Author Topic: The List.  (Read 7593 times)

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Offline Patricia

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The List.
« on: August 28, 2011, 04:00:52 am »
  It's for your own good.

So far, the comments I've read are very shortsighted, and are made pretty much by people who see a nerf toward their class, and make a gigantic hoot about it, while secretly slobbering at the prospect of a different class getting nerfed.
Quoting this for good measure.

As for the no jumping I would say if the player is above a certain weight limit they will be unable to jump instead of nobody can jump.
Good example of what a post should be, constructive criticism.

Disable penalties from rain. If impossible, disable rain.
Remove bamboo spear, long spear, pike.
Lances become couch only.
Lances reworked statswise for couch only.
Full polearm turning on horseback.
Remove stagger.
Implement comprehensive slot system.
Revamp upkeep to constant per tick.
Standardize horse HP & armor (base HP, armor, +armor only on armoured, etc).
Rebalance horse HP & armor (less armor, more HP).
Horse speed & maneuverability reduced when injured.
Remove majority of armored horses.
Native animations.
Plate either removed, or very expensive (and slot-heavy).
Only one-handers with scabbards (bastard swords qualify), bows with scabbards, and crossbows are sheathable; no doubling of sheath slots.
Add transition to sheathe an item before being able to draw a new one.
Add minimum duration required to sheathe weapon.
Crossbows lose their readied bolt when sheathed.
Throwing weapons become up to 3ammo unsheathable.
Rework throwing stats to better fit the pre-melee role.
Fix throwing axes stick-in model (or remove them entirely).
Spear-type throwing weapons become longer.
Remove lightsaber on all animations (notably overheads).
Color-based uniforms for each team based on team banner, including shield color.
Rebalance items based on logic and not stupid shit.
Rework armor common distribution for 60% light, 30% medium, 7% heavy, 3% plate.
Replace heirlooms with blacksmithing.
Weapon length is calculated -5cm from tip (pick-style weapons use center of pick tip).
Twohanders above 105 length have polethrust.
Increase average melee WPF, more benefits for higher WM.
Add disarm mechanic based on comparing WPF, weapon weight & length between opponents.
Blocking for extended periods of time deals flat damage to self based on WPF and duration.
Holding attacks for extended periods of time deals flat damage to self based on WPF and duration.
Weapon blocks are cancelled once they block an attack.
Replace crushthrough with bonus against shields.
Shield skill is only used as a requirement for shields, in-game Shield skill is 0.
Remove jumping.
Remove horse jumping.
Remove ladders from Battle.
Rework maps to reflect these changes.
Horses are reduced to a light gallop, trot, walk, or are completely stopped when bumping/knocking over infantry depending on the horse.
Fix horse charge hitbox.

Horsemen take % damage of health based on velocity upon horse's death.
Bucklers mounted on arm instead of held in hand.
Automatically start at 9 Strength 9 Agility and begin gaining stat points at level 14.
Make Strategus map large enough that positioning and travel is significantly important.
Knockdown on items with 5+ weight only.

This list is assuming WSE never gets implemented, or I would do some really off-the-wall shit.

This will also alienate a shitload of people probably, because people hate changes, especially in video games.

I also understand that the following:

Add disarm mechanic based on comparing WPF, weapon weight & length between opponents.
Blocking for extended periods of time deals flat damage to self based on WPF and duration.
Holding attacks for extended periods of time deals flat damage to self based on WPF and duration.

Are iffy, and I thought they would just add more depth to the list, but they're not necessary.

Was also to eliminate endless block battles because they're boring, and because someone holding his swing for 60 seconds while you hold your block for 60 seconds waiting for the other to do his move is also pretty stupid.

Another iffy suggestion would be instakilling the horses whenever they bump an infantry at full speed, I think an unarmored courser charging an infantry in armor full fucking speed should get pretty fucking hurt, so damage to the horse depending on the speed of the horse is also an idea, also fix hit boxes, I hate getting bumped by unknown forces because the horse while close to me, didn't actually get anywhere close to touching me.

Horses should also be slowed down alot when they charge the fuck out of someone.

Horses take damage if they occupy the space of infantry (i.e bumping).
Horses die if they knock someone over.
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse.

Replace with:
Horses are reduced to a light gallop, trot, walk, or are completely stopped when bumping/knocking over infantry depending on the horse.
Fix horse charge hitbox.

Had to replace this fucking thing in the actual list because everyone is fucking stupid.

Not sure what your problem with the pike is. It is far slower then the others, it can only stab, and the animation has a 1 second lag before you are even allowed to block with it.

I think your problem with long spears is clouding your judgement.


I remove those because
1: The ways people play with them are fucking stupid
2: so that COUCH-ONLY CAV wouldn't be fucking crippled because of stupid pike shit
3: because of the fact that facing someone with these things is completely unfun with any weapon.


They deserve no place in this game, if you want to support teammates? Yeah? Fine. Get a fucking Bill or a Long Voulge, they don't fuck up the engine as much, any weapon over 160 reach is usually broken due to shitty game mechanics and the shitty engine, Boy do I love Serrated blades chainsaw wooden shafts.

I'll read this all later, but I like the lances being couch only. Nerf the cav!

I'll wait until you fully read the list, because while not a buff it is not entirely a nerf.

Same, but 2 things stand out just by skimming it...

"Horses die if they knock someone over.
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse."


As I have said to earthdforce, and Loki in the Wipe thread, it would be a good idea if you actually read the entire post, this is something else that I have developped on in my post, but obviously you didn't read it.

These seem interesting or good, the rest seem pointless or bad.

Chainsaw pike is so broken it's unbelievable. It would be nice to have pikes, as they're period, but if they can't be fixed, we don't have byzantine grenades either for some reason.

Infantry die if they're nocked over? Full support.  :lol:

"No jumping whatsoever" suggestion is amazing. This isn't 1993.

Infantry dies to full speed charges, not bumps.
This is also subject to change with the new horse bumping suggestion I edited into my original post.

And yes, no jumping, as if people in combat actually jumped and did shit that we do in this game, the jumping in this game put olympic athletes to fucking shame, if that makes any god damned sense (it doesn't if you're too slow and stupid).

Most of these suggestions are retarded.

Yes, as I've said, this list will probably alienate most of the community because people are against change, specially in video games, you are just another one in the massive flock of alienated sheeps.

The fact that you provide absolutely no argument or don't elaborate on anything makes me not even take you seriously, a quick oneliner for a post with 1000+ characters, fucking brilliant.

Penalties for rain, you mean movement speed or dmg for ranged here? I would be for if this was about the movement speed, dmg reduction is somewhat understandable.

Remove bamboo spear, long spear, pike. - nah, we need those to take care of whorses and to have something to dance around with our poledancing characters

Lances become couch only.
Lances reworked statswise for couch only. -if only lances, no problem there :)

Full polearm turning on horseback. -this was removed from 90 to 40degrees in order to somewhat balance cav, i would leave it as it is, good cav gets kills with lancing anw, bad cav is bad no matter what.

Remove stagger. - totally in, even tho i think this is hardcoded, but it is retarded to be spamstunned by them uberfast poles, like, shortened spear

Implement comprehensive slot system. -cannot imagine any other than we have now tbh, if you got some ideas, please more specifically :)

Most of the horse changes, i do not have any opinion as i do not play cav, light cav goes down quite fast, heavy goes down slower, just the damage of bump seems too much.

Twohanders above 105 length have polethrust. - cool with this one

My shift is atm ending, i started to post this way too late, gonna go thru rest of the list and post my concerns/opinions from home.
Some of those might indeed look "retarded" to people, but hey, cmon, we are in beta, we need ALL the feedback for the dev team we can get, and perhaps from the discussions opened here the dev team might actually get some ideas or pushes in the right direction  :P

I added the removel of bamboo spears/pikes/longspears because I think it goes hand in hand with  lances becoming couch only, and specifically because of the poledancing circusfighting bullcrap, it wouldn't gimp melee because couches if you know how, are easier to deal with than thrusts, and at the same time it wouldn't gimp cavalry by getting crippled to the moon with 300 reach pikes against your locked-to-a-cone couch.

And yes, it would only be for lances, spears should be fine and still have a thrust.

As for the comprehensive slot system, all I could give you is some sort of exemple.

Make the slot system universal, make it 200 slots, give absolutely EVERYTHING in the game a certain amount of slots, heavier armor will obviously use more slots, so you won't be able to go running around in full plate with let's say; a Flamberge or a Great Long Bardiche.

This would take alot of tweaking, but it could also be used as a placeholder for actual balancing to weapons, a weapon's too OP but it's only getting fixed in the next patch or you can't be assed yet (happens alot with the current CBADEV)? Up how much slots it uses so you'll have to sacrifice something else for whatever the OP weapon is, possibly survivability.

Oh, also for the rain I meant both, mostly because it rains so god damned much and the movement and damage reduction is stupid when it happens on like 50% of maps, hence the remove movement/damage reduction OR just entirely remove rain if that can't be done.


These are the points I can totally agree with, most of these should make it ingame.

First of all, the lance angle nerf screwed lancers over, so they (yeah I'm no lancer anymore) had to adapt, the result: Even more backstab kills, because a frontal charge is almost suicide without a VERY heavy horse.

Stagger obviously has to go, I'm a polearm user but I want this to be gone.

A drawing delay when you want to quick-switch would screw over those annoying crossbow/2h hybrids and other guys who just got caught empty handed. I like it, no surrel quickswitching.

Another good idea for nerfing those who use a Crossbow as a shotgun or sidearm, is the idea of the falling bolt. Supporting it 150%.

Throwing is kinda the underdog of ranged, that's true. Still there are people who can manage to be good with it, but a look into the stats wouldn't hurt anyone.

Balancing based on logic, or at least common sense is another good one. Nice Example would be my weapon, the Elegant Poleaxe.

At stock, this weapon has the same stab damage as a Long Spear(26p). Other poleaxes start at 29-31pierce. Just weird.

Okay, for this the 2h elite lobbyists will hate me, but why not? The style of that stab would totally screw you over in a battle, it's just not how a Great Sword of such length should be used.

AGI needs love, and you point this out with the worst AGI skill right now, Weapon Master.
It has the worst scaling in the entire game right now, after a certain level it hardly effects anything.

And the last one.. this is the one I instantly agreed with. Ladders have to go from battle. Why?
Some people say that it's tactical and whatever. Yes they're used for tactical ambushes and flank attacks rarely on Nord Town, and other maps. But 90% of time they just being used by ranged so that they can roofcamp for an entire match, being unharmed.

This totally messes up balance, and needs to go.

These are all the good points  I can agree with, or have something to say about.

Good to know that you agree on some points, I don't expect any of this stuff to even go live, but if it ever does, be it a few points or all of them, I think it would change the game for the better, nothing can be perfect, I don't expect to solve world hunger or fix the economy with all this, but I'm sure implementing stuff on this list would fix portions of the game, making it more enjoyable for everyone.

I'm with Berethorn on this one. I've finally read the whole post, and the cav changes are the biggest and, to me, the most ridiculous.
These changes would be a severe blow to (and might even, as Berethorn put it, "kill") 1 handed cavalry.

Sorry, Zapper. I'll do that right now.
gayest requests ever. patricia, die plox
horses die if they horsebump too hard? More like slightly injured while trampling retards
TLDR - rubbish suggestions from another whiner, move along nothing to see here
it is very clear that you're a friendly archer, a lot of the changes would really help friendly archers, especially the cav changes
Cav changes are dumb.

As are most of these in general. And no, I'm not writing a long arse post to explain why. Plenty of people can see from first glance why.
i agree on the points most others do, the ones that make sence and that should already be in the mod. but the horse getting killed because of a bump is retarded, it's not realistic and will totally kill 1handed cav, so stay off my class! :evil:

I see that none of you guys actually read the entire god damned post, as I've said before, I already developped on the subject of horses and the bumping.

Just because I'm THAT nice, I'll copy paste it just for all of you wonderful guys!

Horses take damage if they occupy the space of infantry (i.e bumping).
Horses die if they knock someone over.
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse.

Replace with:
Horses are reduced to a light gallop, trot, walk, or are completely stopped when bumping/knocking over infantry depending on the horse.
Fix horse charge hitbox.

With maybe a certain amount of damage to the horse depending on the speed it goes.

Long post by a new player it seems. New as in, doesn't have over 2000 hrs of Warband, 10 years of Mount and Blade, 2 years of crpg.

All these ideas seem fine, but most are not a possibility due to engine limitations, balance issues, and TBH, fun.

If you consider a new player anyone who didn't play Warband for over 2000 hours, Mount and Blade for 10 years and cRPG for 2 years then sure, I do have close to 2000 hours, I do have 1 year of cRPG accumulated and I did play mount and blade for several years.

Since there's no more bamboo spear, long spear, and pike, how do you expect infantry to survive when facing a lancer with his couched lance ?
Overall, some good ideas already suggested but not accepted/done because of the warband engine :
-horsemen receiving damage based on horse speed, when the horse dies
-xbow on the back needs to be reloaded before being used
-more time needed to sheath a weapon (unsheating seems okay)
-no ladders for battles (or at least, i would have made it as : your own team can't destroy it's own ladders. Only the opposing team can. So if you put a ladder, it will stay till being destroyed by ennemies or till next round. Frustrating to come to the ladder and see the xbowuser on top of it destroying it, before calmly reloading/shooting again... )
-More interesting WM.

Some ideas a bit retarded though.

Couched lances are much much easier to deal with than actual thrusts from a long ass lance, also, awlpikes, bills, long voulges, etc will all still be available to kill horses.

still it's obvious that your opinion as a friendly archer(not friendly archer FFS!) is spoiling this post as a neutral one, cuz i saw from the first few ideas that you were a friendly archer, so not legitimet for me.

I never played an archer for an extensive amount of time, all I have is a level 18 archer that I never play, there's no real fix to archers because all they need is a damage/missilespeed/whatever tweaking, since their mechanics aren't crazy broken

ROFL, that sentence renders your entire thread invalid, lance thrust is the single easiest thing to avoid, lance only cav who are not couching can ONLY backstab, since even those of us who daggers and other "noblock" items scoff at lancers when they try to stab, cavalry is ALREADY an ambush only class unless you have a plated charger and NOONE around has ANY polearm.

As to the removal of the long polearms, cause the shaft is also a hitbox: that applies to ALL weapons with a stab, and 2h abuse this broken mechanic much more than pike and spears do. Stop complaining that noone has read your entire post before replying: Most people wont bother, as soon as they see ONE ridiculous suggestion, they loose interest.

Also, try joining a gym or something if you really believe the jumping in crpg is cartoonish. I WOULD like to see plate armoured guys jumping only a few inches up, but as to low armoured guys, if you really think people cant jump that far....

Except on non-long polearms and weapons, the wooden shaft isn't several kilometers long, also the jumping makes no sense, there's nothing else to say about it, stop trying to argue about that shit, I get people in motherfucking plate jumping OVER my character's head on flat fucking terrain, as I said, it puts olympic athletes to fucking shame.

A lot of these suggestion are complete crap, pretty much all the "unsheathable" are. Throwing can't sheath? Yeah, lets make a low-damage, short range, terrible accuracy weapon suck even more... Some of these are ok, but they have been already mentioned.

Refer to the very first fucking sentence in big bright letters of my first post.

your "list" has no organization, its just a fucking list of changes you want to implement without providing reasoning, until after you've been criticized.

try organizing it better so that people can skim to the part that affects their class and the reasoning for the change implementation, and maybe then people will actually read

No, it's a deterrent for stupid fucks, if you don't want to read the entire post then just get out and don't post, thank you very much.

You know what's really stupid? People complained in the new faces patch about the lance angle, now it's actually IN THE GAME and they're not bitching anymore. derp. And alienate all the polearms guys, yeah take away the precious stagger and remove all the exploit weapons, abububu we can't play polearms anymore. But it's just as I expected, the community shits on it, idea goes south, etc, Community is shit.

I just don't give a single fuck if they don't read my post, it's just when they don't read THEN reply with ignorant fucking posts because ADHD illiterates as Gafferjack put it so well.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 09:40:45 pm by Patricia »

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Re: The List.
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 04:02:08 am »
I'll read this all later, but I like the lances being couch only. Nerf the cav!
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Re: The List.
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 04:14:40 am »
I'll read this all later

Same, but 2 things stand out just by skimming it...

"Horses die if they knock someone over.
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse."


Offline Patricia

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Re: The List.
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2011, 04:15:57 am »
I don't want to fill this thread with my posts, so I'll do like the other and just update my first post with my answer to peoples.

Actually, I'll just post them in both the OP and a new post.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 04:44:34 am by Patricia »

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Re: The List.
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2011, 04:45:18 am »
I'll read this all later, but I like the lances being couch only. Nerf the cav!

I'll wait until you fully read the list, because while not a buff it is not entirely a nerf.

Same, but 2 things stand out just by skimming it...

"Horses die if they knock someone over.
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse."


As I have said to earthdforce, and Loki in the Wipe thread, it would be a good idea if you actually read the entire post, this is something else that I have developped on in my post, but obviously you didn't read it.

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Re: The List.
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2011, 05:02:27 am »
Remove bamboo spear, long spear, pike.
Full polearm turning on horseback.
Remove stagger.
Horse speed & maneuverability reduced when injured.
Rework throwing stats to better fit the pre-melee role.
Rebalance items based on logic and not stupid shit.
Add disarm mechanic based on comparing WPF, weapon weight & length between opponents.
Replace crushthrough with bonus against shields.
Horses take damage if they occupy the space of infantry (i.e bumping).
Infantry die if they get knocked over by a horse.
Horsemen take % damage of health based on velocity upon horse's death.
Knockdown on items with 5+ weight only.

These seem interesting or good, the rest seem pointless or bad.

Chainsaw pike is so broken it's unbelievable. It would be nice to have pikes, as they're period, but if they can't be fixed, we don't have byzantine grenades either for some reason.

Infantry die if they're nocked over? Full support.  :lol:

"No jumping whatsoever" suggestion is amazing. This isn't 1993.

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Re: The List.
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2011, 05:07:23 am »
As I have said to earthdforce, (snip) it would be a good idea if you actually read the entire post. (snip)

I love you too :D
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Offline Patricia

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Re: The List.
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2011, 05:09:01 am »
These seem interesting or good, the rest seem pointless or bad.

Chainsaw pike is so broken it's unbelievable. It would be nice to have pikes, as they're period, but if they can't be fixed, we don't have byzantine grenades either for some reason.

Infantry die if they're nocked over? Full support.  :lol:

"No jumping whatsoever" suggestion is amazing. This isn't 1993.

Infantry dies to full speed charges, not bumps.
This is also subject to change with the new horse bumping suggestion I edited into my original post.

And yes, no jumping, as if people in combat actually jumped and did shit that we do in this game, the jumping in this game put olympic athletes to fucking shame, if that makes any god damned sense (it doesn't if you're too slow and stupid).
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 05:10:02 am by Patricia »

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Re: The List.
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2011, 05:48:10 am »
Most of these suggestions are retarded.
On a similar note, it is imperative to carry smoke bombs. Archers get confused because they're so ineffective that they pause to wonder why, so they end up being as effective as intended.

Offline Patricia

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Re: The List.
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2011, 05:51:56 am »
Most of these suggestions are retarded.

Yes, as I've said, this list will probably alienate most of the community because people are against change, specially in video games, you are just another one in the massive flock of alienated sheeps.

The fact that you provide absolutely no argument or don't elaborate on anything makes not even take you seriously, a quick oneliner for a post with 1000+ characters, fucking brilliant.

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Re: The List.
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2011, 05:59:26 am »
Penalties for rain, you mean movement speed or dmg for ranged here? I would be for if this was about the movement speed, dmg reduction is somewhat understandable.

Remove bamboo spear, long spear, pike. - nah, we need those to take care of whorses and to have something to dance around with our poledancing characters

Lances become couch only.
Lances reworked statswise for couch only. -if only lances, no problem there :)

Full polearm turning on horseback. -this was removed from 90 to 40degrees in order to somewhat balance cav, i would leave it as it is, good cav gets kills with lancing anw, bad cav is bad no matter what.

Remove stagger. - totally in, even tho i think this is hardcoded, but it is retarded to be spamstunned by them uberfast poles, like, shortened spear

Implement comprehensive slot system. -cannot imagine any other than we have now tbh, if you got some ideas, please more specifically :)

Most of the horse changes, i do not have any opinion as i do not play cav, light cav goes down quite fast, heavy goes down slower, just the damage of bump seems too much.

Twohanders above 105 length have polethrust. - cool with this one

My shift is atm ending, i started to post this way too late, gonna go thru rest of the list and post my concerns/opinions from home.
Some of those might indeed look "retarded" to people, but hey, cmon, we are in beta, we need ALL the feedback for the dev team we can get, and perhaps from the discussions opened here the dev team might actually get some ideas or pushes in the right direction  :P

Offline Patricia

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Re: The List.
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2011, 06:07:29 am »
Penalties for rain, you mean movement speed or dmg for ranged here? I would be for if this was about the movement speed, dmg reduction is somewhat understandable.

Remove bamboo spear, long spear, pike. - nah, we need those to take care of whorses and to have something to dance around with our poledancing characters

Lances become couch only.
Lances reworked statswise for couch only. -if only lances, no problem there :)

Full polearm turning on horseback. -this was removed from 90 to 40degrees in order to somewhat balance cav, i would leave it as it is, good cav gets kills with lancing anw, bad cav is bad no matter what.

Remove stagger. - totally in, even tho i think this is hardcoded, but it is retarded to be spamstunned by them uberfast poles, like, shortened spear

Implement comprehensive slot system. -cannot imagine any other than we have now tbh, if you got some ideas, please more specifically :)

Most of the horse changes, i do not have any opinion as i do not play cav, light cav goes down quite fast, heavy goes down slower, just the damage of bump seems too much.

Twohanders above 105 length have polethrust. - cool with this one

My shift is atm ending, i started to post this way too late, gonna go thru rest of the list and post my concerns/opinions from home.
Some of those might indeed look "retarded" to people, but hey, cmon, we are in beta, we need ALL the feedback for the dev team we can get, and perhaps from the discussions opened here the dev team might actually get some ideas or pushes in the right direction  :P

I added the removel of bamboo spears/pikes/longspears because I think it goes hand in hand with  lances becoming couch only, and specifically because of the poledancing circusfighting bullcrap, it wouldn't gimp melee because couches if you know how, are easier to deal with than thrusts, and at the same time it wouldn't gimp cavalry by getting crippled to the moon with 300 reach pikes against your locked-to-a-cone couch.

And yes, it would only be for lances, spears should be fine and still have a thrust.

As for the comprehensive slot system, all I could give you is some sort of exemple.

Make the slot system universal, make it 200 slots, give absolutely EVERYTHING in the game a certain amount of slots, heavier armor will obviously use more slots, so you won't be able to go running around in full plate with let's say; a Flamberge or a Great Long Bardiche.

This would take alot of tweaking, but it could also be used as a placeholder for actual balancing to weapons, a weapon's too OP but it's only getting fixed in the next patch or you can't be assed yet (happens alot with the current CBADEV)? Up how much slots it uses so you'll have to sacrifice something else for whatever the OP weapon is, possibly survivability.

Oh, also for the rain I meant both, mostly because it rains so god damned much and the movement and damage reduction is stupid when it happens on like 50% of maps, hence the remove movement/damage reduction OR just entirely remove rain if that can't be done.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 06:11:57 am by Patricia »

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Re: The List.
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2011, 06:19:20 am »

Full polearm turning on horseback.
Remove stagger.
Add transition to sheathe an item before being able to draw a new one.
Add minimum duration required to sheathe weapon.
Crossbows lose their readied bolt when sheathed.
Rework throwing stats to better fit the pre-melee role.
Rebalance items based on logic.
Twohanders above 105 length have polethrust.
Increase average melee WPF, more benefits for higher WM.
Remove ladders from Battle.

These are the points I can totally agree with, most of these should make it ingame.

First of all, the lance angle nerf screwed lancers over, so they (yeah I'm no lancer anymore) had to adapt, the result: Even more backstab kills, because a frontal charge is almost suicide without a VERY heavy horse.

Stagger obviously has to go, I'm a polearm user but I want this to be gone.

A drawing delay when you want to quick-switch would screw over those annoying crossbow/2h hybrids and other guys who just got caught empty handed. I like it, no surrel quickswitching.

Another good idea for nerfing those who use a Crossbow as a shotgun or sidearm, is the idea of the falling bolt. Supporting it 150%.

Throwing is kinda the underdog of ranged, that's true. Still there are people who can manage to be good with it, but a look into the stats wouldn't hurt anyone.

Balancing based on logic, or at least common sense is another good one. Nice Example would be my weapon, the Elegant Poleaxe.

At stock, this weapon has the same stab damage as a Long Spear(26p). Other poleaxes start at 29-31pierce. Just weird.

Okay, for this the 2h elite lobbyists will hate me, but why not? The style of that stab would totally screw you over in a battle, it's just not how a Great Sword of such length should be used.

AGI needs love, and you point this out with the worst AGI skill right now, Weapon Master.
It has the worst scaling in the entire game right now, after a certain level it hardly effects anything.

And the last one.. this is the one I instantly agreed with. Ladders have to go from battle. Why?
Some people say that it's tactical and whatever. Yes they're used for tactical ambushes and flank attacks rarely on Nord Town, and other maps. But 90% of time they just being used by ranged so that they can roofcamp for an entire match, being unharmed.

This totally messes up balance, and needs to go.

These are all the good points  I can agree with, or have something to say about.
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Offline Kenji

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Re: The List.
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2011, 06:23:44 am »
I'll read this all later, but I like the lances being couch only. Nerf the cav!
I guess that won't do much to me since I've been a long time fan of Great Lance 8-)

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Re: The List.
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2011, 06:25:36 am »

These are the points I can totally agree with, most of these should make it ingame.

First of all, the lance angle nerf screwed lancers over, so they (yeah I'm no lancer anymore) had to adapt, the result: Even more backstab kills, because a frontal charge is almost suicide without a VERY heavy horse.

Stagger obviously has to go, I'm a polearm user but I want this to be gone.

A drawing delay when you want to quick-switch would screw over those annoying crossbow/2h hybrids and other guys who just got caught empty handed. I like it, no surrel quickswitching.

Another good idea for nerfing those who use a Crossbow as a shotgun or sidearm, is the idea of the falling bolt. Supporting it 150%.

Throwing is kinda the underdog of ranged, that's true. Still there are people who can manage to be good with it, but a look into the stats wouldn't hurt anyone.

Balancing based on logic, or at least common sense is another good one. Nice Example would be my weapon, the Elegant Poleaxe.

At stock, this weapon has the same stab damage as a Long Spear(26p). Other poleaxes start at 29-31pierce. Just weird.

Okay, for this the 2h elite lobbyists will hate me, but why not? The style of that stab would totally screw you over in a battle, it's just not how a Great Sword of such length should be used.

AGI needs love, and you point this out with the worst AGI skill right now, Weapon Master.
It has the worst scaling in the entire game right now, after a certain level it hardly effects anything.

And the last one.. this is the one I instantly agreed with. Ladders have to go from battle. Why?
Some people say that it's tactical and whatever. Yes they're used for tactical ambushes and flank attacks rarely on Nord Town, and other maps. But 90% of time they just being used by ranged so that they can roofcamp for an entire match, being unharmed.

This totally messes up balance, and needs to go.

These are all the good points  I can agree with, or have something to say about.

Good to know that you agree on some points, I don't expect any of this stuff to even go live, but if it ever does, be it a few points or all of them, I think it would change the game for the better, nothing can be perfect, I don't expect to solve world hunger or fix the economy with all this, but I'm sure implementing stuff on this list would fix portions of the game, making it more enjoyable for everyone.