Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Keshian on October 19, 2012, 07:19:03 pm

Title: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 19, 2012, 07:19:03 pm

One of FCC's peaceful traders, returning to Ismirala castle on his way back from a trade run in the desert, has been brutally and viciously attacked without cause by a Hospitaller army led by Hospitaller_Lordark with 249 troops.  Not being able to accept his inferior status as cavalry compared to HUEY_TK_NEWTON he has taken to attacking peaceful traders in the mountains.

This uncalled for act of aggression brings sorrow to my heart.  I would think Hospitallers had enough enemies that they did not need to attack us.  But so be it.  Lordark shall be massacred and his compratriots should fear retribution for harboring such a vile troll in NA.

Eyewitness accounts:

Demure, peasant girl #1:  "Oh the horror."  "These vile men are trying to steal my virginity and the ugliest of them raped my donkey while I watched, Lordark I think his name was."  "Please save me before I am despoiled!!"

Wise, old peasant Farmer #3: "I reckon the ugly one wants something from the yellow guys."  "I hear they piss in the snow and he did attack them in the mountains."  "He may just be one of those piss -lovers, best avoid them folks."

Innocent, girl child #16: "I want my mommy!"

Grizzled Warrior #673: "We will send the reptilian cretin over to EU, don't you worry."
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: stickher on October 19, 2012, 07:24:07 pm
i am a peaceful trader why am i get attacked by such nice people???

i am so con-fus_(BRD)ed
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Reinhardt on October 19, 2012, 07:26:11 pm
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Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 19, 2012, 07:26:54 pm
wait, what does eu have to do with hospi?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: HardRice on October 19, 2012, 07:35:39 pm
Well, it's about damn time.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: okiN on October 19, 2012, 07:37:45 pm
wait, what does eu have to do with hospi?

You of all people hardly need to ask that. :P
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Mayzer on October 19, 2012, 07:38:33 pm
He probably just wants to have a cav duel.

And Kesh, is this a Kesh post or actually legit? :)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 07:39:52 pm

One of FCC's peaceful traders, returning to Ismirala castle on his way back from a trade run in the desert, has been brutally and viciously attacked without cause by a Hospitaller army led by Hospitaller_Lordark with 249 troops.  Not being able to accept his inferior status as a Hospitaller he has taken to attacking peaceful traders in the mountains.

This uncalled for act of aggression brings sorrow to my heart.  I would think Hospitallers had enough enemies that they did not need to attack us.  But so be it.  Lordark shall be massacred and his compratriots should fear retribution for harboring such a vile troll in NA.

but that was a shiny army when i saw it. Unless i was mistaken, simple traders don't carry shiny armies. Of course, i can be thinking of the wrong BRD memeber, but I saw one with lots of crates and a shiny army.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: stickher on October 19, 2012, 07:42:49 pm
i am not shiny but i am armed for my protection for a long run  but still why would nice ppl like hos attack a trader like my self i dont understand

i am so con-Fus_(BRD)-ed

also i thought hos was a clan that protected all of the smaller clans and all who want to be peaceful.

dont understand why people who play fair would do such a cheap shot
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 19, 2012, 07:45:24 pm
You of all people hardly need to ask that. :P

We have no involvement with NA this strategus, I don't understand your implication.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 19, 2012, 07:48:09 pm
12:47 EST. Even on a Saturday, that ain't cool. Hosp using poor battle times to force a win without a real fight again???
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 19, 2012, 07:49:32 pm
More kesh propaganda.  The shiny army came down through northern NA territory, through shogunate lands (he went south through the Jamayed castle, to hero party lands, and then up through Mawiti towards our southern steppe..  The FCC shiny army was moving north west from Mawiti towards Dusturil, and was attacked in the middle of the mountain/hills.  You were marching on us, we didn't declare any war on you, we're defending our steppe from hostile invaders.

If you wanted to march 600+ shiny army through our territory, you would have needed to contact us first, but you know that.  We're not declaring war on FCC, merely defending our borders.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 07:51:25 pm
also i thought hos was a clan that protected all of the smaller clans and all who want to be peaceful.

Small clan? Small clan is 20< members. In NA that equates to HP, NH, Astralis, PH, FPF. Everyone else is significantly larger, with VE being the top dogs in terms of size. Hosp, kutt, FCC, and Remnant is next tier, followed by LLJK, Shogunate, Chaos. NA Coalition is somewhere on the list....

Only ILDISTS group is the REAL small clan.

Also just checked the battle. (!?page=battledetail&id=893). 700 troops is way to large for a trade caravan from a faction. That's a damn army outright.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Pentecost on October 19, 2012, 07:54:27 pm
>One of FCC's peaceful traders, returning to Ismirala castle on his way back from a trade run in the desert, has been brutally and viciously attacked without cause by a Hospitaller army led by Hospitaller_Lordark with 249 troops.
>brutally and viciously attacked without cause by a Hospitaller army led by Hospitaller_Lordark

Are you sure you guys know what you're doing? That guy used to own Huey as cav.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 19, 2012, 07:55:23 pm
Small clan? Small clan is 20< members. In NA that equates to HP, NH, Astralis, PH. Everyone else is significantly larger, with VE being the top dogs in terms of size. Hosp, kutt, FCC is next tier, followed by LLJK, Shogunate, Chaos. NA Coalition is somewhere on the list....

Only ILDISTS group is the REAL small clan.

Also just checked the battle. (!?page=battledetail&id=893). 700 troops is way to large for a trade caravan from a faction. That's a damn army outright.

Remnant is about the same size as chaos/lljk, almost as large as kutt/hosp/fcc
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 07:58:39 pm
Remnant is about the same size as chaos/lljk, almost as large as kutt/hosp/fcc

I knew i forgot a faction. Keeping up with faction sizes is not my forte, I just trade and I only care about who's got the money to hire me.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Winterly on October 19, 2012, 07:59:42 pm
Good luck...Huey is going to be in deep shit.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: stickher on October 19, 2012, 08:00:55 pm
Small clan? Small clan is 20< members. In NA that equates to HP, NH, Astralis, PH. Everyone else is significantly larger, with VE being the top dogs in terms of size. Hosp, kutt, FCC is next tier, followed by LLJK, Shogunate, Chaos. NA Coalition is somewhere on the list....

Only ILDISTS group is the REAL small clan.

Also just checked the battle. (!?page=battledetail&id=893). 700 troops is way to large for a trade caravan from a faction. That's a damn army outright.

u derp would u send tons of goods with un armed 200 troops across  the map or with armed 700 ppl who can carry more at once and be safe?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on October 19, 2012, 08:04:31 pm
Good luck...Huey is going to be in deep shit.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 08:09:37 pm
u derp would u send tons of goods with un armed 200 troops across  the map or with armed 700 ppl who can carry more at once and be safe?

That Change just went into effect yesterday. So nice try. You could carry 200 crates on 200 armed men before the change(or 1200 goods). Now you can't(effectively) do that. And if that statement IS true, you would be carrying close to 500 crates or nearly 3000 goods. I don't think ANYWHERE in NA has that much S/D to just have 3k goods.

I'm a trader, I know my trading. I also know armies, since as a small clan, I have to be able to do more or less everything I can. You can carry 500 troops and be safe effectively. You don't need 700.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 19, 2012, 08:10:56 pm
All our caravans are heavily armed with plenty of rouncies because we run 1000-3000 goods at a time ( this may change with the recent patch) and its way too tempting a target without an army protecting it.  Fus was attacked in the desert near the edge of the mountains after dropping off thousands of goods in payment for a previous receipt of thousands of goods. 

Also, Lordark we would expect nothing less than a horrible time slot attack from you when doing an unprovoked act of war like this.  You made no attempt to contact any of us on teamspeak but simply attacked our peaceful trader. 

P.S. Have you looked at our fiefs lately Anders?  We managed our prosperity from the beginning, putting almost all our points there.  We do massive trade runs and just had a caravan come back with 3600 goods.  Some of our fiefs have over 3000 S&D.  So yes, we do manage trades that large because we are a clan not a small independent trader like you.  Plus having 200 man army with 1200 goods is asking to be raided and have it all stolen, you need a 400-500 man army to safely protect a caravan that large.  Its not just a matter of how many crates you can carry. 

Luckily we do have this setup because we had 4 more traders in various parts of the South and can now send reinforcements more easily once they all have gotten rid of their goods.  he may like attacking a 600 man trader, but will enjoy it a lot less with a group of 3000 led by numerous pissed off traders.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 08:31:17 pm
P.S. Have you looked at our fiefs lately Anders?  We managed our prosperity from the beginning, putting almost all our points there.  We do massive trade runs and just had a caravan come back with 3600 goods.  Some of our fiefs have over 3000 S&D.  So yes, we do manage trades that large because we are a clan not a small independent trader like you.  Plus having 200 man army with 1200 goods is asking to be raided and have it all stolen, you need a 400-500 man army to safely protect a caravan that large.  Its not just a matter of how many crates you can carry.

Did you notice I crossed that part out? I did notice your s/d and made the correction.( I ninja edited it so it doesn't show the "EDITED BY" underneath)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: ArysOakheart on October 19, 2012, 08:42:59 pm
I knew i forgot a faction. Keeping up with faction sizes is not my forte, I just trade and I only care about who's got the money to hire me.


Yea, you forgot another faction Anders. You might wanna work on that list there. Before it gets you in trouble.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 19, 2012, 09:30:40 pm
We are being attacked from almost every clan out there as the bandwagon goes, we have also had many FCC members merc against us in this war.. then you try and march a shiny army up to our lands from the most hostile threat and claim innocence when its met with a defensive force? We have traders running through our lands and that is because they asked and gave their intentions. Maybe this is a misunderstanding, But it looks fishy and we are simply defending our lands. Is there room to work something out? if interested do get a hold of one of us, Or you can go to war which I would assume was your original intent.. but again, More then happy to say we misunderstood and you just forget to get a hold of someone on our side. 

Can you really blame us for being paranoid at this point?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 19, 2012, 09:34:55 pm
I declare this attack BS!! Fcc has gone to long without war. I am actually happy we get to fight someone. Kutt we ask that u declare your intentions as hosp allies on our border.

We were actually trying to avoid the repetitive Fcc/hosp thing this strat. We will not allow people to attack our caravans. So it looks like you put your quarter into the war machine. Hope u enjoy the ride.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Espwn on October 19, 2012, 09:42:31 pm
We are being attacked from almost every clan out there as the bandwagon goes, we have also had many FCC members merc against us in this war.. then you try and march a shiny army up to our lands from the most hostile threat and claim innocence when its met with a defensive force? We have traders running through our lands and that is because they asked and gave their intentions. Maybe this is a misunderstanding, But it looks fishy and we are simply defending our lands. Is there room to work something out? if interested do get a hold of one of us, Or you can go to war which I would assume was your original intent.. but again, More then happy to say we misunderstood and you just forget to get a hold of someone on our side. 

Can you really blame us for being paranoid at this point?

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Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: stickher on October 19, 2012, 09:46:30 pm
why do all the hos players say i have shiny whne i dont ppl in hos is so derp and they lie on every little thing not to mention cheating when getting attacked

they sound like the french to me
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: TurmoilTom on October 19, 2012, 09:51:36 pm
why do all the hos players say i have shiny whne i dont ppl in hos is so derp and they lie on every little thing not to mention cheating when getting attacked

they sound like the french to me

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: stickher on October 19, 2012, 09:55:12 pm
they say i have a shiny army when i have an arm one and they lie and cheat for a bunch of other stuff
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 19, 2012, 10:01:30 pm
stickher you need to better communicate especially when insulting the french. Maybe your young, or english may not your strong point/native tongue, heck I make plenty of mistakes myself, But please try and watch the garbage being thrown, there are enough trolls out there, we do not need another.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Artyem on October 19, 2012, 10:04:09 pm
Yet again we see an act of aggression against innocent traders by the Steppe/Tundra alliance.  Heed my words, cretin, justice will be swift and painless.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 19, 2012, 10:08:54 pm
I'm sorry Hospitaller. Everything you say is totally true and all the people who are at war with you are completely in the wrong. Velucan Empire, FCC, Hero Party, NH, Ninjas, the Darkforce and only god knows who else that wants to see you wiped from the map. You've been all totally cool bro's that are nice, helpful, honorable, and protect weaker clans. And all those clans at war with you are mean and are doing this in some sort of grand conspiracy because everything you've all done and said up to this point is sooooo undeserving of this. I'm being 100 percent sincere gais, no sarcasm at all. Srsly. I think the devs should come in and look at all this unfairness happening to save you. Its totally not your fault at all.


Propaganda isn't whats causing this, but poor diplomacy skills stemming from Pseudologia fantastica (compulsive lying disorder), manipulative behavior, bullying, dishonorable tactics, disrespect to claims of fief ownership in the beginning of strat, and on-top of that grandiose delusions. This is all the behavior you've exhibited thus far and I can prove it if needed. I think it is time for the Hospitallers to take a good look at how they are running their faction and find a different path of being. Everything that is now happening to the Hospitallers is due to their own actions and because of it they have become NA's most hated faction.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Artyem on October 19, 2012, 10:19:21 pm
I think the Hospitallers should quit and go ride the QQ train to EU strat before someone gets butt hurt.

I'm talkin' real butt hurt.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on October 19, 2012, 10:24:17 pm
Feces -----> the fan
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 10:27:01 pm
We were actually trying to avoid the repetitive Fcc/hosp thing this strat.

Given Kesh is your clan leader and he hates hospitallers more than einstein hated the Jews i dont understand how you can make that statement. Everyone knew this was going to happen.

If someone defeated you last round of strat they are going to want, as the TKOV post declaring war on hospitaller was titled "Revenge", unfortunatly for Hosp they beat everyone last round so they got a lot of payback coming their way from people who are still angry about it.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 19, 2012, 10:30:33 pm
I Disagree Gmnotutoo, I believe this is a lot of individuals that still hold animosity towards us from previous strats. We have always had these clans gunning for us, nothing has changed, now they just feel like big brother (EU) isn't around to help the fight so there mobbing towards us, which is no big deal, You need someone to fight so why not the guys with the track record, but to play the innocent underdogs binding together is just silly. I'm not going to try and make it sound like we shoot rainbows out of our asses, We do have some aggressive players, or stubborn, whatever.. we also have sincere and highly respectable members as well, As do all clans.

But no matter the odds, We will always be a clan that will fight and stick together.

Thank you to all those who would help Hospitaller, Its greatly appreciated!
To those who don't, That's fine too, we need wars to keep things interesting, But please for the love of god, try and calm down on the garbage.

As for this war and the hopes of demolishing Hospitaller, Good luck with that, you obviously underestimate us  :lol:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 19, 2012, 10:31:01 pm
Given Kesh is your clan leader and he hates hospitallers more than einstein hated the Jews i dont understand how you can make that statement. Everyone knew this was going to happen.

Kesh isn't the leader, Kalam is. Also, they are vassals of Partyboy as is everyone else. How come no one understands this crucial last part yet?

Edit for Aztek: I never had any animosity towards Hospitaller until this strat. I've been around since 2.0, so I'm a veteran but not an oldbie. I despised Ecko and still do, but he isn't a factor anymore. I really disliked the way Hospitaller disprespected our claims during the great voting phase, when you took Vayejeg from us because you had your guys outvote us. I mean its fair to do so, but doing something like that before strat even starts is incredibly hostile. Also, that was supposed to be my birthday present. :/
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 10:33:54 pm
Kesh isn't the leader, Kalam is. Also, they are vassals of Partyboy as is everyone else.

I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy (he doesnt even seem to be a leader on your roster). Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 19, 2012, 10:40:39 pm
I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy (he doesnt even seem to be a leader on your roster). Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.

Kind of shows how new and cute you're to this game. Look him up, I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: ildist on October 19, 2012, 10:42:50 pm
I'm sorry Hospitaller. Everything you say is totally true and all the people who are at war with you are completely in the wrong. Velucan Empire, FCC, Hero Party, NH, Ninjas, the Darkforce and only god knows who else that wants to see you wiped from the map. You've been all totally cool bro's that are nice, helpful, honorable, and protect weaker clans. And all those clans at war with you are mean and are doing this in some sort of grand conspiracy because everything you've all done and said up to this point is sooooo undeserving of this. I'm being 100 percent sincere gais, no sarcasm at all. Srsly. I think the devs should come in and look at all this unfairness happening to save you. Its totally not your fault at all.


Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 10:43:22 pm
Kind of shows how new and cute you're to this game. Look him up, I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Oh Kalam was Keshes old name, i get it now thank you for clearing that up for me friend.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Espwn on October 19, 2012, 10:43:28 pm
I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy (he doesnt even seem to be a leader on your roster). Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.

Yes, Kalam is the leader of the FCC. And we do run this clan like a democracy, so your assumption was pretty stupid.

Oh Kalam was Keshes old name, i get it now thank you for clearing that up for me friend.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 19, 2012, 10:43:50 pm
I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy (he doesnt even seem to be a leader on your roster). Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.

There's a reason why Kesh is the #1NA "shit", "Propaganda","Other" poster. He does this like all the time. Why the EU's are glad that We are over here.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 19, 2012, 10:44:03 pm
I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy. Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.

1st - I may be the loudest on the forums, but when i comes to decisions its whoever is around on teamspeak among a large group of leaders.  Kalam is the founder and top leader of the FCC ( he has muted me on the forums repeatedly when he feels like it)

2nd - Partyboy is God above all and if he calls a jihad we must always answer, even unto certain death, as loyal BIRD clan members.

3rd - I came back from 9 months, missing almost all of strat 3 with no animosities to anyone, that has steadily shifted since start of strat 4 because of HORRIBLE diplomacy by some clans and the continuous hatred we have received from Hospitallers on forums, most notably Lordark who hates us with a passion, but also includes many of the other leaders in Hospitallers

4th - I didn't decalre war for my clan, I simply stated the fact that war has been declared on us when a Hospitaller LEADER in the clan attacks one of our traders in the desert, and yes it is in the desert near the mountains. 

5th - We moved up another trader to him to help support and I wish I knew how to post pictures properly on this silly forum and i would show you, but he is on the edge of the mountains on the desert side (NOT IN HOSPITALLER TERRITORY).  The traders were using the mountains to avoid being attacked by either side witha  war going on since no one venture there with the speed reduction we figured they would be safe, but LORDARK'S HATE for FCC knows no bounds and is indicative of the other Hospitaller leadership who have said countless bad things about FCC since the start of Strat 4.0.

P.S.  We may have had our members merc against you, but that may have had something to do with the fact Hospitallers merced in force agianst us from the beginning and tried to take 2 fiefs in the middle of our territory and screwed us over with Mechin, which is in our territory, but they pulled the same cheap move they did with Shogunate selling that fief to Remnant just before we attacked it with 800 man army - this pattern of abusing the game mechanics has been noticed.

P.P.S.  Lemmy Winks I know you are butthurt after we took your fief, your goods, kicked you into EU land, where you got raped again by the EU guys - just go get some ice for your asshole and stop talking about our clan like you know anything about us.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Huey Newton on October 19, 2012, 10:45:40 pm
I dont think anyone actually believes that. Ive never even heard of this kalam guy (he doesnt even seem to be a leader on your roster). Kesh calls all the shots, he always has. And i didnt know in a supposedly equal group of 10 people or so as you claim (or as bale o hay claimed), that one person could do something like declare war without permission from anyone else. Sounds like a clan structure with an actual definitive leader, not a democracy.

LOL you are talking about the FCC and you don't know who Kalam is?
hahahah do some research before you shitpost

edit: Nvm your posts will be complete and utter shit regardless if you did research or not  :lol:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 19, 2012, 10:50:45 pm
Wow. Lemmy you are pretty damn clueless.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 10:52:20 pm
LOL you are talking about the FCC and you don't know who Kalam is?
hahahah do some research before you shitpost

edit: Nvm your posts will be complete and utter shit regardless if you did research or not  :lol:

No i don't, because apparently hes nobody important if Kesh handles all of your business. Ive been playing for over a year and i have no idea who he is, ask the average player who the HOSP leader is and they will say devastator/peppo, ask the average player about FCC they will say kesh. Even last strat when kesh quit the clan pretty much fell off of strat completely, i wonder why.

I might believe this kalam guy or someone else was leader, but the fact is kesh is always the one representing the clan and making decisions for the clan (as in this case for example). So without any real evidence or logical reason i cannot consider anyone to be the leader except for kesh, becuase it does not make sense, and i do not see anyone else doing any "leading" here.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Syls on October 19, 2012, 10:54:11 pm
Lemmy Winks, your posts keep reminding everyone that you were kicked from Hospitaller for being retarded. I mean damn, that's like the bottom of the barrel there. I can understand why most people simply stopped trying to resonate with you.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 10:56:08 pm
Lemmy Winks, your posts keep reminding everyone that you were kicked from Hospitaller for being retarded. I mean damn, that's like the bottom of the barrel there. I can understand why most people simply stopped trying to resonate with you.

I was not kicked i left for my own reasons. I was actually unahppy with hospitaller at the time, but given the unreasonable conduct of the rest of the community towards them i actually feel bad for them now.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Huey Newton on October 19, 2012, 10:58:51 pm
I was gonna respond but then I remembered LemmyWinks is a retard
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Syls on October 19, 2012, 10:59:04 pm
I was not kicked i left for my own reasons. I was actually unahppy with hospitaller at the time, but given the unreasonable conduct of the rest of the community towards them i actually feel bad for them now.

There's always drama in the forums, I personally don't really mind them as a whole, only certain more outspoken of their members. Really we're a pretty small community and i'm sure that in a couple months people will talk shit about something else or another clan. One thing for sure, we TKoV didn't start a war with hospitaller with the goal to totally exterminate them. The fact that so many clan decided to declare war on them as well only show they have some things to think about.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 11:06:35 pm
The fact that so many clan decided to declare war on them as well only show they have some things to think about.

Again, no one believes this. You all are collectively angry about how last strat went for you and had the intention of attacking them this entire time as an act of revenge. Everyone saw this coming, both the TKOV and FCC attacks.

In fact i called it like a month ago. let me find it... i missed on the NH part but ya.

If you look at it that way you could add Chaos/PH, Remant, LLJK, Hero party, SWF to the TKOV/BRD side. Atleast this is how it was last strat. Already speculating on the matchup for the next NA Strat World War.

My predictions:

Hosp,Kutt,NH,Astralis,FPF, Chevaliers
TKOV,FCC,Remant,Chaos,PH,LLJK,Hero party, SWF
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Syls on October 19, 2012, 11:10:02 pm
Again, no one believes this. You all are collectively angry about how last strat went for you and had the intention of attacking them this entire time as an act of revenge. Everyone saw this coming, both the TKOV and FCC attacks.

In fact i called it like a month ago. let me find it...

Sigh, I could give detailed informations on why what you just said doesn't make any sense but it would probably go over your head and you'll simply repeat yourself like a broken record
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Relit on October 19, 2012, 11:10:36 pm
Again, no one believes this. You all are collectively angry about how last strat went for you and had the intention of attacking them this entire time as an act of revenge. ...
In fact i called it like a month ago. let me find it...

NH was on friendly terms with Hospitaller at the end of last strat. So please tell me again how angry we are about last strat.

Edit: Great prediction with NH on the wrong side.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Chestaclese on October 19, 2012, 11:12:27 pm
Given Kesh is your clan leader and he hates hospitallers more than einstein hated the Jews i dont understand how you can make that statement. Everyone knew this was going to happen.

If someone defeated you last round of strat they are going to want, as the TKOV post declaring war on hospitaller was titled "Revenge", unfortunatly for Hosp they beat everyone last round so they got a lot of payback coming their way from people who are still angry about it.

Woahhh. That's a hard J you dropped there. Lets leave the Jews out of this.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 11:14:45 pm
NH was on friendly terms with Hospitaller at the end of last strat. So please tell me again how angry we are about last strat.

Edit: Great prediction with NH on the wrong side.

As i said in another post, you did not attack Hosp because you had a problem with them. It was of the opinon of many of people on the forum, including myself that you had some sort of relationship with hospitaller and may support them. So you attacked hospitaller in an attempt to distance yourself from them out of fear of the growing mass of clans attackign hospitaller and their allies, supposed and real.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Relit on October 19, 2012, 11:18:01 pm
As i said in another post, you did not attack Hosp because you had a problem with them. It was of the opinon of many of people on the forum, including myself that you had some sort of relationship with hospitaller and may support them. So you attacked hospitaller in an attempt to distance yourself from them out of fear of the growing mass of clans attackign hospitaller and their allies, supposed and real.

Just ask Hospitaller why NH is at war with them. They will (or should) tell you exactly why and what you just posted is completely wrong in NH's case.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 11:22:34 pm
Just ask Hospitaller why NH is at war with them. They will (or should) tell you exactly why and what you just posted is completely wrong in NH's case.

I would love to hear a real reason anyone went to war with hospitaller, including NH. I really dont care if everyone in NA wants to gang up on hospitaller, but atleast be honest and straightforward about it (these very poor excuses that are almost said jokingly at times are not good). If there is a real reason that i would not know because it was not posted, why didnt you post that real reason? I as well as the rest of the community would prefer clans and people be honest and straightforward
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on October 19, 2012, 11:24:18 pm
Well I never saw that one coming.

/me sharpens his only MW long espada and takes his 50 valorous troops to battle.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Vovka on October 19, 2012, 11:25:23 pm
 whatafuck why my vassals declared war on each other  :evil:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 19, 2012, 11:25:50 pm
Fcc could have jumped on the bandwagon and declared war with everyone else.... We stayed out of it.

Attacking our caravan changes the dynamic, it is an open act of war especially when done by one of your leadership. If you were nervous about our trader it is pretty easy to get in touch with one of our members for clarification. To jump him and then act like it is our fault is ridiculous. We were not going to enter your lands or take your S/D. So we had no grounds or need to get your permission.

Lemmy let me help you. Kalam started BRD.. He implimented the FCC (late strat 1 or early strat 2 can not remember) so that some small clans could actually function on the strat map. He went out of the country for a while and handed the official BRD leadership to me. (FCC still is run by a council, made up of whoever is on when stuff happens)

In strat 3 most of our faction left the game to play other things (starwars online etc) I left brd to make BS and handed the reigns of BRD over to Richierich and Gristle. They brought the FCC council mentality to brd leadership. kesh came back (many posts happened)

Strat 4 released. Many of the old school players returned. I came back and brought BS with me to the FCC (both of us!)

hope that helps

if people need me I have posted this before. BaleOhay on steam.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 19, 2012, 11:27:44 pm
I would love to hear a real reason anyone went to war with hospitaller, including NH. I really dont care if everyone in NA wants to gang up on hospitaller, but atleast be honest and straightforward about it (these very poor excuses that are almost said jokingly at times are not good). If there is a real reason that i would not know because it was not posted, why didnt you post that real reason? I as well as the rest of the community would prefer clans and people be honest and straightforward

How about Hospitaller attacking a FCC trade caravan out of their territory? And then the FCC makes an announcement out of anger and a need for compensation, or else bad things happen. Do you really need to help instigate the situation further with rambling lies? You should stay out of this and let the leaders of the two factions figure out where to go from here. You're clearly out of your element, dude.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 11:35:55 pm
How about Hospitaller attacking a FCC trade caravan out of their territory? And then the FCC makes an announcement out of anger and a need for compensation, or else bad things happen. Do you really need to help instigate the situation further with rambling lies? You should stay out of this and let the leaders of the two factions figure out where to go from here. You're clearly out of your element, dude.

There is a term im forgetting for when one country does something to intentionally provoke another faction into war. Its similar to a false flag but not quite, although the outcome is the same. Sending an army near or in the terrority of a clan (or their allies) that expects you to attack them is going to yeild obvious results. It also seems that you are in fact declaring war, unless the OP has been changed since i read it, not demanding compensation as maybe you should, becuase you would expect this kind of thing to happen wouldnt you?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 19, 2012, 11:38:56 pm
There is a term im forgetting for when one country does something to intentionally provoke another faction into war. Its similar to a false flag but not quite, although the outcome is the same. Sending an army near or in the terrority of a clan that expects you to attack them is going to yeild obvious results. It also seems that you are in fact declaring war, unless the OP has been changed since i read it, not demanding compensation as maybe you should, becuase you would expect this kind of thing to happen wouldnt you?

Really??? 15 posts from Lemmy Winks!!  Is he a leader in Hospitallers???  Our trader got attacked outside Hospitaller territory by a Hospitaller leader with no attempt to reach us on TS.  How is that not a blatant act of war???  And lemmywinks, get the ice, your assrapeage is starting to affect your forum talk. 

How are we the "bad" guys for posting on the forums the fact that the Hospitaller leader that hates the FCC the most (ever since he had to admit Huey was  afar better cav than him) attacked a trader in our faction outside of their territory, which we had not entered.  If it was anyone but the Hospitallers and FCC you would be yelling at the atatcker as a horrible aggressor and war-mongerer.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 19, 2012, 11:40:52 pm
Really??? 15 posts from Lemmy Winks!!  Is he a leader in Hospitallers???  Our trader got attacked outside Hospitaller territory by a Hospitaller leader with no attempt to reach us on TS.  How is that not a blatant act of war???  And lemmywinks, get the ice, your assrapeage is starting to affect your forum talk.

How are we the "bad" guys for posting on the forums the fact that the Hospitaller leader that hates the FCC the most (ever since he had to admit Huey was  afar better cav than him) attacked a trader in our faction outside of their territory, which we had not entered.  If it was anyone but the Hospitallers and FCC you would be yelling at the atatcker as a horrible aggressor and war-mongerer.

I am merely responding to questions and statements made toward me. That was a nice post though kesh, great content.

As far as you guys being the bad guys, as i said i dont care if you attack someone, but i hate the mean spirited-ness alot of people including you show towards hospitaller. You guys talk shit to them becuase they are helpless and cant say anything back, because they are already being ganged up on by so many other clans. Its like watching bullies pick on a kid at school, that kind of thing gets a very negative reaction out of people.

You guys can fight one another without being dicks to each other, believe it or not. And again im not fond of the excuses if you want ot attack someone be straight about it.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 19, 2012, 11:43:44 pm
For the record, I for one miss Lemmy holding the Hospitaller Tag, but that aside, He does bring up some valid points..

As for NH, they told us they were upset that we allied with KUTT, But that was all, we even went as far as to offer some goods back to them as we attacked a faction-less player taking our S&D, but after we attacked they joined NH and we offered the goods back to keep relations in tact.. Them joining the bandwagon was just taken as an opportunity to go with the current, but only they will know for sure, I hate making accusations as it seems common place here.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 19, 2012, 11:53:42 pm
And for the record Peppo and Dev are the leaders. Devil, Huesby, Val are diplomats, then you have the officers, then you have knights/squires, etc.

You were heading to our lands with an army *in our eyes*, and as we have been getting attacked by every clan that has had the opportunity we took a defensive stance.  I don't remember any of FCC coming to our TS to let us know what was going on, and with the tensions that would have been the obvious thing to do if you were not a hostile entity.

If you wanted to war with us, just say it. If you don't, Lets work it out.. easy as that.

Coming on here banging your chest with the mentality of "you started it, but will finish it" is just too transparent.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Turboflex on October 20, 2012, 12:03:04 am
For the record, I for one miss Lemmy holding the Hospitaller Tag, but that aside, He does bring up some valid points..

As for NH, they told us they were upset that we allied with KUTT, But that was all, we even went as far as to offer some goods back to them as we attacked a faction-less player taking our S&D, but after we attacked they joined NH and we offered the goods back to keep relations in tact.. Them joining the bandwagon was just taken as an opportunity to go with the current, but only they will know for sure, I hate making accusations as it seems common place here.

We allied with VE a day after you allied with KUTT.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 20, 2012, 12:20:54 am
We allied with VE a day after you allied with KUTT.

So, lemme get this straight, everytime someone asks you guys why you start war, you consistently say ask the Hosp they know. Then you finally go ahead and say, We allied TKOV that's why. WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER. Sheesh, why was that so hard to say.

Also, VE is now NA carebears with this Alliance with NH.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Relit on October 20, 2012, 12:22:18 am
So, lemme get this straight, everytime someone asks you guys why you start war, you consistently say ask the Hosp they know. Then you finally go ahead and say, We allied TKOV that's why. WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER. Sheesh, why was that so hard to say.

Also, VE is now NA carebears with this Alliance with NH.

That is not the full story. We wont be airing dirty laundry here out of respect for the various clans.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Turboflex on October 20, 2012, 12:25:13 am
So, lemme get this straight, everytime someone asks you guys why you start war, you consistently say ask the Hosp they know. Then you finally go ahead and say, We allied TKOV that's why. WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER. Sheesh, why was that so hard to say.

Also, VE is now NA carebears with this Alliance with NH.

Whatever Anders you dumbass. We needed an ally after KUTT-Hospitaller mega alliance formed right beside us.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 20, 2012, 12:33:40 am
Why not. That's the reason I love reading and having interesting convo's on this FORUM! GIVE ME THAT DIRTY LAUNDRY. (

TBH, why not just publicly state why you are at war. War's a profitable buisness for me(being a merc and all), but I do love the drama. Quite interesting, tbh. Also looky ( at this! War is VERY profitable, i just wish I was getting some of that money those people have. :(

The "Other UIF"
VE: 97 Members (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=44)
NH: 18 Members (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=40)

"The NA UIF"
Kutt: 54 Members (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=63)
Hosp: 53 Members (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=24)

I'm only factoring declared Alliances. I can Increase VE's by adding HP into it.

Still neither side is as large as these guys. (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=39)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 20, 2012, 12:46:21 am
Whatever Anders you dumbass. We needed an ally after KUTT-Hospitaller mega alliance formed right beside us.

I'm glad were not neighbours IRL, I offer to help, or at least come to a friendly nod when a new neighbour moves in and wave while they walk their dog.. Not join the goons from the other side of town and egg there house! lol
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Kreczor on October 20, 2012, 01:08:21 am
I'm glad were not neighbours IRL, I offer to help, or at least come to a friendly nod when a new neighbour moves in and wave while they walk their dog.. Not join the goons from the other side of town and egg there house! lol
Excuse me, you know nothing about how we greet our neighbours thank you.

This is surprising news Kesh, as leader of FCC I would have figured you'd negotiate with hospitaller as to the circumstances behind the attack first.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 01:38:34 am
Still neither side is as large as these guys. (!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=39)

And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.  In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.  Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.

Even more interesting, it has become clear to me that the invasion of Hero_Party, which Hospitallers attempted to do using Shogunate, LLJK, Astralis, Malta, Chevalieres, and themselves, was a screen to buy time for Templars and Coalition to ALSO invade Hero_Party, so they could connect the desert between EU and NA, so EU could easier crush the UIF and NA could defeat.. Hero Party I guess?  Haha.

Best part?  Templars had a plan to defeat DRZ in the desert within 1 week, then once they rolled them would be sending tons of troops, gold, and gear to Hospitallers to continue conquering NA.  Someone forgot to tell them that DRZ isn't exactly France in WW2 though.. its literally Russia.

Now Hospitallers are scared shitless, constantly begging their EU buddies to bail them out because of the "unfair war" that they started in order to consolidate a global empire between EU and NA, but it doesn't look like any help is gonna come.  Sorry  :cry:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Turboflex on October 20, 2012, 01:40:29 am
I'm glad were not neighbours IRL, I offer to help, or at least come to a friendly nod when a new neighbour moves in and wave while they walk their dog.. Not join the goons from the other side of town and egg there house! lol

We were friendly when strat 4 started. We had a defence and trade agreement.

You can't say you didn't get any warnings. I told Huseby we didn't like it immediately after it was announced and at the same time ended our mutual defence pact, and then we also cancelled our trade agreements a bit later.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rebelyell on October 20, 2012, 01:46:31 am
And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.  In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.  Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.

Even more interesting, it has become clear to me that the invasion of Hero_Party, which Hospitallers attempted to do using Shogunate, LLJK, Astralis, Malta, Chevalieres, and themselves, was a screen to buy time for Templars and Coalition to ALSO invade Hero_Party, so they could connect the desert between EU and NA, so EU could easier crush the UIF and NA could defeat.. Hero Party I guess?  Haha.

Best part?  Templars had a plan to defeat DRZ in the desert within 1 week, then once they rolled them would be sending tons of troops, gold, and gear to Hospitallers to continue conquering NA.  Someone forgot to tell them that DRZ isn't exactly France in WW2 though.. its literally Russia.

Now Hospitallers are scared shitless, constantly begging their EU buddies to bail them out because of the "unfair war" that they started in order to consolidate a global empire between EU and NA, but it doesn't look like any help is gonna come.  Sorry  :cry:
drz in 1 week?
that drugs, from where you takes them?
If you think then anyone is able to take drz down in 1 weak you are fool that have no idea about strat.

Fight DRZ is hard it self but to take them down you need some crazzy shit.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 01:47:43 am
If you think then anyone is able to take drz down in 1 weak you are fool that have no idea about strat.

I believe that was my point.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 20, 2012, 01:48:41 am
And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.  In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.  Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.

Even more interesting, it has become clear to me that the invasion of Hero_Party, which Hospitallers attempted to do using Shogunate, LLJK, Astralis, Malta, Chevalieres, and themselves, was a screen to buy time for Templars and Coalition to ALSO invade Hero_Party, so they could connect the desert between EU and NA, so EU could easier crush the UIF and NA could defeat.. Hero Party I guess?  Haha.

Best part?  Templars had a plan to defeat DRZ in the desert within 1 week, then once they rolled them would be sending tons of troops, gold, and gear to Hospitallers to continue conquering NA.  Someone forgot to tell them that DRZ isn't exactly France in WW2 though.. its literally Russia.

Now Hospitallers are scared shitless, constantly begging their EU buddies to bail them out because of the "unfair war" that they started in order to consolidate a global empire between EU and NA, but it doesn't look like any help is gonna come.  Sorry  :cry:

As ever smooth your managing to spew utter bullshit and claiming its fact.

I can guarantee 100% that we have absolutely no alliance with Hospitallers this strategus and are in no way working with them, for them or in conjunction with them.

So please stop making stuff up and pretending that you know anything to do with my clan.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 20, 2012, 02:14:32 am
And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.  In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.  Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.

I believe smooth is talking about this battle. (!?page=battledetail&id=812) Marketplatz is actually an American player.(Also right battle wrong ticket amount. 300 versus 400) 

Battle was outside my castle. Had black lost, I would have hunted down the bandit cause I don't like 'em. Trade only, no banditry.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: MURDERTRON on October 20, 2012, 08:18:43 am
Anders, I think I was the shiny big crate guy you saw earlier.  This new crates update really screwed up my 3700 goods run.  I am going to war with chadz for the inconvenience he has caused me... someone point me to him.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tears of Destiny on October 20, 2012, 08:30:05 am
As ever smooth your managing to spew utter bullshit and claiming its fact.

This unfortunately summarizes the majority of his posts and his claims of "official alliances" or "vassalage" and other such grandiose things. Luckily the majority of forum readers are more then aware of how he likes to "spin" things.  :lol:  I'm thinking he is starting to be an NA Jambi mixed with a bit of Cicero.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 20, 2012, 09:36:08 am

This unfortunately summarizes the majority of his posts and his claims of "official alliances" or "vassalage" and other such grandiose things. Luckily the majority of forum readers are more then aware of how he likes to "spin" things.  :lol:  I'm thinking he is starting to be an NA Jambi mixed with a bit of Cicero.
At least Jambi was funny and Ciero is just a nutbar.  I just ignore the hosp vassalage rants by smooth and skip to the next post. He keeps repeating himself in like every other post.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 02:07:50 pm
What can I say, I'm kind of a Big Deal who knows his shit in the dumb game of Strat, and you guys are either liars or peasants who don't know the real plans behind closed doors.  I just enjoy posting the shady or embarrassing things clans think they can pull off so everyone knows who not to trust or who to laugh at for being ambitious scheming failures.

Besides, everyone knows its just a matter of time before the UIF wipe out Coalition/Crusaders and they run to NA to grief it with Hospitallers anyways, its exactly what happened last strat and most likely will happen again.  Its my patriotic duty to the NA community to make sure EUs have no place to flee and colonize this time.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rebelyell on October 20, 2012, 02:21:48 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rogue on October 20, 2012, 03:59:37 pm
Like always Smooth you have no clue and make even less sense, but this post is truly outstanding even by your standards. Let's clear some of this hilarious mess that "became clear" to you.

And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.
Neither EU nor NA Coalition is officially or unofficially allied with the Hospitallers.

In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.
The HRE guy that attacked Zilla is currently residing in Chicago, which is the reason he is part of the NA Coalition. Ask
Zilla, he knows him.

Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.
Somehow you remind me of the late Odinvalhalla, show me on this doll where the bad Fallen has touched you.

Even more interesting, it has become clear to me that the invasion of Hero_Party, which Hospitallers attempted to do using Shogunate, LLJK, Astralis, Malta, Chevalieres, and themselves, was a screen to buy time for Templars and Coalition to ALSO invade Hero_Party, so they could connect the desert between EU and NA, so EU could easier crush the UIF and NA could defeat.. Hero Party I guess?  Haha.

Oh dear. Throw away that crystal ball of yours take it easy on the hallucinogens. Why on earth should we want to go to NA to attack a 10men clan while we have a immensely more dangerous and able opponent on the other side of the desert? Crush UIF after we dealt with Hero Party? Yeah sure. At least you got this part right: Haha.

Best part?  Templars had a plan to defeat DRZ in the desert within 1 week, then once they rolled them would be sending tons of troops, gold, and gear to Hospitallers to continue conquering NA.  Someone forgot to tell them that DRZ isn't exactly France in WW2 though.. its literally Russia.

I'm glad you are not the one to make plans for the Templars, or we might be wiped already. Past experience clearly proves that DRZ can be dealt with easily and one week should be sufficient to wipe the out entirely. Do you honestly believe that crap? Oh but it gets better. So after Templars gloriously wiped the floor with the DRZ amateurs we would ignore the remaining UIF factions and instead turn east and enter NA to fight the real threat? This is almost physically painful...

For everyone else, before the next person comes to me with wild conspiracy theories:
EU Coalition does not care about NA at all. We will not intervene to help anybody. We have good pings and our hands full on the EU side. Last round was enough lagging for one liftetime.

NA Coalition is playing their own game with their own resources and their own diplomacy. They have to fend for themselves as well, at no point will EU Coalition bail them out.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 20, 2012, 05:03:16 pm
Rogue Wins this Battle.

Since I've had 6 days to watch all this and not get to comment  :rolleyes: I can say some of the following:

1) The FCC trade caravan was definitely an attempt to get Hospitallers to attack them. Why else would a trade caravan have that many troops on it? If you're going to bait someone in to war, don't play the sheep when you are in fact the wolf.
2) NH attacked Hospitaller simply because KUTT allied with them? Lmao. What? Sorry, I know KUTT allying with Hospitallers was a wrong move in a lot of your eyes, but we are more interested in the continuation of war on the NA side of the map. We would like to see that it continues, with all factions involved.
3) Smoothrich, what the hell are you smoking? You need to either get involved in politics, or get behind a conspiracy theory because you would make an excellent front man for filling people full of bullshit.
4) Coalition on NA and EU HAS BEEN INDEPENDENT. Every time we reach out to contact a Fallen, we are told immediately to go to NA Coalition leadership and not to speak politics with the EU side of Fallen or other Coalition Factions.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tyrell on October 20, 2012, 05:07:04 pm
Hosperglers being sperglers and daily NA drama.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Osiris on October 20, 2012, 05:08:35 pm
stop trolling smooth :P i fought for you guys against hosp in one battle that i could make but i guess i was a spy.

and wtf are you smoking? we had a plan to kill drz in a week? what was that hack the servers?

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Devestater on October 20, 2012, 05:18:38 pm
And the Coalition is officially allied with Hospitallers, so are the Templars.  In fact, Hospitallers ordered a Coalition army led by an HRE EU dude to attack a Hero Party caravan that was in the middle of Chaos/Remnant/Anders territory for no reason except to be dicks.  Hilariously enough their 300 man raider army was defeated by a 200 ticket caravan, because they were Fallen.  EU and NA Coalition are the same, and they are on Hosp's side.

Even more interesting, it has become clear to me that the invasion of Hero_Party, which Hospitallers attempted to do using Shogunate, LLJK, Astralis, Malta, Chevalieres, and themselves, was a screen to buy time for Templars and Coalition to ALSO invade Hero_Party, so they could connect the desert between EU and NA, so EU could easier crush the UIF and NA could defeat.. Hero Party I guess?  Haha.

Best part?  Templars had a plan to defeat DRZ in the desert within 1 week, then once they rolled them would be sending tons of troops, gold, and gear to Hospitallers to continue conquering NA.  Someone forgot to tell them that DRZ isn't exactly France in WW2 though.. its literally Russia.

Now Hospitallers are scared shitless, constantly begging their EU buddies to bail them out because of the "unfair war" that they started in order to consolidate a global empire between EU and NA, but it doesn't look like any help is gonna come.  Sorry  :cry:

LOL! YOU are the biggest retard in CRPG! I still dont know why you have admin. But either way. All of this is untrue. Smooth you seriously need to get a life or get laid or something.

Also your pretend cockiness is a joke in all of NA. Everyone knows that you look like shit with all of that acne on your face (which is probably why getting laid is a problem for you). Have you heard of a shower son?! I just wish someone would take your annoying ass off the forums and servers as admin. I dont know who you blew to the the job but they must have been very desperate.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 20, 2012, 05:36:30 pm
What can I say, I'm kind of a Big Deal who knows his shit in the dumb game of Strat, and you guys are either liars or peasants who don't know the real plans behind closed doors.  I just enjoy posting the shady or embarrassing things clans think they can pull off so everyone knows who not to trust or who to laugh at for being ambitious scheming failures.

Besides, everyone knows its just a matter of time before the UIF wipe out Coalition/Crusaders and they run to NA to grief it with Hospitallers anyways, its exactly what happened last strat and most likely will happen again.  Its my patriotic duty to the NA community to make sure EUs have no place to flee and colonize this time.
Yeah that go green plan worked out well? as did pro? and you leading LLJK speaking of a few failures  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 05:43:52 pm
Also your pretend cockiness is a joke in all of NA. Everyone knows that you look like shit with all of that acne on your face (which is probably why getting laid is a problem for you). Have you heard of a shower son?!

Not sure why you have any of my personal information to begin with.  Did you look me up on Facebook?  Send me a friend request sometime :oops: 

Either way I appreciate the compliments.  Not sure if Diplomacy forum is the place to talk about these things though.  Do you have Skype?  There's more of me I'd like to show you.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Devestater on October 20, 2012, 05:55:30 pm
Not sure why you have any of my personal information to begin with.  Did you look me up on Facebook?  Send me a friend request sometime :oops: 

Either way I appreciate the compliments.  Not sure if Diplomacy forum is the place to talk about these things though.  Do you have Skype?  There's more of me I'd like to show you.
That's it? Weak dude.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 06:05:24 pm
You said I was "covered with acne IRL" which isn't even a good description, then pouted that I sucked dick to be admin and should have it removed.

First of all, I didn't suck any dick, it was more of an erotic massage.  Secondly, I think you should take a break from posting here buddy.  You are taking the game a bit too personally and embarrassing yourself.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Blackzilla on October 20, 2012, 06:35:56 pm
Devestater the reason Rogue was upvoted and some of the other guys like tanken, is because they're actually on topic talking about strat, while you're acting like a 12 year old by trying to make fun of someones irl appearance aka off topic. Also, when you call someone a retard try not to make so many grammatical errors, it  just makes you look stupid. But what do I know, I'm a 16 year old who is playing with grown men.

On topic, Smooth Alpha told me he didn't want to work with hospitaller anymore because they were just god awful to work with and were dependent on him. Yes Marktplatz is NA and I helped him fix his PC so he could play this game, and he attacked me, telling me he was ordered too. I still like him, I still like the other EU HRE guys. However, I am not a fan of the way I was attacked in a Free Trading zone, miles away from Coalition land. Hell, I've never  been in there territory! But its whatever, so let this thread flame on.

Didnt review YOLO
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 20, 2012, 07:19:37 pm
We were attacked. Regardless of how many troops you think we should have in a caravan or not. That is besides the point.

We at war with Kutt as well Taken? Be nice to have the full scope of things so we can get to the fun part of strat.. battles.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 20, 2012, 07:53:27 pm
2) NH attacked Hospitaller simply because KUTT allied with them? Lmao. What? Sorry, I know KUTT allying with Hospitallers was a wrong move in a lot of your eyes, but we are more interested in the continuation of war on the NA side of the map. We would like to see that it continues, with all factions involved.


We allied with VE a day after you allied with KUTT.


So, lemme get this straight, everytime someone asks you guys why you start war, you consistently say ask the Hosp they know. Then you finally go ahead and say, We allied TKOV that's why. WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU SAY THAT EARLIER. Sheesh, why was that so hard to say.

Also, VE is now NA carebears with this Alliance with NH.

NH attacked because they had a secret alliance with TKOV (props to turbo, its nice to see somebody being honest), dont know if you didnt see that part. Or you could see it that way i guess it amounts to the same thing.

Edit: Also i wonder if anyone else is a part of this secret alliance, i mean who could it be, i guess we will never know.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Artyem on October 20, 2012, 08:01:27 pm
Or maybe NH is attacking because they're fucking Vikings and not a bunch of generic cowardly clones who once tried to roleplay as a historic order.  You need to take some history lessons, I think it'd be pretty non-viking if NH told the Hospitaller that they have an alliance with TKoV / VE and that they have a week before they attack.  "Yeah bro, we're not allied with you anymore, we hooked up with VE and we're going to attack you in a week"

Sometimes I wonder who put these guys in charge of diplomacy, none of the Hospitallers that have responded have done anything but make their clan look even worse in the eyes of the public.  Which is fairly surprising, who could have guessed their relations with NA could go below -200?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 20, 2012, 08:10:58 pm
Of course, it's not like I have any actual evidence that Hospitallers are working together with Coalition and their allies on the EU side of the map and have mutual interests in their wars.  Cuz ya I am a paranoid schizophrenic shitpo...

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Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: TurmoilTom on October 20, 2012, 08:43:48 pm
Of course, it's not like I have any actual evidence that Hospitallers are working together with Coalition and their allies on the EU side of the map and have mutual interests in their wars.  Cuz ya I am a paranoid schizophrenic shitpo...

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Translation please. :(
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Syls on October 20, 2012, 08:48:52 pm
Translation please. :(

Ticaret anlasmalari mean trade agreements  :D
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tyrell on October 20, 2012, 09:52:40 pm
Some badmin is going HAM handing out warnings.

Everyone makes such a big deal out of this shit. Shut up and wait for the battle.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 20, 2012, 10:00:44 pm
We were attacked. Regardless of how many troops you think we should have in a caravan or not. That is besides the point.

We at war with Kutt as well Taken? Be nice to have the full scope of things so we can get to the fun part of strat.. battles.

I've already clarified this two times Bale, this will be the third. We will be supporting Hospitaller to preserve them since it seems all other clans have a beef with them and no one ones to be on a strat map that ends up just being carebeared by a shit load of other factions. We're perfectly content in the Tundra right now, we won't be striking out to do anything rash, nor will we be declaring war against all factions that are invading Hospitallers. Yes, we will supply them and help them as best we can, that's what allies do, but as far as breaching out and starting to slap others around, we are not anticipating to do so.

That's the third time I've said that.

Added: Besides, this war is turning into way too much drama and I don't want to subject my clan to that stupidity.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Visconti on October 20, 2012, 10:21:59 pm
LOL! YOU are the biggest retard in CRPG! I still dont know why you have admin. But either way. All of this is untrue. Smooth you seriously need to get a life or get laid or something.

Also your pretend cockiness is a joke in all of NA. Everyone knows that you look like shit with all of that acne on your face (which is probably why getting laid is a problem for you). Have you heard of a shower son?! I just wish someone would take your annoying ass off the forums and servers as admin. I dont know who you blew to the the job but they must have been very desperate.

Prime example of why hospitallers are so hated.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 20, 2012, 10:26:26 pm

We're perfectly content in the Tundra right now, we won't be striking out to do anything rash, nor will we be declaring war against all factions that are invading Hospitallers. Yes, we will supply them and help them as best we can, that's what allies do, but as far as breaching out and starting to slap others around, we are not anticipating to do so.

So you are going to sit in the tundra with 4000+ troops and hundreds of thousands of gold (thats just in your fiefs, not including what your clan members have on them) while your ally is attacked by mutiple clans.  Its a defensive alliance so I get not declaring war on hero_party and FCC, since those were initiated as acts of war by Hospitallers.  But there are several other clans that attacked them that under a defensive alliance you should be at war with. 

Remind me never to form an alliance with you, I prefer pacts that are more than superficial and skin-deep until the cards turn against their allies.  Supply and help without declaring war is a copout.  I do understand that you only formed it with them since we said no and you were afraid one of us would attack you, but a clan is only as good as their word when it comes to diplomacy.

P.S. I know you want to save everything in order to take ismirala castle, but a promise is a promise and should take precedence.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 20, 2012, 10:39:38 pm
So you are going to sit in the tundra with 4000+ troops and hundreds of thousands of gold (thats just in your fiefs, not including what your clan members have on them) while your ally is attacked by mutiple clans.  Its a defensive alliance so I get not declaring war on hero_party and FCC, since those were initiated as acts of war by Hospitallers.  But there are several other clans that attacked them that under a defensive alliance you should be at war with. 

Remind me never to form an alliance with you, I prefer pacts that are more than superficial and skin-deep until the cards turn against their allies.  Supply and help without declaring war is a copout.  I do understand that you only formed it with them since we said no and you were afraid one of us would attack you, but a clan is only as good as their word when it comes to diplomacy.

P.S. I know you want to save everything in order to take ismirala castle, but a promise is a promise and should take precedence.

I am glad you have all these preconceived notions about my leadership and our alliance, but I'm sorry to say you are wrong here.

I remember sitting in your teamspeak, talking diplomacy with you guys a bit, and whether it was you, or another of your 9 or so leaders that said it but you mentioned there's nothing to gain by going across the map to take fiefs. If we were to go against TKoV and NH, not only would it A) Make us vulnerable if you guys wanted to try something but it would also B) Stand to give us nothing.

So, that said, it's better for us and our alliance for them to keep getting baited deeper and deeper into the Steppes so we can have them waste gear and resources whilst we keep streamlining supplies and gear and gold and troops to Hospitallers.

P.S. We're not really interested in Ismirala Castle much anymore, if you're making it a public trading fief that's all we wanted it to be intended for anyway.  :D
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tyrell on October 20, 2012, 11:00:13 pm
Yeah that go green plan worked out well? as did pro? and you leading LLJK speaking of a few failures  :mrgreen:
PRO was a complete success, I don't know what you're talking about. We stomped the servers and pissed everyone and their grandmother off. It stopped because better games came out.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rogue on October 21, 2012, 12:08:49 am
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So a trade agreement between Kapikulu and Hospitallers is "actual evidence" that the Coalition has "mutual interests" in NA wars? Indeed it's clear as day.

Cuz ya I am a paranoid schizophrenic shitpo...
At least you pretty much nailed it in the end...
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tydeus on October 21, 2012, 12:28:46 am

I've already clarified this two times Bale, this will be the third. We will be supporting Hospitaller to preserve them since it seems all other clans have a beef with them and no one ones to be on a strat map that ends up just being carebeared by a shit load of other factions. We're perfectly content in the Tundra right now, we won't be striking out to do anything rash, nor will we be declaring war against all factions that are invading Hospitallers. Yes, we will supply them and help them as best we can, that's what allies do, but as far as breaching out and starting to slap others around, we are not anticipating to do so.
You're already the carebear, buddy. Why don't you start doing something yourself instead of riding on the backs of hospitaller? You won't even attack a fief you claimed that is in possession of another faction! Explain to me how you aren't being a carebear, what you're apparently in opposition of.

A carebear alliance after hosps get wiped should be the least of your worries, NA isn't EU. This supposed "green alliance" isn't the UIF and the current anti-hosps alliance is only held together by this community's disgust for hospitaller's previous actions.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2012, 12:37:58 am
Now, now, guys.  Do we really want to pressure gang KUTT into joining in on the war, just to watch them get crushed alongside Hospitallers? yes If they want to sit back and attack trade caravans in their own territory for the rest of strat, then let them.

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Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 21, 2012, 12:47:04 am
P.S. We're not really interested in Ismirala Castle much anymore...

Saddest news I've heard during this strategus season.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2012, 01:03:18 am

I've already clarified this two times Bale, this will be the third. We will be supporting Hospitaller to preserve them since it seems all other clans have a beef with them and no one ones to be on a strat map that ends up just being carebeared by a shit load of other factions. We're perfectly content in the Tundra right now, we won't be striking out to do anything rash, nor will we be declaring war against all factions that are invading Hospitallers. Yes, we will supply them and help them as best we can, that's what allies do, but as far as breaching out and starting to slap others around, we are not anticipating to do so.

That's the third time I've said that.

Added: Besides, this war is turning into way too much drama and I don't want to subject my clan to that stupidity.

That is pretty much the oddest statement I have heard in terms of a stance. You should be a politician. I give you all my support short of actually supporting you. Is pretty much how I read that statement. I have asked three times because I was giving you a chance to jump off the fence and get in the game.

You are either at war or not in this instance. You can not throw full support armies, trade, equipment (but not lead anything out yourself) so that later you can claim to not really have taken part against anyone. I personally would have more respect for you to come out and say we are allies, whoever steps against them is against us. Regardless of outcome. Then the way you are trying to play it.

(if it matters, I would much rather fight you guys, not out of hate or anger. You are just closer.)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 21, 2012, 05:51:28 am
Some badmin is going HAM handing out warnings.

Everyone makes such a big deal out of this shit. Shut up and wait for the battle.

Considering NA_3 appears to be completely broken with no one trying to fix it, these threads will be the only battles for NA in the foreseeable future :(
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 21, 2012, 05:52:10 am
I don't need to earn respect or be bullied into doing anything I don't see fit best for my clan. I have already stated our intentions, and that is to supply Hospitaller while they continue to be attacked. To supply an army of our own to branch out and go attack would do nothing for our side whatsoever. Even if we take a fief, there's 5 more clans waiting nearby with easier reinforcements and ready for us to do something they frown on so they can simply lump us into their extinction war they're bent on. Right now, Hospitaller is on the defensive, they're not branching out to attack beyond the Steppe (at this time), so our best interest and what they are asking from us is to continue to supply them as best we can.

I don't get what's so hard to understand about that. And carebearing is exactly what everyone is going to do when this war is over. NA clans can say they won't, but they will. You all rushed to get into this war, and wonder why so many battles are one-sided with one side having gear and the other side being peasants and then have the balls to call it a victory when it's nothing. All that is is all of you so eager and headstrong wanting to get into conflict as early as possible without actually planning for the long haul.

Why would I launch offensives, when our fiefs just now reached the point of being able to each be properly defended and put up a good fight, not just get rolled over by a small army and our peasants be slaughtered? Seriously. Quit questioning our decisions and trying to get a rise out of us just so you can lump us into this war. We've made our intentions clear, we've made our alliance known, and we've stated our position. You all can keep draining your troops and gold this early all you want, I'm good. I'll wait for the real wars to start, the ones that will matter, and the ones that will net the most xp.

Besides: FCC, I already know your plan of waiting for us to send out armies to reinforce Hospitaller so you can move two armies into our territory and aim to take Curaw. You forget our alliance has ears everywhere, and if I remember right--you guys were speaking about this earlier in your teamspeak.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 21, 2012, 06:30:43 am
Considering NA_3 appears to be completely broken with no one trying to fix it, these threads will be the only battles for NA in the foreseeable future :(

surely you are willing to concede that (beside your original claims) templar (crusader alliance) has absolutely no alliances in NA and we do not want any conflict on your side (NA) of the map?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 21, 2012, 06:41:06 am
surely you are willing to concede that (beside your original claims) templar (crusader alliance) has absolutely no alliances in NA and we do not want any conflict on you side on the NA side of the map?

Why would I trust a European? 
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2012, 06:43:20 am
I don't need to earn respect or be bullied into doing anything I don't see fit best for my clan. I have already stated our intentions, and that is to supply Hospitaller while they continue to be attacked. To supply an army of our own to branch out and go attack would do nothing for our side whatsoever. Even if we take a fief, there's 5 more clans waiting nearby with easier reinforcements and ready for us to do something they frown on so they can simply lump us into their extinction war they're bent on. Right now, Hospitaller is on the defensive, they're not branching out to attack beyond the Steppe (at this time), so our best interest and what they are asking from us is to continue to supply them as best we can.

I don't get what's so hard to understand about that. And carebearing is exactly what everyone is going to do when this war is over. NA clans can say they won't, but they will. You all rushed to get into this war, and wonder why so many battles are one-sided with one side having gear and the other side being peasants and then have the balls to call it a victory when it's nothing. All that is is all of you so eager and headstrong wanting to get into conflict as early as possible without actually planning for the long haul.

Why would I launch offensives, when our fiefs just now reached the point of being able to each be properly defended and put up a good fight, not just get rolled over by a small army and our peasants be slaughtered? Seriously. Quit questioning our decisions and trying to get a rise out of us just so you can lump us into this war. We've made our intentions clear, we've made our alliance known, and we've stated our position. You all can keep draining your troops and gold this early all you want, I'm good. I'll wait for the real wars to start, the ones that will matter, and the ones that will net the most xp.

Besides: FCC, I already know your plan of waiting for us to send out armies to reinforce Hospitaller so you can move two armies into our territory and aim to take Curaw. You forget our alliance has ears everywhere, and if I remember right--you guys were speaking about this earlier in your teamspeak.

Not sure why you are getting upset. I just wanted to know where you stand. You will supply troops/gear/gold to someone who attacked us. Got it. I was not asking you to attack or go on the offensive. Fight the war however you think works best. I was not slinging personal insults or trying to bully anyone. I just wanted to know what was going on.

As for your spy, want to know something funny. Today someone asked me if they could supply me with info on Kutt from the inside. My response was, no thanks. I would rather them be my friend then be my spy. So if that is how you want to play go for it. Maybe your spy can confirm to lemmy winks that we are actually a council and vote on everything based on who is in teamspeak at the time.

Kesh needs to change the title to Hosp and Kutt decalre war on the FCC. Due to attacks on our caravans and sending a spy to our teamspeak (and supplying people who attacked us). All I believe are viable reasons for war.

Lets keep it friendly, to many people get out of sorts over wars in a war game.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: arowaine on October 21, 2012, 06:48:41 am
You're already the carebear, buddy. Why don't you start doing something yourself instead of riding on the backs of hospitaller? You won't even attack a fief you claimed that is in possession of another faction! Explain to me how you aren't being a carebear, what you're apparently in opposition of.

A carebear alliance after hosps get wiped should be the least of your worries, NA isn't EU. This supposed "green alliance" isn't the UIF and the current anti-hosps alliance is only held together by this community's disgust for hospitaller's previous actions.

i still wounder why people say fresh start we do not hold grudge to any faction so let have some fun gl everyone. still wounder WHY
no offence tydeus this is not going toward you directly
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 21, 2012, 06:53:16 am
Why would I trust a European?

you are such a #winner

no wait maybe not eh...
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Adoptagoat on October 21, 2012, 06:53:42 am
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So a trade agreement between Kapikulu and Hospitallers is "actual evidence" that the Coalition has "mutual interests" in NA wars? Indeed it's clear as day.
At least you pretty much nailed it in the end...

I've only had good talks with you in the past, Rogue.  I'd hate to have to talk to you on the other side of the coin.  As far as I know, the coalition and Templars are staying out of it.   I think we all know what happens if we learn otherwise, which is not something I'd like to see.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Casimir on October 21, 2012, 06:57:24 am
I've only had good talks with you in the past, Rogue.  I'd hate to have to talk to you on the other side of the coin.  As far as I know, the coalition and Templars are staying out of it.   I think we all know what happens if we learn otherwise, which is not something I'd like to see.

Why would we drag ourselves into a war with 3/4 of NA when we are already in a war with 1/2 of EU?

Please explain to me what sane person would do this, and i will eat my hat.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 21, 2012, 08:00:09 am
As for your spy, want to know something funny. Today someone asked me if they could supply me with info on Kutt from the inside. My response was, no thanks. I would rather them be my friend then be my spy. So if that is how you want to play go for it. Maybe your spy can confirm to lemmy winks that we are actually a council and vote on everything based on who is in teamspeak at the time.

Kesh needs to change the title to Hosp and Kutt decalre war on the FCC. Due to attacks on our caravans and sending a spy to our teamspeak (and supplying people who attacked us). All I believe are viable reasons for war.

It's not really a spy when you guys just don't manage to move your diplomacy and strategy talks to a private channel. Maybe you should start checking who is in your channel before you guys openly talk about armies in Ismirala and your Southeast border that you're waiting for us to weaken ourselves before you attack.

It's not like the person who told me said anything different than what I already know, besides, you guys already had a spy tell you some of our plans so let's not play the "we don't do espionage" game Ohay  :rolleyes:. Kinzie isn't a spy though, despite being in a relationship with her, she won't tell me a peep and I'd rather have it that way. I just don't see why everyone is so eager to go to war when everyone is only running at 20-40% capacity of what they could be instead of waiting another 4-6 weeks and actually having real wars, with real xp, and with real consequences. None of these results and "achievements" are going to stick.

Also, let's not deny the fact you baited Hospitallers into attacking you specifically for the reason of wanting to get in on the war but you needed a "reason" to do so. If America had marched a heavily armed amount of troops as a Parade through Germany prior to their involvement in WWI, do you think they would have been attacked? Of course they would. Don't play the sheep guys, live up to what you did and don't turn the tables.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Artyem on October 21, 2012, 08:30:10 am

You're not really the brightest, are you?  You've put yourself into an alliance with the Hospitallers, who are currently under attack from five or so different clans.  You don't send them troops (yet) but you supply them with gold and equipment while expecting to hold neutral relations with the clans that are currently warring against your ally.  You mention WW1, so let's go back and think that Germany is fighting France, Russia, the U.K and Italy, the only other major world power they aren't duking it out with yet is the United States.  During this time period, they've received small amounts of supplies (which can be viewed as a sign of non-aggression) yet the U.S is funneling a shit load of ammo and food towards the Triple Entente.  Wouldn't you view them as hostile at that point as well?  Maybe you'd go to their neighbors and ask them very kindly to invade the U.S, or maybe you'll sink their convoys and attack their caravans to retain them from supporting your enemies.

What I'm getting at here is that your ideology is retarded, simply put, because you're funding the Hospitallers war effort against a list of enemies and expecting these enemies to not care?  You may as well be sending them troops and fighting the war for them, it doesn't matter if you only send them money and equipment, you're increasing their chance to win (not by much, I would say) which in turn is going to piss off everyone around you (especially the people that already hate your guts) who are currently, at this very moment, as I type this, fighting against the equipment bought with your money.

Don't be so surprised that everyone here wants your head on a stick, you're the only obvious (and very close) ally and supporter of the Hosperglers, and after proclaiming yourself as a sponsor for their war efforts, it should be pretty obvious that a multitude of people want you and your clan dead.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: TurmoilTom on October 21, 2012, 08:35:28 am
We're perfectly content in the Tundra right now, we won't be striking out to do anything rash, nor will we be declaring war against all factions that are invading Hospitallers.

And here I thought we would be doing fun things. You know, like, fighting or something. I dunno. Just seems like a fun thing to do.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lemmy_Winks on October 21, 2012, 09:24:28 am
And here I thought we would be doing fun things. You know, like, fighting or something. I dunno. Just seems like a fun thing to do.

This looks sketchy.[/list]
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Visconti on October 21, 2012, 09:46:15 am
It's not really a spy when you guys just don't manage to move your diplomacy and strategy talks to a private channel. Maybe you should start checking who is in your channel before you guys openly talk about armies in Ismirala and your Southeast border that you're waiting for us to weaken ourselves before you attack.

It's not like the person who told me said anything different than what I already know, besides, you guys already had a spy tell you some of our plans so let's not play the "we don't do espionage" game Ohay  :rolleyes:. Kinzie isn't a spy though, despite being in a relationship with her, she won't tell me a peep and I'd rather have it that way. I just don't see why everyone is so eager to go to war when everyone is only running at 20-40% capacity of what they could be instead of waiting another 4-6 weeks and actually having real wars, with real xp, and with real consequences. None of these results and "achievements" are going to stick.

Also, let's not deny the fact you baited Hospitallers into attacking you specifically for the reason of wanting to get in on the war but you needed a "reason" to do so. If America had marched a heavily armed amount of troops as a Parade through Germany prior to their involvement in WWI, do you think they would have been attacked? Of course they would. Don't play the sheep guys, live up to what you did and don't turn the tables.

Another 4-6 weeks without war? That just goes against NA ideology. If your feeding hospi resources, i dont get why you dont just lead these armies yourself, its the exact same thing, only difference is your members might actually, you know, have some fun?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: LordBerenger on October 21, 2012, 10:51:34 am
    • The FCC claims a KUTT member was offering information about KUTT to them.
    • You have in several battles merced against your own clans allies, even fighting against many of your clan members all of whom were on the side of your allies. (Ive seen people get kicked out of clans for doing this repeatedly as you have but thats another story)

    • You seem to support FCC ideas and beliefs that have been expressed here as well as other places, and now your suggesting that KUTT do what the FCC seems to suggest KUTT do, send their armies out to help hospitaller (instead of just giving support), which would put their home territories at risk of attack by the FCC.

    This looks sketchy.

You do not simply accuse Tom, lord and ruler of all bridges of treachery.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 21, 2012, 10:56:21 am
You seem to support FCC ideas and beliefs that have been expressed here as well as other places, and now your suggesting that KUTT do what the FCC seems to suggest KUTT do, send their armies out to help hospitaller (instead of just giving support), which would put their home territories at risk of attack by the FCC.

Or they could come attack us like they said they would months ago. Oh, but they lost interest in that. Now I'm hearing "we totally don't like carebears, but maybe we shouldn't fight for a few more weeks. Come on, guys, just wait a little longer." Some of us are tired of waiting.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 21, 2012, 11:48:36 am
The idea is to keep constant drama and low intensity warfare going on before your clan mates doing the manual labor of the clan get bored and their ADD riddled brains quit Strategus to go feed in Guild Wars or Pokemon or something instead.  This also puts stress on your clan's cohesion in an active wartime footing so you can work out bizarre Strategus "features" and make sure communication is good so you don't get screwed over in a do or die scenario.  People are more likely to check and enjoy Strat when the strategus-industrial complex is going strong.

War is good.  Then again I've learned to enjoy it because clans just can't stop invading me whatever I do.  Aggressively invade your neighbor for no reason today!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: kinngrimm on October 21, 2012, 11:54:01 am
was it a trade caravan? with all the anti Kutt-Hospitallers going on since they announced cooperation a few weeks ago, i wouldn't be surprised if that would have been actually resupplies for a faction which is already openly at war with Hospitallers or shortly afterwards.

We allied with VE a day after you allied with KUTT.
Good job on keeping it secret. Others like TkoV, FCC had been expected to group up against Hospitallers due to former dealings and with the tone here and in other threads, there ain't much to be denied about it.

So how many clans are there now at war with Hospitallers and which are most likely to join in? How many members on each site? Kesh you do know this pretty much resolves into 2 huge blocks fighting each other? Good job on not becoming carebears  :lol:
Also depending on who now also would join in against Hospitallers, keep in mind, the more you are against them the less honor you get out of it and the more Hospitallers will gain just because they have to fight you all.

pfffff NA gankers

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ignorance must be bliss. Rogue pretty much stated already the incoherent logic behind this. Just that you know, man you are full of it! I thought for a while he must be joking, but then the other posts where you defended this ...

on the other hand i have to agree on this
(click to show/hide)
still you can make drama on high level while not doing false statements or insulting people(not that i saw you doing that), just saying.
or as stated here ( War ( the last tool of diplomacy, the first rule to superiority )
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 21, 2012, 11:55:00 am
Another 4-6 weeks without war? That just goes against NA ideology. If your feeding hospi resources, i dont get why you dont just lead these armies yourself, its the exact same thing, only difference is your members might actually, you know, have some fun?
Cause the second those armies leave Kutt land FCC will attack duh.  :idea:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Huey Newton on October 21, 2012, 12:08:29 pm
And here I thought we would be doing fun things. You know, like, fighting or something. I dunno. Just seems like a fun thing to do.

When did you start posting in all purple text.
I kinda want to start doing that but with a different color hmm
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 21, 2012, 12:18:14 pm
ignorance must be bliss. Rogue pretty much stated already the incoherent logic behind this. Just that you know, man you are full of it! I thought for a while he must be joking, but then the other posts where you defended this ...

I think what is unbelievable is that Coalition, Crusaders, and Hospitallers have zero diplomacy or war talks at all.  Of course its logical that Templars won't be supporting Hospitallers directly as much as they did last strat, because they are in a high intensity war with UIF right off the bat and their economy was apparently really bad the first weeks of Strat compared to UIF.  Thankfully for them, that got conveniently fixed!  But Hosps are still friendly with Coalition/Templars.  Proof as major trade partner with Kapilulu, NA Coalition attacks Hospitaller enemies in neutral territory, they just try to be hush hush about it.

Really Hospitaller's situation right now, kinngrimm, is because of Hospitaller strategy, not everyone else being bullies or vultures.  Hosps were able to rely on EU support for a long time now, and Hosps went out of their way to ruin relations with most other NA clans.  Why bother being friends with them, when you have an EU mega alliance as your main trade partners, and can freely wage war on every NA clan you like unless they become a vassal?

Now Hospitallers are not as fortunate, but most NA clans still don't trust them.  People have been expecting from day 1 for Hospitallers to be an aggressive, expansionist faction, and I imagine everyone who shared a border had a contingency plan in case of hostility.  Ours was "kill the fuckers."

Hero_Party ended up being the first, and I believe our strategic position controlling an EU passageway was a significant factor, along with looking weak, isolated, and unaffiliated.  We were surrounded by Hospitallers, their allies and vassals, and our territory was originally claimed by another major Hospitaller ally.

I also quite enjoy the fact that people seem to forget how last Strat ended up.  I personally welcomed a bunch of anti-UIF clans into NA to use our territory to rebuild, and even encouraged them to stay out of NA politics like the Green Vs Red war so they could rebuild and get back to EU asap.  Once I quit Strategus, I watched as these guys and Hospitallers used the gimmick of "unite to fight UIF" slogan as an excuse to wipe out every other NA clan, using nothing but duped gear that the Templars used to buy off NA support, then destroy them with it.  All the while UIF posted "please come back to EU, we already crushed NA and want low ping fights, plz we miss u :("  to no response.

Why should I or anyone expect nothing less than top douchebaggery like that in the future?  After all, if EU war gets ugly, NA might look mighty tempting again..

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Visconti on October 21, 2012, 01:08:14 pm
Cause the second those armies leave Kutt land FCC will attack duh.  :idea:

The armies are gonna be leaving KUTT land anyway, might as well be under KUTT leadership
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 21, 2012, 03:44:28 pm
It's not really a spy when you guys just don't manage to move your diplomacy and strategy talks to a private channel. Maybe you should start checking who is in your channel before you guys openly talk about armies in Ismirala and your Southeast border that you're waiting for us to weaken ourselves before you attack.

It's not like the person who told me said anything different than what I already know, besides, you guys already had a spy tell you some of our plans so let's not play the "we don't do espionage" game Ohay  :rolleyes:. Kinzie isn't a spy though, despite being in a relationship with her, she won't tell me a peep and I'd rather have it that way. I just don't see why everyone is so eager to go to war when everyone is only running at 20-40% capacity of what they could be instead of waiting another 4-6 weeks and actually having real wars, with real xp, and with real consequences. None of these results and "achievements" are going to stick.

Seriously how did you end up being your faction's leader??  4-6 weeks of idling before ever fighting???  Really??  How fucking boring your clan members must think you, I would have quit your faction weeks ago.  Lets turtle up and wait 3-4 months of startegus before ever attacking anyone, even giving up your claim to Ismirala castle which was a free fight without creating a war and you could have helped your ally by preventing us from sending troops to Steppes becasue we would be busy defending Ismirala castle.

"I just don't see why everyone is so eager to go to war when everyone is only running at 20-40% capacity of what they could be instead of waiting another 4-6 weeks and actually having real wars, with real xp, and with real consequences."

All this statement means is you are afraid to fight without heraldic plate in all your fights and german greatswords, and armored horses because that is the only way you do well on the battle server - 3x loomed tin canning strength builds. 

One reason why Strategus is the great equalizer is superior tactics, coordination, and a balanced set of players can win against superior gear.  Look at all these Hositaller fights so far where they have had heraldic plate, heavy horses, etc. and still get a 1:1 or worse, same as Northern Empire in Strat 2.0 (same strategy - lets wait 3-4 months before ever doing anything and then we ran in with blue gambesons, yellow tunics over mail, shortened military scythes, rounceys, and bamboo spears and wrecked them the fuck up - that includes Hospitallers and Lost Legion (now part of KUTT)).  It didn't work before. 

Should FCC really wait 4-6 months for you to equip all 5-6K troops with full plate mail so that you can march on us then for fighting with your ally, who I repeat attacked us NOT in their territory - no attempt by us to start the war, we were attacked in the fricking desert they supposedly had dropped claims too.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 21, 2012, 04:49:16 pm
Turmoil tom I will clear your name. He did not offer to feed informaiton. I can see why you would make the assumption tho. He would be a great addition to the FCC roster.

Tank, we looked at who was in the TS while talking about our plans. So it is pretty much narrowed down to 1-3 people. Not that it matters. Anyone looking at the map and knows about the current policies can see how this will play out without spys. You are supplying someone who atatcked us. We are neighbors. We cut off the tip of Kutts land claim dick (the best part ask any man).... You still have the balls! Lets fight and see if they are great big hairy and brass!

The spy thing. I will not stoop to that. FCC members are varied and I can only speak for myself. It was not Tom... however if you do not want him I am sure he can find a home with another gorup easily enough. Everyone needs bridges.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 21, 2012, 08:14:26 pm
You guys seem to keep missing the point.

I'm not going to go out and declare war on all these faraway factions and run my resources even further into the ground as I continue to reinforce Hospitaller and then send armies of my own to fight. Kesh, you have no clue what you are talking about. We are not rocking +3 Plate, Warhorses, German greatswords. Where do you get this idea from? Last strat, if you had been around and not ran and quit, you would see that we always brought fairly reasonable gear and made the fights fun, but we did so by waiting until both ourselves, and our enemies were equipped so we knew the battles would be worth it and fought at a good time and a good capacity for both sides.

If you want to declare war on KUTT, go for it. You have plenty of pretense to do so I'm sure, except the spy, which is your own fault for just not being smart enough to go to different channels. Continue to run your mouth about my leadership and blah blah blah, except I'm playing this game for the long haul, sorry that I don't share the NA ideology of WAR WAR WAR WAR FUCK YEAH WAR MAN, OH SHIT NO ARMOR? FUCK IT WAR! NO WEAPONS? FUCK IT WARRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 21, 2012, 09:24:00 pm
We figured we could trust anyone that was in there at the time. Luckily they betrayed that trust on something that was obviously going to happen anyway.

We didn't run away from anything in strategus 3. We were bored as shit for months, and then left to play other games. I can see why you wouldn't understand that. I guess "gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather gather FUCK YEAH A FIGHT gather gather gather gather" is your preferred play style, but it's not our way.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 21, 2012, 09:32:43 pm
Yes, there's obvious differences in Leadership styles, and that's what makes Strategus great. So why do you guys continue to belittle me and insult KUTT as a whole when all we have done is express our leadership strategies and made them known. We don't have to be like everyone else, and we don't have to be like FCC, nor like Hospitallers.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: TurmoilTom on October 21, 2012, 10:05:35 pm

  • The FCC claims a KUTT member was offering information about KUTT to them.
  • You have in several battles merced against your own clans allies, even fighting against many of your clan members all of whom were on the side of your allies. (Ive seen people get kicked out of clans for doing this repeatedly as you have but thats another story)

  • You seem to support FCC ideas and beliefs that have been expressed here as well as other places, and now your suggesting that KUTT do what the FCC seems to suggest KUTT do, send their armies out to help hospitaller (instead of just giving support), which would put their home territories at risk of attack by the FCC.

This looks sketchy.

---Well, first off I'd like to say this: The spy wasn't me and if it was I wouldn't make it so painfully obvious by mercing against my own guys. You think I'd make it that easy? Hehe. There's another reason for that, but I appreciate that you think I'm pulling some kind of wacky James Bond shit all up in this diplomatic crap... I'm Tom... TurmoilTom.

(click to show/hide)

---Now, as for the reason I'm mercing against Hospitaller, I think I've made myself quite clear in the past:

Also, fuck Hosp. Just sayin'.

Yeah, that's basically it. The most "to-the-point" way to sum up my look on the matter. I just dislike Hospitaller. That's it. No hidden meaning. No ulterior motives. I just don't like the Hospitaller clan. Don't get me wrong. Hosp has some pretty cool dudes in it and I like seeing them on any cRPG server and I love fighting them, but as a clan I just dislike their way of doing things. Hospitaller is the largest North American strategus faction and it still bothers making alliances to solidify their position. It also is the only NA clan to prioritize recruiting new players simply for the sake of fueling a giant war machine. Okay, so there was old LLJK, yeah. But at least you had to pay ten bucks to get into LLJK, they were basically all awesome dudes (Anyone remember LLJK_Dumptruck_King_of_Trucks? Holy crap best name ever.) and I never saw any LLJK members running around with 3 shields just to compensate for poor player skill. I could keep going, you know... Quoting old diplomacy threads about how Hosp members are talking shit and spouting crap about how they win through superior tactics or something even though it's only through attrition, but everyone already knows about that and it would not be worth anyone's time to go back to find all the posts or even read them. I could also talk about previous Strategus sessions, but that wouldn't be worth anyone's time either. So yeah, I'm a mad nerd who holds grudges over internet swords and horses. But seriously, I just don't want this strat to end up with Hosp allying with all the largest superpowers to the point where any war isn't even a real fight because of the giant gap in resources.

Funny how I'm in a faction that's allied with Hosp, huh? Believe me, I was one of the strongly opposed towards it.

---As for advising my clan to go to war and have battles... Yeah, you got me. After all, the whole point of Strategus is to horde resources and make carebear alliances and mass-produce goods and rake in gold until next Strategus. cRPG and Strat were designed with this in mind. The only reason we buy equipment is to roleplay and dress ourselves up in pretty outfits. This game is only internet-dress-up, after all. It's not like anyone enjoys fighting in big, cluster-fuck Strategus battles which are basically the only place you see any significant use of tactics and considerable teamwork. I don't care who we invade, I just want to fuck some shit up. Hell, if it were up to me KUTT would already be invading and having a war with Hosp. Checklist for New Strat, day one: Declare war on Hosp.

Since I went through the trouble of making a shitty long-ass diplomacy board post for once I might as well go ahead and say that the combination of being allied with Hosp and at the same time not even being at war with any meaningful faction or alliance is pretty boring and makes me considerably discontent with my clan. Not discontent enough to want the screw them over or leave the clan... well, yet, anyways.

TL;DR version: I'm not a spy, fuck Hosp, I want fun battles and I'm discontent with my clan.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go back to monitoring the situation on my bridges and masturbating in the deluxe, three-story tall igloo in my empty village.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 21, 2012, 10:24:45 pm
Sorry you dislike us so much Tom, It is a shame but hopefully we can still work together in the future.

But for the record, VE has 100+ members, we (Hospitaller) have 53, So we are not the largest by any means, take into account our allies, Kutt included and then the other NA clans on the other side of the fence, and we are vastly outnumbered.

I will admit we have had issue's with some of our members and how they come off, and we take responsibility for that. Peppo him self handed out some ass spanking over it and hopefully in time you guys will see were not the evil empire some make us out to be, Only time will tell but I really do hope we can squash some of the animosity out there. There will always be needs to be involved in wars regarding Strat, no one is denying that, we just hope in the future we can make a bloody war a reputable one as well.

Yes we have our backs up against a wall but that is not why I am writing this, Myself and others do not like how we are perceived and we know the reasons for it, and are working on it but that is an internal matter that I wont discuss on the forums, I just really hope one day the members of CRPG will look at us as a respectable clan, Any allies that have been in our TS will tell you will all like to joke around and have a good time, and yes we have some outspoken members, But as for the trash talk and what not, that will hopefully be a thing of the past. It's a work in progress, and its hard and frustrating for some of our members to not get baited into certain arguments especially when it holds no facts and is simply ploys to show the ugly side of aggravation, but we are working on it.

War on boys and girls, I just hope we can go about it in a better fashion.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on October 22, 2012, 12:03:36 am
Wow Tom I really like you but that was very hard to read.

Let me start off with our Zerg recruitment strategy that everyone seems to misunderstand. I think I was the first recruit they ever got back when our clan was in total 6 people. Obviously starting out I was completely worthless most clans wouldn't even consider recruiting me. Thankfully I met Devestater who at the time was  in my eyes amazing at this game. Hosps took me in and devestater helped out a lot making sure I felt accepted and even helped me as best be could to make me a better player. I get jokes here and there about why I'm still in hosp and hat I join a better clan. In the end it really comes down to they took me in when nobody else would. Our "Zerg recruiting" is based on accepting people regardless of personal skill and is truly based on if we like you and if you want to stay. My favorite thing is recruiting somebody shitty and then seeing them top scoreboards awhile later. That guy with 3 shields that was me Tom also with 7 PT and 4 Powerdraw.

And when it comes to making alliances,we've been wiped every strategus prior to the last one. My favorite was the NE with TS crumbling and actually giving fallen their armies and ATS well I don't blame them so much as Ecko's mistakes that totally screwed us over leaving us high and dry to be left defending Yruma. Two allies that we believed were strong and reliable turned out to be the biggest joke ever. Even those haven guys took advantage of us when we let them into our Teamspeak they leaked out strat info. The only NA clan that we completely trust is the Occitan guys who have been with us forever. So to me it's no wonder we ally with EU clans they actually are reliable and they don't trash us on the forums every chance they get. They're way more civil than any one of these other clans have been to us. Fallen was our number one enemy for the longest time and I respected their fighting style it's kinda effective...all the time. And now we have a pretty good standing with them. Even with their evil strat clan they're not trashing us all day.

Its fine to talk trash about your enemy but with every other post being about how shitty and vile hospitaller is, it's no wonder most of our members won't even post on he forums due to the massive amount of trolling we get. Half my posts are trying to defend my clan to the point I've been told not to even post on here because of everyone's complete and utter loathing for us. Which I'm not even sure how we earned? We do well in one strat round which I believe is something we should be proud of and instead of acknowledgment we instead get a barrage of insults to negate how we got their.

I respect all the clans out their and do enjoy talking shit to some of them particularly NH, TKoV and FCC. It's fun but you don't see me aggressively attacking them on forums everyday and I used to try and visit other clans Teamspeaks to get to know everybody better and latly I can't bring myself to do it due to all this shit I see here. And this is probably going to be my last post here as I've been told that my posts are offending other clans and making it easier for them to declare war on us.

In any case guys continue on and good luck in the coming war.

Edit: Aztec beat me to the punch line again...
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Visconti on October 22, 2012, 12:25:44 am
Ah, if all the Hospitallers were like you Aztek, things might have turned out alot differently. Are you a diplomat for Hospitaller? If not, you really should be.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: bruttus on October 22, 2012, 12:56:31 am
spanish, whille i understand your motivation, see also the otherside from all the clans that are now at war with hosp
first of all hoc didn't wanted to go with war with hosp. but that changed when alderyn was trashtalking about hoc
yes, i give you that name, that very dear person is the reason why every clan is going to war against hosp.
he disrespect other clans, and for the most clans, that was more then enough to go to war with hosp, not the war with hero_party

well, thats mine point of view
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 22, 2012, 12:58:13 am
Peppo was hinting towards it, but that aside, 99% of our guys/gals are good people, Some just have issue's with their mouth filter and is something we are actively working on. I don't like the situation were in and we know we are our own worst enemy at this point.. I'm just here to try and reassure everyone else we are working on it.

.. and thanks for the complement  :)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 22, 2012, 01:13:48 am
We still like you Spaniard.

couple things though :D
1. FCC also has the kind of recruitment system that you mentioned. We often attract veterans but we also recruit newer players if we like them, our number of active players changes quite a bit with people coming and going, lots of guys come back after not playing for extended periods of time. I think the reason hospitaller gets a bad rep for recruiting is because people aren't convinced that you actually recruit cool people regardless of skill so much as you recruit people for the sake of having more people. I don't really know if thats the case but that is the impression I get in terms of peoples beef with hospy recruit policy.

2. Hospitallers success in strat 3 is not the reason you get so much hate. A lot of players may have come to hate hosp in strat 3, but a lot of players already hated hosp based on strat 2 and in some cases strat 1. Reasons vary, but I think generally it was something to do with hosp being the largest and generally least skilled clan in a mega alliance between strat 1 and 2 and so having no reason to have some mega alliance, and then running rampant for awhile and being all big and scary and stuff. My own personal play style in any big pvp based game (strat is kinda like a big pvp game) is to fight against the biggest group, and when I joined that was you guys, and the few guys I did talk to all came across as giant assholes at the time, so then it was a mix of wanting to fight the big guys and wanting to fight the assholes. There are some cool hospitallers out there, and most fly under the radar, but there are also some giant assholes. All clans experience some of this, FCC itself has some more visable and vocal members who have probably encouraged some players in various factions to think poorly of FCC, it happens, but it seems hospitaller just managed to piss off the most people and in a very lasting way.

Maybe that clears up a bit of the confusion even though it offers no solutions.

oh and it shouldn't be surprising that you guys got even more hate from this strat considering you have "Vassals" and that you used them (in many players eyes) quite badly and threw them at hero party... a small clan trying to make it in the desert, and then joining in directly against hero party and coming across on the forums as giant dick bag bullies who were just picking on a little guy cause you could and expecting an easy fight. It just kinda reaffirmed any existing concerns about hospitallers... so it doesn't surprise me in the least that a lot of clans got involved and are trying to stop you guys from smashing all the little clans and taking over half the map while you are still fairly vulnerable.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Darkkarma on October 22, 2012, 01:16:38 am
LOL! YOU are the biggest retard in CRPG! I still dont know why you have admin. But either way. All of this is untrue. Smooth you seriously need to get a life or get laid or something.

Also your pretend cockiness is a joke in all of NA. Everyone knows that you look like shit with all of that acne on your face (which is probably why getting laid is a problem for you). Have you heard of a shower son?! I just wish someone would take your annoying ass off the forums and servers as admin. I dont know who you blew to the the job but they must have been very desperate.

Honestly this is a seriously biased suggestion,but tell this guy to shut the fuck up once in a  while and 90 percent of your image problems will go away. 9/10 of the guys in Hospitaller are good guys(literally the same as almost any other clan in crpg) and devestater is one of the only ones that is pretty much universally complained about. I mean you know its bad when someone in your clan comes into someones teamspeak and says "You haven't really officially become a Hospitaller member until you've had Devestater be an asshole to you for no good reason."

But yeah,quite a few Hospitaller guys come and hang out in the teamspeak I play in and they are fucking awesome people. I also think that for all of the nasty things that we used to say to one another in last strat that you are a genuinely cool dude aztek on top of that you are loyal as hell to your clan. You'd seriously make for a great diplomat.

It kind of sucks that most people (myself included in the past) brought ourselves to hate an entire clan over the actions and personalities of a few members. You've also all been great sports in every battle ive been a part of thus far. Much respect, Knights Hospitaller.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Havoco on October 22, 2012, 01:29:18 am
Ah, if all the Hospitallers were like you Aztek, things might have turned out alot differently. Are you a diplomat for Hospitaller? If not, you really should be.

+1 to that. Our main diplomat is devilize, he is cool if u get to know him.

Unfortunately, our ranks special strat responsiblities aren't based on how good they are at certain things. They are mainly based on how active you are and if u accept the responsibility to do the tasks required. Even with our numbers of members, it can be hard to find those ppl willing to do the job. But if they do this task well and are active, well, it's like getting a 20 rank chancellor in crusader kings. :)

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Hobb on October 22, 2012, 01:51:36 am
Its been a good two days without a silly hospi post, i would say that is an achievement. Bad/rash diplomacy is the reason armies are in you territory right now. A war with the Velucan Empire was going to happen as soon as you decided to attack hero party. From are reports this was set in place around the start of week 2 when goretooth was reported to invade. When your alliance with kutt was made you really put the cards in our hands. A mutual offensive pact against hospitaller was made the same night as your post.

It was all clock-work from there. Draw you into the desert and kill your armies through defense then cut through your land with NH before you could prepare. Hero party was as suprised about NH as anyone. Shogunate and FCC joining in are completly your own fault, and i know these are not the only ones who feel you have wronged them.

This would have been a war over desert trade, over you putting vassals in the desert and us protecting hero party.

And i completly disagree with the "zerg" recruiting thing. If that be the case, i would say TKoV is in same group because we have never turned some1 away for skill. There is not a clan bigger then 40 people who can say any different either, although CHAOS 6 months ago was probally the exception.

Alas this war has nothing to do with previous strats and I dont consider us the leader of this war, since we dont want any your land. (well maybe one or two:p) So with good diplomacy, you could easily turn your situation around.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Chestaclese on October 22, 2012, 01:58:06 am
There are some cool hospitallers out there, and most fly under the radar, but there are also some giant assholes. All clans experience some of this, FCC itself has some more visable and vocal members who have probably encouraged some players in various factions to think poorly of FCC, it happens, but it seems hospitaller just managed to piss off the most people and in a very lasting way.

I'm the giant asshole in Remnants. How you doin?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Notoriety on October 22, 2012, 02:21:28 am
I actually liked KUTT before this thread....
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tanken on October 22, 2012, 02:36:35 am
I actually liked KUTT before this thread....

Please don't let my Diplomacy talks discourage your liking of the whole clan. I am one man, there are nearly 40 of us.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Huey Newton on October 22, 2012, 03:04:52 am
I actually liked KUTT before this thread....

I was actually gay before I sucked my first dick

who knew
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 22, 2012, 04:20:48 am
Everyone that bitched about Hosp having shitty battle times?

Seems the "Other side" has decided that they would do the same. 12:49....1:28....2:30.....

.....Please, give the battles earlier or just let it go. Those are shitty times for people who got work tomorrow...
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Turboflex on October 22, 2012, 04:39:38 am
we attacked friday, times woulda been ok saturday, not our fault servers crashed.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 22, 2012, 04:59:36 am
Its been a good two days without a silly hospi post, i would say that is an achievement.
the silly hospi posters got muted.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 22, 2012, 05:57:24 am
Everyone that bitched about Hosp having shitty battle times?

Seems the "Other side" has decided that they would do the same. 12:49....1:28....2:30.....

.....Please, give the battles earlier or just let it go. Those are shitty times for people who got work tomorrow...

Battle times were a little out of the player's hands this weekend.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on October 22, 2012, 06:04:01 am
As apprently it is cool to post in a different color other black I will now start to do the same(And I will be using a range of colors just to see which one I like the best)

There are some cool hospitallers out there, and most fly under the radar, but there are also some giant assholes. All clans experience some of this, FCC itself has some more visable and vocal members who have probably encouraged some players in various factions to think poorly of FCC,

There is only 3 members of the Swiss at the moment so of us who must be the asshole...... must be Mjolnir

Though I should say that this strat was pretty pre-determined by the previous ones due to peoples lack of starting anew in terms of faction relations. I will not doubt that some shitheads can piss of an entire clan and cause wars all because of a single phrase, but it should be clan's responsability to remove these troublemakers so the respect for the clan is not put under an unforgiving light.
If a member insults another can and will not seek reconciliation or get it from the insulted clan, that member should be removed from the clan until further notice.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Notoriety on October 22, 2012, 06:10:56 am
Please don't let my Diplomacy talks discourage your liking of the whole clan. I am one man, there are nearly 40 of us.

too late.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tears of Destiny on October 22, 2012, 06:11:58 am
Though I should say that this strat was pretty pre-determined by the previous ones due to peoples lack of starting anew in terms of faction relations.

I dare say that will always be true, as some people take grudges to a new silly level in strategus. Many factions from the start already had planned out what they were doing, and I don't think that surprised anyone =\ I also see too many people start grudges and automatically treat certain people poorly simply because of a clan tag, instead of a per-individual basis. Then again, non of this should surprise anyone considering the sheer number of people in strat who are even biased to the point of xenophobia.

Regardless, I do like your hidden white messages ^^
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 22, 2012, 06:13:24 am
I'm claiming pink color now. And I like this thread and the drama it has, it is very nice drama worthy of being on TNT.

edit: Also, I think that a lot of the forum wars between FCC and Hospitaller could have been avoided.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 22, 2012, 06:25:36 am
Battle times were a little out of the player's hands this weekend.

Ah it's from the server delay? But the battles were still at those times, correct? Even though it would have been Sat/Friday, the battles were still at 1-2 AM.

(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 22, 2012, 06:55:26 am
I'm claiming pink color now. And I like this thread and the drama it has, it is very nice drama worthy of being on TNT.

edit: Also, I think that a lot of the forum wars between FCC and Hospitaller could have been avoided.

But the leaders on both side hate each other  :?:

just mute kesh, smooth and dev to avoid forum wars.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 22, 2012, 07:47:37 am
But the leaders on both side hate each other  :?:

just mute kesh, smooth and dev to avoid forum wars.

i dont think the leaders hate each other.. i dont think either side knows who is leading the other side...
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on October 22, 2012, 08:14:53 am
i dont think the leaders hate each other.. i dont think either side knows who is leading the other side...
well i know you don't hate anybody. Well maybe me over the Baulders Gate 2 drama.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on October 22, 2012, 10:06:29 am
 I call this sexy color!! And forum drama is good what else would I do at work besides read forum entertainment :)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Smoothrich on October 22, 2012, 05:03:22 pm
But the leaders on both side hate each other  :?:

just mute kesh, smooth and dev to avoid forum wars.

you can mute a man but not an idea, one day i will be long gone but trolling spergs will always live on 
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on October 22, 2012, 09:02:26 pm
I claim yellow, also BaleOhay, I am getting my 2nd member in the FCC, so we'll be on equal term now.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tyrell on October 22, 2012, 09:15:30 pm
I claim yellow, also BaleOhay, I am getting my 2nd member in the FCC, so we'll be on equal term now.
I had to highlight that to read it. I claim blue.

“No one is so foolish as to prefer war to peace, in which, instead of sons burying their fathers, fathers bury their sons.”  
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on October 22, 2012, 09:18:17 pm
Always a pleasure to be of service good sire.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 22, 2012, 09:23:45 pm
well i know you don't hate anybody. Well maybe me over the Baulders Gate 2 drama.

Bastard... you better get the enhanced edition... OR ELSE

dibs on orange... Official FCC Colour yo.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on October 22, 2012, 09:24:57 pm
I beg to differ, biatch
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: dynamike on October 22, 2012, 11:21:04 pm

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on October 22, 2012, 11:25:56 pm
that yellow...impossible to read without going blind and the orange looks more like a fallen color to me. And hopefully no one uses white again, that was terrible.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on October 22, 2012, 11:28:29 pm
Fuck yeah, dibs on pure sexinesss!!!!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: kinngrimm on October 23, 2012, 12:12:00 am
as i want to have my fare  share on useless posts, blue it is mine.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on October 23, 2012, 01:23:34 am
Why am I the only one who was warned? I am in the FCC y'know?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on October 23, 2012, 01:27:55 am
From now on I will use white and people are going to fucking hate me
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tyrell on October 23, 2012, 02:32:01 am
as i want to have my fare  share on useless posts, blue it is mine.
Already mine, man.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Hobb on October 23, 2012, 03:27:55 am
Am I too late to the party?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Blackzilla on October 23, 2012, 03:59:22 am
I claim teal, for Hero party. BTW where is Bubba's post? He said he was going to write a long, mean, hateful essay ( 2 paragraphs) About Hospitaller banning him from TS!!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Muki on October 23, 2012, 04:00:45 am
I claim the default black, so other people will be force to use colours in their chat :D
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Havoco on October 23, 2012, 04:46:01 am
I claim teal, for Hero party. BTW where is Bubba's post? He said he was going to write a long, mean, hateful essay ( 2 paragraphs) About Hospitaller banning him from TS!!
Somewhere else. But dont worry, he raged just like u did blackzilla.       

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: To Kill A Dead Horse on October 23, 2012, 05:30:44 am
Am I too late to the party?

You are only just late to the biggest showing of gay pride ever with this contimplation of colors
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 23, 2012, 09:40:11 am
This time Hosp attacked us at 2:29 AM. Let's talk about that.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 23, 2012, 11:32:47 am
Or we can all admit those times are not as fun for all sides, We do not attack at those weird times on purpose, as I'm sure the other side will admit to as well, I have seen numerous attacks on Hospitaller at midnight, 1 am, etc during the week, and not just from the pushback the other day. There are so many factors that come into play. Maybe he was close to the army and hit attack, only to have then quick march away, or hit bad terrain, or about a thousand other reasons, But i have seen it from both sides and neither benefits from it, we don't like it just as much as it forces us to look for merc support like crazy to fill the roster which is never fun, when we much rather fight our battles when all our guys are on to participate.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on October 23, 2012, 01:18:30 pm
Stop being reasonable and logical, Aztek. You're so bad at this! We'll never get 5 more pages with replies like that! Someone unmute Lordark or something, geez.

To be fair, FCC has yet to have a fair time against Hospitallers. Yes, it's always regrettable for both sides, and I don't really think it's done on purpose. I can't speak for any other factions on either side, but I hope we never lead an attack at an unreasonable time during this round of strategus. I believe we have managed to avoid doing that so far.

At least we're back on topic!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 23, 2012, 01:35:21 pm
Other clans have given you bad time fights. We have not and would request that you try harder to keep things in prime time. If it takes saying Hey we want to attack Such and such.. Maybe we can even work it out and schedule it so it falls into a good slot. Granted that will not always work but I am sure with a little cooperation we can make this a fun fight.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Turboflex on October 23, 2012, 03:41:28 pm
We attacked a Hospitaller party a few days ago at 2:30am, sometimes it's just tricky with moving armies and you gotta. There's 2 field parties on move and if you let it go it has potential to damage you.

I would say ~2:00am is kind of limit for attack time, cuz that's still just 11:00 for west coast.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Blackzilla on October 23, 2012, 04:47:38 pm
Somewhere else. But dont worry, he raged just like u did blackzilla.       


When did I rage? I was perma banned for pissing devestater off. Ill only was unbanned so I could merc for strat battles.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2012, 05:27:49 pm
When did I rage? I was perma banned for pissing devestater off. Ill only was unbanned so I could merc for strat battles.

Oh you too? Welcome to the club! I got permabanned during the FPF battles cause I said something along the lines of "Hey, this is Arys battle, let the man speak." Cause hosp was making lots of threats about mercs and shit.

Heh, much fun. Got unbanned much later by spainard i think. Best thing, the guy who banned longer has that right.

EDIT: Strat 3 not strat 4 :!:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on October 23, 2012, 08:57:20 pm
 Who banned you anders? I don't remember who did it as most of our people happen to be quite reasonable unless its our much beloved devestater who can be... misguided at times.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 23, 2012, 09:03:38 pm
Who banned you anders? I don't remember who did it as most of our people happen to be quite reasonable unless its our much beloved devestater who can be... misguided at times.

oh this was in middle of strat 3 just after the death of the Green Machine.

It was MrRogers or so I was told. That's old old news though.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 24, 2012, 12:04:20 am
Other clans have given you bad time fights. We have not and would request that you try harder to keep things in prime time. If it takes saying Hey we want to attack Such and such.. Maybe we can even work it out and schedule it so it falls into a good slot. Granted that will not always work but I am sure with a little cooperation we can make this a fun fight.

Like I said we would rather have the times at a reasonable time slot just like you, just too many variables to make sure everything works out great for all parties. I do have one way that you don't have to worry about being attacked at weird times... STOP INVADING US! :lol:

And yes I know the whole "you attacked our caravan so this is payback" response, even tho we (Hospitaller) assume it was just another hostile entity invading our lands. I just wanted to poke fun at the situation.

And for the record we are trying to keep the battle times reasonable, and will try and facilitate the needs of all you war mongers out there with in reason for all parties involved.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 24, 2012, 12:44:09 am
Like I said we would rather have the times at a reasonable time slot just like you, just too many variables to make sure everything works out great for all parties. I do have one way that you don't have to worry about being attacked at weird times... STOP INVADING US! :lol:

And yes I know the whole "you attacked our caravan so this is payback" response, even tho we (Hospitaller) assume it was just another hostile entity invading our lands. I just wanted to poke fun at the situation.

And for the record we are trying to keep the battle times reasonable, and will try and facilitate the needs of all you war mongers out there with in reason for all parties involved.

For me it's obvious that they were provoking an attack.  We watched that caravan march down south through Jamayyed, into hero_party lands, and then head north and try to enter the southern tundra.

It was just a ploy to go to war with us and make us look like the aggressors.  We never declared war on FCC, any war between us is because they have chosen to go to war with us.  We attacked an army that headed into our lands, it was a reactionary measure, not a call to war.  But if FCC wants to be at war, then we will certainly meet their armies that march into the steppe on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: bruttus on October 24, 2012, 12:45:24 am
what army????
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 24, 2012, 01:01:23 am
I like that you guys refer to others clans as war mongers and aggressors when you guys jumped all over hero party which then led to the bigger conflict.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on October 24, 2012, 01:06:53 am
but or someone else in your clan already admitted that you guys were war mongers and thirst for blood that always is unquenchable in another thread.So if anything you should be happy that we have acknowledged your fondness for war. Don't make me go find and quote it cuz I will! Actually I probably won't but I know you guys said it awhile back. And I don't think huesby ever said we weren't mongers for war.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Matey on October 24, 2012, 01:13:38 am
but or someone else in your clan already admitted that you guys were war mongers and thirst for blood that always is unquenchable in another thread.So if anything you should be happy that we have acknowledged your fondness for war. Don't make me go find and quote it cuz I will! Actually I probably won't but I know you guys said it awhile back. And I don't think huesby ever said we weren't mongers for war.

*shrug* my point is that you guys seem to be ignoring that you guys are aggressive warmongers, i'm not trying to put labels on other clans, I just find it amusing that you guys are apparently complaining about aggression and war mongering despite being aggressive and war mongering. hope that makes more sense.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Aztek on October 24, 2012, 02:23:20 am
I did said we would facility you war mongers, but was simply trying to make light of a situation, no hidden accusations were intended.

We are a larger clan than most so any move obviously looks like a threat, but we were not in the process of looking for total domination, believe it or not we do want to work along side certain clans, We just.. actually it has been stated a million time, we both have our sides of the story and it seems neither is able to comprehend, or at least care to understand the others reasons, so lets leave it at that.

Neither side was the aggressor or the victim, were all just... opportunist to the situation at hand!? Does that work for everyone.. can we just leave it at that and move on, were at war, we understand why some some clans joined against us, Half for hatred (personal and/or clan based) and half because they smelled blood at jumped on board. No reason to go over the reasons a million times, What happened is done and now we can build on that, regarding both sides.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: BaleOhay on October 24, 2012, 05:08:41 am
Near your lands is not "in" your lands. Small difference in miles huge difference for responsibility. Either way it does not much matter. Most of us are glad we were attacked (so thank you). Strat with no one to fight is a strat not worth playing. So I will come out and say it.. FCC loves wars... and since this is a war game, that works out rather well for all involved. Generally speaking we try and be adult about it (not all but such is life). I personally hold no grudges against anyone on any side.

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on October 24, 2012, 05:13:09 am
Why the fuck is tonight's battle between Hosp and FCC at 2:00 in the god damn fucking morning? Jesus's tits. Or Jesus' tits.

edit: Just read the thread, sort of. I don't care, and hate everybody.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 25, 2012, 05:16:04 pm
Good luck in the battles tonight
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Graf_Hodenschaf on October 31, 2012, 05:50:06 pm
I think thats the correct thread, i dont know why near every NA clan attacked us? Can some1 tell me the truth without fooling around?

Thank you very much,
your best Graf!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rikthor on October 31, 2012, 06:23:42 pm
Assuming you are in Hospitallers, but as a neutral party...

Hospitallers attacked Hero Party, a clan much smaller than them, over claims of a Castle. Those claims, were shaky at best, and basically looked like a large clan picking on a smaller clan. Needless to say Hero Party fought back. The former Shogunate decided to attack since they basically took up a mission to stop large clans attacking small clans in the desert. TKoV attacked because kind of the same reason from what I have gathered. FCC got involved officially when one of their caravans got attacked. the caravan depending on who you ask, was either a trap army or an innocent caravan. Either way, Hospitallers attacked it. Norse Horde got involved over a diplomatic row according to to the NH guys.

That's really about it and at best maybe a third of NA, Chaos, Pale Horseman, LLJK, Astralis, Chevaliers, KUTT, Teutonics, etc have not declared nor are at war with Hospitallers.

e: That's about as unbiased as I can make it. Perceptions, propaganda, etc. are all going to be based on what side you are on and what your leaders have told members.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: bruttus on October 31, 2012, 10:52:10 pm
if i'm not wrong, chevaliers, astralis and kutt are allied with hospi
teutonics left kutt and fight with fcc (if i can follow the drama yesterday)
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: MURDERTRON on November 01, 2012, 01:36:21 am
Chevalier and Astralis may not be directly aligned with Hospitallers anymore.  However, they have both yet to make forum posts stating otherwise.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Kirbyy on November 02, 2012, 02:40:23 am
*cough* Malta is associated with Chevalier *cough*
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Goretooth on November 02, 2012, 02:42:44 am
I like that you guys refer to others clans as war mongers and aggressors when you guys jumped all over hero party which then led to the bigger conflict.
If hosp were were war mongers or aggressors they would listen to me more  :twisted:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lordark on November 04, 2012, 01:45:01 am
Hosp went to war with HP with help from a few smaller clans.  FCC, Shogunate, Velucan Empire, few other beligerants jump in to attack

and take advantage of GB. Hosp still at war with every one since day 1. Kesh will never stop till NA is all his. ALL his. You have all been

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Keshian on November 04, 2012, 02:07:35 am
Hosp went to war with HP with help from a few smaller clans.  FCC, Shogunate, Velucan Empire, few other beligerants jump in to attack

and take advantage of GB. Hosp still at war with every one since day 1. Kesh will never stop till NA is all his. ALL his. You have all been



lol this makes me literally laugh out loud.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 04, 2012, 02:33:27 am
Its good to see Lordark back to his normal self, I was getting worried. By the way, you declared war on the FCC in the first day. Just take a look at your steam faction page, remember the comment about FCC & VE are attack on sight? I can find a picture if you need it.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Tears of Destiny on November 04, 2012, 02:41:49 am
Kesh will never stop till NA is all his. ALL his. You have all been warned.

Half of Hospitaller diplomacy issues would be solved if Lordak was muted. Still +1ing this though for the hilarity.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 02:48:22 am
Hosp went to war with HP with help from a few smaller clans.  FCC, Shogunate, Velucan Empire, few other beligerants jump in to attack

and take advantage of GB. Hosp still at war with every one since day 1. Kesh will never stop till NA is all his. ALL his. You have all been


So Hospies went to war against Harry Potter and those other people took advantage of the Ghost Busters? Am I reading this correctly?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lordark on November 04, 2012, 03:07:53 am
hurr durr hurr durr all you trolls with pink text can go blow a donkey :!:  Same with you Tod you sell out!

For all those spies reading my steam order it was those in our lands not in neutral lands. Go spin that up your flaccid arseholes!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 03:11:02 am
Go spin that up your flaccid arseholes!

This should make it easier for them to put things up their arseholes. If they're flaccid, then they won't need to use as much lube. At least that's what my spies tell me they've heard in other TeamSpeak servers.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Muki on November 04, 2012, 03:12:02 am
hurr durr hurr durr all you trolls with pink text can go blow a donkey :!:  Same with you Tod you sell out!

But Sakura Text is かわい!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 04, 2012, 03:13:17 am
hurr durr hurr durr all you trolls with pink text can go blow a donkey :!:  Same with you Tod you sell out!

For all those spies reading my steam order it was those in our lands not in neutral lands. Go spin that up your flaccid arseholes!

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lordark on November 04, 2012, 03:14:55 am
all you pink and yellow text poeple should be warned for the retinal damage you guys cause!   :mad:
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Muki on November 04, 2012, 03:20:14 am

Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 04, 2012, 03:24:53 am


Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 03:26:46 am
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Muki on November 04, 2012, 03:29:06 am


Btw we should probably stop
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gmnotutoo on November 04, 2012, 03:31:44 am

Btw we should probably stop

Yeah, if we keep this up they'll nerf the katana again. :(
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on November 04, 2012, 04:31:43 am
all you pink and yellow text poeple should be warned for the retinal damage you guys cause!   :mad:

Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid someone ring?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 04:41:06 am
Diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid someone ring?

Just highlight the text to save your eyeballs if it hurts so much. It's not that hard to do man.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: TurmoilTom on November 04, 2012, 05:35:57 am
At least Bold in conjunction with yellow text to make it a bit easier on the eyes.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on November 04, 2012, 05:36:55 am
Because the point of using the yellow color is TOTALLY to ease up reading, right?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 07:25:49 am
At least Bold in conjunction with yellow text to make it a bit easier on the eyes.

Because the point of using the yellow color is TOTALLY to ease up reading, right?

This makes it even easier to read. Which is why I'm using yellow. Don't know about you guys but I can read yellow on a white background better than any other color out there.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Herr_Thomas on November 04, 2012, 07:41:46 am
This makes it even easier to read. Which is why I'm using yellow. Don't know about you guys but I can read yellow on a white background better than any other color out there.

What are you smoking and where can I get some?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Muki on November 04, 2012, 07:45:17 am
What are you smoking and where can I get some?

Text is so small I had to quote it to read it :/ ty for using size 1
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Herr_Thomas on November 04, 2012, 07:47:00 am

Text is so small I had to quote it to read it :/ ty for using size 1

highlight + right click
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Rhalzo on November 04, 2012, 07:47:32 am
What are you smoking and where can I get some?

I'll give ya some if you're around the MN area. Also, no one will probably see this unless they increase their font size to be big, but font choice just for fun.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Ethgar on November 04, 2012, 01:42:12 pm
I'll give ya some if you're around the MN area. Also, no one will probably see this unless they increase their font size to be big, but font choice just for fun.

Very nice Rhalzo.   LOL.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: bruttus on November 04, 2012, 04:30:08 pm
stop using yellow, its very bad for mine eyes, and i'm not joking
every time when i try to read it, mine eyes really hurt because of that collor
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on November 04, 2012, 07:19:44 pm
Limegreen best color
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on November 04, 2012, 08:15:12 pm
stop using yellow, its very bad for mine eyes, and i'm not joking
every time when i try to read it, mine eyes really hurt because of that collor

Too fucking bad

Limegreen best color

Almost agreed, I used it on another forum for a while
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Equal on November 04, 2012, 08:43:45 pm
Jesus christ if I was a moderator I would warn you before any of the picture posters..
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: LordBerenger on November 04, 2012, 09:13:50 pm
Jesus christ if I was a moderator I would warn you before any of the picture posters..

It was i who was Unassigned euehehehe COLOR SPAM ERRRY DAY
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lordark on November 04, 2012, 09:25:29 pm
If my clan had a moderator I would warn the lot of you for derailing this thread with your magicky colorful words! A pox on you all!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Bobthehero on November 04, 2012, 09:57:34 pm
If our clan had a mod, there's a good chance I'd be a bigger number in our own clan, so I could just abuse blondekhan and make the other one fall back in line
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Gristle on November 04, 2012, 10:43:57 pm
If my clan had a moderator I would warn the lot of you for derailing this thread with your magicky colorful words! A pox on you all!

Call the cops! I don't give a fuck!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Spanish on November 04, 2012, 11:17:41 pm
Funny how all this yellow color spam and only Lordark gets the watched or was that for something else, hmm?
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Canary on November 05, 2012, 03:05:21 am
If our clan had a mod, there's a good chance I'd be a bigger number in our own clan, so I could just abuse blondekhan and make the other one fall back in line

How about that, one of the earlier global moderators. (

Funny how all this yellow color spam and only Lordark gets the watched or was that for something else, hmm?

Yes, it's all very funny.

Now can everyone please resume patting each other on the back and/or squabbling over battle times or who's at war/allied with whom? Threads that devolve into spam tend to get locked.

On-topic: I can say that Chaos, for one, is neither allied nor at war with either Knights Hospitaller or the FCC in any official capacity as of this moment.
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Havoco on November 05, 2012, 03:16:05 am
anyone have beige yet? I lub beige!

We need moar colors.

Oh and ugh, good battles so far guys!
Title: Re: Hospitallers declare war on FCC
Post by: Lordark on November 05, 2012, 03:19:56 am
some 1 plz lock this thread :rolleyes: