Author Topic: How to fix throwing  (Read 9412 times)

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2011, 03:01:43 pm »
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i eat spawnys ammo cos it tastes gooood

You do... *sob*

3) Raise accuracy several time, so that 100 wpf invested into throwing would make reticule very precise
4) Lower amount of ammo several times. So let's say daggers not more than 4 per stack, axes 2-3 and so on

I have a pure strength thrower and I'm level 25 now. Just 1 point in WM iirc and I have 100 wpf. Your first suggestion wouldn't make a difference for me.
Lower end throwing weapons allready got their stacksize reduced. Why for the love of god would you reduce the amount of daggers you can throw to 4 per stack when you need 4-6 body shots on anyone with the 6.7k mail armour to kill him. A lot more when he has plenty of IF.
You're basically limiting the amount of kills a thrower can get in 1 round to 2, maybe 3.
Same with axes. I need 2 or 3 hits to kill most people. Some guys take 4 and a strength based dude with his plate armour can take up to 6. Pre-patch, it took me 7 bodyshots with axes to kill Casimir...

Class wouldn't dissapear, you would need to use some lesser throwing weapon to go dedicated - more ammo. Why not give them a better accuracy? Archer can hit for sure from 10 meter if you don't see him, maybe even headshot, same would be true for thrower with much higher damage but with much less amount of ammo.

Ah, so being a dedicated thrower would require you to take the low tier throwing weapons and the hybrids can take the high end ones. I always thought being dedicated to a certain class meant you specialized and got access to the top tier stuff.

Quick comparison to archery: I get killed by 2 arrows to the chest. (Low armour, 65 hp) An archer brings 18 arrows per quiver iirc, so that would allow him to kill me 9 times for every quiver he brings, provided he doesn't miss.
I, as a thrower, would be able to bring 10-12 throwing axes in total, allowing me to kill the same archer 10-12 times (1 hit kills assumed and again, I didn't miss a single axe).
If you add those numbers (3 quivers*9 kills), the archer can potentially kill me 3x as often as I can kill him and I didn't even mention upkeep yet.
Factor in melee fighters usually have higher armour= halving the amount of kills I can make a round.
Again, how is it fair when a perfect thrower has the potential to kill just 6 players, when a perfect archer can kill so many more?

Throwers are powerfull, being hit by them hurts, but that's it. As long as there are loads of throwers around and it's still pretty rare to see them on the top of the killing list, it's a quantity problem.
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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2011, 03:11:09 pm »
1) dedicated thrower can take more ammo - advantage
2) dedicated thrower deals more damage using throwing weapon - advantage

Maybe damage needs buff but if you would have much greater accuracy player skill would be more important to hit enemy and don't waste ammo.

Ah, so being a dedicated thrower would require you to take the low tier throwing weapons and the hybrids can take the high end ones. I always thought being dedicated to a certain class meant you specialized and got access to the top tier stuff.
Not really, hybrid might take just 2-3 axes, you would take 8-12, at the same time lower tier weapon might be more reasonable if improved accuracy allows you to target head.

Just to summarize: buff damage, buff accuracy, drastically nerf amount of ammo.

Throwers are powerfull, being hit by them hurts, but that's it. As long as there are loads of throwers around and it's still pretty rare to see them on the top of the killing list, it's a quantity problem.
Exactly, even if you are skilled player it's hard to get to top as thrower, cause your own skill is gimped by random number generator.

Quick comparison to archery: I get killed by 2 arrows to the chest. (Low armour, 65 hp) An archer brings 18 arrows per quiver iirc, so that would allow him to kill me 9 times for every quiver he brings, provided he doesn't miss.
I, as a thrower, would be able to bring 10-12 throwing axes in total, allowing me to kill the same archer 10-12 times (1 hit kills assumed and again, I didn't miss a single axe).
If you add those numbers (3 quivers*9 kills), the archer can potentially kill me 3x as often as I can kill him and I didn't even mention upkeep yet.
Factor in melee fighters usually have higher armour= halving the amount of kills I can make a round.
Again, how is it fair when a perfect thrower has the potential to kill just 6 players, when a perfect archer can kill so many more?
Wait, why would you compare it to archers? Following the same pass polearm user can take great berdish and 1hit 20 people and don't waste any "ammo", making it much viable than any ranged at all.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 03:27:07 pm by ViiK »

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #62 on: January 18, 2011, 04:17:56 pm »
I really don't think throwing needs 'fixed'.

The new patch has seen a renaissance in throwing, yes; but I think that it will subside in time as the novelty wears off and more players learn how to counter throwers. I am finding it a little hard to understand why people think that it's overpowered. I think that anxieties will be quelled as the numbers of people experimenting with new post-patch builds settle and they return back to their old familiar modes of play.

Throwing has has a lot going against it: the slow projectile speed (recently nerfed), limited number of projectiles, questionable accuracy unless standing perfectly still and the detrimental effect on melee ability imposed by choosing a thrower build, more than balance things out!

I think it's rather ridiculous that a playing style that has always been quite rare, which then gets some nerfs along with an indirect buff (less people wearing plate, less armoured horses, etc) - with the result that more people (though still a minority) now choose to adopt that playstyle - is singled out for further nerfs!

And the myths being propagated about throwing! Don't get me started on those! All these people speaking of being 'one-shotted' are likely exaggerating grossly. I have PT 8 and still had to put three (heirloomed, 40 pierce) throwing spears into someone wearing light plate yesterday evening. Against people wearing durable medium armour it usually takes two. When someone is running at you, dodging, putting just one projectile into them is difficult, let alone two or three; and this is compounded by the increased number of people carrying heavy shields. A thrower's life is difficult, and not the easy-mode people are claiming it to be.

Thank you.

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2011, 02:59:08 pm »
I think all the talk about ammo is abit moot when if you miss you can pick up you weapon, and in the current state throwers feed each other axes and what not  all the time. A throws misses, B picks up throws etc etc
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Offline Erika_Furudo

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2011, 04:21:27 pm »
I think all the talk about ammo is abit moot when if you miss you can pick up you weapon, and in the current state throwers feed each other axes and what not  all the time. A throws misses, B picks up throws etc etc
You can also pick up arrows and bolts.

Still they have much bigger amount of ammo?

Or have they changed arrows so you can't pick them up?

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2011, 04:33:46 pm »
You can also pick up arrows and bolts.

Still they have much bigger amount of ammo?

Or have they changed arrows so you can't pick them up?

You throw shit like ten feet so archers and throwers are like apples and oranges. Just because they both are ranged doesn't mean you can qq of course you pick up arrows as an archer but i don't see what your point is? You want archers to have less ammo? or you think that throwers have too little?

I was just saying that throwers ammo is a moot point as if they miss they usally have just thrown it 20 foot in front of them assuming they have the ammo for that fight and they win they can simply pick up the misses also during the fight they have the option to use javs, axes etc that are thrown at them.

I said NOTHING about archers.
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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2011, 04:42:22 pm »
As wiser men than me mentioned, the problem is overpopulation. If they could somehow make it so it was less popular, I think we wouldn't have a problem.

I believe it is in part encouraged by the fact that being a hybrid is now encouraged. How so, you ask? Once you hit 130 wpf and higher in a melee weapon, it's not worth specializing more. If you have a balanced or agility build, that's 50-100 worth of wpf you could put in another proficiency. So why not do throwing? Especially since strength will allow you to get a decent power strike, too. So what if you move like a snail, you'll slow your enemies down with your throwing weapons or infuriate them enough to rush you! And at short distances, it's about as good as archery with a bigger punch.

So: either make specialized wpf possible again by allowing more of a stack or just reduce the amount of wpf we gain further if you're that scared of fast animations.

Note: throwers who use their reticule as an example for accuracy affected by wpf, that's not the best example. Like every other weapon, the accuracy benefits bestowed by wpf lead to a 'homing effect' that's harder to display.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 04:52:38 pm by Kalam »

Offline Erika_Furudo

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2011, 06:21:00 pm »
You throw shit like ten feet so archers and throwers are like apples and oranges. Just because they both are ranged doesn't mean you can qq of course you pick up arrows as an archer but i don't see what your point is? You want archers to have less ammo? or you think that throwers have too little?

I was just saying that throwers ammo is a moot point as if they miss they usally have just thrown it 20 foot in front of them assuming they have the ammo for that fight and they win they can simply pick up the misses also during the fight they have the option to use javs, axes etc that are thrown at them.

I said NOTHING about archers.

The point was that you ignored one of the throwers weaknesses and said "hurr durr, I don't care. becouse I don't know anything about them anyway"

Just walking around picking up diffrent throwing weapons isn't always as simple when an enemy can appear from anywhere.
Throwing weapons that have damaged something, Especially suchs as a shield can't be retrieved. Seeing that you have to waste 2-3 throwing axes on a decent shield, and most likely more on the high-end shields Means you have wasted close to a pack of jarids or any of the other pretty much high-end throwing weapons.

If you want to have enough throwing weapons to actually kill several people, or  a few shielders so do you have to skip out on the melee weapon and / or shield.
And this makes throwers really in a bad position in melee combat.

If people actually used shields(The polearm/2hand people) so would they notice that ranged characters are no big issue. Heck. You can even carry several shields just incase you hate ranged so much.

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2011, 06:39:53 pm »
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I don't hate ranged. And i didn't say hurr durr. And you clearly abit irrational so its pointless to carry on. peace out
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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2011, 07:15:08 pm »
Note: throwers who use their reticule as an example for accuracy affected by wpf, that's not the best example. Like every other weapon, the accuracy benefits bestowed by wpf lead to a 'homing effect' that's harder to display.
Could you give us more details, seem interesting but I don't quite get what you mean by "homing".

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2011, 07:26:26 pm »
The higher your wpf is in any weapon, the more likely it is that the system will guide your weapon to your target or a more vital spot. This is easiest to see in HA and archery, where your arrow will almost bend towards the target. Pre-patch, with high melee wpf, you could see your blade occasionally twist toward the enemy's head and such. In throwing, it works somewhat like archery.

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2011, 07:28:22 pm »
Let the Throwers be i am not a Thrower but i love getting into a meele Fight with a Thrower on my 1h Shild Char!^^

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #72 on: January 19, 2011, 08:17:54 pm »
I really don't think throwing needs 'fixed'.

I agree. Throwing was already nerfed in the patch. Also, as Kalam mentioned, the problem is with overpopulation, not that it's over-powered.

You will be happy to hear, however, that Heroin_ATS is no longer a thrower. I gave it up with the nerf to throwing in the patch.
Quote from: Godfrey of Ibelin
I once fought for two days with an arrow through my testicle.

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #73 on: January 19, 2011, 08:27:11 pm »
The higher your wpf is in any weapon, the more likely it is that the system will guide your weapon to your target or a more vital spot. This is easiest to see in HA and archery, where your arrow will almost bend towards the target. Pre-patch, with high melee wpf, you could see your blade occasionally twist toward the enemy's head and such. In throwing, it works somewhat like archery.

mmh is there any proof for that whole claim or did i miss sarcasm?

as in is that mechanic confirmed by the devs?

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Re: How to fix throwing
« Reply #74 on: January 20, 2011, 02:16:39 am »
that sounds like a bullshit mechanic, hope its not true. best thing about warband is manual combat.