Jesus christ. I go away for one week and you all shit all over and get the devs to hate throwing even more by literally calling them out.
If you have a problem with those on the development team, which my be warranted, and may not, this is not the place to voice them. By voicing your criticism of them here you are hurting the case for throwing significantly. Paul was very helpful and spoke to me about the state of throwing and the issues restricting some changes and the reasons behind others. They are planning to give a lot back to throwing, much more then I honestly expected to get, and the only things these threads should be used for, is to discuss the effects certain changes would have and what would be best to balance things.
Unless there is a better solution, the wpf requirement per PT level is required due to the way regular M&B works. If it weren't there, then throwing wpf would be out of control. While I agree that it is not a good limiting system for throwing for a lot of reasons, it is needed, and I have no credible suggestions on what to replace it with. Our only hope is to have it lowered from 13 (which it is at currently) to a lower number, 11 would be great but even 12 would be a glass of water in the desert.
As for stack size and whatnot, they are taking care of it, and generously. Hopefully they are still taking care of it and this thread hasn't changed their minds.