Hello Everyone,
Last week I decided to create my first map... Although I had some troubles in the process I figured it all out, and have successfully created (I think there good) maps. So I thought I would share the process broken simply down.
To get started you need. Notepad ++
http://notepad-plus-plus.org/download - You want to download and install the Current Version (If you have more questions about how to install this stop now turn off your computer and walk away.)
And um... A computer with M&B:Warband and cRPG installed
Alright now that we got that out of the way 1. Start up Mount & Blade: Warband
2. Click configure - On the first screen that pops up
3. Click the Video Tab and Select "Start Windowed"
4. Now click the Advanced Tab and Select "Enable Edit Mode"
5. Click OK
6. Click Play Mount & Blade: Warband
7. Click the Scene Editor
8. You start with an array of editable maps select one
9. Once you have selected a map it will load
10. Press Ctl+E to open the Edit Mode Toolbox (Pressing Ctl+E again will ask if you want to save and give you a person to run around with)
11. Pressing the Help button will display the following
Common Keys
Left Mouse Button: While pressed, mouse movements rotate
the camera.
H: Hides/unhides the highlights and user interface objects
(Good for taking a screenshot).
CTRL + Any movement key: Speeds up the camera
movements, slows down the object movements.
Edit Objects Mode
Right Mouse Button: Selects objects.
CTRL + Right Mouse Button: Selects multiple objects.
Double Click on Scene Objects list: Selects the clicked
object and moves the camera towards it.
A,S,D,W: Moves the camera.
C,E: Increases/decreases the height of the camera.
G: While pressed, mouse movements move the selected
object(s) parallel to the ground.
T: While pressed, mouse movements increase/decrease the
height of the selected object(s).
X,Y,Z: While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected
object(s) with respect to the object's X, Y and Z axis.
U: While pressed, mouse movements rotate the selected
object(s) with respect to the "Up" axis of the world.
R: Resets the selected object's rotation.
B: Scale selected object.
B + X: Scale selected object along X axis.
B + Y: Scale selected object along Y axis.
B + Z: Scale selected object along Z axis.
Alt + B: Resets the selected object's scale.
Delete: Deletes selected object(s).
Space: Enables add object mode.
Add Object Mode
Right Mouse Button: Adds current object to scene.
Space: Disables add object mode.
T, U, X, Y, Z, R and B can also be used in this mode.
Ground Elevate and Ground Paint Mode
Right Mouse Button: Elevates the ground up or down in
"Ground Elevate" mode and paints the ground in "Ground
Paint" mode.
Midle Mouse Button: Clears the elevation in "Ground Elevate"
mode and clears the paints in "Ground Paint" mode.
Edit AI Mesh Mode
Right Mouse Button: Selects AI mesh objects.
CTRL + Right Mouse Button: Selects multiple AI mesh objects.
1: Activates Vertex Editing Mode
2: Activates Edge Editing Mode
3: Activates Face Editing Mode
G, T, X, Y, Z, B and Delete can also be used in this mode.
Additional Help
- You can save your changes only when you leave the edit
- You can not undo your works, you can only discard changes
while leaving the edit mode. So you should save your work
occasionally by leaving the edit mode and re-entering it.
- Scene files are located under [Current Module]\SceneObj
foler. When you save your changes, the related scene file
under this folder will be updated.
- Create AI Mesh button works only on outdoor scenes.
If are having issues with objects not working as intended, or invisible/deleted items getting in your way try saving and reloading the map. (This will fix 95% of the problems you encounter when creating your maps.)
You may test your map by hosting a server yourself and changing it to the map you were editing (Blank 87, Multi Scene 1, etc...)
Spawn PointsTo add spawns you have to place entrypoints.
After you have have added them you can change their "number"
We defnitly need a full list of Entry points.
Here is a small list :
0 faction 1
32 faction 2
Master of the Field: 67, 68, 69 (Be sure to place these in your battle maps)
Defenders: 0 - 31
Attackers: 32-63
Flag: 66
Siege engine 1: 110 - 119
Siege engine 2: 120 - 129
Siege engine 3: 130 - 139
Ladders: 100-109
80: Players (Defenders)
81-84: NPCs
How to test the Spawnpoints:
Host the map and add 63 bots, splited to the teams.
So you can see if your spawnpoints work correct.
Things to keep in mind when creating DTV maps:
1. Avoid small places with only 1 entrance (you can have positions like that, but they shouldn't be the default "camping spots"
2. Avoid places bots can't (or not easy) reach (only vor dtv)
3. Add the AI meshes when you finished your scene/"map" (ONLY for dtv, never for siege or battle, causes a MUCH bigger filesize)
4. Take care of the terrain code(don't make a desert map with a forrest terrain code)
5. Remove the grasses created by the Terraincode (in the terrain edit-mode at start)
6. Make Backups when you want change "huge" things
Get your map on a serverYou need to find 2 files on your computer.
1. The first will be in your cRPG folder under SceneObj... Mine is located at the following location C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\cRPG\SceneObj.
Find the name of the file you were editing. (Such as Black 87 = scn_blank_87, Multi Scene 1 = scn_multi_scene_1, etc...)
2. The second file you need is a snippit of the scenes.txt file located in the cRPG folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\cRPG
Right click the Scenes.txt file and scroll down to Open With Notepad++ (as you downloaded previously)
Find the map you were working on in the file. (Pressing ctl+f will bring up a search box type the name of the scn_file you found in your SceneObj folder and search.)
Copy these 4 lines of codes that correspond to your map and save them in regular notepad. You may see an example below
scn_blank_87 blank_87 256 none none 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 100.000000 -100.000000 0x00000001394018dd000649920004406900002920000056d7
Once you have these 2 files you (scn_file, and scenes.txt file for you map which you saved in notepad.)
You may send them to an admin to be uploaded to our/a server.