was their spirit,
mournful their hearts. Men, neither hall-counselors,
nor warriors under the heavens, cannot
say truthfully who received the cargo.
Then in the cities (fortified places) was Beow(ulf) of the Scyldings,
beloved king of the people, who was for a long time
renowned among nations -- his father had gone elsewhere,
lord away from his land --, until later
great Healfdene was born to him; as long as he lived,
old and fierce in battle, he upheld the glorious Scyldings.
To him then four children all told
were born into the world, to the leader of the bands,
Heorogar and Hrothgar and Halga the good,
I (have) heard that [.... was Onela's queen,
dear bed-companion of the Swede (Heatho-Scilfing).
Then was Hrothgar given success in war,
glory in battle, so that his retainers
gladly obeyed him, until that youth grew
into a great band of young warriors. It came to his mind
that he would command men to make a hall-building,
a great mead-hall that the children of men should hear of forever,
and there in the hall, he would give
to the young and the old all that God had given him,
except folkshare (common-land) and the bodies of the warriors.
Then I (have) heard that work was bidden among
many nations far and wide throughout this middle-earth,
that they should adorn the dwelling-place. In time it came to pass,
--speedily among men-- that it was finished,
the greatest of hall buildings; the poet named it Heorot,
he who ruled far and wide with his words.
He didn't fail to perform a promise, gave out
rings and treasure at the feast. The hall stood tall,
high and wide-gabled; it would wait the hostile flame
of hateful fires; nor was it long then (yet),
that the sword-hate (between) father-in-law and son-in-law
should arise after deadly hate.
Then the powerful demon, he who dwelled in darkness, suffered impatiently
each of the days he heard the loud joy in the hall; there was the sound of
the harp, the clear song of the bard. He (the bard) sang plainly the
creation of mankind far quoted [well known far and wide], said that the
Almighty created the earth, the beautiful field, which the water
surrounds,<;> set triumphant the sun and moon, luminary to light the
land-dweller <;> and adorned the regions of the earth with light and leaf,
and created life for each living thing that moves. So the warriors
mirthfully lived, happily, until that one, a fiend from hell, approached
doing wicked deeds; he was the grim ghost called Grendel, famous wanderer in
the waste borderland, he who held the moors, fen and fast <dry land>; <the>
unhappy man occupied for a time the home of a race of monsters, since the
Creator had condemned him with Cain's kin -- the killing <begat> misery
<from> the eternal Lord, because he <Cain> slew Able; he <Cain> had no joy
there from the feud, but God banished him far from mankind for his crime.
Then the evil brood all awoke, giants and elves and monsters (orcs!!), <who
were> also giants. Then they strove against God a long time; he <God> repays
(them) that reward. He <Grendel> departs to go see, when night comes, the
exalted houses, how the High Danes had stayed <there in the house> after
beer drinking. He then discovers there inside <the house> the prince's
retainers asleep after the banquet; the men knew not <replace with
"neither"> sadness <nor> misery.
Right. Here's my translation (this stuff is fantastic!!):
(lights to dim, please. . . start the heroic music and pipe in the fog--more
fog--and . . . ACTION!)
(hear the wet sounds of enormous feet shmucking and smacking in the mud;
hear the rasped breathing of our character as he glides slowly through the
moore clutching what appears to be a crushed hoard of limp bodies swaying
with his haunched gait. . . )
(Ln.#120b)Creature of illness and evil, fierce and greedy, savage and
furious, was ready soon enough and seized thirty thanes from their sleep;
with proud plunder he went away again, going home with that abundant
slaughter seeking out a dwelling (pl. wica but sing. meaning).
(Ln.#126)Then, in that obscurity just before dawn, even with daybreak, the
war-craft of Grendel was known to men; then, after feast, lament and much
morning-cry was upraised. The mighty chief, noble king old-good, sat
unhappy, endured thane-sorrow, and suffered severely after they scanned the
foe's footprints, those of the cursed demon. That strife was too
strong--loathed and lengthy! Nor was it a long time, after but one night, he
again caused more murder-death and mourned not for it, hostile deed and
wicked act; he was so fixed upon them. (Ln.#138)Then that was easily found,
bed among bowers, to him that sought rest eslewhere, further off [from the
hall, that is], when the hate of hall-thanes was shown to him, truely told
with clear token; he held himself afterwards further back and safer, he who
escaped the foe. (Ln.#144)Thus he ruled, one against all, and fought against
what is right until the finest hall stool idle. The space of time was great,
the time of twelve winters the friend of Scyldings suffered trouble, all
miseries, spacious sorrows; and thus to men, to human sons, [it] became
clearly known [and] sadly by means of songs that Grendel fought--waged
enmity--a while against Hrothgar with wicked act and hostile deed for many
seasons, continual attack; (Ln.#154b)he would not with any men in the army
of the danes desist deadly-evil, with fees settle peace, nor then any
wisemen needed to hope for bright bounty at the hands of the slayer.
but the monster, dark death-shadow, was pursuing,
[it] lay in wait and ambushed proven retainers and young warriors;
perpetual night held the misty moors; men do not know
whither such demons in motion go.
Thus many wicked deeds of the enemy of mankind,
[the] terrible solitary one often accomplished,
severe injury; [he/Grendel] inhabited Heorot,
richly decorated hall, with dark night;-
never may he approach the throne,
treasure for God, nor know His kind thoughts.-
That was great misery to the friend of the Scyldings,
[a] breaking of [their] spirits. Many often sat down,
mighty in council, campaign considered,
what might be best for the strong-minded
to do against awful horror
Meanwhile they vowed at heathen temples,
sacrificing to idols, with words entreated
soul-slayer to provide them with help
against the distress of the people. Such was their custom,
heathens' hope, they bore hell in spirit, they knew not God,
the judge of deeds, they wished not God,
Nor indeed did they know how to praise Heaven's Protector,
Ruler of Glory. Woe be to them that through sever affliction thrust
[their] soul into the fire's embrace, not to think of solace,
in any way change! Well be them that may on account of death-day, seek the
and ask for protection from the embrace of the Father.
Thus in the care of the times the son of Healfdene
always brooded; the wise hero might not turn aside misery;
that strife was too strong, grievous and enduring, then cruel violent
befell the nation, the greatest night-evil.
So that from the home of the Gaets, Hyglac's thane, learned by inquiry (with
good) of Gendel's deeds. On that day of his life of mankind, he was
strongest of might, noble and great. He called (that) a good wave-traverser
(be) prepared said, he wished to visit the war-king over the swan-road, the
famous chief since, he was in need of men, (Done?) the wise men blame him
very little for the expedition, he was beloved to them; they urged the
valient, behold the omen. The good, from the tribe of the Gaets, had chosen
brave warriors who he might find, one of fifteen, the men sought the ship,
he showed the way of the shore to the sea-skilled men, time went forth; the
ship was on the waves, the boat under the cliffs. The warriors went
entirely to the prow, the sea (became?), water with sand; Men bore bright
weapons on the bosom of the boat, adorned armor; Men shoved the (wudu
bundenne), men on a wished journey. Then over the billowy sea, impelled by
wind like a bird, the foamy-necked ship (?), until the near of the other day
the curved prow had come, the seaferers saw the sea cliffs shine, the steep
cliffs, the large headlands; Then was the sea crossed, sea voyage at the
end, Thence upwards quickly, the people of the Gaets, stepped onto the land;
moored the ship; shirts of mail rattled, wardress; They thanked God that
the way across the waves became easy to them.
(click to show/hide)
Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say ANYTHING else - ONE word - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the Master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this Fear Engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming -as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of NOTHING will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark world will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.
This is not funny when I was 16 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Canadia and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into 'you show me yours, I'll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 16 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. So What did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "fresh" and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought "naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!" I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie "yo homes smell ya later!" Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.
Are you aware I have a ritual called 'terminator'. I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy
Do you know CPR because my dick stopped breathing...
Have you ever tried cooking with your own semen?
About a month ago I got adventurous and decided to fap into the frying pan, using my semen in place of little extra butter I usually put in the pan when I'm grilling grill'd cheese.
I didn't notice much difference in flavor when I tried it, although it definitely didn't taste any worse.
Last night, however, while in the process leading up to grilling two sandwiches for lunch for myself and my sick mother, I noticed my neighbor's 13 year old daughter changing in the yard next door (our window sort of faces out into the neighbor's yard, the suburban layout of our community is somewhat strange), presumably after getting out of the pool. I got the urge to fap and decided to incorporate it into my cooking again in secret.
My mother did seem to notice a difference in flavor for the better - I nonchalantly told her I used a different butter, which in it's essence wasn't entirely a lie, I just didn't specify it was my nut butter. I'm not about to outright lie to my mother.
I consider myself a respectable man of principles, you know.
Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells.
what... the fuck.
I can imagine myself walking in the sunset, holding hands and smiling. Hearing the crash of the waves as a gentle breeze flows through my body and hair. Walking miles and miles, while the moon rises high into the sky. The whole world is asleep, but I am the only one living a dream. The graceful peace, settling into my heart. For once I actually feel alive. This is what it should feel like. This is how you're supposed to live. A longing sense of comfort. And as we lay on the sand staring into the night sky, the stars become brighter and multiply. Soon enough, the dark sky is brightened by each star's shine. We close our eyes, hand in hand and lie in a moment of silence when all we can hear in the background is the calm waves alining upon the shore and the light night breeze. We make a wish and lie together in a few more moments, appreciating eachother for everything we are. We then both open our eyes to the diamond-like sky, staring for a brief moment as we then both turn to eachother, lying on our sides. I am looking into your eyes and you are looking into mine. I look at every inch of your body, then interlocking my eyes into yours once again. I inhale as you take a deep breath. I then begin to speak in a soft whisper. I tell you this is everything. You are all I've wanted. You were in all my dreams. You love me the way I wanted. You care for me like no one else has. I appreciate everything you've ever done for me, everything you've spent on me, everything you've said to me and everything you've felt for me. You are the only one I want. I am in love with you. Please keep me forever. Locked away in the eternity of time. You are different. You give me ideas. Thoughts, feelings, unlived visions of places I've never been or never knew existed, walking beside you in every one. It may be simple to state how I feel about you and say I love you a thousand times, but it is all too complex to fully give you the understanding of the meaning of the immense amount of love and appreciation I have for you. I tell you you're the one. You're everything anyone could ever ask for. I am thankful to have you in my life. I love you. I then pause and look into your eyes. You don't say anything. You can see the moon reflecting onto the calm ocean. A warm chilling feeling flows throughout my body as I watch you begin to slowly close your eyes and bring your body closer to me. Your face inching towards mine. As I close my eyes, I take one deep breath, tasting the chilled ocean air. I slowly bring myself closer to you, as you put your arms around me. I can feel your body heat and your soft hands touching my body. Our lips then touch. We kiss. Passionate, gentle, everlasting. This one kiss expresses all my thoughts, feelings, emotions and every little detail of every little existing idea, dream, form of all the words and feelings that I've developed for you. That moment, it was all unveiled. We lied there for minutes, sharing this dream we both created together. As we slowly move our faces away, I lay my head upon your shoulder and your arms around my body. The night had never seemed so bright and beautiful up until this day. It's like the world turned and everything completely changed. Everything was clear and I can actually breathe and feel each beat of my heart pound against my chest, as the blood slowly flows through my body. I can feel, hear, touch, taste, see, smell and understand everything, in what now feels like what is heaven. Lifelessly floating on a cloud, feeling fully alive. The feeling of being so unrealistically content and that a perfect life and person can exist is far beyond anything I could have ever perceived. You are my savior and meaning for existance. I thank you for everything you will do and being there, always. We lie, staring into the sky feeling the air get colder as the night becomes later. It doesn't bother me though. My body is filled with a warming sense of completion. Everything I'd dreamed of having is fulfilled, finally. I close my eyes and daydream once again of having and sharing this same exact moment with you. Soon enough the stars slowly fade away as the sky becomes lighter and the light of the sun pierces through the sky, slowly rising as time repeats itself once again. But this time is new. The feeling of being reborn into a life that you feel you've lived every single day. It feels so right. Life is beautiful with you. I appreciate things much more thoroughly. I love you. I always will.
I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.
Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his ***got friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.
So I messaged you just to chat but I'm kind of concerned. I mean, we could hit it off really well,
end up having a few drinks, next thing you know you're giving me your number because I'm too shy to ask for it,
I finally get up the nerve to call and we take in a movie, have some dinner, I relax, you relax, we go out a
few more times, get to know each other's friends, spend a lot of time together, then finally get past this
sexual tension and really develop this intense sex life that is truly incredible, decide our relationship
is solid and stable, so we move in together for a while, then a few months later get married, I get a promotion,
you get a promotion, we buy a bigger house. You really want kids, but I really want freedom, but we have a kid anyway,
only to find that I am resentful, the sparks start to fade and to rekindle them we have two more lovely kids,
but now I work too much to keep up with the bills, have no time for you, you're stressed and stop taking really
good care of yourself, so to get past our slow sex life and my declining self-confidence I turn to an outside
affair for sexual gratification. You find out because I'm careless and a lousy liar, you throw me out (justifiably so)
and we have to explain to the kids why mummy and daddy are splitting up. That's just too sad. Think about the children.
For God's sake, if you chat with me and we hit it off, let's just keep it sexual, because we both know where it's going.
Here's what you do. Wait until he's passed out, then hide a nickel in his anus. Later, ask him to let you borrow a nickel. When he says that he doesn't have a nickel, pull the nickel out of his anus. He'll think that you're a wizard. Whenever he doesn't want to f*ck, you can threaten to turn him into a frog.
I battled a group of hippopotamus with nothing more than a hand carved shank from a saudi arabian oil sheik, jump into a pirahna infested river with two rhinoceros beetles gnawing my testicles, and dive to the depths of the challenger deep with nothing but sarah jessica parkers queef's as my air supply just to sit next to the guy who sat next to her on the bus in high school.
Less...stuff more...drama.
That's not drama that's something from hell.
Also, Ildist, You're gay.
Your gay.
10)These guys pissed on the toilet seat of Calradia
How is miggy muted for his shit, but Ildist not even warned?
Edit (3 hours later):
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You have received a warning for spamming in regards to the message:
Re: The Free Trade Fief of New Reindi Castle.
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The Melee Gaming Team.
You ever tried taking a piss with a boner?
gf, moderators.They (like me) prolly just couldn't be assed to read any of that shit and so have abandoned this thread to the dogs. (see what I did there?)
You have received a warning for spamming in regards to the message:
Re: The Free Trade Fief of New Reindi Castle.
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The Melee Gaming Team.
They (like me) prolly just couldn't be assed to read any of that shit and so have abandoned this thread to the dogs. (see what I did there?)
Just as a correction, I don't believe Bonesaw ever accused Bruttus of multiaccounting.
they all end up coming to me and telling me what happened, and what else can I sayKirby is the hero we all deserve. And how dare HoC be mean to bruttus after he had his fief taken away because he couldn't manage it. Then left the clan and told every other clan all the details about HoC operations. How dare the evil HoC be mean to him.
Kirby is the hero we all deserve. And how dare HoC be mean to bruttus after he had his fief taken away because he couldn't manage it. Then left the clan and told every other clan all the details about HoC operations. How dare the evil HoC be mean to him.
Small edit: New qualyut, i believe it was taken because i was afk because of RL issues, no complains about thatBone told you to give up the village because you couldn't manage it with one member... actually, I was the one who told him to do so. You failed to establish even a command over your village and you ended up being trampled on by your one member every step of the way. You even ended up transfering the village to your one member because he asked you to. Your village was then taken from your clan and you threw a fit about this is how you are being treated after two years.
Mine actions of betrayal was because when Bonesaw asked friendly to leave HOC whille he was insulting me at the same time, but for more details, hey, ask warborn, i told him what happend, but the other hounds, who i every time defended on this forum or ingame, don't ask towards me via steam what really happend
What you think, that Bonesaw has the right to insult people whenever he wants, you believe that i have to take his insults at mine adres and accept that???
If you wanna believe and follow a leader that believes hiw own lies, well, your choice, but i do hope that you put your head out of your arse and think how commes that HOC never been taken serieusly as a clan
Bone told you to give up the village because you couldn't manage it with one member... actually, I was the one who told him to do so.And then he trow me away as a piece of garbadge, or was that youre idea also, to be kicked out of HOC?
he kickt me out, whille he was insulting meSigh, you have knowledge that Bonesaw doesn't take failure very well. You failed on all accounts with your clan. He tore you to pieces because of this. All the things you took insult to was said due to zero tolerance of wasting his time on strat.
and if you really wanted to know what issues i had, ask warborn
Sigh, you have knowledge that Bonesaw doesn't take failure very well. You failed on all accounts with your clan. He tore you to pieces because of this. All the things you took insult to is because he did not tolerate you wasting his time.
Ask warborn what problems i had with starting up.First off, stop telling me to ask Warborn. YOU were in charge of the clan. If your member had goods/money/troops, then these item belong to you. If you couldn't control your member, then leadership is at fault.
Now that problem is solved, i have a better start up
Don't you guys fight for FCC with all their cloned gear?
? What are you making up now? The only clans that got duped gear were occitan, frisians, and idlist and mates. We have traded goods for every piece of equipment we have or looted from battlefields without duping.
I cant believe youre still discussing about that....Indeed, i left in the first place, because that idiot of a soturun, Marshal of HOC, whas a to afraid to tell hobb of tkov that HOC would lead his own battle,
and Bruttus youre complaining about ppl insulting you. You should stop insulting aswell then.
I dont know you very well but I do remember one day you didnt want to be in this clan anymore cause you didnt get to lead a stupid strat battle... I call that pretty childish! So stop complaining about being out of the clan!
Its over...
Kirby is the hero we all deserve. And how dare HoC be mean to bruttus after he had his fief taken away because he couldn't manage it. Then left the clan and told every other clan all the details about HoC operations. How dare the evil HoC be mean to him.
Ooo I didn't make up anything. I'm a newb in start and I heard that so I figured it was a known fact. I don't trust 90 percent of the motherfuckers in this game either. Who was the admin who got caught with auto block? Espu? Or some shit.
You don't trust 90% of players, but you have no problem repeating what they say? Sounds like Strategus is the right place for you!
To determine if FCC is indeed duping gear, all of NA/EU should immediately start attacking any FCC traders. If they still are showing up with 1000 +3 yawshawns every battle, then something is up. :lol:Yawshan?? pfff on EU everybody use Milanese Plate
You don't trust 90% of players, but you have no problem repeating what they say? Sounds like Strategus is the right place for you!
But 100 percent of the people that deny it are either FCC or people who fight for them.
Again 100 percent of people saying you didn't is you. Its a stalemate bud. It will never be determined
Again 100 percent of people saying you didn't is you. Its a stalemate bud. It will never be determined
Lol, not really. Its actually pretty easy. We didn't use all the same gear but rather a random assortment of armors from every faction we have ever fought when we use throwaway armies and when we attack with mamelukes and heavy yawshawns they are majority of the time +3 so our enemies loot they get +1 heavy yawshawns not -1, which if we had ever received duped gear would have been the case instead. Then you look at factions that actually received duped gear and you see they repeatedly used gear +1 in vast quantities and their enemy received -1 gear when looting after battle.
Anyone who actually ever merced for us for more than a couple battles knows we never received duped gear and most of the enemy leaders know it as well who received our gear after winning or losing battles. The only people i could see making this shit up and thinking people would believe this stupidity is Daruvian and Jesus - both talk shit out of their mouths but don't really know much of anything when it comes to strategus.
What kesh said made sense even if the wording is confusing. FCC doesn't dupe gear purely because duping gear should have been removed. They'll send lumetta to our team speak to bother us with bull shit and Eggo Waffle will tell an ex clan mate to join us for a week (after which he was rewarded with a fief of his own and became a conquistador), but they wont dupe gear. If they could dupe gear they wouldn't have kicked me out of brooks castle to get my beautiful destriers which frisia has taken and refuses to give back. Somebody free my ponaysss
Lumetta's not the leader of his own faction, he's one of your bitches and even said he is.
He came in under guise of becoming friends, only to ask questions about strat. What kind of person makes people pretend to be our friend to fuck us over in a video game?
Dickbutt admitted you guys planned the destrier fiasco, Kesh.
Can someone explain this Destrier fiasco without it being slathered in sperganese? Nothing better than some d.bag screwing over a clan to gain videogame wealth for a few laughs
I still think it wasn't all that bad for them to finally be able to get equal gear to the other factions on the map at the time (many of whom were using duped gear) considering how bullied they were with 4-5 factions taking all their villages and then attacking every aow that left the castle or tried to come back from eu.
I hope Bonesaw watches as his entire internet empire slowly burns to ground. His life's work, gone in a few clicks of a mouse. RIP.Spaghetti
why hasnt hoc won a battle boneIt's HoC. 'Nuff said.
It's HoC. 'Nuff said.
Niggas gonna nig.
I really don't like you so I'll write a completely off topic post so my e-peen can look as large as possable. It actually hurts my feelings though how you all click the "-" symbol in the Corner of a web page for a small game. On a last note I'll try to sound like happy
P.S. I'll try to stay on topic a little bit.
Thank you arrowaine, frisians, canuck and jesus for mindlessly -1ing all my posts (over 80% of my downvotes in the last 5 months) - you have given me the courage to go for the gold - first to 1000 infamy (I was 600 and 300 respectively 5 months ago, mostly from helping people out on beginner's guides and strategus, but most of fcc are not tryhard voters on the forums - you guys as an entire clan just bring that extra special nerddom, thank you.) I actually look forward to 1K infamy - I love feeding off your tears - lol.
Ahhhh, i thought for one second a frisian wouldn't be so single-mindedly hating me that you would actually read what I wrote and not just knee-jerk a negative vote, but then you took the +1 away. :( Oh well 1000 infamy here I come :twisted: :lol: 8-) :twisted: 8-) Thank you arrowaine, frisians, canuck and jesus for mindlessly -1ing all my posts (over 80% of my downvotes in the last 5 months
You are seriously delusional Kesh. I don't go out of my way to downvote anyone ever, nor do I even care about the whole system. If you have convinced yourself that there are groups of people following you around -1ing anything you say instead of looking at the quality of your posts which are typically 80% nerd-rage, 15% autism, and 5% emoticons, then I truly fear for your mental well-being.
Actually one night I went to his last 20 or so posts and -1'd him. It was just 100% being an asshole and idk what the point was.
Ahhhh, i thought for one second a frisian wouldn't be so single-mindedly hating me that you would actually read what I wrote and not just knee-jerk a negative vote, but then you took the +1 away. :( Oh well 1000 infamy here I come :twisted: :lol: 8-) :twisted: 8-) Thank you arrowaine, frisians, canuck and jesus for mindlessly -1ing all my posts (over 80% of my downvotes in the last 5 months) - you have given me the courage to go for the gold - first to 1000 infamy (I was 600 and 300 respectively 5 months ago, mostly from helping people out on beginner's guides and strategus, but most of fcc are not tryhard voters on the forums - you guys as an entire clan just bring that extra special nerddom, thank you.) I actually look forward to 1K infamy - I love feeding off your tears - lol.
P.S. This thread has gotten a little boring - please spice it up a bit, want something to read/respond to.
The thread has gone off-topic but I guess i'll join this mudpit. Why does it matter if you are -1 or +1 it is only a forum. If i met you in real life I would judge you, not over some internet thing. This is what I hate about the - and + system because it gives people reasons to throw mud at each other. The system also gives a preemptive feeling if someone has high infamy. The internet is also a very distorting thing, some people act like they have balls of steel on the internet but they sometimes are just lonely or weak people. Some opinions are just bandwagons such as the "FREE such and such" or "nerf 2h" so why dont we hop of the bandwagon of accusing everyone of multiaccounting and just spend our leisure time bashing skulls over the internet. :D
You are seriously delusional Kesh. I don't go out of my way to downvote anyone ever, nor do I even care about the whole system. If you have convinced yourself that there are groups of people following you around -1ing anything you say instead of looking at the quality of your posts which are typically 80% nerd-rage, 15% autism, and 5% emoticons, then I truly fear for your mental well-being.I am, it's only cause of the funny reactions though.
I've done that before to Zlisch and someone else who literally -1 every post I made...was a petty act, but killed some time at work, so it was a win win for both parties.I only -1 90% of your posts because I disagree with 90% of the stuff you write, you're not funny like Kesh or DaveUKR =(
huh? I don't think I've ever downvoted anybody's posts actually, and I've upvoted a couple of yours.. Sorry if that makes you feel unloved!
you have given me the courage to go for the gold - first to 1000 infamy
Sorry Kesh, Leshma has all of us beat as the Ultimate Shitposter with Renown: 1096 and Infamy: 1017. It's not his fault, he's legitimately fucking crazy.
These threads make me want to get back involved in Strategus leadership, all the NA threads are unfunny garbage now :(
Now looking for support to coup d'état Mr Pibb of the Semenstorm faction to resume my reckless leadership of give no fucks trolls and make Diplomacy a better reading experience for everyone.
Sorry Kesh, Leshma has all of us beat as the Ultimate Shitposter with Renown: 1096 and Infamy: 1017. It's not his fault, he's legitimately fucking crazy.
These threads make me want to get back involved in Strategus leadership, all the NA threads are unfunny garbage now :(
Now looking for support to coup d'état Mr Pibb of the Semenstorm faction to resume my reckless leadership of give no fucks trolls and make Diplomacy a better reading experience for everyone.
Set your goals higher! Try to take over FCC or Occitan and then run them into the ground!Correction Loc
Sorry Kesh, Leshma has all of us beat as the Ultimate Shitposter with Renown: 1096 and Infamy: 1017. It's not his fault, he's legitimately fucking crazy.
These threads make me want to get back involved in Strategus leadership, all the NA threads are unfunny garbage now :(
Now looking for support to coup d'état Mr Pibb of the Semenstorm faction to resume my reckless leadership of give no fucks trolls and make Diplomacy a better reading experience for everyone.
So here's the war so far: HoC attacks MB, HoC loses, rinse and repeat until they give up. gf bone
I honestly get the feeling that half the people here are dyslexic.
Cough.. HoC.. Cough
I would like to say a few things. Let me start by saying this: relax nerds.While in the VE, you and 9finger were the only ones who cared about your clan's image. I still respect you and 9finger, and I can't really blame you for not being able to control what people say (when our clan does the same). But, BoneSaw is a known drunk and is now a repo man for a living, aka he has a temper and wants to fight. Can't say he makes the best decisions, but he takes any slight against him very seriously and you get what you have here today. And while most in the community dislike him or any HoC, which of these people have actually played with us in our ts? I bet BoneSaw is really the only HoC out of the 40 active that people know. Thus, they generalize us all. Like you said, most of us play this game for the game.
I have been trying to stop the HoC/MB hate train for a long while. I generally let my members say w/e they want, as long as its not borderline idiotic shitsturring. You have obviously held a grudge against our clan the entire time, understandable because HoC is the easiest clan to hate in crpg. i always discouraged my members from hating on HoC, but when yours were barking back at every turn(yourself included), it made ti pretty difficult to keep MB from an aggressive rebuttle. I always thought you were a shitbag bonesaw, from the first time you got possessive over a member of yours that left your clan, and I scooped up as a free agent. Threatening to attack us on strat and whatnot. However, I respected some of your members who were more about having fun in this mod, and was shown nothing but respect in return.
As for people talking about MB being scummy by breaking off and attacking the faction that homed us, you dont know the whole story. We presented the option of breaking off, and doing it in a fashion that would possibly work out for everyone, and the response we got from VE was "we'll rape you if you do". Ontop of that, while tkovs' real leaders were on vacation, the person in command was plotting with bonesaw to attack us. These factors in mind, we made our split, with an offensive defense. We attacked the faction that birthed us. Just had to clear that up.
That being said, it was strategically a dumb move, and we obviously were not prepared to take that castle.
Rageh littew nord babbes, carry forth with your banter
BoneSaw is a good guy when you really get to know him. Unfortunately most of you guys (and gals) only know BoneSaw through forum posts. Like it or not, BoneSaw makes Strategus very entertaining. He is always willing to fight a war and give back to the loyal people who fight for us, WITH GLORIOUS XP!(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
i have mine thoughts about Bonesaw, just like evryone else, but to bad, he only listens to people who thinks that they are importante in the clan
He's a fun guy, but qua mentality in HoC itself, there are only 2 people that still have mine respect and are more mature then the rest of HoC and that is Warborn (thank god you still have him, that was the smartest decision of Bonesaw to make him his right hand)
and Rulka, 14 or 15y old guy who is more mature then the rest of HoC
i have mine thoughts about Bonesaw, just like evryone else, but to bad, he only listens to people who thinks that they are importante in the clan
LOL wish it was true but its not mate. Im not in HoC anymore and him and me still get along great and can talk and rage and have a grand old time.
You talk of maturity, but quit the clan and started a new one over not being able to lead 10 guys in a strat battle. If fact we said you could but you let someone from another clan push you out of the way. So what did you do? Ah yes, you blamed HoC for it. REAL mature. And now you are here, picking on your old friends who have nothing to do with it. You are saying in your forum post that all but two HoC are immature. This includes Largos, Bernie, Raccoon, Finnian, Dez, Polar Bear, Jona, Les, Asca, and 20 other dudes. You speak of maturity, yet lack the wisdom of who your post offends.
He's a fun guy, but qua mentality in HoC itself, there are only 2 people that still have mine respect and are more mature then the rest of HoC and that is Warborn (thank god you still have him, that was the smartest decision of Bonesaw to make him his right hand)
and Rulka, 14 or 15y old guy who is more mature then the rest of HoC
you do know why you joined mine clan, because Bonesaw asked me to it, its not you that has asked too me for joining]
he wanted to see how you would evolve if you joined a smaller clan, because according to him, you didn't listen to his orders.
That was being discussed in steam, and I accepted it, because I had the feeling that you was the one who could lead a decent strat. battle.
You talk of maturity, but quit the clan and started a new one over not being able to lead 10 guys in a strat battle. If fact we said you could but you let someone from another clan push you out of the way. So what did you do? Ah yes, you blamed HoC for it. REAL mature. And now you are here, picking on your old friends who have nothing to do with it. You are saying in your forum post that all but two HoC are immature. This includes Largos, Bernie, Raccoon, Finnian, Dez, Polar Bear, Jona, Les, Asca, and 20 other dudes. You speak of maturity, yet lack the wisdom of who your post offends.
Lol listen to his orders? im sorry but I never got the feeling that I had orders except to give my troops to him which I asked to do once a week. He understood that I was looking for a job, and now have found one, and I wasn't going to be able to be as active anymore.
While in the VE, you and 9finger were the only ones who cared about your clan's image. I still respect you and 9finger, and I can't really blame you for not being able to control what people say (when our clan does the same). But, BoneSaw is a known drunk and is now a repo man for a living, aka he has a temper and wants to fight. Can't say he makes the best decisions, but he takes any slight against him very seriously and you get what you have here today. And while most in the community dislike him or any HoC, which of these people have actually played with us in our ts? I bet BoneSaw is really the only HoC out of the 40 active that people know. Thus, they generalize us all. Like you said, most of us play this game for the game.
absolute horse hockey.:D
You talk of maturity, but quit the clan and started a new one over not being able to lead 10 guys in a strat battle. If fact we said you could but you let someone from another clan push you out of the way. So what did you do? Ah yes, you blamed HoC for it. REAL mature. And now you are here, picking on your old friends who have nothing to do with it. You are saying in your forum post that all but two HoC are immature. This includes Largos, Bernie, Raccoon, Finnian, Dez, Polar Bear, Jona, Les, Asca, and 20 other dudes. You speak of maturity, yet lack the wisdom of who your post offends.
the big boy