I agree, i can never live for long with archers, unless i have a shield, but still!! They can somehow shoot you on the head while you have a board shield?!?!
They complained because they didnt have the skill, now they got better and the actually good archers kill so easily!! Especially loz_outcast, Also there are no more tin-cans! Upkeep costs to much for them, but for archers you pay a little bit and have great equipment be able to glitch out of the map so you can "shoot" from there. They got it all but they still want more! They made horses cost 3 times as much, and you cant be a horseman anymore without paying all your money everytime the horse gets damaged. Now archers are on top!!
I hate that, they were fine before, they just whined to much. Well let all the melee and horse people whine all over the forum!! Would you like it, NO! So you got what you wanted, everyone will probably be a turtle infantry next, because of you, and you will whine about how "overpowered" the shields are! NO, archers are needed to be back to normal, and it will be even, even though horses cost more than 5 flamberges. Im not whining about it im just stating facts, say all you want, archers you whine to much! It isnt like it in medevil times, a knight comes charging and kills you it doesnt listen to you whining and saying how overpowered they are! They adapt, you dont you just whine, not all of you but most of you.