Horse Archer OP, Shielder OP, Archer OP, Crossbower OP, Horse Crossbower OP, ...
nerf or better delete all except twohanders and polearmers!
They have to sacrifice a lot to get that sought after 4 HA, their bow-selection is limited (although perhaps strong bow should be 2 slots,) and their damage is extremely low.
with a two slot Strongbow, it would be mean dead to all horse archers...a dedicated Ha need the 3 stacks of arrows(i use khergits, because bodkins are to less) to kill Horses and maybe some peasants...
when strongbow gets 2 slot weapon(this means atleast 3 slots, better 4 slots to use the weapon what is more than any other weapon)
the only choice would be khergit bow->low damage - damage malus = lowest damage possible..
the only solution for that would be to decrease the Ha skill to 5 agi perpoint, or even 4 agi perpoint so the damage malus is less than now.
the highest Ha Skill you can currently get is 4, when you want to kill anything...5 when you only want to kill half dead peasants or stun some unarmored enemies...even with 4 Ha you dont have the accuracy of a HC(and HC can still gets to 5 HASkill without sacrificing damage and is than pinpoint accurate, fast reloading and with good damage, though total useless in melee but HA isnt of use in melee either ;) though when i can kill a enemy with 0 ps and 0 wpf with a onehander with 10-20 hits than the enemy deserve it)
when you play a HA and do one mistake or stop your horse, you will be dead with a chance of 90% ...currently its the most difficult build to play(except from a dedicated peasant with melee stones ;)) and most HA, aren`t HAs...only Archers on Horse who stop when they shoot(and mostly short after that dead because of enemy xbow or archer)
but meeh all the was way harder to play a HA back than when HASkill needed 9 agi per point
but a real HA will play always a Ha even when he cant hit anything, dont do damage and die from the headwind while riding xD