edit: I think there should be a Max. restriction in Equip worth for any Class. otherwise its easy too create OP Classes while the other of the army gonna be underused...wouldnt make sense then too create 5 classes when they not all gonna be used properly.Or gonna be there 1vs1 battels(contests)?Players certainly need to keep such things in mind, but there's no reason why we can't set certain limitations like only 1 cav division for faction x per round. You already need 1 commander per division as is.
We already have that, it's called the Heroes faction.(click to show/hide)
Question: Do slots matter? Can bots use more slots than actual "slots" unlike humans?Slots don't matter, try not to go overboard with it though. The melee weapons that get selected for each bot are random.
Letting a bot have two different horses and then making the average cost of the two horses be the horse price for that bot is not a good idea. This is because the AI will choose the more expensive horse most of the time.The mean cost thing is simply for the purposes of having a guideline, clearly we're not going to implement something like that. It's simply a way for people creating factions, to judge how strong/weak their design is.
The problem here is that a bot can have a plated charger and a sumpter horse and almost always use the plated charger, but yet pay just a little bit more than half the cost of the plated charger.
The GTX wannabes
Faction Concept : Angry teenage kids, who rule the mod with their uber pr0 skills
Equipment :
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Proposed Stats:
99 strength
99 agility
33 PS
33 IF
33 Athletics
1000 2h/pole wpf
All hail the master race.
You should just ban NA from participating from the get go, their lack of any knowledge about medieval history makes them pick out the worst armour combinations. Case and point OP, a little, could be worse.
Is it really such a good idea to encourage players to create factions containing hoplites or pikemen? The AI cant do shit with them.
The melee weapons that get selected for each bot are random.
Some question to the AI, as you never know what they'd do... :
- If you give the AI more than 1 weapon, example: 1h sword and 1h axes. Do they ever switch between those weapons or what weapon do they choose first? The more expensive one or the one with more dmg?
- If you give the AI throwing stuff, do they throw them instantly when charging the first time? Afaik that happens in native as well.
- Does a cav bot switch to sword once he's dehorsed and had a lance before? :o
If they don't do certain stuff, it doesnt even make sense to equip them with more than 1 weapon, or a weapon they'd rather choose anyway...
This concept is pretty sweet. hopefully it is executed well. perhaps a slimpyman npc that is the most OP piker ever? bwahahahaCreate a cool faction with beast pikemen named "slimpymen"?
The Townsfolk:The problem with that, although hilarious, is the following:(click to show/hide)
what would be the policy towards making a faction with slightly less equipement and then giving them slightly better stats?I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. The cost was merely a guideline to assist players with initial balancing of their proposed factions.
i just brainstormed a faction but the equipment only adds up to 150k, and if i added more it would only be to get the cost up, so i'd rather just stick with the equipment i initially thought most suitable and then give them a slight edge stat-wise instead
<chadz> so if 3 people chose cav
<chadz> then 33% of the bots would be cav
<Tydeus> yeah
<chadz> and every player gets 10% cav
<chadz> => less bots
That sounds like a rubbish idea. Punishing people with less bots for making "wrong" choices? Why not just limit the number with slots for each troop type?I should probably have added a disclaimer, that might not be the functionality chosen. It's was simply to show that it will not be the same. there will be a limit and you won't be able to stack certain types without issue.
Feel free to point out flaws/tell me I have terrible fashion sense/ATS sucked and why are you making this/Duster where did you learn to math, but I'd prefer constructive criticism. I didn't make up concrete stats because they'd probably be terribad and altered anyways.
Should stats really be that high, Teeth?We want to have higher stats so that the bots are more deadly. While it uses some of the native mechanics, I've been told it is using the cRPG soak/reduce values. And since armor levels are higher while weapon damage is lower, bots need to have better stats.
Afaik native bots got much much lower stats, like 15/15 or similar.
For the faction I proposed, I used about level 30 and that's like 27/12 for 2h/poles, 21/15 for 1h and similar. If you got a lot of STR you should take less AGI so there's some balance and your bots aren't good in all they can do...
The problem with that (TOWNFOLK), although hilarious, is the following:
<Tydeus> definitely need to limit the amount of x classes get spawned
<Tydeus> or the amount of players that can spawn as certain classes for specific factions
<chadz> maybe just third each
<chadz> so if 3 people chose cav
<chadz> then 33% of the bots would be cav
<Tydeus> yeah
<chadz> and every player gets 10% cav
<chadz> => less bots
Functionality will change, this very well might not be the final mechanic chosen. But you won't be able to have everyone spawn with the same troop, without seeing at least a minor penalty. Continuously spawning with more and more of the same class will end in reduced effectiveness. And of course, I don't plan on having faction balance conducive to such a play style.
I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. The cost was merely a guideline to assist players with initial balancing of their proposed factions.
The GTX wannabespanos, gtx used a nordic warlord helmet.
Faction Concept : Angry teenage kids, who rule the mod with their uber pr0 skills
Equipment :
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visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Proposed Stats:
99 strength
99 agility
33 PS
33 IF
33 Athletics
1000 2h/pole wpf
All hail the master race.
In my dreams ATS always wears red churburg. However, I think more red in general would help with that look.
Give the blacksmith a great Maul as smithhammer and a barmace (steelbars always ly around) and give him some mail (he has always some in stock for his lord ;) ) and you have a second strong class.My original plan was to give the blacksmith a great maul, but then I realised that there was not a single infantry class that used shields.
(don't want to argue with the artist.... just an idea)
I think you did indeed do the totals wrong. For your cavalry I only get up to about 37k instead of 63k. I think the idea is you only add up the items they can use at one time. So if you have 2 horses, you use the mean price of these 2. They always use 1 melee weapon at a time, so if you have 3, you use the mean of those 3.Okay, thats what I thought you were supposed to do, but the medium tier armor can stay with stats like 30 STR and 27 ATH haha.
You can probably armour up quite a bit. :P
Maximum of 2 points from cavalry? With an armoured horse being 2 points you can only put naked units on them?
I think it was meant to be units instead of points.
We need this to be clear.
Obviously he means you can only have one unit with heavy horses or two units with light ones at the most.
A stereotyphical evil faction. You can probably guess which cRPG clan this one is based on. If you can't, you're an imbecile.
That part is perfectly clear.Says you. I presume you are right in your interpretation of this, but cavalry does in fact mean the unit as a whole including horse and rider. So it should simply be changed to no more than 2 unit points worth of horses to avoid confusion.
Strange and unusual faction, love it. You do seem to lack a 4 point class however.(click to show/hide)
Strange and unusual faction, love it. You do seem to lack a 4 point class however.Thanks mate! However, I'm not sure what you mean by a 4-point class?
Thanks mate! However, I'm not sure what you mean by a 4-point class?A class which has 4 points worth of armour, weapons and horse if cav together. Like the OP's heroes or my Doppelsoldner or Torp's Heavy Cav.
Nords are Lawful Neutral.
And what do you think the other factions are?
The Phalangites
This faction is based on the DTV clan Phalangites.
The Phalagites is an good all-around Faction, it´s strongest unit is the Nodachi-infantry which is heavily armoured and use the deadly Nodachi. They have good hoplites to support the Nodachi-infantry and guard their archers. The archers are deadly at range and can defend them self in melee. Their cavalry use bastart swords and are good to break the enemy´s lines with, but the lack of shields make them vulnerable to ranged. Their weakest unit is the skirmish throwers which are lightly armoured and bad shield and 1 handed weapon, but don't underestimate them thay are light and fast and can throw hard hitting war darts from distance.(click to show/hide)
Wait what? It's the stone crows, not storm crows if you don't refer to the mercenary company across the narrow sea. But i assume you mean the stone crows! God, i should get a life.
Sons of Khudar
The sons, a sect of warlike monks on a journey of redemption for their eldrich god Khudar, despise the use of ranged weapons. The sons consider killing a man on further than where you can see their eyes cowardice. Thus, their tactics largely rely on getting close and personal with the enemy so they can see the life escape after a killing blow.
Coming soon!
Novice: A fresh recruit to join the dark pilgrimate of the sons.(click to show/hide)
Cool concept, but you have to have 5 units, only having 4 completely screws up balance.(click to show/hide)
Cool concept, but you have to have 5 units, only having 4 completely screws up balance.
I'm sorry, but you're using 3 points total for cav. The limit is 2.Fixed.
Evertikus how many factions have you made....?
The Rowdy Ravishing Rummaging Ruffians(click to show/hide)
The percentage of Nordic looking factions is too damn high!Indeed, so I merged a few of em. Right now we can only have 6 factions implemented, so we have to be rather selective. Eventually (probably soon) we'll be able to have more than just 6. When this happens, there won't be any kind of a limit on the number of faction that we can have. At the same time, I'll run another one of these with a better ruleset.
The Rowdy Ravishing Rummaging Ruffians(click to show/hide)
Fashion CrimeYou actually managed to make a faction worse than both of mine, congrats.
Christmas Tree Trooper(click to show/hide)
Indeed, so I merged a few of em. Right now we can only have 6 factions implemented, so we have to be rather selective. Eventually (probably soon) we'll be able to have more than just 6. When this happens, there won't be any kind of a limit on the number of faction that we can have. At the same time, I'll run another one of these with a better ruleset.I wouldn't go too overboard with the number of factions, people still need to be able to get to know them to use effectively. Also, more factions means more difficult balancing.
I wouldn't go too overboard with the number of factions, people still need to be able to get to know them to use effectively. Also, more factions means more difficult balancing.The initial 6 have been chosen, stats created, minor tweaks applied, now we just need chadz's final seal of approval + patch. It was created because of the opportunity, with the possibility of being permanent(maybe not all of the servers). While it's true that I'm putting a lot of this together and balancing the factions, this is still a group project. A lot of people have contributed in one way or another, both players and devs.
As you seem to be the guy getting all this shit sorted, how long until we can see some of these factions in the game? Like a week or more like a month? Wasn't this gamemode only created to make use of the double servers which were available for a limited period? Seems like an awful lot of work for something that won't last.
The initial 6 have been chosen, stats created, minor tweaks applied, now we just need chadz's final seal of approval + patch. It was created because of the opportunity, with the possibility of being permanent(maybe not all of the servers). While it's true that I'm putting a lot of this together and balancing the factions, this is still a group project. A lot of people have contributed in one way or another, both players and devs.
.5UP over allowed, and 10k gold .... i could fix it, but everything fits soo fucking fine .... Is it allowed to post it :/?Look at the legion, it's 1.5 over and like only 15K under, it's fine just post it.
You actually managed to make a faction worse than both of mine, congrats.You must see the inner beauty of it. You are probably just looking from the wrong angle atm.
What does maximum of 2 points from cavalry mean? Does that mean there's a restriction on the horses themselves or the unit's whole point cost?I think it should have been maximum of 2 points from horses. So either 1 heavy horse class or 2 light horse classes.
I think it should have been maximum of 2 points from horses. So either 1 heavy horse class or 2 light horse classes.
Could you tell us which custom factions that was chosen to be playable? :)Right now we could only accept 6 designs, if we get a server up with an active player base, it could be expanded in a way that would allow us to have an infinite number of factions. But until then, we really had to be selective with faction types/designs.
Here's what was selected:
Fuck you dynamike
Right now we could only accept 6 designs, if we get a server up with an active player base, it could be expanded in a way that would allow us to have an infinite number of factions. But until then, we really had to be selective with faction types/designs.:D
Here's what was selected:
The Company of Outcasts
Ard-Ghalan Horde
Tihr Free Company
The LegionPhalangites
Nord-based faction (name still tbd)
All factions were changed one way or another, none were implemented 1:1, some were changed more than others. The Nord-based faction takes a little from each of the Nord faction proposals in this thread.