Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: chadz on September 18, 2011, 11:05:46 pm

Title: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 18, 2011, 11:05:46 pm
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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Casimir on September 18, 2011, 11:08:33 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 18, 2011, 11:08:51 pm
Booooo! HISSSSS!!!! all the good land is Rhodok, Swadian and Sarranid area... and NA gets none of it! BOOOOO
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 18, 2011, 11:09:10 pm
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Probably the absolute worst way to split it up ever.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: krampe on September 18, 2011, 11:09:13 pm
I just wonder is the population 50/50 NA/EU ?

Could you check all those prefered server settings to make a count?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 18, 2011, 11:09:51 pm
Before you get all whiney -

please say EXACTLY what the problem is. If you manage to make me see it too, I'll deal with it.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Earthdforce on September 18, 2011, 11:10:55 pm
The north east doesn't really have as much water, or was that intended?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 18, 2011, 11:11:33 pm
I agree with MAtey, this map is definitely in favor of EU community.  80% of coast land goes to EU, the only EU/NA clan of good size has their territory entirely in NA so we get more EU people to crowd the NA territory more.  And for trade purposes less distance for trading between NA and NA so less gold in long run than all the EU clans.

At the very least if you don't want to give more coastal region, give su Dhirim and drop Tulga, so the only EU/NA faction over a 100 people size will not be entirely cramped into the small NA side of the map.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Casimir on September 18, 2011, 11:11:53 pm
looks great chadz
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 18, 2011, 11:12:05 pm
please say EXACTLY what the problem is. If you manage to make me see it too, I'll deal with it.
NA has not only now been restricted to a small percentage of the map, we also get the shittiest most spread out chunk of it too. Additionally, despite having the importance of coastal territories talked up for a while now, NA gets almost none of it.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 18, 2011, 11:13:35 pm
The north east doesn't really have as much water, or was that intended?

Coastline doesn't matter, coastal towns do. Those are 3:4.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Teeth on September 18, 2011, 11:19:19 pm
Dont see much wrong with it

EDIT: The coastal towns in the NA part are all on one side. Makes it easier for one faction to cap em all. The north of NA land will probably be quite crowded because of the towns and the south kinda deserted.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Earthdforce on September 18, 2011, 11:20:09 pm
Coastline doesn't matter, coastal towns do. Those are 3:4.
Ah, I'm fine then :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 18, 2011, 11:24:53 pm
OK. Heres the thing with this map. The lands on the NA side are very spread out except some of the middle areas. That means logistics will suck, and it will mean more traveling around. Also, the Coastal cities on the NA side are all super spread out. If you want to see what GOOD land is... look at Shariz, and Yalen. lots of fiefs close enough together for easy logistics.

Lastly... this map will cause very little displacement of 'ancient territorial claims' for the big EU clans, which reduces the chance of war... the only big factions that are being displaced here are... LLJK, Fallen/HRE (who could actually decide to stick with their old land instead of taking land on both sides of the borders.. and DRZ who will prolly just go take the entire desert and have way better land and more of it than ever before. The rest of the big EU clans will just keep doing whatever they did last time.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 18, 2011, 11:30:08 pm
Very nice looking map.

Risen claiming Yalen area again.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kafein on September 18, 2011, 11:30:38 pm
Coastline doesn't matter, coastal towns do. Those are 3:4.

So EU should bitch more amirite ?

Anyway, EU is more crowded than NA IRL, we can deal with millions of people living on the same spot, NA can deal with big cars, big houses, big crops, big portions at the restaurant and big debts.

Furthermore, you have the West Nordic Coast and the Middle East  :D

Realism ftw.

Seriously now, what's the deal with concentrated villages ?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 18, 2011, 11:32:15 pm
The lands on the NA side are very spread out except some of the middle areas.

THIS is your main problem?  :lol:
Yeah, I could give you smaller land, really no problem, but don't come crying to me when that fucks over trading on NA.

this map will cause very little displacement of 'ancient territorial claims' for the big EU clans
100% irrelevant. People can claim whatever they want, that won't in any way affect the game design.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 18, 2011, 11:35:30 pm
100% irrelevant. People can claim whatever they want, that won't in any way affect the game design.

The big man speaks the truth, what ever people claim it can be challenged. LLJK lands look pretty tasty though im sure there will be some fighting down there.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 18, 2011, 11:39:14 pm
i predict map will look exact same as last time, but with DRZ in desert, and LLJK in snow.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 18, 2011, 11:40:31 pm
i predict map will look exact same as last time, but with DRZ in desert, and LLJK in snow.

I shall move out from Yalen with 300 men and sit on that big red line like its a fence! I shall eat my popcorn and watch on with great delight!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 18, 2011, 11:44:08 pm
I shall move out from Yalen with 300 men and sit on that big red line like its a fence! I shall eat my popcorn and watch on with great delight!

shouldnt you bring 1,000,000 men to intimidate the 300 NA players and demand earth and water from them?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 18, 2011, 11:46:01 pm
shouldnt you bring 1,000,000 men to intimidate the 300 NA players and demand earth and water from them?

Im simply going for a walk!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kukufarikki on September 18, 2011, 11:49:50 pm
the desert is ours
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: HarunYahya on September 18, 2011, 11:52:10 pm
the desert is ours
Afgoonistan !
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 18, 2011, 11:55:12 pm
the desert is ours
Everything is ours.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: vinnytk on September 18, 2011, 11:59:40 pm
Kinda sucks that you made the map favor EU so much but whatever.  We'll just take back the desert anyways
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: PhantomZero on September 19, 2011, 12:01:02 am
please say EXACTLY what the problem is. If you manage to make me see it too, I'll deal with it.

This is impossible to determine, because you claim there are new mechanics going into the game that makes it fair.

If this was the split in the last iteration, NA territories would be too spread out, making it hard to bring armies and gold together, while the EU territories just get to daisy-chain like a pre-industrial fire brigade.

Let me explain:

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NA would actually be two halves denoted by the big blue line, these are lines which isolate territories based on the old version of strategus where you could easily transfer troops from one side of your empire to another in a matter of seconds.

This is important for two reasons: It allows you to defend with a smaller force by being able to reinforce with your entire strength anywhere in the empire. Any clan would be unable to have territory crossing the dark blue line without severe penalties to defense.

Second, it allows you to bring reinforcements to any offensives you might have to territories you have recently conquered, trying to attack over an isolation line would be difficult, without caravans of troops and equipment flowing in.

Now this map isn't 100% accurate to the strategus map, so it is impossible to judge based upon just looking at this one. In the actual Strategus map the rift between Uxhal and Dhirim doesn't exist, but the isolation zones are still true in the north, as well as in the lower eastern corner of the map.

But if chadz has magically dealt with this problem with some unforseen game mechanics and there is similar benefits to having only 36% of the map, as EU clans would be able to heavily influence NA affairs via supplying troops, far moreso than NA would be able to meddle with EU. Then this post matters little.

Also, our dessert is still ours, it has merely changed flavors, the tundra is still a desert is it not?  :P
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 12:14:03 am
This is impossible to determine, because you claim there are new mechanics going into the game that makes it fair.

If this was the split in the last iteration, NA territories would be too spread out, making it hard to bring armies and gold together, while the EU territories just get to daisy-chain like a pre-industrial fire brigade.

Let me explain:

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NA would actually be two halves denoted by the big blue line, these are lines which isolate territories based on the old version of strategus where you could easily transfer troops from one side of your empire to another in a matter of seconds.

This is important for two reasons: It allows you to defend with a smaller force by being able to reinforce with your entire strength anywhere in the empire. Any clan would be unable to have territory crossing the dark blue line without severe penalties to defense.

Second, it allows you to bring reinforcements to any offensives you might have to territories you have recently conquered, trying to attack over an isolation line would be difficult, without caravans of troops and equipment flowing in.

Now this map isn't 100% accurate to the strategus map, so it is impossible to judge based upon just looking at this one. In the actual Strategus map the rift between Uxhal and Dhirim doesn't exist, but the isolation zones are still true in the north, as well as in the lower eastern corner of the map.

But if chadz has magically dealt with this problem with some unforseen game mechanics and there is similar benefits to having only 36% of the map, as EU clans would be able to heavily influence NA affairs via supplying troops, far moreso than NA would be able to meddle with EU. Then this post matters little.

Also, our dessert is still ours, it has merely changed flavors, the tundra is still a desert is it not?  :P

That is a perfect summary of the issues with hard to reinforce territories.  Also, yes, I do believe a tundra is a type of desert.  Afgoonistan should maybe become Pakigoonistan or United Goon Goon Republic (UGGR) or Iraqigoonieland, to match the change in land color??
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: dynamike on September 19, 2011, 12:15:42 am

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 12:19:34 am

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Pretty big shoes to fill, lot of territory to cover.  Claiming all of their largest borders??
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: vinnytk on September 19, 2011, 12:20:23 am
Guess I'll add why the NA land sucks.  The South part is to spread out to be effective while at the same time has no access to water.  The North part is to close together, all 3 of our water towns share the same coast while EU water towns are spread out pretty equally around the map.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: EyeBeat on September 19, 2011, 12:21:34 am
This fucking sucks.  Bullshit.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: dynamike on September 19, 2011, 12:25:05 am
Pretty big shoes to fill, lot of territory to cover.  Claiming all of their largest borders??

We will be building a Limes to keep the barbarians out. You can stay on our side of course. There will be tea and crumb cakes as well.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 12:30:01 am
We will be building a Limes to keep the barbarians out. You can stay on our side of course. There will be tea and crumb cakes as well.

Oh, well, as long as there is tea and crumb cakes.  Bloody savages, good show old boy, hopefully we can have some good snuff to while away the time, tut tut.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 19, 2011, 12:30:10 am
A few points regarding the map.

The map obviously isn't perfect, and no one is claiming it is.  What it represents is the best attempt to follow three major goals: 

1. Equitable distribution of port cities
2. Land distribution in adherence to community numbers on each continent
3. Following natural landmarks as best as was possible (this was broken in order to increase NA land, not kept to decrease it)

The problem is, it was not possible to change the strategus map at this time, and thus all of those rules needed to be met without modifying the map itself.  I would agree that it isn't ideal.  But it also isn't an eternal status either.  As you may have noticed, Strategus is updated with some regularity, and if the proportion of players significantly shift in favor of either continent you can be assured that the map will be updated with the next series of changes.  This does still remain a beta, after all.

It should also be said that if anyone was shafted, its the EU players in Thir.  They're going to have to make friends with their NA neighbors fast.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Rev_zaffa on September 19, 2011, 12:41:22 am
The map needs to just be this. It is only logical.
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Thir is in NA territory ffs.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jinxits on September 19, 2011, 12:57:04 am
Nice Job chadz. I see No Problemz. Lets Get Strat Rolling. Let the Bitcherz Bitch. I am NA and I see no issues there really is no spread issue other then one side is green and has more water then the other. Ya that makes for interesting battles but Lets have intersting Battles then.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 19, 2011, 02:01:15 am
Fallen could just take the entire eastern side easy. The are EU/Na after all.

GK will want our corner of the desert :wink:

Like the split.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kukufarikki on September 19, 2011, 02:16:36 am
Fallen could just take the entire eastern side easy. The are EU/Na after all.

GK will want our corner of the desert :wink:

Like the split.

lol fallen
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Rikthor on September 19, 2011, 04:14:09 am
What happened to the idea of a neutral area between the two up for control to whoever claims it, where it would switch to NA or EU depending on the clan?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 19, 2011, 04:14:48 am
lol fallen
I missed the joke. Is it funny cause you didn't capitalize it?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Graf_Hodenschaf on September 19, 2011, 11:18:07 am
"In old times, the people of calradia didnt praise and thank the chadz god and kept on whining and whining - this is shit in calradia and this clan has much more land, gold, woman ( or boys ) and and and. So the chadz god looked down and got angrier and angrier and then, some day, a big fart flash went down from the clouds and splitted calradia into two pieces. All citizens had to vomit first because of the smell of fowly eggs all over the land, but then, they realized the power of chadz and felt down on their knees and praised the godess and promised to stop whining and start working."

So long story getting short, i guess when we heared about splitting NA / EU, the most guys here thougt ( me too ) there will be two continents, like america - europe.

- So would it be hard to create a completely new map for crpg?

If no, i could imagina 2 continents with lets say 3 passages, like some multiplayermaps from games like warcraft3, company of heroes...
And off course, its also possible to take a seaway, but ok lets discuss a few options, seaway is faster than landway ( like in reallife if the fartwind is on your side ) BUT its expensive. Or you have to buy ships ( different classes, prices, amount of transporting people.. ). Or seaway possible like in the past, but slower than on landway and and and

Guys, i think its important to bring in some ideas - whining isnt very helpfull ( only if your mum is near you, you will get some candy ).

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Torben on September 19, 2011, 11:58:42 am
Coastline doesn't matter, coastal towns do. Those are 3:4.

am i missing sth or is it 3:5 ?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Camaris on September 19, 2011, 12:33:50 pm
am i missing sth or is it 3:5 ?

Jelkala probably isnt a coasttown.

NA: Rivacheg, Wercheg, Sargoth
EU: Praven, Yalen, Shariz, Thir
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Vovka on September 19, 2011, 12:54:41 pm

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Who said that we are leaving this lands? XD
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Darkula on September 19, 2011, 01:01:54 pm
NA players are ONLY 36.6% of cRPG community. NA territory is way too big.

And we can't split new map for fractions, game didn't even started.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kalsiver_the_Grey on September 19, 2011, 01:13:00 pm
Give NA a far far away island which will have a size of 37% of normal map.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thovex on September 19, 2011, 01:26:37 pm
Give NA a far far away island which will have a size of 37% of normal map.

Travel by boat feature to other continents would be awesome though.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Visconti on September 19, 2011, 01:46:15 pm
Seems Thir should be NA territory..... doubt any EU clan would want to be that deep into the NA border
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Anhy on September 19, 2011, 01:57:57 pm
We will go again to the north, and take our land.
NA waiting for Druzhina? We return  :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 02:14:22 pm
NA players are ONLY 36.6% of cRPG community. NA territory is way too big.

And we can't split new map for fractions, game didn't even started.

That was one survey that was up for only 1 week, less than 10% of the community voted in it and it was right when college was starting in the fll in the U.S. so many NA off-line for that week, while strat was down.  Also, the number of fiefs is exactly 36.6% - its how chadz calculated it. 

DRZ - more power to you if you go straight for the middle of NA territory from the beginning.  I hear they are nerfing archery on strategus quite a bit, so keep that in mind.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Wiegraf_BRD on September 19, 2011, 02:23:33 pm
I see no GUAM ISLAND or BIRD territory.  What a garbage map.

So... when are we just going to give EU and NA separate strat servers with separate maps with the option to have NA or EU players merc on either server, but only allow players to join one server that they can actually collect troops, gold, and move around on? 

I believe this would solve a world of problems, though it would be more work for mysel... chadz.

If you dont like it, go lick an electrical outlet.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 02:27:42 pm
I see no GUAM ISLAND or BIRD territory.  What a garbage map.

So... when are we just going to give EU and NA separate strat servers with separate maps with the option to have NA or EU players merc on either server, but only allow players to join one server that they can actually collect troops, gold, and move around on? 

I believe this would solve a world of problems, though it would be more work for mysel... chadz.

If you dont like it, go lick an electrical outlet.

Yeah, I think they need some new islands on the map (BIRD island, Guam, Fiji (for people retiring from strategus) ).  We will see though, hopefully it comes out today or tomorrow.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Renegat on September 19, 2011, 02:41:04 pm
i like it
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: RandomDude on September 19, 2011, 03:07:33 pm
That was one survey that was up for only 1 week, less than 10% of the community voted in it and it was right when college was starting in the fll in the U.S. so many NA off-line for that week, while strat was down.  Also, the number of fiefs is exactly 36.6% - its how chadz calculated it. 

DRZ - more power to you if you go straight for the middle of NA territory from the beginning. I hear they are nerfing archery on strategus quite a bit, so keep that in mind.

if that's true, I can live with the new bodkins, although i guess how they nerf it is the issue
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Reinhardt on September 19, 2011, 03:54:29 pm
I think the map is just fine.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: dynamike on September 19, 2011, 04:46:45 pm
Who said that we are leaving this lands? XD


Chaos is claiming DRZ's basement studio apartments with the condition that we can use the backyards to serve tea and crumb cakes to Kesh.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 04:52:28 pm

Chaos is claiming DRZ's basement studio apartments with the condition that we can use the backyards to serve tea and crumb cakes to Kesh.

Dibs on the doghouse  :lol: .

P.S.  I do think the EUs don't realize how many NA clans there are (almot as many EU clans) that will be coming out of the woodwork now that there is guaranteed NA ping, might end up fighting 20-25 NA clans on NA ping just to get the same boring old lands you have claimed several times now (doesn't anyone realize how boring and unoriginal that is??)  Anyway, i know we are going after new turf (doghouse does sound pretty sweet once we pimp it out with some surround sound and a hi-def tv) as it just gets boring doing the same thing every map when there is so much room for trying new things. 
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 19, 2011, 05:55:29 pm
So would it be hard to create a completely new map for crpg?

Yes, apparently some features make this impossible at the moment.  It might work down the line, but not now.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 19, 2011, 06:00:52 pm
That was one survey that was up for only 1 week, less than 10% of the community voted in it and it was right when college was starting in the fll in the U.S. so many NA off-line for that week, while strat was down.  Also, the number of fiefs is exactly 36.6% - its how chadz calculated it. 

Errrr you do realise that in europe we do the same, we go to uni and college around about the same time that really has nothing to do with how the voting turned out at all.

If anything what the vote brought to light was that either the americans dont know that there is a forum :/ or that they are just too lazy/cant be bothered to vote but as usual that wont stop them from complaining when something happens that they do not like!!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: _GTX_ on September 19, 2011, 06:07:35 pm
Looks good
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jacko on September 19, 2011, 06:17:43 pm
Clearly this is a conspiracy against the North American Community (NAC). All the illiterate inbred Europeans have somehow managed to get the ENTIRE EU playerbase to vote against NA, pushing them out from their hard earned territories in Strategus!

This is an Outrage! Someone should write a very stern letter somewhere appropriate!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 19, 2011, 06:19:10 pm
Clearly this is a conspiracy against the North American Community (NAC). All the illiterate inbred Europeans have somehow managed to get the ENTIRE EU playerbase to vote against NA, pushing them out from their hard earned territories in Strategus!

This is an Outrage! Someone should write a very stern letter somewhere appropriate!

Well said.

Kesh and tears should get right on that.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 19, 2011, 06:24:23 pm
To there local mp's perhaps?

O wait there american so they should right to there local politicians.....
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: ManOfWar on September 19, 2011, 06:27:46 pm
Errrr you do realise that in europe we do the same, we go to uni and college around about the same time that really has nothing to do with how the voting turned out at all.

If anything what the vote brought to light was that either the americans dont know that there is a forum :/ or that they are just too lazy/cant be bothered to vote but as usual that wont stop them from complaining when something happens that they do not like!!

We have problems voting for our own elections
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 06:33:25 pm
We have problems voting for our own elections

When the vote is between a douche and a turdsandwich, how do you choose???
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Karmazyn on September 19, 2011, 06:40:47 pm
Before you get all whiney -

please say EXACTLY what the problem is. If you manage to make me see it too, I'll deal with it.

The problem is that Olwen wanted to be a Lord of Reyvadin but now Reyvadin goes to NA.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jacko on September 19, 2011, 06:46:02 pm
So it's basically all Olwen's fault.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 06:55:08 pm
The problem is that Olwen wanted to be a Lord of Reyvadin but now Reyvadin goes to NA.

We wil give you revadin, in return for the desert. 
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 19, 2011, 07:10:19 pm
Well said.

Kesh and tears should get right on that.
I have yet to complain about the new map, so count me out.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 07:17:50 pm
I have yet to complain about the new map, so count me out.


Don't worry, I got this.  Oh shit already did it - Cmp and chadz wrote back - fuck you NA, I'm from EU.  End of story.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: dynamike on September 19, 2011, 07:20:17 pm
To there local mp's perhaps?

O wait there american so they should right to there local politicians lawyers.....

Fixed that for you.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Karmazyn on September 19, 2011, 07:21:04 pm

Don't worry, I got this.  Oh shit already did it - Cmp and chadz wrote back - fuck you NA, I'm from EU.  End of story.

I got another idea, how about all real EU members play on EU side of the map and NA + Turkey + Russia play on the non EU side with this idea NON EU can get half of all fiefs?
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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 19, 2011, 07:23:42 pm
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I just said I have yet to complain. I am not against the map
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 07:27:29 pm
I got another idea, how about all real EU members play on EU side of the map and NA + Turkey + Russia play on the non EU side with this idea NON EU can get half of all fiefs?
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ToD, likes the map, I hate it because its the worst locations, NA should have gottne Tihr or Dhirim and dropped Tulga or gotten both and dropped Ichamur and Tulga.  And the only problem there is it should be based on where you get better ping, so half the map should go to NA, AUS, and China/Japan and the other half EU/Russia/Turkey.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 19, 2011, 07:31:58 pm
It is based on where you get better ping.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kalp on September 19, 2011, 07:37:03 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SittingBull on September 19, 2011, 07:38:02 pm
Map looks fine. Lets do thiiiis
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 19, 2011, 07:48:19 pm
Lets point out the obvious thing the biggest player base's from what i or anyone can interprate that are in this mod are Eu then Na then Russia in that order.
 Russian's can play on eu server's without lag/much lag however eu and the majority of russian players have problems with the lag when playing on american server's.
This split is necessary for two reasons (probs more than that but i can not think of any atm)  Ping being the major one and the abilty to attack people at times which delibratley do not suit the other people.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: urface on September 19, 2011, 08:08:41 pm
ToD, likes the map, I hate it because its the worst locations, NA should have gottne Tihr or Dhirim and dropped Tulga or gotten both and dropped Ichamur and Tulga.  And the only problem there is it should be based on where you get better ping, so half the map should go to NA, AUS, and China/Japan and the other half EU/Russia/Turkey.

Can aus haf fief prz?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 19, 2011, 08:22:46 pm
Lets point out the obvious thing the biggest player base's from what i or anyone can interprate that are in this mod are Eu then Na then Russia in that order.
 Russian's can play on eu server's without lag/much lag however eu and the majority of russian players have problems with the lag when playing on american server's.
This split is necessary for two reasons (probs more than that but i can not think of any atm)  Ping being the major one and the abilty to attack people at times which delibratley do not suit the other people.

Actually if you took out the crazy number of Russians playing this game, there are actually more NA players than EU, but with Russians (~22-25% of total player base) players you guys have more. 7-8% probably asian and aussie, lets assume the poll is accurate (probably a little higher than that though) 37% NA, which would leave about 30-34% EU (non-russians)(even bigger difference if you treat Turkish clans differently too).

Part of the problem with the poll too is that China/Japan ever so slightly get better ping on the EU servers because the NA servers are midwest not west coast, but they are both in the 300+ range so it shouldn't have counted toward shifting the poll vote.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 19, 2011, 08:24:05 pm
Sauce on stats?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: _GTX_ on September 19, 2011, 08:28:03 pm
this is fine tbh. Its impossible to make this perfect and make everyone happy.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gingerpussy on September 19, 2011, 08:32:04 pm
NA might have 36 % player base, but whining on forums they have 99.99999 % majority.. Go figure..
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: ManOfWar on September 19, 2011, 08:48:23 pm
NA might have 36 % player base, but whining on forums they have 99.99999 % majority.. Go figure..

look whose talking
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gingerpussy on September 19, 2011, 09:17:29 pm
look whose talking
Yeah look as much as you want, wont change a thing.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kalsiver_the_Grey on September 19, 2011, 09:23:56 pm
Create new server base only for NA, and give NA new this same map.
Separate the EU from NA, will be good.
Not connect the EU and NA
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tanken on September 19, 2011, 09:32:37 pm
They admins and mods have already said quite a few times that "Creating Two Maps" would be way too difficult with their current strategus setup. You don't want strategus to disappear for the next 6 months again do you? Also, yeah, the map is not that great. And all the EU kids saying, "We have the largest collection of players, Mmmyesssss, tea?" can stick their tower right up their Wedding Dress. I think the split should have been a little more balanced, but what do I know? I just play the map how it is and I don't really bitch.

So, in summary, do this map, let us play, let it fail, and fix it another time.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kalsiver_the_Grey on September 19, 2011, 10:06:13 pm
You don't want strategus to disappear for the next 6 months again do you?
Yes I want ! It is no problem for me if strategus disappear for the next 6 months !

Deport NA to island !
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 19, 2011, 10:41:46 pm

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 19, 2011, 10:48:20 pm
Actually if you took out the crazy number of Russians playing this game, there are actually more NA players than EU, but with Russians (~22-25% of total player base) players you guys have more. 7-8% probably asian and aussie, lets assume the poll is accurate (probably a little higher than that though) 37% NA, which would leave about 30-34% EU (non-russians)(even bigger difference if you treat Turkish clans differently too).

Part of the problem with the poll too is that China/Japan ever so slightly get better ping on the EU servers because the NA servers are midwest not west coast, but they are both in the 300+ range so it shouldn't have counted toward shifting the poll vote.

What in the blue blazes are u talking about?

The map is based on ping's and the amount that voted !

People voted on what servers they get the best ping on for example i voted eu cause i get a ping of about 35 were as i get a ping of 107 on the american server that is my reasoning for voteing eu
and i bet it was the same for everyone else when it came for voiting.

Everyone in and around europe would have voted for the eu and everyone close to america would have voted na.

The eu server got if i remember correctly about 60 something percent and the na server got around 30 something percent.

I do not understand why you would try and argue/complain when it really is as simple as "what server do you get the lowest ping on?"

The eu server won and got a bigger part of the map end of it obviously serves more people then the na and thus should have a bigger percentile
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thovex on September 19, 2011, 11:13:15 pm
There's a thread where Loki showed off the claims everyone had, I counted it all up and NA had 22 or so, while EU had about 80.

I guess that proves enough.

And yeah, russians prefer to fight in an EU server, which the poll who decided over the land split was about:

I would rather...
play on the NA side, the NA_cRPG_3 server gives me better pings
376 (36.6%)
play on the EU side, the EU_cRPG_3 server gives me better pings
651 (63.4%)

The poll doesn't lie,

I can absolutely see no reason why NA at the moment should get the major part or more part of Calradia than they already got right now, otherwise prove me wrong.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Vovka on September 19, 2011, 11:51:04 pm
  In the strat 1-2 lands naturally fell into NA and EU territory. Enough opportunity to set up a server for each occupied village, with countdown to change it (1-2 week after retake), then the attacker will be forced to defend a week or two on not their own server. So all take what they want, and what they can hold.
 Also I do not see any benefit from this separation. If this is done for battles then in my opinion the most convenient: to force the prime time for battle 18:00 to 24:00 on weekdays for each time zone (time zone select a clan leader for the clan and can change a once a month) and Saturday from 9:00 to 24:00 Sunday.

sry for my english  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 19, 2011, 11:58:51 pm
if you make it possible to convert fiefs to your own time zone it would just encourage EU vs NA mentality as everyone would want to convert as much of the map to their time zone as possible... and since EU has more players and more land to start as well as more unity... sounds like a shitty deal for NA. if you look at what % of players voted for NA compared to how much land NA held in last strat... (and considering the only non-LLJK NA faction was in a massive war for its survival and continued prosperity...) it shows that NA was getting screwed in last version too. So, I say NO to being able to convert fiefs to other time zones... unless we do something like 40% of map is always NA 40% is always EU and 20% is convertable...  that would be ok. As for what we have now... hopefully NA stays in NA and EU stays in EU.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thovex on September 20, 2011, 12:14:25 am
I say make it change-able with a wait-timer of a week or 2 weeks so the attacked clan can take their chance to reclaim it on their own server.

But otherwise, my 2 statements above are still not proven wrong.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tot. on September 20, 2011, 12:32:52 am
If we are to ignore the sizes of actual playerbases lets split it four ways, Europe, America, Australia and Antarctica. Each with a quarter of the map!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: sWalker on September 20, 2011, 12:46:21 am
The sWalker enjoys the pussy's whinning...oh, wait, that didn't sound good.

Love the changes to arrow damage.  Now archers won't be a cheap way to dominate.  Having to buy bodkins to be effective will cost large amounts of money/time based on the new model.

As for the map...who cares...the sWalker says whatever chadz wants is fine, lets start the fighting game.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Darkula on September 20, 2011, 12:47:57 am
All European players unite against American expansion!

U.S. go conquer Sarranid lands, there might be oil for you.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 20, 2011, 01:11:35 am
Did you say oil?!?! Quick everyone! we must go liberate the desert out of the kindness of our hearts!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 20, 2011, 01:13:41 am
Did you say oil?!?! Quick everyone! we must go liberate the desert out of the kindness of our hearts!

We must democratize them and bring them the true spirit of freedom that these poor savage EUians just don't understand on their own.  :wink:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Wiegraf_BRD on September 20, 2011, 01:24:33 am
Ahhh, EU vs NA whining and bitching against each other again.

Everyone should move to China with me and be at peace.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 20, 2011, 02:13:03 am
Actually if you took out the crazy number of Russians playing this game, there are actually more NA players than EU, but with Russians (~22-25% of total player base) players you guys have more. 7-8% probably asian and aussie, lets assume the poll is accurate (probably a little higher than that though) 37% NA, which would leave about 30-34% EU (non-russians)(even bigger difference if you treat Turkish clans differently too).

Part of the problem with the poll too is that China/Japan ever so slightly get better ping on the EU servers because the NA servers are midwest not west coast, but they are both in the 300+ range so it shouldn't have counted toward shifting the poll vote.

sauce on stats?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 20, 2011, 03:14:21 am

Correct on both counts.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Joseph on September 20, 2011, 03:54:33 am
This is now out of subject, get crpg on tracks.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 20, 2011, 05:29:28 am
A full split is in order and everyone knows it...I dont see why we need to have another iteration of strat with a great wall seperating us when its been stated that two maps, if needed, will be the endagame goal. Simply make two maps however long it takes. Then release strat to be enjoyed by all. If a full calradian map is too big for NA remove some fiefs so that its competitive.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 20, 2011, 10:42:53 am
You gotta love how some Americans on this forum perfectly understand voting and what happens at the end of voting, others however seem to think that if you argue against a clear winning majority vote that you can some how get the vote changed... or amended.

Contrary to American belief they are not the Center of the World!!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Candiru on September 20, 2011, 03:48:42 pm
NA have way too much land. We have alot more of EU players on the server.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 20, 2011, 04:15:22 pm
NA have way too much land. We have alot more of EU players on the server.

Check out NA sometime, we have hundreds on every night.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 20, 2011, 05:06:58 pm
Check out NA sometime, we have hundreds on every night.

On a slow/bad day we can average 100 on a good day 200 or so.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 20, 2011, 05:10:10 pm
On a slow/bad day we can average 100 on a good day 200 or so.

???  I've seen 300+ all the time on the weekend nights.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kukufarikki on September 20, 2011, 05:47:51 pm
???  I've seen 300+ all the time on the weekend nights.

NA averages 150-200 people at most on weekends
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Darkula on September 20, 2011, 06:03:58 pm
Right now (6 pm) there are 300 players on EU servers. Wait 3 hours, and there will be 400.

Besides how many of NA cRPG community even know what Strategus is? It doesn't matter how many ppl plays cRPG, we are talking about Strategus now.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 20, 2011, 06:04:35 pm
kesh likes to make up numbers
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 20, 2011, 06:18:14 pm
So i have personally seen how many people play on na servers, there are na players who play on the na servers saying how many people play on them  but kesh suddenly decides that there are now 1/3 extra na players then there actually are interesting... i think someone needs to get out of the basement and go back to school or perhaps a nice padded room inside a nice hospital with many nice padded rooms...
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 20, 2011, 07:31:59 pm
So i have personally seen how many people play on na servers, there are na players who play on the na servers saying how many people play on them  but kesh suddenly decides that there are now 1/3 extra na players then there actually are interesting... i think someone needs to get out of the basement and go back to school or perhaps a nice padded room inside a nice hospital with many nice padded rooms...

Instead of making random outrageous comment sand acusing me of lying, go check out the servers this friday or saturday?  Numbers were downa  little bit with strategus gone adn the patch hitting, but overall we get 150-200 weekdays, 300+ weekends.  Also, there are now 8 official NA servers, so make sure to add those to favorites so you cans ee those players as well.  Also about 14 unofficial servers you need to keep track of also.  So add up those 22 servers during our primetime and then talk shit if you can.  Are all Risen, trolls  (VVar, Conan, Thovex etc. seem to only troll)??
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kazak on September 20, 2011, 07:52:45 pm
I think americans forogot about the poll.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 20, 2011, 08:48:58 pm
Instead of making random outrageous comment sand acusing me of lying, go check out the servers this friday or saturday?  Numbers were downa  little bit with strategus gone adn the patch hitting, but overall we get 150-200 weekdays, 300+ weekends.  Also, there are now 8 official NA servers, so make sure to add those to favorites so you cans ee those players as well.  Also about 14 unofficial servers you need to keep track of also.  So add up those 22 servers during our primetime and then talk shit if you can.  Are all Risen, trolls  (VVar, Conan, Thovex etc. seem to only troll)??

lol wut?

It is not a outrageous comment the fact is that you are lying because you are obviously quite mad about the fact that na are only getting 36% of a map,  o and btw atms you have 15 servers up not the 22 you claim to have :( and only two yes thats right two have players in one has 28 players the other 78 so 100 players at 19:30 london time so thats -5,-6,-7 for eastern central and western 14:30,13:30,12:30 so its mid day to early afternoon and you have 100 players on ... and only 2 occupied servers... lololol

We have 19 servers and 6 are occupied now i know its early in the day so yes more people will come on and play but at the minute we have 310 players online and playing and its dinner time for us so that aint that bad.

So mid week we get easily 300-350+ players compared to your 150-200 weekday players, weekends you get 300+ (our week dayspretty much) and we get 400-500+ weekends so you can easily see why we the eu should get 60+% percent of the map and why you complaining about it is just plain retarded.

Now i understand that taking the figures at both peek times would yield better results but as i have seen the players and you and others who play on the servers have told me what you see i will take those as accurate instead, anyway You seem to pull figures out of thin air i think you should try actually doing some research kk

Split makes sense and is correct end of quit your bitching
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 20, 2011, 09:05:44 pm
Instead of making random outrageous comment sand acusing me of lying, go check out the servers this friday or saturday?  Numbers were downa  little bit with strategus gone adn the patch hitting, but overall we get 150-200 weekdays, 300+ weekends.  Also, there are now 8 official NA servers, so make sure to add those to favorites so you cans ee those players as well.  Also about 14 unofficial servers you need to keep track of also.  So add up those 22 servers during our primetime and then talk shit if you can.  Are all Risen, trolls  (VVar, Conan, Thovex etc. seem to only troll)??

Sauce on stats?

I dont troll people, i simply reply to moronic statements with equally moronic replies, i bring my self down to the level of the derper to document what its like to be one.

Now stop pulling random numbers out of your arse and back it up with solid info.

Ill start.

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 20, 2011, 09:21:56 pm
You do realize you are not calculating time slots very well right now??  Its only 2:20 pm CST now, 12:20 west coast time.  No one who works is on now and most college students either.  This is one of the slowest times of the day and we still have 100 on, while it is hitting primetime right now for you.  Looking at the servers there is not 300+ people on the EU servers right now (are you also adding up China and AUS servers to boost your numbers a little bit??)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kophka on September 20, 2011, 09:24:44 pm
Actually, Kesh is pretty close to the bullseye when she says that NA has around 300 players. There were 376 votes for the NA side of the map in chadz's poll after all. Maybe those coming in after the steam sale will push it to around 400.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 20, 2011, 09:31:10 pm
You do realize you are not calculating tiem slots very well right now??  Its only 2:20 pm CST now, 12:20 west coast time.  No one who works is on now and most college students either.  This is one of the slowest tiems of the daya dnw e still have 100 on, while it is hitting primetime right now for you.  Looking at the servers there is not 300+ people on the EU servers right now (are you also adding up China and AUS servers to boost your numbers a little bit??)

At the posting of this message there are 436 people on the EU servers. FACT. If you would like the screenshots i will post them for you.

Its 8:30 on a week night so better results would be on the weekend.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 20, 2011, 09:53:52 pm
You do realize you are not calculating time slots very well right now??  Its only 2:20 pm CST now, 12:20 west coast time.  No one who works is on now and most college students either.  This is one of the slowest times of the day and we still have 100 on, while it is hitting primetime right now for you.  Looking at the servers there is not 300+ people on the EU servers right now (are you also adding up China and AUS servers to boost your numbers a little bit??)

I am suprised you would post that after i expressly pointed out that the results were not taken at peek times and that i had, had to use your own results!! and when i looked there were more then 300 players an according to my other member there are now 436 players on a weekday!! nearly twice that of Na!! thats not taking into account china or aus (but i bet you are for na lololol)

You are quite clearly retarded and you are correcting your own stats and making up new ones!!

o and kophka any increase in mount and blade warband games bought would increase on a whole not just for na so that doesnt impact on this at all
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Governor on September 20, 2011, 09:59:02 pm
That map looks like it is going to encourage people (especially in NA) to fight.  Looks good to me.  When can we start killing each other?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 20, 2011, 10:04:55 pm
That map looks like it is going to encourage people (especially in NA) to fight.  Looks good to me.  When can we start killing each other?

Second friday after next monday the 19th
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 20, 2011, 10:37:17 pm
That map looks like it is going to encourage people (especially in NA) to fight.  Looks good to me.  When can we start killing each other?
Ha, if you remember the last version of Strategus, NA doesn't need that much encouragement to fight. We have the FCC. They pretty much keep things interesting on a full time basis. To answer your question, it wouldn't surprise me if it took as long as it did last time for Strategus to come back out.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Darkula on September 20, 2011, 10:52:27 pm
Well, split is really important thing to discuss. Border between NA and Eu territory is going to be like the Berlin Wall, Americans won't be able to get any EU villages and vice versa.
So maybe it would be better to change this new server system to the old one.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 20, 2011, 10:55:04 pm
Well, split is really important thing to discuss. Border between NA and Eu territory is going to be like the Berlin Wall, Americans won't be able to get any EU villages and vice versa.
So maybe it would be better to change this new server system.

Hmm well if a strong EU clan is across the border from a weak NA clan don't be surprised if there's some raids going on, also vica versa.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 20, 2011, 10:57:03 pm
Having to fight on high ping servers for a war never stopped people before, we will still have full blownwars across the line in the sand.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 20, 2011, 11:09:04 pm
I don't think there is anybody stupid enough to leak over into their opposite sides of the borderline. Its a stupid idea, though I do believe that the Zergling clans or the troll clans will do it.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 20, 2011, 11:10:21 pm
Hmm well if a strong EU clan is across the border from a weak NA clan don't be surprised if there's some raids going on, also vica versa.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 20, 2011, 11:17:52 pm
I don't think there is anybody stupid enough to leak over into their opposite sides of the borderline. Its a stupid idea, though I do believe that the Zergling clans or the troll clans will do it.

Why not? DRZ for example attacked the FCC on NA ping, and all the fights involving LLJK did not have perfect servers either.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 20, 2011, 11:22:28 pm
Then again, you can compensate ping for massive ticket numbers and a industrial mass production of said tickets.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Darkula on September 20, 2011, 11:23:29 pm
Why not? DRZ for example attacked the FCC on NA ping, and all the fights involving LLJK did not have perfect servers either.
But they were able to conquer and hold their lands. Now if EU fraction will take NA village, they will have to defend it on NA server with pind 200.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Sultan Eren on September 20, 2011, 11:56:28 pm
Why not full map for both continents?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Governor on September 21, 2011, 12:08:00 am
Ha, if you remember the last version of Strategus, NA doesn't need that much encouragement to fight. We have the FCC. They pretty much keep things interesting on a full time basis.

Oh yes.  With this I am quite familiar.

<-------------------- :)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 12:33:21 am
Why not? DRZ for example attacked the FCC on NA ping, and all the fights involving LLJK did not have perfect servers either.

Admittedly they had a bunch of NA clans working with them.  ANy move by either side would need soemthing along those lines.

Also, just went downt he list of every single server (exclusing CHN, AUS) and NA is at 192 and EU is at 194 (RIGHT NOW) (3:31 Pacific Standard Time, way before our peak hours, and 10:31 GMT-0, which si dead on prime time at least it is for us in NA who usually come out in force around 9-11 pm at night).

I have no idea why you keep posting bullshit number like 400-something.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: okiN on September 21, 2011, 12:48:03 am
My count was 177 EU and 172 NA, but you seem to have missed the rather salient fact that everyone outside of western Europe is going to sleep right around now. It's 23:47 in England, so you're literally counting only the night owls in the actual EU area. Only the last shreds of eastern Europe and Turkey are still hanging on, and the Russians are long gone. That's not exactly what I'd call "prime time".
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 21, 2011, 12:56:06 am
My count was 177 EU and 172 NA, but you seem to have missed the rather salient fact that everyone outside of western Europe is going to sleep right around now. It's 23:47 in England, so you're literally counting only the night owls in the actual EU area. Only the last shreds of eastern Europe and Turkey are still hanging on, and the Russians are long gone. That's not exactly what I'd call "prime time".

Huh so beginning prime time NA(that'd be 6 for the east coast) and Ending EU prime time is same players approx?

Huh so, there's an approximate number of people playing.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 21, 2011, 12:56:51 am
This is beyond ending for EU prime time, it has already finished.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: okiN on September 21, 2011, 12:57:46 am
Huh so beginning prime time NA(that'd be 6 for the east coast) and Ending EU prime time is same players approx?

Huh so, there's an approximate number of people playing.

No, the end of prime time would have been two hours ago. This is the beginning not of off-peak time, but off time.

Basically, you want an accurate comparison? Get back to me with a number when it's midnight in Alaska, so 1:00 PT. We'll see if it's still 192.

(no, Kesh, it won't actually do you guys any good if you try to whip all the NA clannies into staying up late just so you can give a bigger number)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 21, 2011, 02:04:58 am
(Okin, NA people are notorious insomniacs.  Itsa trap.)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Rikthor on September 21, 2011, 03:46:46 am
I don't think there is anybody stupid enough to leak over into their opposite sides of the borderline. Its a stupid idea, though I do believe that the Zergling clans or the troll clans will do it.

The_Angle, getting mad at strat 2.0 results errday.

For content: Is there any word of controlling a village/castle/town of the opposing server type, ie a NA clan controlling an EU based village, for a certain amount of time will flip it? I know it was mentioned as possibility for the future but did not see if it was implemented in the next round?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Eutheran on September 21, 2011, 03:54:23 am
Admittedly they had a bunch of NA clans working with them.  ANy move by either side would need soemthing along those lines.

Also, just went downt he list of every single server (exclusing CHN, AUS) and NA is at 192 and EU is at 194 (RIGHT NOW) (3:31 Pacific Standard Time, way before our peak hours, and 10:31 GMT-0, which si dead on prime time at least it is for us in NA who usually come out in force around 9-11 pm at night).

I have no idea why you keep posting bullshit number like 400-something.
lawl a bunch as in chaos and hosp? They still had at least 50% of their people fighting in each battle
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 21, 2011, 04:07:50 am
The first DRZ attack against us had the majority of their own players...then proggressively less of them and more NA players filled the roster each battle that followed. Many complaints about pings followed until only their archers bothered with NA ping.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Joseph on September 21, 2011, 04:23:38 am
 :arrow: Can't wait for racial wars.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 04:31:31 am
lawl a bunch as in chaos and hosp? They still had at least 50% of their people fighting in each battle

I noted ATS, LL, Occitan, Chaos, and Hospitallers all fighting on their side during the war.  Thats what I meant by a bunch of NA clans fighting for them - a bunch of NA fighters from some of the largest NA clans all mercing for them in their battles.  Once the gold nerf happened all their top k/ds were DRZ because archery was so easy with no one being able to afford proper shields and armor.  I am an archer and I thought it was OP, luckily theya re planning on nerfing archery a lot exclusively for strategus, which would make a lot of sense.  It really is silly to have the class that can handle bad ping the best, also be the easiest class to win with in normal ping battles.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 21, 2011, 05:42:18 am
^^ Nono lets not leave the topic kesh lets just keep on the topic !!

Now you were wrong and making up stats... bad kesh bad bad
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: MadMac on September 21, 2011, 06:41:52 am
Put the Eastern side of the desert into the NA portion and I think its good. At present its unfair. We should have a piece of the desert.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 21, 2011, 06:55:59 am
You have a whole desert!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 21, 2011, 08:57:18 am
The_Angle, getting mad at strat 2.0 results errday.

For content: Is there any word of controlling a village/castle/town of the opposing server type, ie a NA clan controlling an EU based village, for a certain amount of time will flip it? I know it was mentioned as possibility for the future but did not see if it was implemented in the next round?

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 21, 2011, 08:59:38 am
The_Angle, getting mad at strat 2.0 results errday.

For content: Is there any word of controlling a village/castle/town of the opposing server type, ie a NA clan controlling an EU based village, for a certain amount of time will flip it? I know it was mentioned as possibility for the future but did not see if it was implemented in the next round?

The entire point of this is no, you can't flip it.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 21, 2011, 09:09:56 am
It doesn't matter how many people are on the servers. What matters to me is people willing to play strategus. And strategus also means forum.

Also, stop referring to the "winner" or "loser" in that poll. It wasn't about winning or losing, but to get an accurate picture of the ratio of eu vs na players. No one "won", because everyone will have a fair share of the map, according to their playerbase. It sounds as if people think that Europeans will have an easy time, while NA will be crowded. If the vote is correct, and I think it is, everyone will have the same ppp (players per pixel). If it seems to be off, we can maybe do another vote halfway through the game and flip a few fiefs over (if those are in NA hand already)

But in general, i agree with matey - allowing to switch a fiefs server after it's conquered will just promote the opposite of what we want. Therefore it will be better to not have that option.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 04:16:50 pm
It doesn't matter how many people are on the servers. What matters to me is people willing to play strategus. And strategus also means forum.

Also, stop referring to the "winner" or "loser" in that poll. It wasn't about winning or losing, but to get an accurate picture of the ratio of eu vs na players. No one "won", because everyone will have a fair share of the map, according to their playerbase. It sounds as if people think that Europeans will have an easy time, while NA will be crowded. If the vote is correct, and I think it is, everyone will have the same ppp (players per pixel). If it seems to be off, we can maybe do another vote halfway through the game and flip a few fiefs over (if those are in NA hand already)

But in general, i agree with matey - allowing to switch a fiefs server after it's conquered will just promote the opposite of what we want. Therefore it will be better to not have that option.

I hope when EU developers realize that there are far more NA clans then they currently think, that this will happen and NA will get a few more fiefs.  Also, probably about that time to:

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Oberyn on September 21, 2011, 04:19:16 pm
I think chadz might have better access to accurate stats about the playerbase than your sources Kesh. Incidentally, where do you get these random numbers and percentages you're always throwing around?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 21, 2011, 04:32:54 pm
I think chadz might have better access to accurate stats about the playerbase than your sources Kesh. Incidentally, where do you get these random numbers and percentages you're always throwing around?

Though in terms of ACTUAL players playing, i'd say they servers are fairly equal. NA players are dumb, or don't care, about strat. I can tell you from experience that when strat first came out, everyone wanted to know what it was. But, what killed it for a lot of people were clans(specifically EU ones who like to stomp any problems out in their claims: EX: fallen). THe randoms on NA just don't want to play anymore after that. Hopefully with the gearing up towards the individual it might make more randoms play more!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Oberyn on September 21, 2011, 04:37:10 pm
Though in terms of ACTUAL players playing, i'd say they servers are fairly equal. NA players are dumb, or don't care, about strat. I can tell you from experience that when strat first came out, everyone wanted to know what it was. But, what killed it for a lot of people were clans(specifically EU ones who like to stomp any problems out in their claims: EX: fallen). THe randoms on NA just don't want to play anymore after that. Hopefully with the gearing up towards the individual it might make more randoms play more!

What do you mean by actual players? cRPG players? Did you not read the last page or something? When it comes to Kesh and this subject, exageration isn't the term, ignorance is. Literally did not have the first clue about the approximate number of EU crpg players at primetime, yet felt qualified to come on the thread and make a bunch authoratitive posts throwing around percentages like it was a researched economics paper instead of stuff made up on the spot cause it sounded good (for one side of the argument, obviously).
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 21, 2011, 04:46:34 pm
Incidentally, where do you get these random numbers and percentages you're always throwing around?

We must be looking at a different server list to him.

I have no idea why you keep posting bullshit number like 400-something.

I had to cut and copy as i took a 4 screenshots of the entire list but as off 8:20 on a week night 40mins before what you would call peak time we have a nice ammount online : )

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 21, 2011, 04:50:42 pm
70% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 04:52:11 pm
We must be looking at a different server list to him.

I had to cut and copy as i took a 4 screenshots of the entire list but as off 8:20 on a week night 40mins before what you would call peak time we have a nice ammount online : )

You have got to be kidding - you included the EU3 test battle that half the players were NA??  That people made a special point of showing up for - I'm sure that doesn't skew the numbers lol.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 21, 2011, 04:54:33 pm
You have got to be kidding - you included the EU3 test battle that half the players were NA??  That people made a special point of showing up for - I'm sure that doesn't skew the numbers lol.

EU server with an EU ping, dont come out with excuses, you were talking about server population : )
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 21, 2011, 05:03:08 pm
Theres 314 on at the moment at 4pm, people are still working and getting home from collage : )
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Blast_the_Grey on September 21, 2011, 07:56:32 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 21, 2011, 08:13:43 pm
So at our coming home time we have 314 players yesterday na didnt even have 150... at there coming home time, Kesh are you starting to get the point ? stop making up numbers and stats that are quite easily proven wrong!! Also were are all these Na clans? why do they keep getting talked about but are not actually appearing?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: _GTX_ on September 21, 2011, 08:40:37 pm
Guys.... i would give up. In his/her mind NA is the best, no matter what.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 21, 2011, 08:44:13 pm
Guys.... i would give up. In his/her mind NA is the best, no matter what.
And they got loads of players, more clans than EU and all are über skilled and ungay like us Europeans.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Varyag on September 21, 2011, 08:51:59 pm
Lol...keshian...u guys shouldn't really take him too seriously :P
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: [ptx] on September 21, 2011, 08:52:22 pm
Definitely a step in the right direction. Though i have a better proposal, just for you.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 21, 2011, 09:21:18 pm
Hey guys I have a brand new idea...2 maps
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 21, 2011, 11:34:10 pm
So at our coming home time we have 314 players yesterday na didnt even have 150... at there coming home time, Kesh are you starting to get the point ? stop making up numbers and stats that are quite easily proven wrong!! Also were are all these Na clans? why do they keep getting talked about but are not actually appearing?

Where are you egtting these inaccurate numbers (your coming home time is our middle of the workday, early morning of course its going to be low numbers then).  During our prime time last night we had 267, which is a little lower probably because so many NA guys showed up earlier to fight on EU3 for the test battle giving out loads of xp (I know 4 guys from BRD alone).  You take out the test abttle the numbers are not that far from parity.  The best way to measure is take averages of number of players on EU servers and NA servers for a 24 hour period, say Friday night to Saturday night (and take the averages every half hour or hour). 

But sadly chadz has already mentioned he won't be considering the fact that there is more than 36.7% NA players on the servers in his consideration for startegus, so it doesn't even matter at this point.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 12:20:11 am
Lol Kesh...even now (11:30 pm UK on a work night, later in mainland EU) EU has more players than NA. NA has around 150 between the servers, and EU has around 200 between them. This is getting close to major down time on EU servers. In about an hour EU1 usually drops to 60-40 players (except weekends). Whereas in NA (East/West regardless) it's still quite early. But at the equivalent time in EU the servers are jam packed full. EU1 and EU4 were on/off passworded all day today. As well as the siege servers.

NA simply does not have anywhere near close the player base of EU. Whatever way you argue it.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 12:25:37 am
Lol Kesh...even now (11:30 pm UK on a work night, later in mainland EU) EU has more players than NA. NA has around 150 between the servers, and EU has around 200 between them. This is getting close to major down time on EU servers. In about an hour EU1 usually drops to 60-40 players (except weekends). Whereas in NA (East/West regardless) it's still quite early. But at the equivalent time in EU the servers are jam packed full. EU1 and EU4 were on/off passworded all day today. As well as the siege servers.

Thats the problem with using the "equivalent" time, its not - you guys have 12 time zones including russia, whereas we have 4 active, maybe could argue 6.  So what you call your "equivalent" 3 pm time (where we are not busy right now because many of us work) is actually 7-10 pm somewhere in russia and so very active primetime for them.  Thats why I am saying you ahve to take an average of unique players over a 24 hour period, otherwise any result based on a smaller time frame will be heavily skewed by difference in number of timezones.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 12:32:25 am
Thats the problem with using the "equivalent" time, its not - you guys have 12 time zones including russia, whereas we have 4 active, maybe could argue 6.  So what you call your 3 pm time (where we are not busy right now because many of us work) is actually 7-10 pm somewhere in russia and so very active primetime for them.

I'm pretty sure the entire of EU1, EU2, EU4, EU5 were not filled with Russians at 3pm today. I actually see more Russians and Eastern Euros at 6am UK time than I do in the afternoon. Oddly at 6am EU1 is quite full. I've stayed up all night for a few nights now and gone to bed at 6am.

But still...any which way you look at it we still have more players. Even more so if you include your 300 or so Russians who apparently play at 3pm my time.

The fact that EU1 + EU4 + EU2 combined at this time of night (middle of the night in most of EU) is still greater than NA servers combined, despite the fact it's prime time in East coast means something and getting on late afternoon on the West coast means something.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 22, 2011, 01:11:01 am
Thats the problem with using the "equivalent" time, its not - you guys have 12 time zones including russia, whereas we have 4 active, maybe could argue 6.  So what you call your "equivalent" 3 pm time (where we are not busy right now because many of us work) is actually 7-10 pm somewhere in russia and so very active primetime for them.  Thats why I am saying you ahve to take an average of unique players over a 24 hour period, otherwise any result based on a smaller time frame will be heavily skewed by difference in number of timezones.
LOL! EU goes over 12 time zones? Yeah, I guess with ASIAN Russia we do. But you really think they are playing on EU servers? You really fucking believe that? xD OMG how STUPID! This is just hilariously silly! Ahhhhhhhhhh. Someone can't stop bitching about how "we have more players in NA" when you CLEARLY do not. xD Does anyone even take Kesh seriously anymore?

Also, for shitz and gigglez, let's look at the timezones:
(click to show/hide)

The timezone thingy wasn't really meant for anything, except to show how lulzy Kesh's arguments are :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jinxits on September 22, 2011, 01:14:58 am
You guys are arguing with Kesh no?  Get this thread over with.... AND START STRAT.... Who cares already....
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 01:15:22 am
I think Kesh said 12 because all to +12 probably play on EU server. But there can't be many of them  :P

But regardless...I don't think anyone seriously believes NA have anywhere near the EU player base.

Ah I love being in the UK. The center of the timezone world.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 22, 2011, 01:42:03 am
Why do ppl keep down voting my posts? Is it the avatar?

It seems noone is happy with the current map proposal but I guess that is a good sign, in all honesty.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 01:44:55 am
Why do ppl keep down voting my posts? Is it the avatar?

It seems noone is happy with the current map proposal but I guess that is a good sign, in all honesty.

Why did you downvote my posts? I like the new map...said so a while ago  :)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gafgarion on September 22, 2011, 02:22:06 am
Is Kwynn split down the middle? If so we Ninjas would've been screwed.

Anyway two maps would've been nice, but new map is nice too.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 02:45:20 am
I'm pretty sure the entire of EU1, EU2, EU4, EU5 were not filled with Russians at 3pm today. I actually see more Russians and Eastern Euros at 6am UK time than I do in the afternoon. Oddly at 6am EU1 is quite full. I've stayed up all night for a few nights now and gone to bed at 6am.

But still...any which way you look at it we still have more players. Even more so if you include your 300 or so Russians who apparently play at 3pm my time.

The fact that EU1 + EU4 + EU2 combined at this time of night (middle of the night in most of EU) is still greater than NA servers combined, despite the fact it's prime time in East coast means something and getting on late afternoon on the West coast means something.

What are you talking about?  Right now NA is 5:41 PST (so still a  little too early because people just getting home from work) and we have 232 on the NA servers (and that is even with all the community servers not updated with the new patch yet so less people playing) and only 71 in all of the EU servers combined right now.  Like I said before we need to take a rolling average for 24 hours of unique users. 

You guys don't realize the NA community has grown considerably faster than the EU in the last 12 months and we are much closer to parity of individual active users than you realize, but you can't shift your perception from 8 months ago (and neither can all the EU developers who have almost completely ignored NA for so long).  One forum poll where a tiny segment of the playerbase votes doesn't tell us anything accurate.

And JArlek - look at your silly map, its not like Alaska has more than a couple players.  For all practical purpose NA has 4 time zones - PST, MST, CST, and EST. 
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 03:18:03 am
What are you talking about?  Right now NA is 5:41 PST (so still a  little too early because people just getting home from work) and we have 232 on the NA servers (and that is even with all the community servers not updated with the new patch yet so less people playing) and only 71 in all of the EU servers combined right now.  Like I said before we need to take a rolling average for 24 hours of unique users. 

You guys don't realize the NA community has grown considerably faster than the EU in the last 12 months and we are much closer to parity of individual active users than you realize, but you can't shift your perception from 8 months ago (and neither can all the EU developers who have almost completely ignored NA for so long).  One forum poll where a tiny segment of the playerbase votes doesn't tell us anything accurate.

It's 1:45am (UK) when you posted this. 2:20 am by the time of my reply. I told you the servers suddenly drop numbers in EU when it hits 12:30am - 1am Uk times  :rolleyes: At 12am there were still 180 players on the servers. More than NA at this time even considering east coast was prime time.

But still...232 is nothing compared to full EU (community servers haven't been updated for us either  :P ) which numbers over 300 at even lesser peak times.

I realise it has. I know it has simply from observation. But fact is, due to my student like nature, I tend to play at some ridiculous hours for - 6am. Thus I look through the server lists at prime time NA and they are still nowhere near as large as prime time EU. Regardless of your supposed 12 hours of EU timezones. Like I said...EU servers spend a lot of their time passworded with the automatic password that kicks in...and that's all day. Not just during prime time. Work hours mean little because EU numbers are so large. There are actually a lot of guys like me at uni/at home/whatever which means they play during the day. Work time is not an excuse for low numbers.

It's got nothing to do with shifting perceptions. I'm not denying the NA has increased significantly in crpg. Everyone knows this. But it's still simple fact that the EU playerbase is far larger.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 22, 2011, 03:25:57 am
And JArlek - look at your silly map, its not like Alaska has more than a couple players.  For all practical purpose NA has 4 time zones - PST, MST, CST, and EST.

Siberia, on the other hand, has a thriving cRPG community.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 03:49:19 am
7 pm EST, 4 pm PST is nowhere near prime time for us (think 9-11 pm CST)

Also, thats why we need to keep track of unique users.  Having big numbers has nothing to do with being full all day, its about unique people that play at least part of the day.  Also a rolling average over 24 hours with unique is the ONLY possible way to get ana ccurate figure.  We have to stop doing this comparing at the same time with completely different time zones, it gets us nowhere - we have more sometimes and you have more sometimes, doesn't tell us anything.

And braeden - isn't the ghulag still in effect, I hear it got prettyf ull out there, not sure if they got computers though (and itsa  joke people no need to lambast over a silly joke)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 03:55:26 am
7 pm EST, 4 pm PST is nowhere near prime time for us (think 9-11 pm CST)

Also, thats why we need to keep track of unique users.  Having big numbers has nothing to do with being full all day, its about unique people that play at least part of the day.  Also a rolling average over 24 hours with unique is the ONLY possible way to get ana ccurate figure.  We have to stop doing this comparing at the same time with completely different time zones, it gets us nowhere - we have more sometimes and you have more sometimes, doesn't tell us anything.

And braeden - isn't the ghulag still in effect, I hear it got prettyf ull out there, not sure if they got computers though (and itsa  joke people no need to lambast over a silly joke)

You seem to be excluding the entire of CST/EST...which at the time of my first was hitting prime time (well...for EST). PST is not the only time zone in the US. And I doubt 9-11 is prime time even for CST. You put large stock with people with jobs being away during the day. And if bedtimes in the UK for work are anything to go by, a lot of people hit the sack by 10:30 pm.

But anyway...I accept your second point...and I suppose you are right from that point of view.


I apologise for any scatty arguing. I think a bottle of Cava may have something to do with that. I realise I didn't entirely counter your arguments very well. Also the fact it's taken me 4 tried just to make this sentence may mean something. In fact...I'm impressed I managed to edit this.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 22, 2011, 04:13:15 am
What about the multiple accounts? Would those produce an inaccurate headcount?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 22, 2011, 04:39:50 am
What about the multiple accounts? Would those produce an inaccurate headcount?

chadz already checked for duplicate IPs.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 22, 2011, 07:59:37 am
how about we end this:
website statistics:

Europe 55,86 %    
Americas 32,27 %    
Asia 9,14 %    
Oceania 2,38 %    
(not set) 0,31 %    
Africa 0,04 %
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Chort on September 22, 2011, 09:54:08 am
Africa 0,04 %
Africa? :shock: Who is that one? Proxy?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Paul on September 22, 2011, 10:11:10 am
Nigerian scammers.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 22, 2011, 10:30:33 am
how about we end this:
website statistics:

Europe 55,86 %    
Americas 32,27 %    
Asia 9,14 %    
Oceania 2,38 %    
(not set) 0,31 %    
Africa 0,04 %

Hey kesh where is all the Na clans? and all there members?!! waiting patiently for you to argue with chadz :)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kafein on September 22, 2011, 12:05:04 pm
Asia 9,14 %    

Wait... what ?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 22, 2011, 12:32:08 pm
do you need a diagram, too? :P
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Camaris on September 22, 2011, 12:48:29 pm
yes pls. and fix ctf while you are at work :p
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Oberyn on September 22, 2011, 12:52:09 pm
There's a lot more CH players than I thought. Or maybe it's Middle East numbers bringing it up?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: DrKronic on September 22, 2011, 12:52:42 pm
do you need a diagram, too? :P

can u do a Venn Diagram plz, thanks, I like the map but myself feel probably won't be able to do anything in strategus so..........nom nom nom
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kafein on September 22, 2011, 12:55:21 pm
There's a lot more CH players than I thought. Or maybe it's Middle East numbers bringing it up?

I have two explanations :

Turkey and (if the dev team badly messed things up not including them in europe) Russia.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Oberyn on September 22, 2011, 12:57:52 pm
I have two explanations :

Turkey and (if the dev team badly messed things up not including them in europe) Russia.

Would have to ask chadz his methodology. If he included Turkey in Europe, North Africa in Africa, whats the cutoff between Oceanic and Asia, between Asia and Europe (especially in regards to Russia), etc..
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Oberyn on September 22, 2011, 01:04:43 pm
And braeden - isn't the ghulag still in effect, I hear it got prettyf ull out there, not sure if they got computers though (and itsa  joke people no need to lambast over a silly joke)

It may be a joke, but one that's in poor taste. It's like someone making a joke about US segregation or slavery.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jacko on September 22, 2011, 01:37:59 pm
There is obviously something wrong with the numbers chadz, EU and NA are wrong, should be the opposite.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kafein on September 22, 2011, 02:34:10 pm
There is obviously something wrong with the numbers chadz, EU and NA are wrong, should be the opposite.


We don't count the sum of attribute points spent in STR. We count the amount of players  :o
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 04:12:07 pm
how about we end this
website statistics:

Europe 55,86 %    
Americas 32,27 %    

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 04:15:01 pm
how about we end this:
website statistics:

Europe 55,86 %    
Americas 32,27 %    
Asia 9,14 %    
Oceania 2,38 %    
(not set) 0,31 %    
Africa 0,04 %

I know people will chew me out for this, but those are not solid numbers.  If you just take it from the website - it includes hundreds of inactive users going back from January at least and possibly last year August.  This favors EU because traditionally they had more players during the early time of the mod (all servers were EU), but like I have said repeatedly the NA community has grown faster in the last 8 months so they better replaced all those becoming inactive.

You would need to have some way of checking for accounts that have been active in the last 4 weeks (mostly because a lot of us stop playing once strategus went down (at least I noticed in my clan and in NA), I hardly play 1/10th as much as before - strategus is the main thing carrying this mod at this point, the normal battle/siege servers are boring).  I know you will lambast me, but you should never accept any statistics at face value, they are just numbers unless you understand what they are based on and what assumptions are inherent in them.

This would also explain the 9% asian community (used to be a far more active segment 10 months ago, even owned significant number of fiefs at one point in Strategus 1.0)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 04:17:49 pm

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 22, 2011, 04:18:26 pm
I know people will chew me out for this, but those are not solid numbers.  If you just take it from the website - it includes hundreds of inactive users going back from January at least and possibly last year August.  This favors EU because traditionally they had more players during the early time of the mod (all servers were EU), but like I have said repeatedly the NA community has grown faster in the last 8 months so they better replaced all those becoming inactive.

You would need to have some way of checking for accounts that have been active in the last 4 weeks (mostly because a lot of us stop playing once strategus went down (at least I noticed in my clan and in NA), I hardly play 1/10th as much as before - strategus is the main thing carrying this mod at this point, the normal battle/siege servers are boring).  I know you willlambast me, but you should never accept any statistics at face value, they are just numbers unless you understand what they are based on and what assumptions are inherent in them.

This would also explain the 9% asian community (used to be a far more active segment 10 months ago, even owned significant number of fiefs at one point in Strategus 1.0)

we did have a method, chadz put up a vote and anyone active could go vote in it for the server they wanted to play :P
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 04:19:06 pm

needless to say I come up with intelligent response and you come up with that.  Thats all you need to know who your comment best describes.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 04:19:35 pm
You would need to have some way of checking for accounts that have been active in the last 4 weeks

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 04:24:52 pm
(click to show/hide)

Which reflects chadz website numbers fairly well I think.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Reinhardt on September 22, 2011, 04:25:57 pm
Why the childish feud between NA and EU players...?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 04:28:24 pm

Seriously, you do realize most people with active accounts are not on active on the forums, right???  That was part of the original complaint of basing it on a silly forum poll.  Numbers are useless unless you understand what they are based on, the inherent assumptions built into those figures, and how/why they lack full accuracy.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Overdriven on September 22, 2011, 04:30:13 pm
Seriously, you do realize most people with active accounts are not on active on the forums, right???  That was part of the original complaint of basing it on a silly forum poll.  Numbers are useless unless you understand what they are based on, the inherent assumptions built into those figures, and how/why they lack full accuracy.

I think the fact that the poll numbers reflect the website numbers means something about the relative numbers of over all players on the forums/signed up. No matter which way you take it, the percentages will be similar.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 04:33:05 pm

So basicly the stats from the website arnt accurate, the poll isnt accurate and server browser information isnt accurate.

All three have been presented to you as hard fact.

You have brought nothing to this debate other than random stats and claims.

Ill gladly run around in circles with you if your side of the arguement is this weak  :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 04:35:31 pm
According to the numbers chadz posted, EU should actually get a SMALLER percentage(roughly 10% decrease) and that 10% should go to China/asian pings or have no set server defined.

So, basically NA and EU are far closer in population terms than EU's been trying to say. (20% diff rather than than a 30% dif) For all of his moanings kesh was actually right about 1 point. NA and EU are closer pop wise than people really believe. Though at this point everyone's beating a dead horse cause the decision and map are done.

(Oh btw, about Kesh's rampant bitching, etc. It's an American thing to do. Don't like the outcome, Make yourself as publicly visible as possible and perhaps you might actually force a change. Politicians don't like outspoken people thus outspoken people often influence outcomes. Demagouging =) )
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 04:42:32 pm

So basicly the stats from the website arnt accurate, the poll isnt accurate and server browser information isnt accurate.

All three have been presented to you as hard fact.

You have brought nothing to this debate other than random stats and claims.

Ill gladly run around in circles with you if your side of the arguement is this weak  :D

Wow, you must be one of those people that belives in ghosts because 36% of the population believes in them.  Don't you unerstand Statistics are not hard facts.  If you have ever worked with them in polls/surveys etc. extensively you would understand how easily manipulated the numbers are and they don't even need to be because they are often flawed from the start because of improper questions (no question for asian server to eliminate skewed calculation and discount the peopel who have 300 ping in both NA and EU), improper controls to measure against (did the server during the first week strategus was down so lot less active players, rather than start a survey during startegus with an active link to the vote on the actual strategus page), improper data collection techniques (forum poll), etc. etc.

You haven't run circles around anyone VVar - all you've done is climbed on other people's backs on what they did adn then called other people names, kind of sounds like you are an unintelligent 14 yr. old that probably has never taken a statistics course in his life and belives exactly whatever statistics advertisers feed him.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 04:54:26 pm
Wow, you must be one of those people that belives in ghosts because 36% of the population believes in them.  Don't you unerstand Statistics are not hard facts.  If you have ever worked with them in polls/surveys etc. extensively you would understand how easily manipulated the numbers are and they don't even need to be because they are often flawed from the start because of improper questions (no question for asian server to eliminate skewed calculation and discount the peopel who have 300 ping in both NA and EU), improper controls to measure against (did the server during the first week strategus was down so lot less active players, rather than start a survey during startegus with an active link to the vote on the actual strategus page), improper data collection techniques (forum poll), etc. etc.

You haven't run circles around anyone VVar - all you've done is climbed on other people's backs on what they did adn then called other people names, kind of sounds like you are an unintelligent 14 yr. old that probably has never taken a statistics course in his life and belives exactly whatever statistics advertisers feed him.

Im 24 going on 14 for sure ill admit that but what im getting at is at least people have brought some sort of information towards this, you seem to just write something that has no proof or back up.

Im not climbing onto anyones back other than yours kesh and its only because you continue to post how mad you are about something thats been decided already and that has been put to the community to decide. If what you say is true and that NA just dont come on the forum then whos fault is that? EU?

If so then awesome looking forward to sitting in the 2/3 side of the map while your fighting over who gets to sit next to the seaside.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 22, 2011, 05:36:32 pm
(Oh btw, about Kesh's rampant bitching, etc. It's an American thing to do. Don't like the outcome, Make yourself as publicly visible as possible and perhaps you might actually force a change. Politicians don't like outspoken people thus outspoken people often influence outcomes. Demagouging =) )

Some Americans.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on September 22, 2011, 05:47:57 pm

I think you will find that the statement that only 36.6% of people who voted in the poll voted NA and that 63.4% of people who voted in the poll voted EU is very much a cold hard fact.
I think you will find that the numbers that chadz posted with regards to the origin of people by their website stats are pretty factual too.
Nor are the claims being made from these simple stats anything that does not make sense nor are the claims being made with them even IMO tenuous or weak, they are not being misused.


They are very simple statistics with very simple conclusions being drawn from them and chadz is not actually a politician or one for really giving a fuck what people think (in at least as much as I have been able to tell) so I doubt he is trying to skew the stats for some weird political reasons. There is not much you can do to bend stats this simple nor is there any reason to!

Suggesting that the crpg statistics you have been presented with are being manipulated to serve some sort of secret EU favouring agenda is hilarious. Well done.
Paranoid delusions much.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 22, 2011, 05:48:25 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 05:52:50 pm
Populaton Wise, US is fourth in the world ;p
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 22, 2011, 05:55:41 pm
Anders is right.

We should give China and India at least 1/3 of the map.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 22, 2011, 05:56:08 pm
Populaton Wise, US is fourth in the world ;p

But we are talking about cRPG.

Seriously though. We really are only 2 players with loads of extra keys, playing over 12 different time zones (yet still have a decent ping) with multiple accounts using autoblock and killing this mod just to fuck with you NA people.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 06:01:55 pm

But we are talking about cRPG.

Seriously though. We really are only 2 players with loads of extra keys, playing over 12 different time zones (yet still have a decent ping) with multiple accounts using autoblock and killing this mod just to fuck with you NA people.

Ah but you said NA. You Didn't specify what you were referencing. Thus my statement counteracts your argument ;p

That doesn't even include Canada or the Latin American/Caribbean areas.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 22, 2011, 06:12:09 pm
This thread is surprisingly stupid considering I have yet to argue in it.

I see my plan of posting enough drivel on these forums to lower everyone's IQ has worked! Bwhahahahahahahahahaha!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 06:12:48 pm

I think you will find that the statement that only 36.6% of people who voted in the poll voted NA and that 63.4% of people who voted in the poll voted EU is very much a cold hard fact.
I think you will find that the numbers that chadz posted with regards to the origin of people by their website stats are pretty factual too.
Nor are the claims being made from these simple stats anything that does not make sense nor are the claims being made with them even IMO tenuous or weak, they are not being misused.


They are very simple statistics with very simple conclusions being drawn from them and chadz is not actually a politician or one for really giving a fuck what people think (in at least as much as I have been able to tell) so I doubt he is trying to skew the stats for some weird political reasons. There is not much you can do to bend stats this simple nor is there any reason to!

Suggesting that the crpg statistics you have been presented with are being manipulated to serve some sort of secret EU favouring agenda is hilarious. Well done.
Paranoid delusions much.


Wow, the whole point flew right over your head.  I never said chadz was manipulating data.  I was saying that the forum poll was inherently flawed to begin with as a fact-finding tool and therefore the results are flawed as well.  You are right in that 36.6% of the people who voted in the poll voted NA, but its nowhere near "cold, hard fact" as you like to put it that the community playing cRPG and involved in Strategus is 36.6% NA (the website stats date back for a long time and include probably more inactive people than active people as the population of this mod has changed and many accounts are inactive now).  I am asking you to not blindly accept improperly collected data at face value (just because it favors you and the rest of EU), because you ignore all the hidden assumptions in that data collection that make that data results highly inacccurate (think +/- 20% within 1 standard deviation). 

P.S. I am sure if the poll had shown 60% NA you would be arguing about how inaccurate the poll is too, only okay with it because it favors your side.  Thats the problem with an inaccurate form of data collection - you get massive deviations from accuracy so it could easily have been 20 or more percentage points higher for either side.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 06:23:00 pm
Populaton Wise, US is fourth in the world ;p

USA is actually 3rd. But what i will point out to you is...


Europe - 731,000,000

NA - 528,720,588

Happy pwned day.

: )

EDIT. Changed to NA.

Still pwned : _)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 06:25:40 pm
USA is actually 3rd. But what i will point out to you is...


Europe - 731,000,000

USA - 312,266,000

Happy pwned day.
: )

So lets get this right you count all 30+ countries in Europe's population and only the U.S. for North America, talk about skewing the data.  Why don't you add in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and a few more South American countries and you will find it is slightly more than 731M.  Happy pwned day.  :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 22, 2011, 06:26:42 pm
USA is actually 3rd. But what i will point out to you is...


Europe - 731,000,000

USA - 312,266,000

Happy pwned day.

: )
A better comparison would be Europe vs North America, but the Europe number would still be higher of course.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 22, 2011, 06:26:58 pm
So lets get this right you count all 30+ countries in Europe's population and only the U.S. for North America, talk about skewing the data.  Why don't you add in Canada and Mexico and Brazil and a few more South American countries and you will find it is slightly more than 731M.  Happy pwned day.  :D

But thats south? i....errrr..... its..... wait what?

Also updated original post as mentioned.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 06:31:10 pm
USA is actually 3rd. But what i will point out to you is...


Europe - 731,000,000

USA - 312,266,000

Happy pwned day.

: )

(I do find it funny how you are trying to "Pwn" an obviously not serious post.)
Who Cares about population in RL. Everyone Knows the RL doesn't exist and IRL is just a myth.

But thats south? i....errrr..... its..... wait what?

Also updated original post as mentioned.

Asia: 3.8 billion
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 06:32:39 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 22, 2011, 06:41:42 pm
After chadz posted those statistics, I think that it went alittle like this: Biggots of NA Rage>EU and others oppose>NA eventually die down>Thread babels into madness.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: ramboTotalWar on September 22, 2011, 08:13:23 pm
the map is fine for me.

why don't you discuss about this,15457.0.html

instead of the country's population.

trololo, the map is fine, NA doesnt need other territories. trololol.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Xant on September 22, 2011, 08:13:33 pm
Kesh is hilariously retarded. That is all.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Thax on September 22, 2011, 09:36:57 pm
Well Im glad this has been settled.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on September 22, 2011, 10:20:38 pm
European have biggest d**k. Oh sorry i thought all this converstion was about pe**s size.

Enough kidding ,i totally don't care about which map we choose , just take one, roll the dice if needed and put it back :)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 22, 2011, 10:28:34 pm
Right lets look at it this way atm's we have about 2/3rd more players according to the forums.
You keep claiming that the huge difference in numbers is due to not alot of people being active because they dont go on the forums alot and that strat is down and that atm there alot of people going back to school and uni/colleges so they dont have the time atm also the forums will be used by a equal amount of people (its human nature not a difference in continents )

Here is one fact that no one can argue with (anyone in there right mind anyway) these issue's that i have labeled^^ affect everyone in the world who plays game's and there is no difference between a guy in america playing crpg and a guy in europe playing crpg they will both still have to go to work go to college, they could both be jobless bums who sit in a basement at home for years on end or perhaps dont want/dont feel like playing when strat is not up using these excuses makes no sense what so ever as it affects everyone any way so it is truely pointless!!

Now it may be that During that week different parts of america lost there internet connection or crpg palyers got targeted and hit by angry cars and could not get to there pc's!! the more likely and logical scenario is that there is just more crpg players who come from in and around the eu then there are people around america thus why there were more votes for the eu server!

Now let face facts you got it wrong and over estimated how many people played crpg in america compared to Europe.

When America is compared to Europe we see some quite interesting results..

America has a total landmass of 9,826,675 km2
Europe has a total landmass of 10,180,000 km2
In total overall landmass america is only a faction smaller.

America has a population of 312,266,000 as of 2011
Europe had a population of 852,411,436 as of 2009 (sadly there isnt a more recent one that i can find)
We have 2.5x the population (more then that now of course^) then you do.

America has 50 states
Europe has 50 countries (Athough quite a few of these are principalities and dont have much more then a couple of km's of land and a town/city)
It is actually (for the most part) equal, so to point out that Europe has 50 countries dosent really make much sense...

So this proves my point^^ we just have more (people) potential players then you over about the same area thus why quite simply we have more votes and more players on our servers.

Awaiting reply Kingconan

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P.s inb4 i was just trolling guys
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gristle on September 22, 2011, 10:31:59 pm
According to the numbers chadz posted, EU should actually get a SMALLER percentage(roughly 10% decrease) and that 10% should go to China/asian pings or have no set server defined.

So, basically NA and EU are far closer in population terms than EU's been trying to say. (20% diff rather than than a 30% dif) For all of his moanings kesh was actually right about 1 point. NA and EU are closer pop wise than people really believe. Though at this point everyone's beating a dead horse cause the decision and map are done.

This is what I find interesting, and it does warrant a closer look at how many active players (not forum posters) there are currently. I don't believe there are more NA players than EU, but I do believe it's much closer than what the poll suggests.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 22, 2011, 10:52:06 pm
Ok, one last time, since apparently people still don't get what this is about.

It's not about fairness. Splitting 10% off EU and giving that to a nonexistant chinese server must have been, by far, the most, ehem, creative suggestion in the entire thread.

ALL that MATTERS is HOW MANY PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY ON THE EXISTING SERVERS. (i even bolded caps, which means I'm serious)

There is no chinese server. Those who are asian have the chance to vote for what server they want to play on, and that's either NA or EU. It's a choice, and it's not about wrong or right. Feel free to bring up an asian server, we might eventually bring strategus over there too. And you know what, THEN people can vote to play on an asian server.

Allowing people to vote for asia WITHOUT a server is really telling me people didn't grasp the concept at all.

I don't care if you are NA and rather play on EU because you're doing best with a ping of 120. You vote for EU, you get EU. You vote for NA, you get NA. Why you vote for something is totally irrelevant to me.

Seriously, this thing turned into a NA vs EU thing as if the vote shows who's better or something. As far as i'm concerned, this thread is filled with nationalistic spouting from every side that makes me want to puke.

Yes, if it were the other way around I'd do the fucking same thing and would have given EU the same map that NA has now. BECAUSE THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. You will play with the same ratio of players per fief. This does NOT put NA at a disadvantage.

And arguing that the poll is not correct, and the website statistics that show the same thing is not correct: can be. so what. unless you provide a better formula to figure out the ratio, it doesn't really matter.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: MrShovelFace on September 22, 2011, 10:53:45 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 22, 2011, 11:03:50 pm
I loled. I voted for EU because my archery scores are higher on EU servers then NA.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Good to know that chadz does not care and even used such a scenario as an example!  :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 22, 2011, 11:06:48 pm
i skip 90% of the posts in this thread cause its all super annoying. chadz post explains it pretty well.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 11:13:49 pm
i skip 90% of the posts in this thread cause its all super annoying. chadz post explains it pretty well.

Heh I avoided most of Kesh's rantings and only posted on some things. I have too much fun with a tad bit of trolling. I think the post Gristle quoted was probably my most serious post in dis thread mon.

Back to beating the dead horse some more?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kinngrimm on September 22, 2011, 11:14:01 pm
so it could easily have been 20 or more percentage points higher for either side.
Now as you mention it. I think you are correct Kesh! These 20% got lost, we all can see it now clearly
EU gets 80% and NA 20%, thanks for bringing it up, we would have totally overseen it.
Here is the new map, already approved by chadz.
Again thanks Kesh, you made us see reason!
(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 22, 2011, 11:15:38 pm
Now as you mention it. I think you are correct Kesh! These 20% got lost, we all can see it now clearly
EU gets 80% and NA 20%, thanks for bringing it up, we would have totally overseen it.
Here is the new map, already approved by chadz.
Again thanks Kesh, you mate us see reason!
(click to show/hide) only did 16% WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER 4%!!!!!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kinngrimm on September 22, 2011, 11:18:42 pm only did 16% WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER 4%!!!!!
math ... hard facts ... what do i care
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 22, 2011, 11:30:51 pm
I loled. I voted for EU because my archery scores are higher on EU servers then NA.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Good to know that chadz does not care and even used such a scenario as an example!  :lol:

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 22, 2011, 11:47:42 pm
reply god damit!!^^^^
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jallah on September 23, 2011, 10:03:48 am
This bickering is sad.  Where people are from IRL doesn't mean a thing to their skill as a player or their worth as a person, which are the only things that truly matter.

No matter the distribution some areas are going to be low-ping and some high-ping to any player.  Take it as a measure of challenge.  If a clan based in North America manages to take and hold Tihr, they'll know that they accomplished a more difficult goal (unless they took it from other NA players, heh).  If a European outfit rolls into Reyvadin, the same.  If any players in North America (where I am) don't like that two-thirds of the map is higher-ping, they should consider being proud of that fact.  Overall, they'll be playing a more difficult game, an undeniable fact.

I don't understand viewing Strategus based on RL measures.  Apart from communication (understanding the other player well enough to work together), it should all be in-game.  Roll with people you like, or at least respect.  Form a group of lancers, or horse-archers.  Join a clan of Sarranids, or Rhodok.  Have fun, and don't sweat the details, that no one can fix any way.

- Jallah
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 23, 2011, 05:11:29 pm
This bickering is sad.  Where people are from IRL doesn't mean a thing to their skill as a player or their worth as a person, which are the only things that truly matter.

No matter the distribution some areas are going to be low-ping and some high-ping to any player.  Take it as a measure of challenge.  If a clan based in North America manages to take and hold Tihr, they'll know that they accomplished a more difficult goal (unless they took it from other NA players, heh).  If a European outfit rolls into Reyvadin, the same.  If any players in North America (where I am) don't like that two-thirds of the map is higher-ping, they should consider being proud of that fact.  Overall, they'll be playing a more difficult game, an undeniable fact.

I don't understand viewing Strategus based on RL measures.  Apart from communication (understanding the other player well enough to work together), it should all be in-game.  Roll with people you like, or at least respect.  Form a group of lancers, or horse-archers.  Join a clan of Sarranids, or Rhodok.  Have fun, and don't sweat the details, that no one can fix any way.

- Jallah
I love this guy.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 23, 2011, 05:41:42 pm
I love this guy.

I started typing something in reply but thought about it and decided it would be a waste lol
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: HarunYahya on September 23, 2011, 10:07:25 pm
I started typing something in reply but thought about it and decided it would be a waste lol
Oh noes, vvar using japanese teen avatar as well...
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 23, 2011, 10:24:34 pm
Oh noes, vvar using japanese teen avatar as well...

My avatar is neither japanese nor a teenager  :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 23, 2011, 10:29:38 pm
My avatar is neither japanese nor a teenager  :lol:

I have no idea wtf mine is but it seems to fit around here
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gingerpussy on September 23, 2011, 11:30:38 pm
My avatar is neither japanese nor a teenager  :lol:
She is prob Thai and around 26 years old....
Sexy tho :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 24, 2011, 12:00:51 am
She is prob Thai and around 26 years old....
Sexy tho :D

No, and No. Closer though!
Yes she is.  :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: DrTaco on September 24, 2011, 12:23:17 am
How many EU clans do you honestly think will give a shit about borders?
"Hey look at NA starting up. Mine." Is my prediction.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 24, 2011, 01:15:31 am
yeah we love 300 ping
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Varyag on September 24, 2011, 01:19:00 am
I typically have ping 120 on NA I can still play.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Joseph on September 24, 2011, 02:17:59 am
I typically have ping 120 on NA I can still play.

Our 30 pings shall await.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Varyag on September 24, 2011, 03:05:23 am
For dedicated arbalester ping doesn't matter :)
Cya on the battlefield
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: BADPLAYERold on September 24, 2011, 03:51:41 am
Ping is overrated.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Mechanix on September 24, 2011, 06:22:02 am
Our 30 pings shall await.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gingerpussy on September 25, 2011, 12:30:43 am
No, and No. Closer though!
Yes she is.  :D
Then she have to be Chinese and 24 years old.

whats her name ?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 25, 2011, 01:47:43 am
Then she have to be Chinese and 24 years old.

whats her name ?
I think she's Korean
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Huey Newton on September 25, 2011, 08:27:09 am
21 years old
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: EyeBeat on September 25, 2011, 11:56:03 am
Ping is overrated.

Coming from a guy that always uses ping as an excuse... 

Shameful display hell... I mean Bad Player.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Mephisto on September 26, 2011, 06:26:16 pm
I've heard Americans dont know where Europe is, so why should we let them choose the geography of calradia? I ask thee, why?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 06:30:57 pm
I've heard Americans dont know where Europe is, so why should we let them choose the geography of calradia? I ask thee, why?

Come on, everyone knows Europe is the one at the South pole, duhhh.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Joseph on September 26, 2011, 06:48:07 pm
I've heard Americans dont know where Europe is, so why should we let them choose the geography of calradia? I ask thee, why?

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 26, 2011, 07:09:06 pm
I've heard Americans dont know where Europe is, so why should we let them choose the geography of calradia? I ask thee, why?

I've heard that Europeans don't know how many countries are in North America too...

We should let the AUS and china players dictate the map then, logically.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: chadz on September 26, 2011, 07:20:20 pm
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 26, 2011, 07:25:26 pm

 :D :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 07:33:55 pm

Actually, no.  There is no continent of "Central America," so whatever is not South America is considered North America, which includes a number of the island nations of the Caribbean Sea and Mid-Atlantic.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 26, 2011, 09:09:23 pm
way to get trolled kesh.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 26, 2011, 09:13:53 pm
It also goes up or down based on whether you count Quebec and Texas separately.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 26, 2011, 09:47:18 pm
way to get trolled kesh.

That's about the only difference between ToD and Kesh: ToD is mostly acting as he feeds his trolling ego with anti-ranged (and anti-anything that he can argue about) comments while Kesh is so dumb that he actually believes all the nonsense he writes and thus is easy to get trolled like that.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 09:49:41 pm
That's about the only difference between ToD and Kesh: ToD is mostly acting as he feeds his trolling ego with anti-ranged (and anti-anything that he can argue about) comments while Kesh is so dumb that he actually believes all the nonsense he writes and thus is easy to get trolled like that.

(click to show/hide)

Just to let you know Gnjus - yes, the world is round, there are more than 3 countries in North America, and there really is no point to trolling on the forums if you don't even play the game anymore.

P.S. You do know ToD is an archer, right??  he's not anti-ranged, I know it gets confusing but thats you that does the anti-ranged rants.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 26, 2011, 09:54:49 pm
Just to let you know Gnjus - yes, the world is round, there are more than 3 countries in North America, and there really is no point to trolling on the forums if you don't even play the game anymore.

P.S. You do know ToD is an archer, right??  he's not anti-ranged, I know it gets confusing but thats you that does the anti-ranged rants.

Nothing personal mate but you're so stupid that you can hear the grass growing.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 10:06:03 pm
Nothing personal mate but you're so stupid that you can hear the grass growing.

Nothing personal buddy, but you are incredibly bitter and fucked up in the head.  Talk to me when you can speak more intelligently than a half-trained ape.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 26, 2011, 10:07:02 pm
Well this is rapidly spiraling out of control.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 26, 2011, 10:07:10 pm
Anti-range comments from me? I complain about range as often as any other class, probably more so, so that might have a bit of truth in it... Not much though. mainly it was anti-longbow sentiment, now I am content.

Interesting. If that was sarcasm, then Gnjus is losing his famous touch, and failed right there for any sort of witty punchline. I am disappointed in you Gnjus.

I also don't really have an ego. Not much reason for me to have one.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: [ptx] on September 26, 2011, 10:07:55 pm
One does not need to be intelligent, simply patient and tolerant, when speaking with Kesh. Gnjus is neither :D
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 26, 2011, 10:16:31 pm
Interesting. If that was sarcasm, then Gnjus is losing his famous touch, and failed right there for any sort of witty punchline. I am disappointed in you Gnjus.

I also don't really have an ego. Not much reason for me to have one.

Zen Master: "Empty the cup, you become full."  :wink:

P.S. He lost his touch a long time ago, once he got off his meds again.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 26, 2011, 11:28:50 pm
Dear lord the hole your digging is fucking huge.

You make americans look bad, more than they usually do.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 26, 2011, 11:29:04 pm
kesh equals moron

There is 6 countries in north america durrrrr

p.s may be either serious or kidding
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 26, 2011, 11:30:10 pm

There is 1 countries in north america durrrrr

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 26, 2011, 11:47:09 pm
kesh equals moron

There is 6 countries in north america durrrrr

p.s may be either serious or kidding

For your sake, I hope you are kidding.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 26, 2011, 11:53:57 pm
Dear lord the hole your digging is fucking huge.

You make americans look bad, more than they usually do.

And, You think americans view EU in a good light? Two sides of the same coin.

BTW: How many countries do you think is NA. Just for fun :)
My answer, 3, the others are tributaries and don't matter ;p
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 26, 2011, 11:57:30 pm
For your sake

I hope for your sake conan!!! I HOPE FOR YOUR SAKE!!!

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 12:04:12 am

I hope for your sake conan!!! I HOPE FOR YOUR SAKE!!!

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 27, 2011, 01:28:16 am
Wow, all the Europeans who don't know basic geography are gathering on this thread, most United States citizens can name most of the European countries, but all you think of North America is Canada, Mexico and the United States.  Central America isn't a continent, only North America and South America and geographically the divding line between North Americ and South America is at Panama.  Also, many of the Caribbean islands are part of North America.  But if you are uneducated you think all of these countries are part of the region of Central America and that the North American continent is only Canada, United States, and Mexico. 

The price of a world-class education - free, buy a library card.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 27, 2011, 01:47:23 am
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend...
              ...those with loaded guns, and those who dig.
            Kesh you dig.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 01:52:58 am
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend...
              ...those with loaded guns, and those who dig.
            Kesh you dig.

Yea, I'm going to have to agree with that one. Kesh, you know everyone's trolling you about the NA countries right?
I hope so, for your sake.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 27, 2011, 01:58:12 am
Yea, I'm going to have to agree with that one. Kesh, you know everyone's trolling you about the NA countries right?
I hope so, for your sake.

We all know that there are 51 countries in NA, though, since USA has 51 states and each state is a country.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 01:59:45 am

We all know that there are 51 countries in NA, though, since USA has 51 states and each state is a country.

(click to show/hide)

Lawl 51 states. Double herp. What's your 51st?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 27, 2011, 02:05:09 am
Lawl 51 states. Double herp. What's your 51st?
Canada. Can we get people guessing how many countries are in Europe now?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 02:07:49 am
Canada. Can we get people guessing how many countries are in Europe now?

Counting things like the Papacy and Monocco?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 27, 2011, 02:23:43 am
Counting things like the Papacy and Monocco?
I don't know. I'm not even sure if NA should be counting Greenland and such. Nobody made a good set of rules for this game
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 27, 2011, 02:37:56 am
Lawl 51 states. Double herp. What's your 51st?
It's Hawaii. Everybody knows USA has 50 states and then they got Hawaii so that's the 51st herpaderpa.

Counting things like the Papacy and Monocco?
Duh. The Papacy is in Africa you derp! The EU 51 states are England, Germany, Britannia, Germany, France, Hamsterdam, Scandinavia, Iceland, Greenland, Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, Russia, Germany, The UK, Ireland, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Germany, East Bloc, Russia, Greece, Fuckitnobodyisgonnacountthemistan.

I don't know. I'm not even sure if NA should be counting Greenland and such. Nobody made a good set of rules for this game
/Troll off (stop taking me serious Anders xD)

Greenland isn't a sovereign stat. It's a Danish colony and under danish rule. Geographically it's NA, but it's not a country by itself.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 02:40:01 am
I don't know. I'm not even sure if NA should be counting Greenland and such. Nobody made a good set of rules for this game

Greenland is part of Denmark(officially) Thus it's Tagged under Europe.(Due to Denmark being European)

Just recalling off the top of my head I can remember...33 countries. Once I get into Eastern/South East Europe, My count and memory gets lost. I know all countries till Germany and North down to Slovak Republic.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 27, 2011, 02:47:21 am
Greenland is part of Denmark(officially) Thus it's Tagged under Europe.(Due to Denmark being European)

Just recalling off the top of my head I can remember...33 countries. Once I get into Eastern/South East Europe, My count and memory gets lost. I know all countries till Germany and North down to Slovak Republic.
That's totally fine. We just call them "The Bunch" which is short for "The Bunch of Countries We Don't Know About nor Care About and Who Probably Isn't Very Important". It's always fun to troll the southeasterners with it :D

For the record: "The Bunch" is the countries east of Germany/Switzerland/Italy, south of Poland/Ukraine (you should know about the Baltic countries),west of Turkey and north of Greece.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Matey on September 27, 2011, 02:50:59 am
The price of a world-class education - free, buy a library card.

how much is a library card?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 27, 2011, 02:54:29 am
how much is a library card?
It's free, you just have to pay for it like Kesh said. Wait what? Makes no sense. Just like the rest of it...
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 03:12:26 am
It's free, you just have to pay for it like Kesh said. Wait what? Makes no sense. Just like the rest of it...

Depends on the library and your background, it can range from a cost of ten irreplaceable minutes of your life to fill out a form, to ten minutes and twenty bucks.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on September 27, 2011, 03:19:52 am
Phh, I can tell you how many are in both.

NA is Alaska, Ontario, Quebec, Greenland, Eastern United States, Western United States, Central America, Alberta, Northwest Territory
EU is Iceland, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe

They are both worth 5 bonus armies per turn.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: The_Angle on September 27, 2011, 03:22:04 am
What a risky situation  :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 03:29:46 am
Phh, I can tell you how many are in both.

NA is Alaska, Ontario, Quebec, Greenland, Eastern United States, Western United States, Central America, Alberta, Northwest Territory
EU is Iceland, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Ukraine, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, Western Europe

They are both worth 5 bonus armies per turn.

This just won the thread.

I don't think anyone can top that.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Earthdforce on September 27, 2011, 04:11:15 am
This just won the thread.

I don't think anyone can top that.
Oh, but you KNOW someone will TRY.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 04:12:37 am
Oh, but you KNOW someone will TRY.

Welcome to the internet.
(btw, breaden I hate you. You ALWAYS come up with witty remarks after I start something! DAMN YOU +9000)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 27, 2011, 09:05:53 am
Anti-range comments from me? I complain about range as often as any other class, probably more so, so that might have a bit of truth in it... Not much though. mainly it was anti-longbow sentiment, now I am content.

Interesting. If that was sarcasm, then Gnjus is losing his famous touch, and failed right there for any sort of witty punchline. I am disappointed in you Gnjus.

I also don't really have an ego. Not much reason for me to have one.

One needs to have an IQ higher then his body temperature to be able to understand what my post meant but never mind, I'll try again, especially for you two dedicated archers with combined IQ of 75 (60 for ToD and 15 for Kesh):

1. ToD is a dedicated archer.
2. Kesh is a dedicated archer.
3. ToD wholeheartedly defends his holy grail (archery) & everything else he stands for, with all means available to him.
4. Kesh wholeheartedly defends his holy grail (archery) & everything else he stands for, with all means available to him.

So far so good, agree ?
Now we get to the part i was talking about:

5. ToD, i believe is, just a very egocentric troll who loves to be seen & read by everyone and that's why he enters into arguments no matter the subject (most often its against the anti-ranged speakers who so often object to how ranged classes work in this mod) and he feeds his ego with comments MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE (hope it's much more clear now even tho a person of Paris Hilton's IQ would get it from my initial post but the 2 of you failed). Deep down inside him he knows that most of those people's comments are true and make sense (i said most, not all) but he must continue to oppose them since their rage is what feeds his soul & ego.
6. Kesh, on the other side, is so dumb that he actually believes all the nonsense he writes in defense of his holy grail (archery) & everything else that he stands for and thus is easy to make look like a complete and utter idiot (which he obviously is).

That was about the only point of my post but unfortunately it was too much for a pair of dedicated archers to comprehend.

In the end i feel obliged to offer my apologies to you lads cause i honestly crossed the line of decency here, I am usually very well aware that insulting people with low IQ is not a decent thing to do and in real life I'd never do it but meh, I'm just a human being, subject to making mistakes. I ignored Kesh for some time now and i will continue doing so, he insults himself more then enough with his posts, that's one area at least where he doesn't need anyone's assistance.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Varyag on September 27, 2011, 09:32:27 am
Lol Gnjus...sweet post. :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 27, 2011, 09:37:14 am
One needs to have an IQ higher then his body temperature to be able to understand what my post meant but never mind, I'll try again, especially for you two dedicated archers with combined IQ of 75 (60 for ToD and 15 for Kesh):

1. ToD is a dedicated archer.
2. Kesh is a dedicated archer.
3. ToD wholeheartedly defends his holy grail (archery) & everything else he stands for, with all means available to him.
4. Kesh wholeheartedly defends his holy grail (archery) & everything else he stands for, with all means available to him.

So far so good, agree ?
Now we get to the part i was talking about:

5. ToD, i believe is, just a very egocentric troll who loves to be seen & read by everyone and that's why he enters into arguments no matter the subject (most often its against the anti-ranged speakers who so often object to how ranged classes work in this mod) and he feeds his ego with comments MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE (hope it's much more clear now even tho a person of Paris Hilton's IQ would get it from my initial post but the 2 of you failed). Deep down inside him he knows that most of those people's comments are true and make sense (i said most, not all) but he must continue to oppose them since their rage is what feeds his soul & ego.
6. Kesh, on the other side, is so dumb that he actually believes all the nonsense he writes in defense of his holy grail (archery) & everything else that he stands for and thus is easy to make look like a complete and utter idiot (which he obviously is).

That was about the only point of my post but unfortunately it was too much for a pair of dedicated archers to comprehend.

In the end i feel obliged to offer my apologies to you lads cause i honestly crossed the line of decency here, I am usually very well aware that insulting people with low IQ is not a decent thing to do and in real life I'd never do it but meh, I'm just a human being, subject to making mistakes. I ignored Kesh for some time now and i will continue doing so, he insults himself more then enough with his posts, that's one area at least where he doesn't need anyone's assistance.




Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: bredeus on September 27, 2011, 10:20:32 am
Ahh finally :) Gnjus in his best.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 27, 2011, 10:28:24 am
Post needs massive ammount of + votes gogo.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lactose_the_intolerant on September 27, 2011, 11:15:14 am
One needs to have an IQ higher then his body temperature to be able to understand what my post meant but never mind, I'll try again, especially for you two dedicated archers with combined IQ of 75 (60 for ToD and 15 for Kesh):

haha :lol:
just had to login to say how reading that post birgthened my day at work. Thank you :D

this just won the thread

I dont think anyone can top that

Gnjus just did
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Sultan Eren on September 27, 2011, 01:48:56 pm
What about this:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 03:59:10 pm
What about this:
(click to show/hide)
gtfo you arbic fuck

i kid i kid

but really nono they get what chadz posted everything else is just a toy
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 27, 2011, 04:16:07 pm

ToD Gnjus, i believe is, just a very egocentric troll who loves to be seen & read by everyone and that's why he enters into arguments no matter the subject (most often its against the anti-ranged speakers who so often object to how ranged classes work in this mod) and he feeds his ego with comments MADE BY OTHER PEOPLE (hope it's much more clear now even tho a person of Paris Hilton's IQ would get it from my initial post but you failed). Deep down inside him he knows that most of those people's comments are true and make sense (i said most, not all) but he must continue to oppose them since their rage is what feeds his soul & ego.
KeshGnjus, on the other side, is so dumb that he actually believes all the nonsense he writes in defense of his holy grail (anti-archery) & everything else that he stands for and thus is easy to make look like a complete and utter idiot (which he obviously is).

There fixed it for you, your rambling schizophrenic monologue more than adequately sums yourself up, great Freudian slip on your part.  Also, if you are too stupid to know, Freud was a European psychologist, much like all your buddies are Europeans who suck your cock as being as big a troll as they are against NA players that are more skilled than you and your hiding every round just to shoot a sniper xbow.

Almost everytime I (or ToD or pretty much anyone else) debate with you Gnjus, you always lose because you lack the intelligence and subtlety for any clever or interesting discussion or debate.  Odds are that you are probably some bald, fat plumber scooping up shit for a living and trolling on a game you stopped even playing because your career is so pointless.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 04:38:24 pm
Pointless Arguing on the interent to show who's got the biggest e-peen.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 27, 2011, 04:41:50 pm
There fixed it for you, your rambling schizophrenic monologue more than adequately sums yourself up, great Freudian slip on your part.  Also, if you are too stupid to know, Freud was a European psychologist, much like all your buddies are Europeans who suck your cock as being as big a troll as they are against NA players that are more skilled than you and your hiding every round just to shoot a sniper xbow.

Almost everytime I (or ToD or pretty much anyone else) debate with you Gnjus, you always lose because you lack the intelligence and subtlety for any clever or interesting discussion or debate.  Odds are that you are probably some bald, fat plumber scooping up shit for a living and trolling on a game you stopped even playing because your career is so pointless.

Touché ! Nice suicide there.

Btw, does your mother know that you communicate with bald, fat assholes over the internet ? There's always some danger in it cause persons with such a low IQ like yourself are more subject to getting manipulated by these perverts. You should be more careful.

Anyways, I'm done speaking to creatures like you. The devs will probably take your nonsense into serious account (as always) while they "improve the mod and take it one step further" so posting in any other sub-forums except spam & off-topic is a waste of time.

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 27, 2011, 04:44:19 pm
Touché ! Nice suicide there.

Btw, does your mother know that you communicate with bald, fat assholes over the internet ? There's always some danger in it cause persons with such a low IQ like yourself are more subject to getting manipulated by these perverts. You should be more careful.

Anyways, I'm done speaking to creatures like you. The devs will probably take your nonsense into serious account (as always) while they "improve the mod and take it one step further" so posting in any other sub-forums except spam & off-topic is a waste of time.

Surprisingly weak riposte (actually not really surprising).  U Mad Bro??
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 27, 2011, 05:07:56 pm
U Mad Bro??

Yes, I'm mad cause I'm so fat, bald, ugly & stupid while you're so young, sweet & clever.......when i shag you it looks like this:

(click to show/hide)

I'd like to lose some weight but i can't.....  :cry:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 05:19:05 pm
Yes, I'm mad cause I'm so fat, bald, ugly & stupid while you're so young, sweet & clever.......when i shag you it looks like this:

(click to show/hide)

I'd like to lose some weight but i can't.....  :cry:

Man U so mad you even scared the picture away!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 06:09:31 pm
Gnus 1 kesh -23

If anyone rambles on about pointless or meaningless crap its you kesh not gnjus
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 27, 2011, 06:28:09 pm
Gnus 1 kesh -23

If anyone rambles on about pointless or meaningless crap its you kesh not gnjus

You know I don't even value any of the Risen's opinions anymore. I have yet to see one that isn't a juvenile troll.  It must be the EU clan for kids under 16 (we have a couple of those in NA too).
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 06:47:04 pm
i am 21 may i ask how old you are?

I do not try to troll unless it is necessary, i merely have pointed out some correct information about the statements you have made and the way you have made them, for some reason you seem to have read what someone has replied to you and then you have either talked about a previous statement or take what has been said and have twisted it.

For example you just pointed out that you dont take risen seriously anymore ?? and that it is a eu clan for kids? which is a clear way of trying to belittle what i have said and other's from my clan or from the eu, also something else that is quite apprant whenever a person points out somthing u seem to quickly point out which part of the world they come from like it is a big thing?

Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Gnjus on September 27, 2011, 06:52:54 pm
Man U so mad you even scared the picture away!

Fixed. (at least temporarily)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 07:01:45 pm
that picture jesus
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jacko on September 27, 2011, 07:20:14 pm
Gnjus, posting pr0n makes Kesh whine on IRC.

Please stop.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 07:25:28 pm
Fixed. (at least temporarily)

dear me! How the hell can that here and NOT get a mute for it!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 07:36:41 pm
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Ah finally, a post just like old times, now that was worthy of a thousand +1s!

However, Archery is not my holy grail in cRPG, though I am not surprised that you did not figure that out. I ripped archery apart when they "broke" it to us firing nuclear warheads (48 hours of madness, the patchh that radically changed missile speed), and I have always been calling for nerfs to the longbow (finall happy) ever since it reached 26P. Not blindly going to defend archery when it needs to be properly balanced due to being able to kill people at range, when this is a game where the majority (though not all) kills should be done in melee (and are, by and far, according to the server statistics). I also spend most of my time not going against anti-archer nutjobs, but the other nutjobs that babble on about "nerf stuff because I am terrible against it even though 80% of the player base can handle it." More me railing against the general "nerf" community then "anti-range" community.

I do admit though that I enjoy some of the attention as I find it amusing most days, though mainly I do it out of curiosity on how people choose to respond, and out of boredom. I suppose if I visited more then just this forum (or do that "reddit" thingamajig) that I would post significantly less here. That is mainly why my post count here is so high, as it is literally just one of two places that I post for recreational purposes.

Anywho, good to see you here, though 15 IQ is extremely difficult to obtain on an IQ test. I tried getting a zero on an IQ test and I could not score lower then a 14 iirc. I think they give you free points for something...
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 27, 2011, 07:38:37 pm
dear me! How the hell can that here and NOT get a mute for it!
It's the nose.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 27, 2011, 08:09:01 pm
dear me! How the hell can that here and NOT get a mute for it!

Because hes from EU, they dont get muted as easily as most forum moderators are from the EU and know them.  The first time he posted it they just deleted the link without even a warning against him.  This whole thread at the root is about this - double standards for EU players because most of the developers, moderators, and admins are from EU.  They gave me +47 for spam/troll on this thread, while he only gets muted if he posts porn.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: okiN on September 27, 2011, 08:09:17 pm
dear me! How the hell can that here and NOT get a mute for it!

He can't.

Shut up, Kesh.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 08:10:49 pm
Congratulations okiN I think you handed out the first ever 0 point warning!  :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: okiN on September 27, 2011, 08:12:55 pm
Nope, done it before. Lack of a comment or edit feature = durr.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 08:14:25 pm
Hmm, what a shame.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 27, 2011, 08:26:27 pm
Congratulations okiN I think you handed out the first ever 0 point warning!  :lol:


Delayed mute. Happens, but slowly.

Also kesh, you need to work on your conspiracy theories more. I got a friend who can help if you'd like. He's even got a tinfoil cap and an ANTI-FEMA sticker.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 08:29:48 pm

Moderator panel joke.

Deus ex taught me to fear FEMA anyways... THINK OF LITTLE BILLY!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 09:14:46 pm
Kesh calls me and my clan little kiddie eu clannies, i respond with a adult answer and some questions, kesh ignores them as per usal when she (i mean he) is faced with giving some proper answer's

Clap fucking Clap
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Rikthor on September 27, 2011, 09:37:39 pm
As a pillar of the historical community of CRPG, I feel it is my obligation to end this petty bickering by bringing something up that everyone; NA, EU, troll, mod, chadz can agree on.

(click to show/hide)

I am a uniter, not a divider.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 09:59:46 pm
No longer the worst, you have been replaced on cRPG sorry.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: LordBerenger on September 27, 2011, 11:03:25 pm
Because hes from EU, they dont get muted as easily as most forum moderators are from the EU and know them.  The first time he posted it they just deleted the link without even a warning against him.  This whole thread at the root is about this - double standards for EU players because most of the developers, moderators, and admins are from EU.  They gave me +47 for spam/troll on this thread, while he only gets muted if he posts porn.

Yup. I should know of all about these hypocrits!

Only way to defeat em is to hire OOOOOOOdiinvalhallah to DDOS CRPG. This evil hierarchy of who's ze most popular is purely satanic.

So ya.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Dehitay on September 27, 2011, 11:08:17 pm
No longer the worst, you have been replaced on cRPG sorry.

Who replaced them? Is it Risen? The goons may have some pathetically lackluster minds. But damn, I've never seen such violent stupidity as from some of these guys from Risen. I get depressed knowing VVarlord has posted in a forum before I even get to reading his post. I remember once seeing something of above average intelligence from a Risen member (I can't remember who though; might have been Kingtrisp) that actually brought me hope for the clan, but it was soon followed by the reputation crushing idiocy by other members that I've gotten used to from the tag.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 27, 2011, 11:09:16 pm
No Dehitay, don't hold back, let us know what you really think!  :lol:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: SquishMitten on September 27, 2011, 11:25:11 pm
Who replaced them? Is it Risen? The goons may have some pathetically lackluster minds. But damn, I've never seen such violent stupidity as from some of these guys from Risen. I get depressed knowing VVarlord has posted in a forum before I even get to reading his post. I remember once seeing something of above average intelligence from a Risen member (I can't remember who though; might have been Kingtrisp) that actually brought me hope for the clan, but it was soon followed by the reputation crushing idiocy by other members that I've gotten used to from the tag.
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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 27, 2011, 11:25:54 pm
Loving the personal mention tbh. <3

Also just want to point out and i think a speak for some of the risen members on here, if you see us in a thread being idiots its usually because some moron has posted something retarded.

Kesh is our hero atm.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 27, 2011, 11:30:36 pm
Who replaced them? Is it Risen? The goons may have some pathetically lackluster minds. But damn, I've never seen such violent stupidity as from some of these guys from Risen. I get depressed knowing VVarlord has posted in a forum before I even get to reading his post. I remember once seeing something of above average intelligence from a Risen member (I can't remember who though; might have been Kingtrisp) that actually brought me hope for the clan, but it was soon followed by the reputation crushing idiocy by other members that I've gotten used to from the tag.

I am so happy right now i could cry...

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Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Keshian on September 28, 2011, 12:28:21 am
Risen=Teen Trolls in Training (TTT)

Enuf said
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: LordBerenger on September 28, 2011, 12:36:15 am
Risen=Teen Trolls in Training (TTT)

Enuf said

They say that when you troll someone, the Risen clan comes when you're asleep. That's how they recruit new members!
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 28, 2011, 12:39:19 am
They say that when you troll someone, the Risen clan comes when you're asleep. That's how they recruit new members!
This explains my frequent nightmares.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 28, 2011, 01:02:08 am
Kesh still not answering definatly a small child (or a adult with a small child mind)
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 01:04:40 am
Repeatedly pointed out that we are all above 21, some of us have families of our own.

You are clearly a fat 14 year old with learning difficulties.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 28, 2011, 01:19:52 am
I love how this thread is a bullet magnet for warnings.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 01:37:49 am
I love how this thread is a bullet magnet for warnings.

ydy ei bod yn

ond rydym wrth fy modd
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 28, 2011, 01:52:34 am
ydy ei bod yn

ond rydym wrth fy modd
You can stop it VVar. A Welsh friend of mine already told me the secret. There really is no Welsh language, you just say gibberish in front of tourists and nod your heads pretending to understand xD
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 01:53:49 am
God damn it
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kingtrisp on September 28, 2011, 01:56:12 am
Ydw i yn llwyr gytuno â chi Warlord, Kesh a Tod yn bendant 'n bert dwp
Hefyd, gall rhan fwyaf o bobl yn y DU yn siarad Cymraeg
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 02:01:55 am
Ydw i yn llwyr gytuno â chi Warlord, Kesh a Tod yn bendant 'n bert dwp
Hefyd, gall rhan fwyaf o bobl yn y DU yn siarad Cymraeg

Rwy'n dod o Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Earthdforce on September 28, 2011, 02:05:46 am
Repeatedly pointed out that we are all above 21, some of us have families of our own.

You are clearly a fat 14 year old with learning difficulties.
I'm 12 and what is this?

No but seriously... :(
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: kukufarikki on September 28, 2011, 02:10:21 am

Rwy'n dod o Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

is this welsh?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Jarlek on September 28, 2011, 02:17:56 am
is this welsh?
Read my earlier post.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 02:20:33 am
is this welsh?

The long part is the longest place name in Europe, but yes its all welsh.
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 28, 2011, 02:25:43 am
Google image search says the place looks rather nice!

Also, this amuses me:
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: VVarlord on September 28, 2011, 02:33:59 am
Wales is a beautiful place and Llanfair isnt far from me
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Kalp on October 09, 2011, 03:35:17 pm
(click to show/hide)

This division will be valid ?
Title: Re: New strategus map, EU/NA Split
Post by: Braeden on October 09, 2011, 04:03:36 pm
This division will be valid ?
