Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: cmp on October 16, 2012, 05:24:15 pm

Title: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: cmp on October 16, 2012, 05:24:15 pm
I would like to remind Astralis, Hospitallers and everyone else that attacking your own/your allies' fiefs in order to prevent them from being attacked by enemies is considered heavy exploiting.
Please cancel the attacks as soon as possible or we will be forced to take action. This is your first and last warning.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Rhekimos on October 16, 2012, 05:28:44 pm
This is so exploitable, why is it still in the game?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 05:31:01 pm
I would like to remind Astralis, Hospitallers and everyone else that attacking your own/your allies' fiefs in order to prevent them from being attacked by enemies is considered heavy exploiting.
Please cancel the attacks as soon as possible or we will be forced to take action. This is your first and last warning.

Astralis was supposed to be taking them over as payment for Tulga from Hosp or some such like that. Astralis gets the desert fiefs while Hosp got TULGA. You might wanna check your facts about that.

OFC Devestator was a little wtf yesterday in our TS cause of the attacks and (wasn't?) told about the trade deal. Peppo/Valdian gave them the go ahead.

All overheard cause I'm IN TS like all the time.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 16, 2012, 05:35:00 pm
Looks like they are trading land, since astralis has two other fiefs right in that area. HOWEVER, I hope that isn't the case, because I want to see the dark force in strat 4.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Mayzer on October 16, 2012, 05:38:28 pm
Yeah CMP, I think it's just a fief transfer.

As of right now, you can't transfer fief's between clans. Maybe some sort of system should be implemented?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 05:41:32 pm
Yeah CMP, I think it's just a fief transfer.

As of right now, you can't transfer fief's between clans. Maybe some sort of system should be implemented?

Someone must have reported it as a "THEY PREVENTING US FROM ATTACKING" on Hosp Enemy side. But I know the astralis guys are attacking to get the fief as part of a transfer.

I know Devestator was in a tizzy yesterday cause he didn't realize the transfer went down today and wanted the attacks called off. He and arrows had a long chat last night about it(causing me to lose my x5 bastards). But as I'm not astralis so I'm not privy to deals they make, but I over hear them all the time since I'm a Server Admin on their TS.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 05:41:38 pm
It's not to prevent being attacked, the plan was to give Unriya and Tazjunat to Astralis the whole time...
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 05:41:59 pm
fief transfer
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: cmp on October 16, 2012, 05:45:11 pm
Why aren't Hospitallers taking Tulga then? Why did Astralis go forward with the attacks at exactly that time? Nice try.
But let's say I believe you (which I don't, for the record); have the Astralis guys join your clan and use the fief transfer function. I still expect the attacks to be called off.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 05:50:33 pm
Why aren't Hospitallers taking Tulga then? Why did Astralis go forward with the attacks at exactly that time? Nice try.
But let's say I believe you (which I don't, for the record); have the Astralis guys join your clan and use the fief transfer function. I still expect the attacks to be called off.

because they haven't reached it yet....
(click to show/hide)

The little black dot(next to white) there is adyren right next to tulga. He has 0 crates and some gear and army.
I've literally been in TULGA for 1 day now(selling good) and this is the first Hosp group to actually get near it.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 05:53:34 pm
Why aren't Hospitallers taking Tulga then? Why did Astralis go forward with the attacks at exactly that time? Nice try.
But let's say I believe you (which I don't, for the record); have the Astralis guys join your clan and use the fief transfer function. I still expect the attacks to be called off.

Because Jordach and Nichols are nowhere near the fiefs?  We and other factions have transferred fiefs by having the people attack it all the time since strat 4 has started...we will be taking Tulga, Aderyn is nearby, but is going to have to attack an intruder in the steppes which is more of a priority than attacking Tulga to initiate the transfer.

We are getting Tulga out of deal for giving up the two villages in the desert.

And it doesn't really matter if you believe us or not.  Them's the facts.  And Astralis isn't attacking their own fief, they're attacking our fief to initiate a transfer...we (the Hospitallers) don't give a shit about the desert, and we never planned on holding territory there.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 16, 2012, 05:58:53 pm
Because Jordach and Nichols are nowhere near the fiefs?  We and other factions have transferred fiefs by having the people attack it all the time since strat 4 has started...we will be taking Tulga, Aderyn is nearby, but is going to have to attack an intruder in the steppes which is more of a priority than attacking Tulga to initiate the transfer.

We are getting Tulga out of deal for giving up the two villages in the desert.

And it doesn't really matter if you believe us or not.  Them's the facts.  And Astralis isn't attacking their own fief, they're attacking our fief to initiate a transfer...we (the Hospitallers) don't give a shit about the desert, and we never planned on holding territory there.

Please cancel the attacks as soon as possible or we will be forced to take action. This is your first and last warning.

Seems to me like it does matter if cmp believes you or not...
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Braeden on October 16, 2012, 06:01:48 pm
Because Jordach and Nichols are nowhere near the fiefs? 

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Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 06:03:25 pm
Seems to me like it does matter if cmp believes you or not...

Such a poor attitude from a developer.

hahaha! Jordach is there. still nichols got Teleported after the loss of his battle so he can't be near his fief.
At least i think. I'm sure i fought against Nichols army(as a merc) and he lost so he should have gotten warped somewhere.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 06:03:42 pm
(click to show/hide)

Well scratch that...then if Jordach is there, they should have had him transfer to them by one or the other joining the same faction...

Can't say why it was done differently (I wasn't there yesterday), but I'd assume because Jordach hasn't been around in teamspeak for a week or more.

I personally don't care one way or another, getting very disenfranchised with strategus bugs not being fixed, and the issue with retreating needs to be straightened out.  How can an attacker in a siege "retreat" and lose 100% of the men, but not gear?  It's not like you would surrender when you're attacking a castle and run out of ladders, you'd turn your army around and head back home.

Astralis may be trying to reinforce the village before their battle happens, but the Hospitaller's aren't sending reinforcements, so the theory that we did this to delay an attack is flawed (since we have no reinforcements coming).  Good thing in order to defend ourselves, I had to publicly state valuable tactical information.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 06:09:09 pm
So the fief transfer actually works now? I still thought it was broken.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 06:10:01 pm
So the fief transfer actually works now? I still thought it was broken.

Have to be a member of faction(and rank 10, i think it was, unless they changed that), and both people have to be inside the fief.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: cmp on October 16, 2012, 06:10:13 pm
Seems to me like it does matter if cmp believes you or not...

It actually matters a lot, I wouldn't have posted in the first place if I believed it was a trade.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Rhekimos on October 16, 2012, 06:16:48 pm
Are there enemy armies nearby the fiefs?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Smoothrich on October 16, 2012, 06:18:26 pm
Are there enemy armies nearby the fiefs?

A 2.1k army lol
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Rhekimos on October 16, 2012, 06:19:53 pm
A 2.1k army lol

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 06:20:09 pm
In tazjunat, a 2200 one(the one by khorin) assuming braedens pictures is right.

But Khorin is EU, so his attack times would be off of us NA players. 8 pm EST is like 3 over there.
Braeden is the only NA player as enemy(i think) that's in fief. And he agrees with me that it's a normal transaction.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Inglorious on October 16, 2012, 06:20:34 pm
Well scratch that...then if Jordach is there, they should have had him transfer to them by one or the other joining the same faction...

Can't say why it was done differently (I wasn't there yesterday), but I'd assume because Jordach hasn't been around in teamspeak for a week or more.

I personally don't care one way or another, getting very disenfranchised with strategus bugs not being fixed, and the issue with retreating needs to be straightened out.  How can an attacker in a siege "retreat" and lose 100% of the men, but not gear?  It's not like you would surrender when you're attacking a castle and run out of ladders, you'd turn your army around and head back home.

Indeed... He speaks of my roughly 700 men who survived the failed siege of Samarra castle, that suddenly all decided to pull a vanishing act.

As in 2 other threads, one being my own, we can figure about 1/5 of a standing army deserting (at the very most) after a retreat, but not the whole army. If I would have known you lose all your men, I would have sat under the castle walls with the rest of the 700 and waited for defenders to run out of stones/arrows/hot oil/food & eventually come out and play. Retreating from an attack that you initiated IMO is more like falling back to regroup due to unforeseen events. Not "fuck it we quit".
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 16, 2012, 06:26:19 pm
But Khorin is EU, so his attack times would be off of us NA players. 8 pm EST is like 3 over there.

Quite the opposite. I've been planning my entire campaign to be optimal for NA, because no EU people care what happens here. It's way more fun to actually have battles where people want to fight. And I don't want to give hosps the opportunity to whine about my battle times. I would have attacked you prime time(around midnight EST), but this attack postponed that. I don't mind waking up on morning for a battle.

This trade would be much more convincing if both attacked at the same time, or if they would have transferred ownership. However, one Hosp near Tulga 15 hours after the first attack does not mean much. Regardless, it was either a rushed trade to stop me taking it before their trade, or it's even worse. All I want is a few decent battles with Hosps.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 06:30:20 pm
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Smoothrich on October 16, 2012, 06:32:58 pm
We ddidnt even know ninjas were at war with us.

Look, I think this was probably a planned transfer that got rushed with the intent of zoning out Khorin's army for a day or two, but that is most definitely a lie as far as any Hospitaller leaders are concerned.  They've been tracking the army for days, know exactly where its going, and there is a 6 page long declaration of war thread by Ninjas against Hospitallers that is a week old.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 06:33:25 pm
Quite the opposite. I've been planning my entire campaign to be optimal for NA, because no EU people care what happens here. It's way more fun to actually have battles where people want to fight. And I don't want to give hosps the opportunity to whine about my battle times. I would have attacked you prime time(around midnight EST), but this attack postponed that. I don't mind waking up on morning for a battle.

This trade would be much more convincing if both attacked at the same time, or if they would have transferred ownership. However, one Hosp near Tulga 15 hours after the first attack does not mean much. Regardless, it was either a rushed trade to stop me taking it before their trade, or it's even worse. All I want is a few decent battles with Hosps.

Astralis is 1-2 hours away from Tazjunat. It doesn't take long to get over there and attack. Both players are also late night gamers(luk, Strider) so they don't get on until later in the day. It's QUITE reasonable that if told: hey attack here. that they'd attack at THOSE times due too their play times and location. Had YOU attacked, I'm sure you would have seen the astralis army sitting there wondering why they can't attack.

Bull doesn't get on forums anymore cause to much shit goes on so he doesn't bother. I can probably drag him onto the forums for this. Strider is also NOT east coast and I think luk is East coast.

If you had nothing to do with transfer on HOSP side, you SHOULD be quiet. I only know what I do because of my TS server Admin status and duties. I'm sure most of you HOSP don't even know which way your ass is pointing in terms of diplomacy.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 06:39:50 pm
Look, I think this was probably a planned transfer that got rushed with the intent of zoning out Khorin's army for a day or two, but that is most definitely a lie as far as any Hospitaller leaders are concerned.  They've been tracking the army for days, know exactly where its going, and there is a 6 page long declaration of war thread by Ninjas against Hospitallers that is a week old.

Ok, I didnt even know they were at war with us. im not reading a text wall that doesnt even say hospitallers in it. and no, im not a diplomat so i wouldnt know much of it anyways.

Oh there it is in the spoiler, lulz.

Why cant anyone just state their intent in the first paragraph?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Smoothrich on October 16, 2012, 06:45:04 pm
Ok, I didnt even know they were at war with us. im not reading a text wall that doesnt even say hospitallers in it.

Maybe this isn't the best place for you to be posting then, since its the devs of Strategus investigating your clan possibly exploiting a game mechanic that is severely looked down upon.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 06:48:06 pm
Maybe this isn't the best place for you to be posting then, since its the devs of Strategus investigating your clan possibly exploiting a game mechanic that is severely looked down upon.

Transferring fiefs is severely looked down upon?  I can see if we were attacking our own fief and said we were transferring to another member of the faction, but we've been planning on giving up Tazjunut and Unriya to Astralis, and we were eventually going to be taking over Tulga from them. 

Also if the dev's theory is that we're delaying the inevitable attack by the 2200 man shogunate army, and/or Braeden's army, wouldn't we be sending troops to reinforce the village, otherwise what tactical advantage would there be to defending the siege 24 hours later?  Wouldn't sending reinforcements be the only reason to delay an enemies attack on a village?

And you can't just cancel the attack at this point, it would be nice if as the attacker you could just turn your army around and retreat, but with the current system you can't.  If you retreat, you surrender all your men to the executioner (even as an attacker). 
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 16, 2012, 06:51:09 pm
Transferring fiefs is severely looked down upon?  I can see if we were attacking our own fief and said we were transferring to another member of the faction, but we've been planning on giving up Tazjunut and Unriya to Astralis, and we were eventually going to be taking over Tulga from them. 

Also if the dev's theory is that we're delaying the inevitable attack by the 2200 man shogunate army, and/or Braeden's army, wouldn't we be sending troops to reinforce the village, otherwise what tactical advantage would there be to defending the siege 24 hours later?  Wouldn't sending reinforcements be the only reason to delay an enemies attack on a village?

Gee here is an idea. Cancel the attack, accept <insert astralies member> into hospitaller or visa versa, transfer fief, thread closed.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 06:52:19 pm
Gee here is an idea. Cancel the attack accept <insert astralies member> into hospitaller or visa versa, transfer fief, thread closed.

You can cancel an attack over 12 hours after initiating it?  News to me.

And that would work if we could get a hold of Jordach, or if Nichols wasn't in EU lands after losing a battle.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 07:00:57 pm
The problem is to get a hold of the attackers. Those two dont usually play until later, usually late nights NA time.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Elindor on October 16, 2012, 07:16:05 pm
Can't you transfer ownership or a fief to anyone that is there?  When I looked at the drop down for that option everyone in the fief was listed I'm pretty sure....(would double check but I'm not currently there)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 16, 2012, 07:40:43 pm
Why are Hospitallers the least knowledgeable of Hospitaller diplomacy?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 07:45:47 pm
Why are Hospitallers the least knowledgeable of Hospitaller diplomacy?

Because there's 40+ members and only a few who are in the know it seems.  Sharing information between members is a huge problem with our faction.

It's not a business, it's a hobby.  If this were a company we'd have emails going out to people, knowledge bases, topic boards, calendar events, etc.  And if people weren't staying up to date, they'd be fired.  But as it stands, it's still just a hobby. 
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 07:46:39 pm
Why are Hospitallers the least knowledgeable of Hospitaller diplomacy?

ZERG recruiting. :rolleyes:

Who knows. I know more about their diplomacy with astralis than they do, and I'm not even part of EITHER side.... :D

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 07:47:22 pm
ZERG recruiting. :rolleyes:

Who knows. I know more about their diplomacy with astralis than they do, and I'm not even part of EITHER side.... :D

"they", not the officers and diplomats, maybe some of the other members (no way to make sure 45+ people all have the same information).
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Havoco on October 16, 2012, 07:52:16 pm
it's more of the fact that I didn't read the spoiler in the ninja post.

(click to show/hide)

It probably has something to do with us having spies in our ranks too.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 16, 2012, 07:55:04 pm
"they", not the officers and diplomats, maybe some of the other members (no way to make sure 45+ people all have the same information).

I knew more than devestator! He came in all huffy and puffy over the transfer. I haven't heard back, but it looks like he got informed. He wanted the attacks canceled cause he didn't know SHIT about the transfer(yet? i guess). He came into our TS at....9ish. I just got off work at the time. lemme check that!

He came in at 10:11 to tell astralis to CANCEL the attack cause he didn't know about the transfer. Left at 10:19!
(click to show/hide)

The blue area was SUPPOSED to be the location you looked, but i screwed up on the highlighting. But the logs are still there!
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Emotion on October 16, 2012, 07:56:03 pm

It probably has something to do with us having spies in our ranks too.

You do. That's fact.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Hobb on October 16, 2012, 07:58:50 pm
cmp cmp cmp!!!!!!!!!!! can i plz be a flying carpet rider, pretty pretty plz?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: LordBerenger on October 16, 2012, 07:59:37 pm
You do. That's fact.

Remnant spy in Hosp ranks.

It's Aderyn!
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Emotion on October 16, 2012, 08:02:04 pm
Remnant spy in Hosp ranks.

It's Aderyn!

Nah, no reason for us to have any.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 16, 2012, 08:05:01 pm
Likely story...

Fucking Aderyn!
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Devestater on October 16, 2012, 10:58:02 pm
I think people are jumping the gun here.
I dont think all clans / members know how this strat works and some miscommunication went on. so now you have a village transfer in a stupid way. NOT an exploit though.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Aztek on October 17, 2012, 12:18:29 am
I should be in Tulga shortly and can accept that ownership, as for the exploiting nonsense.. It was a misunderstanding as pointed out, Its a great idea to leave/join the faction to be able to transfer ownership but not everyone thought of that idea.. People need to use their brains and realize that mistakes happen, Larger clans will always have communication issue's and not everyone is out to exploit the mechanics of the game simply because there are in a warring faction.

Hero party is full of a lot of admins and very knowledgeable players, also a good handfull or senior/informative players in other factions that are quick to point the finger, Just bare in mind we have a lot of players that just simply play the game... crazy right!  :P

I really do wish certain individuals would just talk to us and work out the none RP'ing issues outside of the drama nest that is the forums, I know many of you love the drama, and in regards to wars and battles sure, go nuts.. But a lot of this is really getting out of control.

I am not a diplomat, thats Devil, Huesby, Val, etc.. But am an officer of Hospitaller, If anyone would ever like to get a hold of me, My steam account is "Azteky" please feel free to msg me and I can try and get to the bottom of any issue or will at least redirect you to someone that may be able to help.

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Visconti on October 17, 2012, 02:00:02 am
As much as id like to see Hospitaller get carpet bombed, its clearly just a bad fief transfer. I was under the impression the only way to transfer fiefs between factions was to attack said fief. Would be nice if the devs would release official change logs.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 02:25:48 am
I still love how CMP never bothered to fact check, came on and said DO IT CAUSE I"M THE BOSS.

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Wallace_Ritchie on October 17, 2012, 02:28:34 am
Thanks for the heads up on exploiting CMP. I seem to recall some clan getting carpet bombed in the most literal way I can think of for something similar. If your wondering why Tulga hasn't been attacked yet you could always ask. A PM would do just fine. No need to waste a whole thread on trying to save us from the magic carpets of doom. Although I do like having all our dealings posted on the forums. A whole thread even. I feel like I'm in a big boy clan. Anyways, nothing to see here. Move along.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 17, 2012, 02:33:26 am
They could see an enemy was about to attack them, so they had to do a speedy transfer. Is that OK? I don't think so. I believe there was a desire to trade fiefs, but not sloppy like this.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 02:35:33 am
They could see an enemy was about to attack them, so they had to do a speedy transfer. Is that OK? I don't think so. I believe there was a desire to trade fiefs, but not sloppy like this.

Sloppy? This is how you've transferred fiefs for 3 strat iterations.  And from what I can see, no one has mentioned Unriya which isn't even THREATENED by attack atm...
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Valdian on October 17, 2012, 02:37:37 am
how is astralis attacking hospitaller attacking your own fiefs? Astralis and hospitaller have had a agreement to trade fiefs since the ebginning of Strat. They are trading The city of Tulga for the two villages Seeing as hosp and astralis are not allied nor are we the same clan how at all is that connected to attacking of a own fiefs? as well as there was no armys nearby to attack it(within a day that is)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 02:40:30 am
how is astralis attacking hospitaller attacking your own fiefs? Astralis and hospitaller have had a agreement to trade fiefs since the ebginning of Strat. They are trading The city of Tulga for the two villages Seeing as hosp and astralis are not allied nor are we the same clan how at all is that connected to attacking of a own fiefs? as well as there was no armys nearby to attack it(within a day that is)

I think the problem is Tazjunat. There IS an army there, and that seems to be the point of contention.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 17, 2012, 02:49:35 am
Sloppy? This is how you've transferred fiefs for 3 strat iterations.  And from what I can see, no one has mentioned Unriya which isn't even THREATENED by attack atm...

Incredibly convenient timing, strange amount of troops for a prearranged transfer, etc. They saw an attack coming, so they blocked it by moving up the transfer time. Just a theory.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: cmp on October 17, 2012, 02:52:52 am
Thanks for the heads up on exploiting CMP. I seem to recall some clan getting carpet bombed in the most literal way I can think of for something similar. If your wondering why Tulga hasn't been attacked yet you could always ask. A PM would do just fine. No need to waste a whole thread on trying to save us from the magic carpets of doom. Although I do like having all our dealings posted on the forums. A whole thread even. I feel like I'm in a big boy clan. Anyways, nothing to see here. Move along.

Instead of admitting that the transfer was rushed to avoid the Shogunate attack, you keep lying and you do it in an arrogant way.
I was advised to let it go for this time, but after reading your and other posts I might actually reconsider.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 17, 2012, 02:58:40 am
You have to keep in mind how angry Hosp were when Fallen delayed them last Strat, and now they do the same thing? I didn't think Fallen deserved the punishment they received, but Hosp definitely deserve the same justice that they demanded back then.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 03:25:34 am
Incredibly convenient timing, strange amount of troops for a prearranged transfer, etc. They saw an attack coming, so they blocked it by moving up the transfer time. Just a theory.

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It's just the ARMY that was "supposed" to attack it didn't attack the fief in a quick enough time to beat a village transfer? FYI strider is WEST coast, so that battle is 9:30 which would be 6:30 for him.  Easy enough to just click on attack right at 5 and be there in 2 hours. Not everyone is EAST COAST, so for him thats RIGHT after work he initiated the battle.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Garem on October 17, 2012, 03:39:22 am
As much as id like to see Hospitaller get carpet bombed, its clearly just a bad fief transfer. I was under the impression the only way to transfer fiefs between factions was to attack said fief. Would be nice if the devs would release official change logs.

I thought the exact same thing.

Not casting judgment one way or the other, just saying, I didn't know either.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 17, 2012, 03:40:43 am
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It's just the ARMY that was "supposed" to attack it didn't attack the fief in a quick enough time to beat a village transfer? FYI strider is WEST coast, so that battle is 9:30 which would be 6:30 for him.  Easy enough to just click on attack right at 5 and be there in 2 hours. Not everyone is EAST COAST, so for him thats RIGHT after work he initiated the battle.

You're saying he planned the transfer at a very inconvenient time for himself? Almost as if he had to do it in a hurry so someone else couldn't do it?

I believe the Shogunate wanted to do the attack at a time that would be fun for everyone involved, so they waited. They're on a final crusade and want it to be as fun as possible.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Wallace_Ritchie on October 17, 2012, 03:41:44 am
Instead of admitting that the transfer was rushed to avoid the Shogunate attack, you keep lying and you do it in an arrogant way.
I was advised to let it go for this time, but after reading your and other posts I might actually reconsider.
What did I admit to? What did I lie about? I was told to to attack as part of a transfer. One that has been in the works since this strat began. As far as being arrogant, offended is more like it. I have never exploited.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 17, 2012, 03:45:18 am
My original heading was to Unriya. I switched course around Ahmerrad when I noticed a larger army in Tazjunat, which seemed much more fun.

Because I only arrived to the fief after the attack. My army moves extremely slowly so they would have had plenty of time to see me coming. It's taken me 3.5 days just to get here from Halmar. I arrived there 11-12 AM GMT+3 and didn't activate quick march to get there faster because there was no point anymore.

Why didn't I see the army? Because I was asleep yesterday during the night, because it was night. I woke up at 7-7.45-ish(or that was what I assume based on that my alarm clocks was set to 7, but I didn't get up instantly) AM only to see it attacked and my army just a little while away. Then I went back to sleep before class.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 03:52:02 am
My original heading was to Unriya. I switched course around Ahmerrad when I noticed a larger army in Tazjunat, which seemed much more fun.

Because I only arrived to the fief after the attack. My army moves extremely slowly so they would have had plenty of time to see me coming. It's taken me 3.5 days just to get here from Halmar. I arrived there 11-12 AM GMT+3 and didn't activate quick march to get there faster because there was no point anymore.

Why didn't I see the army? Because I was asleep yesterday during the night, because it was night. I woke up at 7-7.45-ish(or that was what I assume based on that my alarm clocks was set to 7, but I didn't get up instantly) AM only to see it attacked and my army just a little while away. Then I went back to sleep before class.

Ah, ok, so, you NEVER would have been able to attack it when you said you were(Lying). So you lied in your initial post about the battle, as 7-7:45 would have been at a VERY bad NA time if you did attack, and since you are "playing FOR NA times" you would have waited MUCH longer(24 hours) to perform the attack anyways.

(only if you live in Russia or so would a 12 midnight EST attack been possible, assuming you attacked right when you woke up at 7ish)

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 17, 2012, 03:59:21 am
Ah, ok, so, you NEVER would have been able to attack it when you said you were(Lying). So you lied in your initial post about the battle, as 7-7:45 would have been at a VERY bad NA time if you did attack, and since you are "playing FOR NA times" you would have waited MUCH longer(24 hours) to perform the attack anyways.

I'd have activated quick march at 7 and reached it at around 9, which is 2 for EST and sooner for the rest. As far as I know, EST is GMT+3 - 7 hours. I live in Finland, which you may know is surprisingly near Russia. It's 5 AM as I post this.

Sad, though. Didn't get to have an awesome fight with Hosps.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 17, 2012, 04:08:51 am
I'd have activated quick march at 7 and reached it at around 9, which is 2 for EST and sooner for the rest. As far as I know, EST is GMT+3 - 7 hours. I live in Finland, which you may know is surprisingly near Russia. It's 5 AM as I post this.

Sad, though. Didn't get to have an awesome fight with Hosps.

EST is GMT-5. So if it's 5AM right now for you, it's 10 PM here. Still would have been a bad Time to have the battle(2 EST is shit for everyone, specially on weekday). Only west coast would get good time(11PM) for that battle.

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Aztek on October 17, 2012, 04:12:09 am
Tulga was not attacked because I knew that transferring ownership via faction hoping would work better and I was heading there from the desert. There is no lying and I wish certain people could stop jumping to conclusions. Some members did not realize faction swapping would be more suitable simply because that was not common practice in the past and they may not be as experienced. Anyone in a role that can bring punishment, and bluntly calls for a pound of flesh with out knowing the facts and jumping to conclusions due to popular demand to an irate crowd should hold better restraint. The issue with fallen and the carpet gods from the previous strat came into fruition ONLY because they admitted it at that time.. We never demanded punishment on our own accord with no proof, That was an admin/dev call only after the party admitted to it.

I'm sure if we came on here gloating that we delayed an attack (Which I don't even think could have happened due to lack of any army that I know of that could have attacked in that time frame) the dev's would have been more than happy to go at us gundam style. But all of the evidence proves otherwise.. there are no reinforcements heading down and thus no need to delay.

On a side note, I gained even more respect for some of Tkov's members and any others for at least looking at this in an open minded way.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: SHinOCk on October 17, 2012, 04:23:16 am
Instead of admitting that the transfer was rushed to avoid the Shogunate attack, you keep lying and you do it in an arrogant way.
I was advised to let it go for this time, but after reading your and other posts I might actually reconsider.

Arrogant... should look at yourself in the mirror i guess. if you could see through all the bullshit said in here instead of going around with assumptions of a whole faction trying to cheat out of a battle and actually knew the members of that faction, you would know they are not likely to do that transfer just to delay an attack... hell they've been at war forever since the last 3 strat, why would they do that shit now... and we all saw what happened when Fallen actually did it so its one more reason not to even consider it.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 17, 2012, 04:36:11 am
THEN WHY WOULD HOSPITALLERS LEAVE 400+ TROOPS IN VAJUNET IF THIS WAS A LEGITIMATE EXCHANGE AND NOT A RUSH JOB TO PREVENT IT BEING ATTACKED????  Every fief transfer in previous strat versions was doen after troops taken out and then then population transferred.  Its basically a red flag that you rushed the transfer to prevent shogunate taking it before hospitallers could give it to astralis or else fail to fulfill their part of the deal.  I can completely understand why cmp would be skeptical - after  ared flag like that - burden is on you guys to explain the troops and rushing it at that exact moment after 2 months of strategus when an enemy army would attack it in the next 24 hours.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Spanish on October 17, 2012, 04:38:54 am
Aztek why come you're not a diplomat or something with more authority regarding other clans. Because you make very clear concise posts most of the time.

I'm still curious as to why CMP made this into a forum topic at all? We're PMs to our leaders about this obvious strat breaking rules too hard to send out, did they not respond? Instead of declaring hosps cheating by attacking our fiefs to everybody in the Crpg community which actually helped us out because most other clans (cept kesh of course) that have posted in here seem to be agreeing that we're just transferring fiefs. In anycase if cmp feels the need to smite us than that's his deciesion but its honestly just an unfortunate coincedence.

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: gunshhy on October 17, 2012, 04:49:32 am
has no one ever heard of a miscommunication.
the hosps and/or astralis aren't hive minds.
i didn't want to get involved but i was in the TS when multiple hosp officers heard of the transfer for the first time and they were pissed that they did it without properly communicating and clearing it first especially while an army was still in the town. this was before this thread even existed.

shit happens people not everything is a conspiracy, stop acting like children and try talking to each other like adults

why was this thread even necessary given the sheer number of hosp officers and being an admin having full ability to msg people, couldn't this have been done via a PM in a civilized manner instead of making this a public mess and have every random person and their mother filling this thread with propaganda... unless that was the intention... which doesn't seem mature or professional

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 17, 2012, 04:51:12 am
The way Hospitaller & Astralis did this is extremely sketchy and I personally believe they deserve punishment for their actions. Ignorance shouldn't be excused for violating a rule and the severity of the punishment should be dictated by the Dev's belief if this was an intentional act or not, but if it isn't ruled intentional they still deserve to some kind of a slap on the wrist other than a verbal warning. It isn't fair to any future clans that will most certainly be punished to the full extent if a similar situation happens.

And Spanish, look at the all the up-votes CMP has received and that should indicate who dislikes what has occurred this day. It is significantly more than the people posting in defense. I separate strat discussions from personal dealing real well and hold no grudges to anyone no matter how heated a thread, but I see this as an intentional exploit and I lost a lot of respect for a good number of people today.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 17, 2012, 04:54:46 am
has no one ever heard of a miscommunication.
the hosps and/or astralis aren't hive minds.
i didn't want to get involved but i was in the TS when multiple hosp officers heard of the transfer for the first time and they were pissed that they did it without properly communicating and clearing it first especially while an army was still in the town. this was before this thread even existed.

shit happens people not everything is a conspiracy, stop acting like children and try talking to each other like adults

why was this thread even necessary given the sheer number of hosp officers and being an admin having full ability to msg people, couldn't this have been done via a PM in a civilized manner instead of making this a public mess and have every random person and their mother filling this thread with propaganda... unless that was the intention... which doesn't seem mature or professional

The fact that most of hospitallers didnt know this was going down is only more evidence that this was rushed ahead of time by a few guys in hospitallers and astralis when they saw a huge shogunate army close to tazjunet.  More evidence of abuse not less.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 17, 2012, 05:06:12 am
You know what, looking at it now it does look a little shady. But our intent was just to transfer the fiefs. Sorry for the missconception, we will try and make sure it doesn't happen again.

The fact that something like this hasn't been said by anyone in hospitaller/astralis is more then a little sketchy in my book.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Spanish on October 17, 2012, 05:18:46 am
I've stopped looking at - and + anymore simply because how much I get minused simply because I'm in hospitaller. Our clan is not one to use exploits to gain advantages in strat if we're going down we go down with the ship every last one of us plays strat and we play it to have fun. I was quite outraged at fallen for doing this same thing to us and its ridiculous at least to me that you would assume that we intentionally did this. All of us in hosps like to have battles especially when the odds are stacked against us. It's all the same to us as we will always be here to give the good fight and hopefully continue our strat dominance in NA.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: SHinOCk on October 17, 2012, 05:21:17 am
And Spanish, look at the all the up-votes CMP has received and that should indicate who dislikes what has occurred this day.

Whatever is written against hospitallers is bound to be upvoted to infinity since nobody likes them thanks in great part to propaganda and misjudgement from the like of Kesh. I sincerely don't understand how he didn't get the shitposter tag with all the crap he spew over these forums... hes just as bad as huseby and lemmy winks...

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Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 17, 2012, 05:25:59 am
I've stopped looking at - and + anymore simply because how much I get minused simply because I'm in hospitaller. Our clan is not one to use exploits to gain advantages in strat if we're going down we go down with the ship every last one of us plays strat and we play it to have fun. I was quite outraged at fallen for doing this same thing to us and its ridiculous at least to me that you would assume that we intentionally did this. All of us in hosps like to have battles especially when the odds are stacked against us. It's all the same to us as we will always be here to give the good fight and hopefully continue our strat dominance in NA.

Huh???  and double huh???  Are you sure you are talking about Hospitallers???  Because im pretty sure both those statements are news to every clan in NA.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: arowaine on October 17, 2012, 05:27:12 am
to be honest you should warn coalition merc kapikulu and union who did transfer fief by attacking it by one of their own menber wish they just remove it from the faction before attacking their own fief.... and well get your fact straith kind anoying the hate toward hospitaller.

edit: merc have done it like 6 time by now coalition too
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: arowaine on October 17, 2012, 05:28:37 am
Why aren't Hospitallers taking Tulga then? Why did Astralis go forward with the attacks at exactly that time? Nice try.
But let's say I believe you (which I don't, for the record); have the Astralis guys join your clan and use the fief transfer function. I still expect the attacks to be called off.

be fair and tell the same to merc coalition kapikulu and union sir Or you should change the way transfering ownership of fiefs/castle/city so we can transfer between faction, that way there would be no ambiguities and then you could enforce your rules without making shady assumptions yourself
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Goretooth on October 17, 2012, 05:42:01 am
Huh???  and double huh???  Are you sure you are talking about Hospitallers???  Because im pretty sure both those statements are news to every clan in NA.
Item bomb anyone lately?
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Spanish on October 17, 2012, 05:43:01 am
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Such a pain to post that via iPhone but I did it! Look at that third after those euros hmm I think you've been gone too long kesh as us hosps did well last strat. And we definitely know about being wiped and every time we have fought and never have we just given up. Bleh I don't even know why I'm bothering with you, ugh I just got trolled into posting this.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 17, 2012, 05:44:08 am
I've stopped looking at - and + anymore simply because how much I get minused simply because I'm in hospitaller. Our clan is not one to use exploits to gain advantages in strat if we're going down we go down with the ship every last one of us plays strat and we play it to have fun. I was quite outraged at fallen for doing this same thing to us and its ridiculous at least to me that you would assume that we intentionally did this. All of us in hosps like to have battles especially when the odds are stacked against us. It's all the same to us as we will always be here to give the good fight and hopefully continue our strat dominance in NA.

The fief should have been transferred a long time ago when it was taken from FCC (tazjunet), the fact it has remained in Hospitaller hands until a hostile 2100 man army shows up at your doorstep is incredibly shady. I can think of one exploit used in strat 3.0 that hospitaller had no problem using along with a recent obsession over duplicated troops with that formal vassal's castle. I'm not assuming anything at this point, because I am judging what has transpired at face value.

You should also choose your words more carefully, the whole being outraged at fallen for doing the same thing but claiming I'm ridiculous for assuming this was not intentional is a conflicting statement. And if you actually liked battles that were stacked against you, than why not 700 people vs 2100? That seems right up your alley from what you claim. You could have put a nice dent in that army with a good resistance.

Edit: I don't think your faction should be wiped or lose territory, because that isn't fair either. But you at least should cover the cost of Khorin's upkeep for a day. That is quite fair and reasonable.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 17, 2012, 06:08:05 am
I've stopped looking at - and + anymore simply because how much I get minused simply because I'm in hospitaller.

I personally won't do that based on clan tag, and I'm sure others don't either. If you get down votes, it's simply because you said something someone doesn't like. Hospitallers just happen to piss a lot of people off in each member's unique ways. I wish you guys would really listen to criticisms. If someone doesn't like you, there's usually a good reason for it.

I actually have respect for you, Spaniard. I've seen you have a good attitude in game, and I think you speak your mind on the forum. I may disagree with some things you say, but I don't think you're full of shit.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gmnotutoo on October 17, 2012, 06:11:05 am
I agree with Gristle, I really enjoy you as a person Spaniard and  honestly don't think you are personally capable of willfully exploiting in this game. I know what I said isn't going to be taken well, but I'm upset over this situation. I still really like you as a person and respect you, along with a lot of other hospitaller members like Chucky. I mean to direct to my disappointment with the people who orchestrated this fief transfer.

Edit: As Arrowaine pointed out, the other clans also suspected of this should be looked into as well.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: arowaine on October 17, 2012, 06:19:19 am

Edit: As Arrowaine pointed out, the other clans also suspected of this should be looked into as well.

My god thanks :D
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Homey_D_Clown on October 17, 2012, 06:32:47 am
be consistent...
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Tears of Destiny on October 17, 2012, 08:25:48 am
Getting confused about this "attacking fiefs for transferring" posts and stuff, I received a fief from some other faction in the past without having to initiate a battle by simply standing in the fief and the fief owner transferring it to me, voila. Are people not doing this simply due to both people having to be in the same spot?

Regardless, while I agree that it is a bit odd and exploitative for people to attack for transfers in the middle of a war for a fief in a contested area, I see nothing wrong with factions doing this with fiefs that have no armies near them.  :P
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: SittingBull on October 17, 2012, 08:43:40 am
Just found out about this thread.

Cmp you're so cute.

But really, I can understand why a dev would get some sort of red flag about this. I've never done anything in the past, nor has anyone in my clan to immediately suspect any sort of foul play involved. To jump on the gun like that was extremely uncalled for. I would have been more than happy to speak about what happened. Really, for all you people trying to pour negative propaganda trying to make this more shady than it is - take a look at Tazjunat now. 100 fief population, no reinforcements, attacked by a 2200 man Weebo army. If our intention was to try and buy some time to prepare a better defense - it clearly hasn't worked. It was better off before, honestly.

For all the BRD members trying to make this a scene, go talk about 9/11 or illuminati conspiracies for fuck sake.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Moncho on October 17, 2012, 09:14:31 am
Release Al-Adin!
Ride your carpets once again! For the rules! For Strategus! For the equus!
(sorry NA guys, but it would be very fun to see, I do not know what is going on to be fair)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 17, 2012, 11:34:10 am
Don't worry. I'll trade Tazjunat back for Tazjunat, sooner than Hosps take Tulga at this rate. It's not like i'm staying there. I just want to be compensated for what I lost due to your little stunt, you're welcome to it after I loot it, have very little interest in fighting you anyway. You seem to lack armies for proper fights.

I'm still mad as hell over not getting to fight those 800 hosps hiding there because of your trade.

Also, usually when you trade stuff, you receive something in return. Tulga still seems remarkably blue.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 17, 2012, 01:50:33 pm
Just found out about this thread.

 Really, for all you people trying to pour negative propaganda trying to make this more shady than it is - take a look at Tazjunat now. 100 fief population, no reinforcements, attacked by a 2200 man Weebo army. If our intention was to try and buy some time to prepare a better defense - it clearly hasn't worked. It was better off before, honestly.

Just because you fucked up and had only 1 guy on each side hired for the transfer (safest to do 3 just in case) and that 1 guy forgot to show up, doesn't make it legit, just makes it stupid.  And the intent was to give it to someone hospitallers thought shogunate would not attack as his whole theme was "protect small clans in the desert" and also to fulfill their bargain before they could no longer fulfill it.  (Hospitaller_Aderyn quote this morning:  "Why would hypocrasy not bother me? He states he's gonna get rid of major alliances in the desert, and when hosp gives away all their lands in the desert he starts attacking the smaller clans that's trying to live there while not attacking for example tkov. ")  Knew exactly what they were doing.  Losing desert anyway to TKOV, hero_party, and shogunate - so rush the transfer in hopes they wouldn't attack tazjunet and the other fief (being astralis property then) and allow hopsitallers to actually give the 2 villages necessary for Tulga before they lost both fiefs in a matter of a day or two.  Northern Empire pulled this exact crap with a castle they gave to mercs as we were going to attack it.

Just be honest, you have been waiting 2 months to do this "exchange" and then the exact day a 2200 man army arrives in your fief you decide to do it when most of hospitallers didn't even know this was going down including some of their leadership because it was so rushed, which is why 400+ troops were left in it. 

Yeah, thats not a conspiracy talking - thats just straight up an obvious red flag similar to what happened with Fallen in early Strat 3.0 when Hospitallers bitched at cmp for 15 pages demanding action be done.  You didn't explain the timing at all, just cop out and say it was just some "bizarre coincidence" for timing.  Explain your actions rather than attack the people demanding you play legitimately.

P.S.  If FCC had done this you all would be screaming bloody murder and this thread would be 3x as long, so don't give me shit about witchhunt or conspiracy.  Explain your actions legitimately, which you really have not explained why it was so rushed most of hospitallers, including leadership had no idea this was going down, 400+ troops accidentally left in it, and just barely beat the time of a 2200 man army attack??
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: ednos on October 17, 2012, 08:07:40 pm
Have to be a member of faction(and rank 10, i think it was, unless they changed that), and both people have to be inside the fief.

You should not be required to have someone join your faction to make the transfer. I would never let someone in another faction have the ability to see the position, direction, and equipment of other clan members; that's a huge security liability. (I just checked, and rank 1 faction members can see all of this information.)

If you're worried about people accidentally clicking on the wrong name for the transfer, add an "Are you sure?" dialog, or require password entry like everywhere else on the website.

Can anyone verify that you can only transfer a fief to someone in your faction? You can set a member to rank 0 to kick them out temporarily, and their line in the table will automatically turn into an application with an "Accept"/"Reject" input.

While you're at it, if you find that they must be in the faction, find out what the rank must be to receive a fief, and what rank is required to give it back, because these are all important (and undocumented) numbers.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on October 18, 2012, 12:12:20 am
Can you close this thread already?

If the intent was to bolster the village defenses, wouldn't it have made more sense to not transfer it over and leave the hundreds of troops and population in place?  Not to mention there are no Hospitaller armies anywhere even remotely close to reinforce...

Some of you need to start watching Jersey Shore to get your drama fix.

Also you should be able to transfer a fief to anyone, regardless of their faction.  Also would be nice to allow appointments of a steward when the lord leaves (who acts as the lord in their absence), which I've suggested before, but too lazy to find.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Valdian on October 18, 2012, 12:13:14 am
Well We traded tulga but it is bugged so the towns would of been bugged to. Aztek who left hosp to join ast to get the city, left  astralis after he got the city now hes in limbo betweeen both factions unable to join either currently
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Emotion on October 18, 2012, 12:47:54 am
Well We traded tulga but it is bugged so the towns would of been bugged to. Aztek who left hosp to join ast to get the city, left  astralis after he got the city now hes in limbo betweeen both factions unable to join either currently

Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 18, 2012, 02:07:27 am
Can you close this thread already?

If the intent was to bolster the village defenses, wouldn't it have made more sense to not transfer it over and leave the hundreds of troops and population in place?  Not to mention there are no Hospitaller armies anywhere even remotely close to reinforce...

Read the threads.  No one is saying you used it to bolster defenses, having no armies there is why you transferred.  You thought Astralis wouldn't be attacked by shogunate as they were a small desert clan, just like you gave that other village you took from hero_party to the brand new clan (screwing them over by the way) as Shogunate promised to protect all small clans in the desert.  You did the trasnfer then to avoid it being taken, but the shogunate leader saw right through what you were doing and is attacking anyway, same with TKoV. 

You abused 24 hr. attack window to give the fiefs to allies and potential allies, while costing shogunate thousands of gold in army upkeep knowing that you are the target of his war.  Just because your glitching failed to get all the desired results, doesn't mean you didn't try to abuse the system.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: SittingBull on October 18, 2012, 03:20:32 am
Just because you fucked up and had only 1 guy on each side hired for the transfer (safest to do 3 just in case) and that 1 guy forgot to show up, doesn't make it legit, just makes it stupid. 

Uhm, yeah. It does make it stupid. So you'd think if we were going to go through the effort of exploiting something we'd at least do it right, wouldn't you? God you're a moron.

P.S.  If FCC had done this you all would be screaming bloody murder and this thread would be 3x as long, so don't give me shit about witchhunt or conspiracy.

You vastly over-estimate how much I give a fuck about Strategus and much how much I care about what you and your clan do on it. Hospitallers I couldn't speak for. Anyway, I think the entire cRPG community pretty much knows how you act on forums Kesh. You play the whole political propaganda game on the forums, wrong/right doesn't matter to you - you just care about propaganda.

Quote from:  "Ninga"
Don't worry. I'll trade Tazjunat back for Tazjunat, sooner than Hosps take Tulga at this rate. It's not like i'm staying there. I just want to be compensated for what I lost due to your little stunt, you're welcome to it after I loot it, have very little interest in fighting you anyway. You seem to lack armies for proper fights.

I'm still mad as hell over not getting to fight those 800 hosps hiding there because of your trade.

Also, usually when you trade stuff, you receive something in return. Tulga still seems remarkably blue.

I want to see your big mouth yapping once you see Tulga turn red you ingrate. 

PS. Hospitaller is north of us. If you're mad about not getting to fight some Hospitaller troops, I'm sure they'd be happy to greet you north of here.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Keshian on October 18, 2012, 03:50:17 am
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Goretooth on October 18, 2012, 03:53:11 am
lol you talking about others exploiting  :mrgreen: could bring up your history if you would like?
item bombing
paying AI player hired mercs to not show up or fight each other.
That's just from strat 2
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: SittingBull on October 18, 2012, 04:04:28 am

My jimmies remain unrustled.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Ninja_Khorin on October 18, 2012, 04:16:50 am
PS. Hospitaller is north of us. If you're mad about not getting to fight some Hospitaller troops, I'm sure they'd be happy to greet you north of here.

Is that a promise? That's honestly really all I want. Someone to field an army and to have an epic battle. In my desperation I've been considering attacking Templars just to get some action, but I might take you up on that offer instead.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Aderyn on October 18, 2012, 06:39:31 am
Is that a promise? That's honestly really all I want. Someone to field an army and to have an epic battle. In my desperation I've been considering attacking Templars just to get some action, but I might take you up on that offer instead.

meh, better to just let you run around with your 2200 man army paying all the upkeeps. No point engaging you as long as you foolishly run around with that many troops =)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: LordBerenger on October 18, 2012, 08:17:04 am
Is that a promise? That's honestly really all I want. Someone to field an army and to have an epic battle. In my desperation I've been considering attacking Templars just to get some action, but I might take you up on that offer instead.

Inb4 Hosp Assassins ambush you and cap your flags Q_Q
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Gristle on October 18, 2012, 08:50:51 am
item bombing

I like to call the "allow trades" button the "Kesh Button." It was pretty funny to be honest.

paying AI player hired mercs to not show up or fight each other.

Don't remember if that happened, but winning a fight with your wallet is not an exploit. Not my preferred way to fight, but whatever.

Kesh might not always use honorable tactics, but we never claimed to be honorable, just, or "the good guys." I will say that Kesh does not make shit up (no really, he backs up what he says), and tends to be true to his word. Also, based on what's been said in this thread, he is apparently more aware of strat happenings than all of Hospitallers put together. In any case, his past actions do not prove him wrong here.


And then sometimes he makes posts like this. That's Kesh for ya.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Sandersson Jankins on October 18, 2012, 08:59:26 am

Man, I'm not even a relevant part of this discussion, but can you at least make a lucid, well-thought out insult or instance of shit-talking instead of that? Seriously, the person or group of people that prioritized being mad or angry over looking like a jackass as the deciding factor for the victor of an internet argument should be locked in a room full of pissed-off bobcats while naked. Like, holy fuck.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 18, 2012, 03:16:05 pm
Don't remember if that happened, but winning a fight with your wallet is not an exploit. Not my preferred way to fight, but whatever.

Nah, that is pretty much exploiting.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Rikthor on October 18, 2012, 05:22:29 pm
Nah, that is pretty much exploiting.

I would disagree, I think bribing should be considered a legitimate tactic even if it is a bit unscrupulous. Exploiting, in my opinion, would be more about abusing game mechanics like duping gold for instance. This is just a general statement and not really directed at either side since I did not participate much in Strat 3, only Strat 2.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: oprah_winfrey on October 18, 2012, 05:38:33 pm
I would disagree, I think bribing should be considered a legitimate tactic even if it is a bit unscrupulous. Exploiting, in my opinion, would be more about abusing game mechanics like duping gold for instance. This is just a general statement and not really directed at either side since I did not participate much in Strat 3, only Strat 2.

Maybe exploiting is the wrong word, since I wouldn't put it in the same category as duping items, but I think it is against the rules, although hard to prove unless really blatent. Ex. Troyicide sabotaging the AI defense.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: partyboy on October 18, 2012, 10:33:23 pm
Looks like this is going on with skars Vs Hawaha.  he raided then followed up with an attack, unarmed army, 1 person each side (a druz on attacking, astralis on defending) and now it's bugged out so it's still showing up as in progress even though the battles after it have come and gone.  it's hard to trade when they are locking it like that.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Lt_Anders on October 18, 2012, 11:46:34 pm
Looks like this is going on with skars Vs Hawaha.  he raided then followed up with an attack, unarmed army, 1 person each side (a druz on attacking, astralis on defending) and now it's bugged out so it's still showing up as in progress even though the battles after it have come and gone.  it's hard to trade when they are locking it like that.

...duh wut? (!?page=battledetail&id=839)
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: partyboy on October 19, 2012, 12:09:12 am
Idk dude, it was showing up as still in progress for a few hours afterwards, I checked with other people and they saw it too
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: dynamike on October 19, 2012, 12:47:15 am
lol you talking about others exploiting  :mrgreen: could bring up your history if you would like?
item bombing
paying AI player hired mercs to not show up or fight each other.
That's just from strat 2

I like how Gorebutt creeps into every thread to spread mischief and try to light fires.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Spanish on October 19, 2012, 01:09:50 am
Aww just read that jim-Ina-tutu and gristle lurv me! :D and you should spell your name like that so ppl will say it right.

And gore is quite lovable person almost as much as you dynamike. You just got to hear him use his manaical laugh while he kills people. It's quite inspiring, and where's kesh to continue bombarding anti-spergler messages. This thread is slowly dying and still hasn't been locked surprising.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: dynamike on October 19, 2012, 01:30:18 am
Aww just read that jim-Ina-tutu and gristle lurv me! :D and you should spell your name like that so ppl will say it right.

And gore is quite lovable person almost as much as you dynamike. You just got to hear him use his manaical laugh while he kills people. It's quite inspiring, and where's kesh to continue bombarding anti-spergler messages. This thread is slowly dying and still hasn't been locked surprising.

If everyone in your clan would be half as lovable as you there would be hundreds of -1's less in the world  :D
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Loki on October 19, 2012, 10:47:42 am
Why not just implement a way to transfer/sell/trade fiefs between players?  Right now attacking a fief is the only way to transfer ownership.  I don't see how this is an exploit.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Kreczor on October 19, 2012, 04:25:37 pm
Hi, I'm a bigger neckbeard then all of you.

That is all.
Title: Re: Astralis vs. Hospitaller battles (attacking your own fiefs)
Post by: Pejlaen on November 03, 2012, 07:37:25 pm
I would like to remind Astralis, Hospitallers and everyone else that attacking your own/your allies' fiefs in order to prevent them from being attacked by enemies is considered heavy exploiting.
Please cancel the attacks as soon as possible or we will be forced to take action. This is your first and last warning.

Hmm, I would like to remind UIF along with the Nordmen that attacking your own/ your allie's fiefs for the purpose of taking over control of it since the former owner of the fief has gotten permabanned for multiaccounting or some other form of cheats is considered heavy exploiting (abit sad if it isn't), or at least a liiiiiittle bit shady? Please cancel the attacks, or prove that you without a doubt dont want to play Strategus ín a fun way.

How many UIF/Nordmen -voted this post? I will edit the resullt in below later.