I think that throwing weapons should act as a natural supplement to an infantryman's arsenal. They should serve as a way for players to defend against other ranged units and charging cavalry, as well as to soften up enemy infantry forces prior to engaging them in melee combat. However many thrown weapons are currently innacurate, and simply exist as a form of projectile spam which, when it lands, causes rage-inducing one/two hit kills.
I think a good solution to this problem is to slightly decrease the damage dealt by throwing weapons, in particular the high-tier (jarid, lance, heavy ax) weapons. I also think that there should be more time inbetween shots, ie: slower chamber speed. I also think that the accuracy of an immobile thrower should be significantly increased.
Optimally, I would like to see any infantryman who is not a dedicated thrower enter battle with two or three throwing javelins/lances/axes/whatever at most. This would force said non-dedicated thrower to conservatively use their ammunition instead of spamming them as they do now. It will actually be possible for them to conservatively and intelligently use their thrown weapons because they will have increased accuracy. Spam would be reduced. There would be a smaller number of SHIT flying through the air hitting random people. Cavalry would be able to participate in the battle more, instead of hiding, because infantry will have to make a conscious decision as to whether they wish to save their thrown weapons, or potentially waste them on cavalry.
In other words, I propose we make thrown weapons something that almost any infantry dude can effectively use, but which requires some critical thinking. Do I throw one of three of my axes at that archer who's not looking at me right now? Or should I save it for a situation when I might REALLY need it, like when a horse is charging at my face? Should I throw both of my javelines now, at the begning of the fight, or should I save them for the end of the round when we're chasing down that one, naked delaying guy/bitch? Can I even hit that HA with my throwing-lance-of-doom, or should I wait until he gets closer?
And by increasing accuracy, throwers will actually be able to make these decisions with good heart, because they'll be sure they can actually hit what they're throwing at.
For those dedicated throwers, I think thrown weapons should be a bit cheaper. If they would only be getting 2-3 shots per slot, then they shouldn't have to pay as much as they do now. Nobody shouldn't be able to play the way they want, if that way is fair to other players.
tl;dr: More accuracy, so throwers can actually aim. Less ammo and more time between throws, so throwers won't spam. Less damage, so throwers won't cause rage with so many 1 shot kills. Appropriatly cheaper thrown weapons, so dedicated throwers won't be paying for 4 darts when they'll only have two per slot. Or three per slot. Someone else come up with the number, I don't throw much.