cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 01:30:47 am

Title: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 01:30:47 am
*Update 10/06/2013*
A lot of people have been wondering what happened to this and whether or not their effort is simply going to go to waste. Unfortunately, I don't have the best news, but it's not hopeless. Originally, we decided to run this as a test because we had the old EU server for a few extra weeks. Now that those servers are gone, we no longer have a good place to host this game mode. Due to the fact that a dedicated server running this game mode can only accommodate a handful of players, it doesn't make economical sense to continue officially hosting this. On the plus side, anyone can host a server with this game mode.

In the event that we can find someone willing to pay for/host a server running this game mode, not only will these custom factions be playable, but further development can also resume where it left off. Sorry to anyone who feels like they wasted their time contributing, that was not my intention. But like you, I too put a fair bit of time into this.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: SoA_Sir_ODHarry on May 19, 2013, 01:48:23 am
how about the skills? is it like in native or should it be crpg lv related?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 01:52:35 am
In anticipation of allowing players to use their characters properly(with equipment), npcs need to have higher level stats so that they're properly risky to engage directly. Check the ones I came up with. Think of DTV high wave bots, somewhere around the mid-high thirties with the strongest of classes about level 40.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: SoA_Sir_ODHarry on May 19, 2013, 01:59:42 am
ok how bout the wpf change then
it wouldnt make sense too design classes when the wpf changes soon...


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edit: I think there should be a Max. restriction in Equip worth for any Class. otherwise its easy too create OP Classes while the other of the army gonna be underused...wouldnt make sense then too create 5 classes when they not all gonna be used properly.Or gonna be there 1vs1 battels(contests)?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 02:02:38 am
You don't have to worry about Weapon Master, just define set amounts of wpf for each type. 180 being high, 140 medium, 100 low. Again, we'll tweak the numbers based on the concept and what it takes to actually achieve balance. Glad you like the idea. Can't wait till I see some old timers representing their factions here.

edit: I think there should be a Max. restriction in Equip worth for any Class. otherwise its easy too create OP Classes while the other of the army gonna be underused...wouldnt make sense then too create 5 classes when they not all gonna be used properly.Or gonna be there 1vs1 battels(contests)?
Players certainly need to keep such things in mind, but there's no reason why we can't set certain limitations like only 1 cav division for faction x per round. You already need 1 commander per division as is.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Panos on May 19, 2013, 02:08:29 am
The GTX wannabes

Faction Concept : Angry teenage kids, who  rule the mod with their uber pr0 skills

Equipment :

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Proposed Stats:
99 strength
99 agility
33 PS
33 IF
33 Athletics
1000 2h/pole wpf

All hail the master race.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 02:10:16 am
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We already have that, it's called the Heroes faction.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Lt_Anders on May 19, 2013, 02:22:13 am
Question: Do slots matter? Can bots use more slots than actual "slots" unlike humans?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 02:24:38 am
Question: Do slots matter? Can bots use more slots than actual "slots" unlike humans?
Slots don't matter, try not to go overboard with it though. The melee weapons that get selected for each bot are random.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Lt_Anders on May 19, 2013, 02:28:38 am
Define random as its not 100% random from what i know.

Random from selection of weapons right?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Apsod on May 19, 2013, 02:29:18 am
Letting a bot have two different horses and then making the average cost of the two horses be the horse price for that bot is not a good idea. This is because the AI will choose the more expensive horse most of the time.

The problem here is that a bot can have a plated charger and a sumpter horse and almost always use the plated charger, but yet pay just a little bit more than half the cost of the plated charger.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: isatis on May 19, 2013, 02:30:23 am
Hum... good idea Tydeus!

To add a little spices here, the Winner of this conquest shall win a pretty 100k of Cochon's money!!

Disclaimer : In order to win the Cochon price, you must use the Kaftan at least one time :P
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 02:33:03 am
Letting a bot have two different horses and then making the average cost of the two horses be the horse price for that bot is not a good idea. This is because the AI will choose the more expensive horse most of the time.

The problem here is that a bot can have a plated charger and a sumpter horse and almost always use the plated charger, but yet pay just a little bit more than half the cost of the plated charger.
The mean cost thing is simply for the purposes of having a guideline, clearly we're not going to implement something like that. It's simply a way for people creating factions, to judge how strong/weak their design is.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: wayyyyyne on May 19, 2013, 02:34:28 am
The GTX wannabes

Faction Concept : Angry teenage kids, who  rule the mod with their uber pr0 skills

Equipment :

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Proposed Stats:
99 strength
99 agility
33 PS
33 IF
33 Athletics
1000 2h/pole wpf

All hail the master race.

this should come with the bots spamming the chat with "omg wtf" "playing terrible atm" and "stab went through u" for every hit they take
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Thomek on May 19, 2013, 03:46:34 am
maybe throw in some loompoints for the winners? to get some serious activity going!
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Kelugarn on May 19, 2013, 09:31:06 am
You forgot the most important class.
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Duster on May 19, 2013, 12:28:48 pm

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        The ancient Republic of ATS was an aggressive, militaristic civilization that made use of a balance of decent infantry, great hoplites, good archers, and decent cavalry. Their shieldwalls were among the first of their kind, and were near invincible to any form of cavalry. It has been rumored that ATS armies were been taken down by a combination of superior range and two handed beserkers, but history is written by the winners....

The support legion for ATS, these footsoldiers were valued for their reliability as skirmishers.

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Stats: Should have just above average athletics, respectable power throw, below average powerstrike, little ironflesh. Below average 1h wpf, respectable throwing wpf.

The real backbone of ATS' armies, these highly trained and dedicated troops put other spearmen to shame.

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Stats: Should have High athletics and High powerstrike, below average ironflesh, Rediculous polearm wpf and average 1h wpf

When ATS needed their dirty work done for them, they sent in these heavy hitters. More hired muscle than real soldiers.

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Stats: Low athletics, High powerstrike, below average ironflesh, and below average 2h wpf.

An essential part of any ATS army, these troops know how to shut down their enemies with a hail of arrows. Lightly armored, but highly skilled.

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Stats: Good power draw, average powerstrike, average ironflesh, good athletics, very high archery wpf, below average meelee wpf.

Fast and devastating, ATS cavalry would maneuver to their foe's weak point and obliterate it.

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Stats: High riding, average powerstrike, low shield skill, average ironflesh, average wpf across the board.

Grand Total: 175,626

An overall balanced faction, with a tendency towards strong spears. A good counter to a heavy cavalry faction, but not gimped against others.

Feel free to point out flaws/tell me I have terrible fashion sense/ATS sucked and why are you making this/Duster where did you learn to math, but I'd prefer constructive criticism. I didn't make up concrete stats because they'd probably be terribad and altered anyways.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 12:29:49 pm
You should just ban NA from participating from the get go, their lack of any knowledge about medieval history makes them pick out the worst armour combinations. Case and point OP, a little, could be worse.

Is it really such a good idea to encourage players to create factions containing hoplites or pikemen? The AI cant do shit with them.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Duster on May 19, 2013, 12:34:47 pm
You should just ban NA from participating from the get go, their lack of any knowledge about medieval history makes them pick out the worst armour combinations. Case and point OP, a little, could be worse.

Is it really such a good idea to encourage players to create factions containing hoplites or pikemen? The AI cant do shit with them.

I don't think the point is to make up historically accurate factions, but to come up with things that we want in. Make one yourself!
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Miwiw on May 19, 2013, 12:37:56 pm
Some question to the AI, as you never know what they'd do... :

- If you give the AI more than 1 weapon, example: 1h sword and 1h axes. Do they ever switch between those weapons or what weapon do they choose first? The more expensive one or the one with more dmg?

- If you give the AI throwing stuff, do they throw them instantly when charging the first time? Afaik that happens in native as well.

- Does a cav bot switch to sword once he's dehorsed and had a lance before? :o

If they don't do certain stuff, it doesnt even make sense to equip them with more than 1 weapon, or a weapon they'd rather choose anyway...


The melee weapons that get selected for each bot are random.

Question answered, alright... should read all posts!  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 19, 2013, 12:46:38 pm
Some question to the AI, as you never know what they'd do... :

- If you give the AI more than 1 weapon, example: 1h sword and 1h axes. Do they ever switch between those weapons or what weapon do they choose first? The more expensive one or the one with more dmg?

- If you give the AI throwing stuff, do they throw them instantly when charging the first time? Afaik that happens in native as well.

- Does a cav bot switch to sword once he's dehorsed and had a lance before? :o

If they don't do certain stuff, it doesnt even make sense to equip them with more than 1 weapon, or a weapon they'd rather choose anyway...

-If you give them more than one type of the same equipment, they choose it randomly. (you have to guarentee armor, weaons and such. Otherwise they might even spawn naked.)

-In case you guarentee ranged, they have a 100% chance to spawn with throwing (or any other type of ranged of course, provided you gave them any). It works same as ranged, when they come close enough they shoot it randomly. I believe every weapon has it's coded range for the AI. For example bows and xbows have a higher usable range, so AI starts using them when they see the enemy. But for throwing they try to come closer before shoot. One extra knowledge to commanders, you can force them to use melee or ranged by using the Fire at will/Holdy your fire commands; to not waste ammo of course. Important for archers, even more important for throwing.

-No they continue using their lances after being dismounted. If AI has both sword and lance at the same time, well they use it randomly all the time. Being mounted or dismounted has no effect. They use whatever they want.

And no, I believe it has an effect if arm them with more than 1 type of weapons. For example lets say you command 20 inf that is armed with maces and spears. Given the chance of random, 10 of them would be using spears and 10 of them would be using maces. So they work better towards enemy cav, because 10 spearmen and 10 macemen is better than 20 macemen against 20 cavalry (funny thing, it is even better than 20 spearmen; if you consider the AI behaviour).
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 12:59:15 pm
Why 5 troop types by the way? Are we going to be able to use more than 3 in the future?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 19, 2013, 01:16:04 pm
Would bring good variety, if a bit complexity. I fear it might be hardcoded in Warband Engine though, and will be hard because teams would have to form up 5 classes instead of 3.

By the way, although I fanatically support native troops over customized troops and don't have much of a faith in idea of customized troops; I feel responsible of reminding 4 things to community:

-Give cavalry anything stronger than a destrier, and you have an OP class. There is a reason why devs removed armored horses in this gamemode.

-Very high armor values will make the game pretty boring. Because the AI can't handle using the light armor, so in the end :  armor crutching troop ---> all

-I believe it's a no brainer thing to say, factions should be balanced among each others. Total item cost is not a good idea for it. Not only because there is other factors such as stats and such, but also for the reason that gold is not a good way of determining the value of items.

-Factions having both strong archers, cavalry and infantry alike will remove out the variety. In the end, it will basically be a faction with no weaknesses; so that means for the sake of balance every faction will have the same setup. Which will kill the variety in the end. If you introduce strong infantry, I'd say make their cavalry mediocre and archers weak. So it will have a theme/characteristic.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Miwiw on May 19, 2013, 02:12:32 pm
The Nordmen
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I got bad Archers, medium cavalry, very light pikemen, heavy 2h/pole and heavy 1h infantry. I guess its quite balanced?
Strength of the Nordmen troop is simply concentrated on close melee combat and on melee stats in general. I didn't choose kuyaks for a reason. ;)
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 19, 2013, 02:32:01 pm
Still too heavy and professional equipment for my taste, but +1 for the insight and effort.

Mail shirt is 37 body armor for example, definitely not a light armor in my book. It is considered light based on cRPG standards though. But after all this is my personal opinion. I'm more fond of the idea of conscripted peasant levies I guess :P
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Miwiw on May 19, 2013, 02:36:46 pm
Ye, this is crpg equipment and how it usually looks like in Multiplayer. Should probably take Leather Vets for Archers for example, and Leather Jerkin for the Pikemen, and similar stuff for other classes to get a rather light/medium faction. But then other factions have to be quite similar... :D

native factions are usually lightly armored. btw, if giving each class more than 1 armor, do they also choose randomly?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 19, 2013, 02:40:48 pm
Yes they do. For example rhodok scouts have padded cloth and ragged outfit.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jacko on May 19, 2013, 03:03:32 pm
While I agree that 'real' factions probably would have lighter/less expensive equipment, we are basing the numbers very roughly on the basic cRPG'er. The bots can't have inferior equipment to the commanders.

5 classes for variety, paraphrasing chadz "it shouldn't be a problem adding more classes".
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 04:01:39 pm
Awesome stuff so far guys. I'm diggin the ATS set-up, and finding myself wondering where the players representing DRZ are at.

Teeth, I created "The Heroes" based on the strategus faction, hero_party and what gear we chose to use(Shik picked out most of them himself). Don't worry quite so much about being strict with historical accuracy, particularly with a factions named something like... I don't know... "Among The Shadows"(where was this in history?) That being said, if you want to do something like that, go right ahead and make the proposal; it's an awesome idea that I'm sure a lot of people would be down with. Just keep in mind, balance takes precedence, these bots aren't actually operating under the cRPG ruleset we have on the other servers.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: slimpyman on May 19, 2013, 04:05:53 pm
This concept is pretty sweet. hopefully it is executed well.  perhaps a slimpyman npc that is the most OP piker ever?  bwahahaha
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 04:46:26 pm
This concept is pretty sweet. hopefully it is executed well.  perhaps a slimpyman npc that is the most OP piker ever?  bwahahaha
Create a cool faction with beast pikemen named "slimpymen"?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Apsod on May 19, 2013, 05:10:33 pm
The Townsfolk:

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Torp on May 19, 2013, 05:35:17 pm
what would be the policy towards making a faction with slightly less equipement and then giving them slightly better stats?
i just brainstormed a faction but the equipment only adds up to 150k, and if i added more it would only be to get the cost up, so i'd rather just stick with the equipment i initially thought most suitable and then give them a slight edge stat-wise instead
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 06:25:44 pm
The Townsfolk:

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The problem with that, although hilarious, is the following:
<Tydeus> definitely need to limit the amount of x classes get spawned
<Tydeus> or the amount of players that can spawn as certain classes for specific factions
<chadz> maybe just third each
<chadz> so if 3 people chose cav
<chadz> then 33% of the bots would be cav
<Tydeus> yeah
<chadz> and every player gets 10% cav
<chadz> => less bots

Functionality will change, this very well might not be the final mechanic chosen. But you won't be able to have everyone spawn with the same troop, without seeing at least a minor penalty. Continuously spawning with more and more of the same class will end in reduced effectiveness. And of course, I don't plan on having faction balance conducive to such a play style.

what would be the policy towards making a faction with slightly less equipement and then giving them slightly better stats?
i just brainstormed a faction but the equipment only adds up to 150k, and if i added more it would only be to get the cost up, so i'd rather just stick with the equipment i initially thought most suitable and then give them a slight edge stat-wise instead
I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. The cost was merely a guideline to assist players with initial balancing of their proposed factions.

Also, the following might be useful to keep in mind:
<cmp> [15:51:01] <Tydeus> how hard would it be to implement a work-around for the undesirable equipment prioritization that bots do?
<cmp> [15:51:35] <Tydeus> where they prioritize cost
<cmp> easy
<Tydeus> cmp how about, simply random?
<cmp> random works i guess

So prioritizing cost, is essentially fixed. It's possible this still has conflicts with certain concepts, but overall I think it's much less limiting and technically simple for people to understand.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 19, 2013, 06:39:05 pm
<chadz> so if 3 people chose cav
<chadz> then 33% of the bots would be cav
<Tydeus> yeah
<chadz> and every player gets 10% cav
<chadz> => less bots

That sounds like a rubbish idea. Punishing people with less bots for making "wrong" choices? Why not just limit the number with slots for each troop type?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 06:41:12 pm
That sounds like a rubbish idea. Punishing people with less bots for making "wrong" choices? Why not just limit the number with slots for each troop type?
I should probably have added a disclaimer, that might not be the functionality chosen. It's was simply to show that it will not be the same. there will be a limit and you won't be able to stack certain types without issue.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 06:50:53 pm

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 19, 2013, 07:00:47 pm
Cost is very high because of long espadas, side sword and flamberges. Those are just exclusive.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Kalam on May 19, 2013, 07:06:33 pm
Feel free to point out flaws/tell me I have terrible fashion sense/ATS sucked and why are you making this/Duster where did you learn to math, but I'd prefer constructive criticism. I didn't make up concrete stats because they'd probably be terribad and altered anyways.

In my dreams ATS always wears red churburg. However, I think more red in general would help with that look.

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Miwiw on May 19, 2013, 07:11:40 pm
Should stats really be that high, Teeth?
Afaik native bots got much much lower stats, like 15/15 or similar.

For the faction I proposed, I used about level 30 and that's like 27/12 for 2h/poles, 21/15 for 1h and similar. If you got a lot of STR you should take less AGI so there's some balance and your bots aren't good in all they can do...
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 07:17:11 pm
I am just following Tydeus his lead who has about a 24/24 as average as well. Supposedly to allow the AI to counter people being able to use their ingame character, but effective commanding kinda requires having a horse, so I am not sure if that would work so well.

In any case I can easily scale the stats down to fit a lower overall build strength.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 19, 2013, 07:18:35 pm
Should stats really be that high, Teeth?
Afaik native bots got much much lower stats, like 15/15 or similar.

For the faction I proposed, I used about level 30 and that's like 27/12 for 2h/poles, 21/15 for 1h and similar. If you got a lot of STR you should take less AGI so there's some balance and your bots aren't good in all they can do...
We want to have higher stats so that the bots are more deadly. While it uses some of the native mechanics, I've been told it is using the cRPG soak/reduce values. And since armor levels are higher while weapon damage is lower, bots need to have better stats.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Utrakil on May 19, 2013, 07:22:56 pm
The problem with that (TOWNFOLK), although hilarious, is the following:
<Tydeus> definitely need to limit the amount of x classes get spawned
<Tydeus> or the amount of players that can spawn as certain classes for specific factions
<chadz> maybe just third each
<chadz> so if 3 people chose cav
<chadz> then 33% of the bots would be cav
<Tydeus> yeah
<chadz> and every player gets 10% cav
<chadz> => less bots

Functionality will change, this very well might not be the final mechanic chosen. But you won't be able to have everyone spawn with the same troop, without seeing at least a minor penalty. Continuously spawning with more and more of the same class will end in reduced effectiveness. And of course, I don't plan on having faction balance conducive to such a play style.
I don't see why it couldn't be implemented. The cost was merely a guideline to assist players with initial balancing of their proposed factions.

Give the blacksmith a great Maul as smithhammer and a barmace (steelbars always ly around) and give him some mail (he has always some in stock for his lord ;) ) and you have a second strong class.
(don't want to argue with the artist.... just an idea)
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Blackzilla on May 19, 2013, 07:49:12 pm
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on May 19, 2013, 07:50:42 pm
The Phalangites
This faction is based on the DTV clan Phalangites.

The Phalagites is an good all-around Faction, it´s strongest unit is the Nodachi-infantry which is heavily armoured and use the deadly Nodachi. They have good hoplites to support the Nodachi-infantry and guard their archers. The archers are deadly at range and can defend them self in melee. Their cavalry use bastart swords and are good to break the enemy´s lines with, but the lack of shields make them vulnerable to ranged. Their weakest unit is the skirmish throwers which are lightly armoured and bad shield and 1 handed weapon, but don't underestimate them thay are light and fast and can throw hard hitting war darts from distance.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Algarn on May 19, 2013, 07:58:02 pm
I agree for all stuff , but not for the nodachi  :)
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Taser on May 19, 2013, 08:00:10 pm
Inb4 someone makes a faction based entirely on ranged cavalry.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: //saxon on May 19, 2013, 08:12:58 pm
The GTX wannabes

Faction Concept : Angry teenage kids, who  rule the mod with their uber pr0 skills

Equipment :

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Proposed Stats:
99 strength
99 agility
33 PS
33 IF
33 Athletics
1000 2h/pole wpf

All hail the master race.
panos, gtx used a nordic warlord helmet.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 08:17:50 pm
and light kuyak.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Duster on May 19, 2013, 09:10:34 pm
In my dreams ATS always wears red churburg. However, I think more red in general would help with that look.

I know, I considered going with the red tunics over mail, but I wanted to spare everyone's eyes... and use the gear that ATS would have used. If only we could still use the long awlpike with a shield....
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Mr_Oujamaflip on May 19, 2013, 09:30:26 pm
The Ninjas:

Katana Ninja:

5 PS
8 WM
2 PT
172 2h

Black hood, black lamellar, katana, khergit leather boots, leather gloves, snowflakes.

Pole Ninja:
5 PS
8 WM
2 IF
172 2h

Straw hat, lamellar vest, bamboo spear, long hafted blade, khergit leather boots, leather gloves.

Ranged Ninja:


3 PS
7 WM
6 PD
50 2h, 159 Archery

No head armour, khergit lamellar vest, katana, yumi, bodkins, khergit leather boots, leather gloves
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Apsod on May 19, 2013, 09:34:54 pm
Give the blacksmith a great Maul as smithhammer and a barmace (steelbars always ly around) and give him some mail (he has always some in stock for his lord ;) ) and you have a second strong class.
(don't want to argue with the artist.... just an idea)
My original plan was to give the blacksmith a great maul, but then I realised that there was not a single infantry class that used shields.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 19, 2013, 09:36:41 pm
I'm guessing the requirements for period setting aren't exactly strict here?

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Faction concept: The Legion
Loosely modeled on the classical Roman legion of the late republic. Strong medium infantry with some skirmishing capabilities supported by auxiliaries with different armaments, including archers and a cavalry wing. It'll be interesting to see whether players can make the most of the infantry's throwing weapons before closing in melee. I'm going with pretty good stats because their gear actually isn't all that great for the most part. Feel free to reduce if you find something OP.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: BD_SUPERBEAST on May 19, 2013, 10:28:42 pm
Instead of throwing out some troop types i just want to throw out some ideas:

What about having a place on the crpg site where u can select and set the builds for all your personal 3 types of troops and then set the equipment for them with the correspondant upkeep? (and your commander of course).

Would look like this:

Hero : Lvl 31 , with the usual set of skills and atribute points of a lvl 31 on crpg. (maybe heros should be lower lvl than bots probably,but this all can be checked and changed,the point its the main idea)

Troops : Kind 1. Lvl 30 with the usual blah blah / Kind 2. bla bla bla /kind 3 bla bla.

Then u can choose from some sets of weapons armors etc for them, with a maximum gold of x per match( same for everyone). And ull pay the upkeep for that total amount ( being this reduced to like 10% or whatever dosent break actual crpg economy more than it is) in the end of each battle. The reward for winning must be set acordingly and cautiously too.

The idea its to personalize your leader(maybe the must be all have one helmet or armor in common for others to be able to recognize them), and ur troops before each battle or just sometimes when ure bored of them and want to try something new or other more extreme tactics,or just to complement your army with the army of a friend.

Another point im thiking of its: if people can use ranged weapons in their hero,theyre gona be some hero snipers that are gona fuck up the matches quick just with 3 shots which doesnt make sense in this kind of game ,so probably heros could not use ranged just to make sure an assasination of a hero must involve a risk for the other hero.

That was all. :)

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jon Agony on May 19, 2013, 10:52:27 pm
The Jotnar clan

A faction based of the mercenary faction in the Mount and Blade mod Sword of Damocles. The Jotnar clan is inspired off the vikings. The faction strenght is Two handed axe men and axe throwers but alot better cavalry then the Nords. Their infantry line is powerful wielding giant 2-handed axes and heavy armor.  The elite Jotnar Clan unit wields giant 2-handed swords.

Note: I'm not very good at the stats so be prepared to be confused :!:

Jotnar Clan Armsman
The Backbone of the army wielding a shield, one handed axe and a backup of throwing weapons.

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Proposed stats: 21/21
Wpf: 120 in one hander and 90 in throwing.


Jotnar Clan Jarl
The Veterans of the Jotnar Clan. These Jarls were raised to command their men in battle. They are wielding armour fit for a Jarl and are wielding two handed axes.

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Proposed stats: 24/24
Wpf: 180 2H


Jotnar Clan Einherjar
The Elite soldiers of the Jotnar Clan. Wielding but a Highland Claymore.

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Proposed stats: 24/24
Wpf: 250 2H


Jotnar Clan Axeman
The mighty axethrowers of the Jotnar clan. These skirmishers are mighty in both melee and ranged. Watch out for them at the battlefield.

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Proposed stats: 21/18
Wpf: 150 in 1H and 210 in Throwing.


Jotnar Clan Disir
The proud cavalry of the Jotnar clan. Wielding throwing weapons, a axe and a shield.

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Proposed stats: 24/24
Wpf: 140 in 1Hander and 150 in Throwing.


Total: 143k
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 19, 2013, 11:04:41 pm
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The Company of Outcasts
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A stereotyphical evil faction. You can probably guess which cRPG clan this one is based on. If you can't, you're an imbecile.

+ Heavy cavalry excels both on foot and mounted
+ Shielders fit nicely to defend a position due to throwing capability
+ Archers have fast bows with decent damage output, good for dealing fast damage for incoming attacks.

- Non-shielder infantry is basically cannonfodder.
- Archers run out of arrows quite soon and become useless. They also have low health.

Total army cost of 168371 gold.
Unit points used:
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Outcast Ranged Ambusher: Ranged unit with a fast bow. Good melee capabilities, although low health.
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Outcast Shieldbrother: Heavily armored front-line soldiers with some throwing. Uses relatively short one-handed weapons.
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Outcast Wildling Conscript: Very light and very strong polearm unit. Perfect shock troop, but dies easily to ranged.
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Outcast Light Infantry: A twohanded skirmish unit with long weapons. Vulnerable to cavalry and ranged if caught in the open.
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Outcast Veteran Cavalry: Heavy Cavalry armed with both cleaver and a lance. Strongest and most feared unit of the Outcasts.
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Torp on May 19, 2013, 11:19:27 pm
The Tartarus Horde

This is not a faction based on a specific historical period, but rather a faction consisting of classes i think will complement and support each other well while being fun to play and efficient on the field of battle. It is named after 'Tartarus', the deep abyss of hell and a place for the wicked in Greek mythology - this does not mean the classes will be greek-themed; it refers to their dark armors and intimidating weapons and how the Horde will be as mighty as the Titans of ancient Greece. Therefore, each of the different classes is also named after one of the 6 original male titans who were banished to Tartarus following the battle of Olympians and Titans.
The faction revolves around a core group of shielders as the main infantry group supported by efficient archers and cavalry. It will be a strong faction when played by coordinating commanders that can take advantage of the shielders ability to hold back infantry while archers and cavalry can pick out enemies and devastate armies. The faction does not have havoc-wrecking infantry capabilities though, and will be vulnerable to shieldbreakers, crushthrough and the like while also having a somewhat vulnerable yet crucial archer squad that will need some protection.
These are the proposed classes:

The Archers of Crius:
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The Shielders of Iapetus:
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Hyperion's Hoplites:
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Cronus' Cavalry:
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The Shield Breakers of Coeus:
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Total army cost: 171679 gold

This is of course open for suggestions and may be altered at some point in the future - but here is at least a 'first draft'; please let me know if there is something you think should be changed, both devs and fellow c-RPG players.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jarold on May 19, 2013, 11:39:50 pm
White Company

Heavy infantry, light cavalry, inaccurate/hard hitting/poorly armored crossbowman, lightly armored spearmen.

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Two Hander
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Grand Total - 167,678

I personally like Apsod's idea a lot! Also just followed Tydeus' guideline on stats so i'm not sure if these classes are OP.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Blackzilla on May 19, 2013, 11:44:47 pm
The Bowlers

Brontosaurus' (archers)
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STFU Donny Squadron (spearmen/hoplites)

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Knights of Ethgar (1h/thrower)
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Blackzilla's Company (2h heros)

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The Dudes' (Cav)

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Total Cost
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 19, 2013, 11:52:12 pm
I think you did indeed do the totals wrong. For your cavalry I only get up to about 37k instead of 63k. I think the idea is you only add up the items they can use at one time. So if you have 2 horses, you use the mean price of these 2. They always use 1 melee weapon at a time, so if you have 3, you use the mean of those 3.

You can probably armour up quite a bit.  :P

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Blackzilla on May 20, 2013, 12:00:19 am
I think you did indeed do the totals wrong. For your cavalry I only get up to about 37k instead of 63k. I think the idea is you only add up the items they can use at one time. So if you have 2 horses, you use the mean price of these 2. They always use 1 melee weapon at a time, so if you have 3, you use the mean of those 3.

You can probably armour up quite a bit.  :P
Okay, thats what I thought you were supposed to do, but the medium tier armor can stay with stats like 30 STR and 27 ATH haha.

I was just bored and based the units off of my fellow clannies outfits/weps I've seen them use. Some of it is modified.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 20, 2013, 07:33:50 am
Sorry about updating this after so many proposals have been made, but we felt that an additional system might help achieve the desired effects. We knew there were a few things that we should really steer clear of; rather than having anyone waste time creating a design that we had no intentions of implementing, we decided to add more rules. Please update your proposals to adhere to the following system. Again, sorry for any inconvenience this caused but I really didn't want anyone's efforts to go to waste.

Faction Customization Ruleset
    Unit type limitations:
    Each faction must follow these three Unit Points criteria:
    Unit Points
        Armor (body armor + gloves)
        Weapons (take the mean value for weapons + any shield costs)
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 20, 2013, 09:08:21 am
I think my Legion already fills those requirements. Might be a bit over or under 14 points depending on how exactly you do the math on the weapons. Do you add bow and arrow costs together instead of taking the mean? How about multiple arrow stacks? Do you then take the mean of those and the melee weapon? Throwing and melee -- mean, or added up like with shields? Multiple throwing stacks?

Also, just want to check, when you say one troop has to be below 2 points, you really mean "below", not "at most"? So 1.5 or less? If that's the case then it might also be a sticking point.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 20, 2013, 09:21:38 am
I updated my Outcasts to match these requirement. I think you'll find the combination of fast archers, heavy shielders, cannonfodder non-shielders and heavy cavalry interesting.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 20, 2013, 10:00:08 am
Alright, I'll get on it. Price does not correlate with effectiveness very well though, especially in the case of A.I. Even though a Flamberge is 3 times as expensive as a Longsword, I doubt the A.I. will do much better with it. Basically short fast weapons are the A.I.'s strong point, because of the tendency to facehug. Our pricing system is aimed at players. For example, equipping all your troops with Rondel Daggers will be dirt cheap, but probably highly effective. Even when they will probably only use the stab mode.

That is why I hope that whoever is going to balance these considers the effectiveness of the A.I. with a weapon rather than the price, and I really hope I don't have to change equipment because of this point thing. Otherwise my crossbow guys are going to get Rondel daggers for sure, because that is actually historically correct, cheap and effective.

Maximum of 2 points from cavalry? With an armoured horse being 2 points you can only put naked units on them?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 20, 2013, 10:22:44 am
Maximum of 2 points from cavalry? With an armoured horse being 2 points you can only put naked units on them?

Obviously he means you can only have one unit with heavy horses or two units with light ones at the most.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Utrakil on May 20, 2013, 10:27:15 am
I think it was meant to be units instead of points.
We need this to be clear.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Torp on May 20, 2013, 10:28:09 am
The Legion of Tartarus

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Eons ago, the great Titans were defeated by the Greek gods and banished to the dark deep abyss of Tartarus. Many long years have since passed, and the Titans have gathered a frightening legion of deadly troops to take revenge once and for all. The Olympians  that were their enemies are now long gone, but still remains the treacherous men who praised those very gods. Now the once fallen Titans have sent their Legion of death and destruction to Calradia to spread fear in the hearts of man and regain control of the vast lands of Calradia by decimating anyone stupid or ignorant enough to stand in their way. The Titans have each personally trained and prepared a squadron of blood-thirsty troops, eager to enter the battlefield and fulfill their destiny.
The Legion revolves around a core group of shielders as the main infantry group supported by efficient archers and cavalry. It will be very effective when the separate squadrons coordinate and play as one, but will be weak and vulnerable when spread out or facing heavy infantry units with shieldbreaking abilities. The Legion does not have havoc-wrecking infantry capabilities with only weak and lightly armored twohanders that will be very exposed when facing skilled archers and other ranged units.
These are the proposed classes:

The Archers of Crius:
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The Shielders of Iapetus:
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Hyperion's Hoplites:
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Cronus' Cavalry:
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The Shield Breakers of Coeus:
(click to show/hide)

Total army cost: 165509 gold
Total Army Unit Points: 14

The Legion is heavily teamwork-oriented and will have trouble when commanded by people who think they can just take their unit and walk to victory. It is, however, effective when commanders cooperate and designed for teamwork

This is of course open for suggestions and may be altered at some point in the future - but here is at least a 'first draft'; please let me know if there is something you think should be changed, both devs and fellow c-RPG players.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 20, 2013, 10:30:46 am
I think it was meant to be units instead of points.
We need this to be clear.

That part is perfectly clear.

Obviously he means you can only have one unit with heavy horses or two units with light ones at the most.

The only real ambiguity is on how the weapon cost stuff is all calculated, waiting for Tydeus to answer my questions on that. Also the "below 2" thing because it seems really low.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Nessaj on May 20, 2013, 11:03:30 am
Look at the example "The Heroes (" in the original post.

There's the gold limit, and, a unit points limit of 14.


Ranged/Hybrid division
Very lacking ranged capabilities, sub-par melee.

Armor Total: 7,453; 33 armor  1 point
Weapon Total: 4751; .5 points
Subtotal: 27,339 1.5 points

Which means he spent 1.5 unit points in total, and 27,339 gold.

The number, 33 armor and 1 point, comes from:   
Weapon Total: 4751 means the cost isn't above 5k = .5 unit points:   
Regarding Horse Unit Points, basically any armored horse is 2 points which means you can only have that 1 unit as cavalry in your army. If you went with an unarmored horse (light horse) instead you can have two cavalry units in your army.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 20, 2013, 11:23:01 am
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Ard-Ghalan Horde
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A nomadic horde from foreign lands. Not much is known of them aside the fact that the spike on their helmets signals the strenght and rank of the individual in the horde. They rely heavily in ranged as every member of the horde is taught either how to shoot a bow or throw a spear from young age. Their tactics involve harassing the enemy on range and finishing them off with a charge of slave-soldiers followed by heavy infantry.

+ Lots of ranged. May not do the best damage, but they'll spam like their lives depended on it.
+ Hard-hitting heavy-armor twohanders with short weapons. Backbone of the army.
+ All units aside from the armorcrutchers are fast. Easy to skirmish around the map.

- Ranged uses non-piercing arrows. If they face heavy armor, they'll be in trouble.
- Light hybrid cavalry can't compete with heavy cavalry.

Total army cost of 156166 gold.
Unit points used:
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Hunter: A celebrated ranger of the horde, excelling both at melee and ranged.
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Trapper: A novice ranger on his way to hunter. Still hasn't figured out how to shoot a bow so uses a crossbow.
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Camp guards: Heavily armored elite warriors of the horde. Clad in exotic armors from foreign lands.
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Slave conscript: Conscrips that are given an option: Die on your feet or earn your place in the horde through battle.
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Raider: A skirmisher cavalry unit riding a fast horse.
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Gnjus on May 20, 2013, 11:50:25 am
A stereotyphical evil faction. You can probably guess which cRPG clan this one is based on. If you can't, you're an imbecile.

Bandits or Nords ? Cause those were the only truly evil clans in this mod.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 20, 2013, 11:52:53 am
Nords are Lawful Neutral.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 20, 2013, 12:01:43 pm
Updated my faction, I think every rule is adhered to. Had to scale down a lot on armour and weapons, but still pretty satisfied with the end result. Also made some better troop descriptions to make their intended role a little clearer to the balancer.

That part is perfectly clear.
Says you. I presume you are right in your interpretation of this, but cavalry does in fact mean the unit as a whole including horse and rider. So it should simply be changed to no more than 2 unit points worth of horses to avoid confusion.

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Strange and unusual faction, love it. You do seem to lack a 4 point class however.

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 20, 2013, 12:07:17 pm
Strange and unusual faction, love it. You do seem to lack a 4 point class however.
Thanks mate! However, I'm not sure what you mean by a 4-point class?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Kafein on May 20, 2013, 12:14:46 pm
Horde of BUMP

Cav Master Race :

Subtotal : 137666
6 Unit points
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Fill the rest with light blunt weapon shielders, almost nude pikemen, sniper xbowmen and medium armor full str 2h great maul abusers.

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 20, 2013, 01:16:57 pm
Thanks mate! However, I'm not sure what you mean by a 4-point class?
A class which has 4 points worth of armour, weapons and horse if cav together. Like the OP's heroes or my Doppelsoldner or Torp's Heavy Cav.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 20, 2013, 01:26:31 pm
Well, there simply isn't one in this faction. Not sure how it would perform in battle, but I do know that if heavy cav charges those twohanders they're going to get bogged down and beaten to a pulp due to them having short armor-neglecting weapons.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jacko on May 20, 2013, 01:50:39 pm
The Tihr Free Company
There will always be men seeking fortune in war. The Tihr Free Company was orginally formed as a local militia protecting Tihr and it's surrounding area. Nowadays it's a mercernary company for hire, roaming the plains of inner Caldaria for plunder and riches.

Infantry focused  faction. The little ranged they have is slow hitting but resilient. Recruits act as a glass cannons while Pikemen and Mounted Sergeants serve as the bulk of the army.

Army total cost: 153184
Army total points: 14

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Thomek on May 20, 2013, 02:17:14 pm
great! I like the idea of mounted infantry.

This kind of unique properties and ideas is what makes a faction unique.. good stuff.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Polobow on May 20, 2013, 02:31:41 pm
Nords are Lawful Neutral.

And what do you think the other factions are?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Oberyn on May 20, 2013, 04:57:50 pm
And what do you think the other factions are?

I like to think Mercs were/are something like chaotic neutral.

ps: someone should make a samurai faction. The equip choice should be self evident.

bamboo spear+katana+samurai armor
longhafted blades+katana+samurai armor
Ranged+1 cav:
that japanese bow+katana+samurai armor +/- a horse
katana+heavy lance+samurai armor+ a horse

can't be bothered to figure out the point system, but thematically one of the easiest armies to put together. The only real variation in armor is between the diff lighter or heavier versions of it.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on May 20, 2013, 06:04:27 pm
The Phalangites
This faction is based on the DTV clan Phalangites.

The Phalagites is an good all-around Faction, it´s strongest unit is the Nodachi-infantry which is heavily armoured and use the deadly Nodachi. They have good hoplites to support the Nodachi-infantry and guard their archers. The archers are deadly at range and can defend them self in melee. Their cavalry use bastart swords and are good to break the enemy´s lines with, but the lack of shields make them vulnerable to ranged. Their weakest unit is the skirmish throwers which are lightly armoured and bad shield and 1 handed weapon, but don't underestimate them thay are light and fast and can throw hard hitting war darts from distance.

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Updated for the new rules, please tell me what you think about it and if I´ve missed something :D
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: tkn123 on May 20, 2013, 06:51:49 pm
The Stone Crows

From the mountains of the North these barbarous people dwell, living off the scraps of the mountain side and pillaging the villages of the common people. Their mountain raids are bloodthirsty and feared by all; at the sound of the war horn women hide their children in tunnels to protect them from the oncoming slaughter.
Preferring to fight on foot, many warriors favor the axe with which they will split the skulls of their enemies and then drink their blood in worship of the Old Gods.
Due to lack of horses in the mountains, Hedge Knights are often seen accompanying the Crows into battle.

The Crows

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Hedge Knights

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Adds up to 14 points.
Total Value of equipment is: 134020
I haven't put the skill points up as I don't know what they need to be based around and that can be done at a later date.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jon Agony on May 20, 2013, 07:47:09 pm
Wait what? It's the stone crows, not storm crows if you don't refer to the mercenary company across the narrow sea. But i assume you mean the stone crows! God, i should get a life.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: tkn123 on May 20, 2013, 07:52:17 pm
Wait what? It's the stone crows, not storm crows if you don't refer to the mercenary company across the narrow sea. But i assume you mean the stone crows! God, i should get a life.

my bad, yeah your right  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 20, 2013, 10:28:43 pm
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Sons of Khudar
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The sons, a sect of warlike monks on a journey of redemption for their eldrich god Khudar, despise the use of ranged weapons. The sons consider killing a man more than a stones throw away cowardice. Thus, their tactics largely rely on getting close and personal with the enemy so they can see the life escape after a killing blow.

+ Throwing, and a lot of it. Incoming light cavalry will be decimated in seconds
+ Strong melee which can take pretty much any force head-on
+ Perfect army for mad charging

- Vulnerable to heavy cavalry
- Vulnerable to ranged fire

Total army cost of 177775 gold.
Unit points used:
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Postulant: A follower of the pilgrimage, looking to get into the ranks. Still uses the pilgrim gear.
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Novice: A fresh recruit with blood hands on their to join the dark pilgrimate of the sons. Uses whatever the losing side of the last conflict had.
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Monk: A person sworn to spend the rest his days releasing souls to join Khudars side. Interested in stabbing and slicing.
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Prior: A veteran member of the pilgrimage. Losing the last shreds of humanity for the glory of Khudar!
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Abbot: Nothing but a husk of hatred and blood lust. So obsessed in religious fervor that has forgotten even the art of throwing.
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jon Agony on May 20, 2013, 10:32:30 pm
Ooh, exciting! Keeping an eye on that  :P
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jarold on May 20, 2013, 10:49:59 pm
White Company           Changed some equipment to fit unit points.

Heavy infantry, light cavalry, inaccurate/good damage/poorly armored crossbowman, lightly armored spearmen.

Basically your beginner players faction. You don't have to play tactically to win unless faced against a skilled player. The key to success is to protect the two handers and get them to the enemy, the other classes are effective but more or less support.

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Two Hander
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Grand Total - 163,678

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I personally like Apsod's idea a lot! Also just followed Tydeus' guideline on stats so i'm not sure if these classes are OP.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jarold on May 20, 2013, 10:52:11 pm
Sons of Khudar

The sons, a sect of warlike monks on a journey of redemption for their eldrich god Khudar, despise the use of ranged weapons. The sons consider killing a man on further than where you can see their eyes cowardice. Thus, their tactics largely rely on getting close and personal with the enemy so they can see the life escape after a killing blow.

Coming soon!

Novice: A fresh recruit to join the dark pilgrimate of the sons.
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You could add in warrior monks or fanatics. Just throwing out ideas because it looks great!
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 21, 2013, 03:26:30 am
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Cool concept, but you have to have 5 units, only having 4 completely screws up balance.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 21, 2013, 08:42:16 am
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Oasis of Hlutain
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The city-state of Hlutain is honored as the home for the finest cavalry in all lands. The citizens are a proud people, and rightly so: Turning a village in the barren sand wasteland into flourishing economic centre is no small feat.

+ Heavy Cavalry for charging infantry.
+ Accurate and fast archers

- Lacking twohanded infantry
- Uses plenty of cutting weapons, might have a hard time against heavy infantry
- Peasants are fragile

Total army cost of 173197 gold.
Unit points used:
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Peasant Levy: Local farmers and townspeople drafted into service.
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Scout: Light infantry scout & harass unit.
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Master Archer: A professional soldier specialized in ranged combat.
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City Guards: The troops garrisoned to normally guard the city.
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Mamelukes: Elite cavalry soldiers
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Gnjus on May 21, 2013, 09:33:43 am
I sense a lot of bookworms in this thread.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Ronin on May 21, 2013, 11:42:52 am
Ordu-yu Hümayun

The frontline offensive units. Using their famed ottoman slap to reduce the morale of their enemies, designed to send first into combat to make way for janissaries. (Heavy gloves might look ridiculous in this aspect, but they are needed to maximize the punching damage.) Has to potential to do good damage to enemy in close combat, but these units are not expected to survive battle.
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The backbone of the Ottoman army. Preferring Agility over Strength, these troops are lightly armored and trained well in both melee and ranged combat.
Although they carry bows, and will be tagged as archers; these troops are only armed with tatar bows and tatar arrows. Given their shields being the strongest part of their armor, it is better to use them in melee combat most of the time; but only using the ranged option against lightly armored infantry. Not advisable to make them enter the ranged combat.
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Turkish Cavalry
Formed of Deli cavalry, Turkomans, Akinjis and Nomads; these troops are the light-mobile cavalry of the Turkish army. Excellent at skirmishing, flanking-putting the enemy at crossfire, and circling through the enemy to disband their formations. Can also be used in melee combat like a light cavalry, but should not be relied upon too much since their mobility and speed is their only advantage in melee.
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The heavy cavalry, well protected with steel shields and sipahi armor. Good in surviving and even better at charging. They can quickly lose their advantage once their horse is stopped though. Should be used to ride through the enemy formations. Although they are not excellently potent at ranged combat, they have a chance to spawn with bows.
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Ottoman Light Infantry
Composed of garrison troops (azabs) and conscripted levies (sekbans). Used mainly as light infantry and therefore cannon fodder units, mainly to tire the enemies and make enemy infantry to lose their formations. These units were mostly deployed in the center of the army, while more important troops were staying behind and/or pushing from flanks. They are also the only spearmen type of units of the Ottoman army. Although they are more likely to be succesful against cavalry charges, they should not be relied upon too much to fulfill that role as well.
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All of the items listed are guarenteed, if not stated otherwise. Will do a cost calculation shortly.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Armycook_of_KSantiago on May 21, 2013, 01:37:35 pm
Keep up the good works guyz! Something wrong with my browser and i cant get the format right..
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: tkn123 on May 21, 2013, 02:48:58 pm
Cool concept, but you have to have 5 units, only having 4 completely screws up balance.

I have added another class now :D
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Polobow on May 21, 2013, 05:23:48 pm

I'm sorry, but you're using 3 points total for cav. The limit is 2.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 21, 2013, 05:45:58 pm
I'm sorry, but you're using 3 points total for cav. The limit is 2.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jacko on May 21, 2013, 06:30:33 pm
Brigands of Reyvadin
Reyvadin has always been an important city, it's central location in Calradia makes for good trade, be it from the north, south, east or west. All roads lead to Reyvadin, as the saying goes. But, where there is great wealth, there is always people trying to grab it, lawfully or by force. The Brigands of Reyvadin are notorious for holding up caravans and ambushing tax collectors, though nowadays they have a less active approach to banditry, simply getting payed not to bother people.

Diverse faction, focusing on lighter more agile troops. Weakness to cavalry and shield based armies.

Army cost: 159116
Total points: 13.5

Not 100% yet, have some fixing to do, but I'll post it anyway.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tom Cruise on May 21, 2013, 06:36:55 pm
Evertikus how many factions have you made....?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 21, 2013, 07:17:37 pm
I dunno how he does it, I found making one was already quite time consuming, with getting all the equipment in pictures and checking the price and all that jazz.

If I could only be arsed I would creat a Shogunate as well as a Byzantium themed faction, and perhaps a cRPG dream team with the different troops being cRPG players famous for playing that class.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Duster on May 21, 2013, 07:21:16 pm
Evertikus how many factions have you made....?

Dude's got a lot of time on his hands for sure. It took me like two and a half hours to do mine
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 21, 2013, 08:28:56 pm
I make one faction / hour. It's not very hard either for me, as I already know what kind of gear would work together and what combinations would be interesting to play.

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 21, 2013, 08:40:01 pm
The Rowdy Ravishing Rummaging Ruffians

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Jon Agony on May 21, 2013, 09:15:24 pm
The Rowdy Ravishing Rummaging Ruffians

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I laughed
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: sF_Guardian on May 22, 2013, 12:27:36 am
Love the "French baguette unit", made me giggle quite a bit  :lol:
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 22, 2013, 01:04:56 am
Figured I'd post this since I think I'll be adding something like it. Should provide a rather unique playstyle when compared with others.
Men of the Trees

As a faction without horses, the Men of the Trees have had to rely heavily on their infantry. These men are used to defending their homelands thick with trees and hills, because of this they're ill prepared for fights on foreign terrain.

Army total cost: 163,306
Army total points: 14

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2013, 01:12:25 am
The percentage of Nordic looking factions is too damn high!
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 22, 2013, 02:20:35 am
The percentage of Nordic looking factions is too damn high!
Indeed, so I merged a few of em. Right now we can only have 6 factions implemented, so we have to be rather selective. Eventually (probably soon) we'll be able to have more than just 6. When this happens, there won't be any kind of a limit on the number of faction that we can have. At the same time, I'll run another one of these with a better ruleset.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: okiN on May 22, 2013, 08:16:41 am
I bet that faction is going to be OP. :o
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: peter_afca7 on May 22, 2013, 08:22:17 am
The Rowdy Ravishing Rummaging Ruffians

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but but but, cav is then waaaaaaaaaaaaay to OP
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 22, 2013, 09:15:52 am
Fashion Crime

Christmas Tree Trooper
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Obscenely Ugly Archer
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Plastic Special
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A Fucking Duck
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Angry Panda Bear
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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 22, 2013, 09:28:31 am
Fashion Crime

Christmas Tree Trooper
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You actually managed to make a faction worse than both of mine, congrats.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Royans on May 22, 2013, 10:01:09 am
The number of whiskey bottle needed for such an army is going to be crazy!
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2013, 10:39:43 am
Indeed, so I merged a few of em. Right now we can only have 6 factions implemented, so we have to be rather selective. Eventually (probably soon) we'll be able to have more than just 6. When this happens, there won't be any kind of a limit on the number of faction that we can have. At the same time, I'll run another one of these with a better ruleset.
I wouldn't go too overboard with the number of factions, people still need to be able to get to know them to use effectively. Also, more factions means more difficult balancing.

As you seem to be the guy getting all this shit sorted, how long until we can see some of these factions in the game? Like a week or more like a month? Wasn't this gamemode only created to make use of the double servers which were available for a limited period? Seems like an awful lot of work for something that won't last.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 22, 2013, 04:11:02 pm
I wouldn't go too overboard with the number of factions, people still need to be able to get to know them to use effectively. Also, more factions means more difficult balancing.

As you seem to be the guy getting all this shit sorted, how long until we can see some of these factions in the game? Like a week or more like a month? Wasn't this gamemode only created to make use of the double servers which were available for a limited period? Seems like an awful lot of work for something that won't last.
The initial 6 have been chosen, stats created, minor tweaks applied, now we just need chadz's final seal of approval + patch. It was created because of the opportunity, with the possibility of being permanent(maybe not all of the servers). While it's true that I'm putting a lot of this together and balancing the factions, this is still a group project. A lot of people have contributed in one way or another, both players and devs.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on May 22, 2013, 04:28:50 pm
The initial 6 have been chosen, stats created, minor tweaks applied, now we just need chadz's final seal of approval + patch. It was created because of the opportunity, with the possibility of being permanent(maybe not all of the servers). While it's true that I'm putting a lot of this together and balancing the factions, this is still a group project. A lot of people have contributed in one way or another, both players and devs.

Exiting to see what factions that were chosen, and thanks a lot for this gamemod I love it :D
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Knitler on May 22, 2013, 05:50:35 pm
.5UP over allowed, and 10k gold .... i could fix it, but everything fits soo fucking fine .... Is it allowed to post it :/?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on May 22, 2013, 06:20:48 pm
.5UP over allowed, and 10k gold .... i could fix it, but everything fits soo fucking fine .... Is it allowed to post it :/?
Look at the legion, it's 1.5 over and like only 15K under, it's fine just post it.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Knitler on May 22, 2013, 06:27:06 pm
The Holy Imperium

Faction Concept:The Holy Imperium, representing The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation; consists of units that are strong all around, with specialized units and other heavy infantry. (However, they don't have any archers except for archer militia, favoring crossbows instead.) The Imperiales also have excellent cavalry in the form of Knights.

Dismounted Imperial Knights
True knights in shining armour, in principle at least, these men espouse the noble ideals of chivalry and honour. In reality they are brutally effective warriors who practice their skills daily in tournaments and mock fights. On the battlefield, their steel plate protection makes them hard to kill. Although most fight mounted, those that go on foot wield their maces with deadly effect.

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Total Armor Cost: 36,986; 60 armor 2.5 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 5,640 1 point (inculding shields)
Mean Shield Cost: 4,277
Subtotal: 59,549 Gold; 3.5 points

Proposed Stats:
30 strength
21 agility
10 PS
10 IF
7 Athletics
7 Shield
160 1h wpf

Imperial Knights (Lancer division)
These knights dominate both society and the battlefield in medieval Europe. Under the feudal system each man owes military service to his lord in return for protection, a grant of land, and the peasants to work it. Trained as warriors from birth, their favourite tactic is the headlong charge. Despite the simple tactics, their strong armour, heavy lances, and martial prowess mean that only the most resolute can resist them.

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Total Armor Cost: 11,436; 43 armor 1.5 points
Total Shield Cost: 4,328
Mean Horse Cost: 33,248; 2 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 6,640 1 point (including shield)
Subtotal: 68,932 Gold; 4.5 points

Proposed Stats:
24 Strength
21 Agility
8 PS
7 IF
6 Riding
5 Shield
5 Athletic
130 1h/pole wpf

Imperial Crossbowmen
While the crossbow is relatively easy to use and powerful, it leaves the user quite vulnerable during the slow reload process. These men have quite much train on aiming, and they know what to do. They are also protected with some Mail amor.

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Armor Total: 1,972; 26 armor 1point
Ranged Weapon Total: 5,789
Melee Weapon Total: 2,990 .5 point (1 poiint together with ranged)
Subtotal: 10,751 2 points

Proposed Stats:
27 Strength
21 Agility
8 PS
8 IF
7 Athletics
140 crossbow wpf
120 1h wpf

Imperial Zerschmetterer
Literally meaning Bloodcrusher´s, in German, in reference to the grip needed to wield their massive weapons. Zerschmetterer´s are well armoured foot troops who can cut a bloody swathe through nearly all infantry they will encounter. This unit is deployed by the Holy Imperium and often forms the vanguard when assaulting enemy battlelines.

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Armor Total: 12,122; 43 armor 1.5 point
Mean Weapon Cost; 9,386; 1point
Subtotal: 30,893 2.5 points

Proposed Stats:
30 Strength
20 Agility
9 PS
7 IF
7 Athletics
150 2h/pole wpf

Imperial Seargents
Armoured Sergeants are professional warriors, drawn from the lower classes. They have some skill in combat and are well equipped with spears, large shields and mail armour. They're very solid defensive units, able to resist attacks from both foot and horse, so long as they are well supported.

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Armor Total: 7,915; 43 armor 1.5 point
Shield Total: 3,052
Mean Weapon Total: 4,329; .5 point (includes the shield cost)
Subtotal: 20,903 2points

Proposed Stats:
24 Strength
24 Agility
8 PS
8 IF
5 Shield
7 Athletics
130 1h/pole wpf

14.5 Unit points
Factioncost; ~190k

Still not sure about some of their builds .... i cant make everything :D
And maybe some other weapons to bloodcrushers like poleaxes and barmaces.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on May 22, 2013, 07:31:24 pm
What does maximum of 2 points from cavalry mean? Does that mean there's a restriction on the horses themselves or the unit's whole point cost?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Everkistus on May 22, 2013, 07:31:58 pm
You actually managed to make a faction worse than both of mine, congrats.
You must see the inner beauty of it. You are probably just looking from the wrong angle atm.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Teeth on May 22, 2013, 08:08:16 pm
What does maximum of 2 points from cavalry mean? Does that mean there's a restriction on the horses themselves or the unit's whole point cost?
I think it should have been maximum of 2 points from horses. So either 1 heavy horse class or 2 light horse classes.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on May 22, 2013, 08:19:02 pm
I think it should have been maximum of 2 points from horses. So either 1 heavy horse class or 2 light horse classes.

Ah ok thanks
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: dynamike on May 24, 2013, 01:28:53 am
- Stratia -

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RP Intro:
"After the fall of ancient Stratia and our long and perilous journey, we set foot on these new lands. Calradia, the locals call it, a continent ridden by conflicts and war, pious squabbles and family feuds. We, the last remnants of glorious Stratia, look upon the horizon and ask ourselves… can we shape this place into our new home?
Stratia, oh Stratia, when I think back to your gleaming rivers and golden fields, to your deep forests and rich meadows, to your sprawling cities and looming towers, I sometimes begin to doubt. I need to take a breath and look upon my brothers and sisters, and I wonder: will the memory of old glory be enough? Enough for them to get up and fight to survive in a land that is not their home? Enough for us to not lose hope nor heart? To shape our part of history in these lands?
When I look upon them, the last Remnants of Stratia, and I see them take up their weapons, saddle their horses, fasten their armor and helmets, when I see them look at me with fire in their eyes, when their war cry fills the air, and they charge fearless upon ranks and ranks of enemies - I have my answer!“
                                                                                                                    - From the Chronicles of Stratia

Faction Concept:
The warriors of Stratia have a long history of irregular warfare. Originally deployed to the field as elite hoplite units, their torn history since the Doom of Stratia has forced them to constantly adapt to different circumstances. Their roots as hoplites still show, although some of them have abandoned their shields in favor of longer spears and pikes. Most moved away from formational warfare altogether and prefer to fight in small squads.

Predominant among these squads are the so called "Operators", veteran warriors that combine 1 handed and 2 handed weapons with crossbows and arbalests. These men are feared throughout the known lands, as they are able to release a deadly volley of bolts to break up enemy lines before they devastate them in melee.

During early campaigns in the steppes and tundra, the Stratians have recognized the value of mounted combat. Since then they are able to field a strong component of medium to heavy cavalry that will strike at the right opportunity to break up formations or engage opposing cavalry to free up the backs of their brethren on foot.

Brotherhood is key among the various Stratian descendants and after the bloody work of their shock troops is done, many a story is shared around the campfires - and the Mascots keep the mood light, for the next battle is surely to come.

Pike Wigglers
The long dongs. Medium armor, not much to fear behind the wall of spears.

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Total Armor Cost: 10985; 42 armor 1.5 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 6762; 1 points
Subtotal: 17747 Gold; 2.5 points

Proposed Stats:
30 strength
21 agility
10 PS
10 IF
7 Athletics
160 pole/1hd wpf


"To the Alamo! Now light 'em up and when they scatter - charge these bastards!!"

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Total Armor Cost: 16576; 51 armor 2 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 27055; 1.5 points
Subtotal: 43631 Gold; 3.5 points

Proposed Stats:
27 strength
27 agility
8 PS
10 IF
9 Athletics
160 xbow/1hd wpf


When kind words and gestures do not suffice, embrace your opponents. With steel.

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Total Armor Cost: 30415; 56.5 armor 2.5 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 9717; 1 points
Subtotal: 40132 Gold; 3.5 points

Proposed Stats:
32 strength
18 agility
11 PS
11 IF
6 Athletics
180 2hd wpf


Nobody knows where these jolly folks came from... but they never fail to raise laughter and inspire the troops.

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Total Armor Cost: 1058; 25 armor 0.5 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 4763; 0.5 points
Subtotal: 5821 Gold; 1 points

Proposed Stats:
24 strength
30 agility
8 PS
8 PT
8 IF
10 Athletics
180 throwing/1hd wpf


Irregular is too mainstream for these guys. A medium unit, close to the Stratian hoplite origins.

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Total Armor Cost: 6388; 40 armor 1.5 points
Mean Shield Cost: 1142
Mean Weapon Cost: 7211; 1 points
Subtotal: 14741 Gold; 2.5 points

Proposed Stats:
27 strength
27 agility
9 PS
9 IF
9 Athletics
7 Shield
160 pole/1hd wpf


Fast, furious, always right behind you. Nice to impale you!

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Total Armor Cost: 12292; 42 armor 1.5 points
Total Shield Cost: 1984
Mean Horse Cost: 30489; 2 points
Mean Weapon Cost: 12182; 1.5 points
Subtotal: 56947 Gold; 5 points

Proposed Stats:
27 strength
18 agility
9 PS
9 IF
6 Athletics
6 Riding
6 Shield
160 pole/1hd wpf


Total Faction Costs: 179019 Gold
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on May 24, 2013, 08:30:08 pm
When will this new factions be playable?
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on May 25, 2013, 02:04:10 am
Frank's Rangers





130 wpf 1h
130 wpf throwing

Board Shield + Steel Pick + Throwing Spears

Heraldic Mail with Tabard
Rus Cav Boots




160 wpf Archery

Long Bow + Bodkins + Short Broad Sword

White Tunic over mail + Shashi + Mail Gauntlets + Rus Cav boots

They should all have my ugly head.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: dynamike on May 29, 2013, 07:48:15 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: dynamike on June 03, 2013, 04:59:38 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

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Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on June 11, 2013, 01:29:58 am
A lot of people have been wondering what happened to this and whether or not their effort is simply going to go to waste. Unfortunately, I don't have the best news, but it's not hopeless. Originally, we decided to run this as a test because we had the old EU server for a few extra weeks. Now that those servers are gone, we no longer have a good place to host this game mode. Due to the fact that a dedicated server running this game mode can only accommodate a handful of players, it doesn't make economical sense to continue officially hosting this. On the plus side, anyone can host a server with this game mode.

In the event that we can find someone willing to pay for/host a server running this game mode, not only will these custom factions be playable, but further development can also resume where it left off. Sorry to anyone who feels like they wasted their time contributing, that was not my intention. But like you, I too put a fair bit of time into this.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on June 11, 2013, 05:34:48 pm
Could you tell us which custom factions that was chosen to be playable? :)
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Tydeus on June 11, 2013, 07:45:10 pm
Could you tell us which custom factions that was chosen to be playable? :)
Right now we could only accept 6 designs, if we get a server up with an active player base, it could be expanded in a way that would allow us to have an infinite number of factions. But until then, we really had to be selective with faction types/designs.

Here's what was selected:

The Company of Outcasts
Ard-Ghalan Horde
Tihr Free Company
The Legion
Nord-based faction (name still tbd)

All factions were changed one way or another, none were implemented 1:1, some were changed more than others. The Nord-based faction takes a little from each of the Nord faction proposals in this thread.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: dynamike on June 11, 2013, 08:43:19 pm
Here's what was selected:

Fuck you dynamike

Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: ARN_ on June 11, 2013, 10:17:43 pm
Right now we could only accept 6 designs, if we get a server up with an active player base, it could be expanded in a way that would allow us to have an infinite number of factions. But until then, we really had to be selective with faction types/designs.

Here's what was selected:

The Company of Outcasts
Ard-Ghalan Horde
Tihr Free Company
The Legion
Nord-based faction (name still tbd)
All factions were changed one way or another, none were implemented 1:1, some were changed more than others. The Nord-based faction takes a little from each of the Nord faction proposals in this thread.
Title: Re: Community Faction Design Contest - Commander Mode
Post by: Moncho on July 21, 2014, 11:07:24 am
Necro because this thread is golden and some of the factions have been added to DTV. If we made some more, is there a chance that they are considered to be added to DTV, or are there already too many waves?