Author Topic: Throwing weapons (need balancing )  (Read 18814 times)

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #90 on: January 27, 2011, 01:00:56 am »
I still don't get throwing accuracy I mean I have an alt with 7 PT throwing knives have a great accuracy while darts (Not war darts) aim is like an archer's aim.

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #91 on: January 27, 2011, 12:01:18 pm »
There are 2 ways to fix throwing in my opinion:
1) Make PT decrease accuracy, so throwers actually need WPF if they want to hit anything, no more 10+ PT who 1shot everything with 1 WPF (pretty much like archery).
2) Give throwers a new animation to decrease their crazy rate of fire, so they don't pull axes out of their ass with machinegun speed anymore.

And add an accuracy penalty for throwing with shield.

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #92 on: January 27, 2011, 02:03:28 pm »
There are 2 ways to fix throwing in my opinion:
1) Make PT decrease accuracy, so throwers actually need WPF if they want to hit anything, no more 10+ PT who 1shot everything with 1 WPF (pretty much like archery).

*Only if the base accuracy of throwing weapons is vastly increased. Not sure if you've ever used them, but the reticule on heavy throwing axes and up with just the required PT to use them is just HUGE. Making PT decrease accuracy even more, the reticule wouldn't even fit my screen.*

2) Give throwers a new animation to decrease their crazy rate of fire, so they don't pull axes out of their ass with machinegun speed anymore.

*Euhm.. how? If I start throwing heavy battle axes at an incomming 2h as soon as he gets in range (the range at which I can actually try to aim at him instead of randomly tossing them), I can throw 2-3 axes MAX before the 2h closes the distance and insta kills me. Since he's most likely aware I'm throwing stuff at him, he can dodge, making my chances to hit him very slim. If he has the cheapest board shield, he can catch 2 axes without taking any damage at all.*

And add an accuracy penalty for throwing with shield.

Nice suggestions. We could just remove all throwing weapons but rocks/knives and stuff and be done with it. Saves the devs a lot of work and it accomplishes the same.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #93 on: January 27, 2011, 02:27:46 pm »
Nice suggestions. We could just remove all throwing weapons but rocks/knives and stuff and be done with it. Saves the devs a lot of work and it accomplishes the same.

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #94 on: January 27, 2011, 02:29:55 pm »
There are 2 ways to fix throwing in my opinion:
1) Make PT decrease accuracy, so throwers actually need WPF if they want to hit anything, no more 10+ PT who 1shot everything with 1 WPF (pretty much like archery).
2) Give throwers a new animation to decrease their crazy rate of fire, so they don't pull axes out of their ass with machinegun speed anymore.

And add an accuracy penalty for throwing with shield.

How shield hamper throwing using one hand :shock:

But yeah, new animation, that have long recovery time (you can't throw but you can shield yourself) would help balancing it out. Throwing need to be able to throw fast their first projectile, then slow down. It would solve the problem of machineguns.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #95 on: January 27, 2011, 03:16:37 pm »
How shield hamper throwing using one hand :shock:

*Easy. Look at a pitcher as an example. When he throws full force, he moves his entire body, not just his throwing arm. It's a matter of biomechanics. Now, strap a big, heavy and clumsy shield to his other arm and he will be severely hampered in his throwing speed and accuracy.*

But yeah, new animation, that have long recovery time (you can't throw but you can shield yourself) would help balancing it out. Throwing need to be able to throw fast their first projectile, then slow down. It would solve the problem of machineguns.

*Only for hybrids using a shield maybe. Slowing down pure throwers even more completely kills the class and demotes throwing to a secondary skill.*

Pure throwing is fine as it is imo. High damage, low accuracy, randomness, throwing weapons not registering hits/disappearing when thrown. And not to mention VERY slow. The shotgun effect is all they have. When they miss, they usually die.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #96 on: January 27, 2011, 03:19:03 pm »
People should try do a thrower before saying if it's OP or not seriously.

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #97 on: January 27, 2011, 03:28:07 pm »
Yeah you should try throwing before whining.

As for the spamming, you really cant spam with throwing weapons. If you try to throw anything without waiting many seconds between shots your weapon will most likely get glued to your hand.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #98 on: January 27, 2011, 03:32:49 pm »
Pure throwing is fine as it is imo. High damage, low accuracy, randomness, throwing weapons not registering hits/disappearing when thrown. And not to mention VERY slow. The shotgun effect is all they have. When they miss, they usually die.

It's fine at medium-long range. What makes it broken is that they can throw 60 damage lances at you from 1cm away while backpedalling.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #99 on: January 27, 2011, 03:44:57 pm »
People should try do a thrower before saying if it's OP or not seriously.
Or maybe recieve 300 throwing weapons in the face during one day, while trying to dodge another 300 000.And while you're at it, you don't need to tell people to roll throwers , they are already on it without your kind advices . =)

Throwing is overpowered and if it get's changed , deal with it guys. Don't you remember those good old days when you used to kill enemies with melee weapons ?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 03:48:47 pm by Shogunate_Ujin »

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #100 on: January 27, 2011, 03:48:42 pm »
Or maybe recieve 300 throwing weapons in the face during one day, while trying to dodge another 300 000.

Throwing is overpowered and if it get's changed , deal with it guys. Don't you remember those good old days when you used to kill enemies with melee weapons ?
this! i cant go one round with out some throwing weapon in my body, and if they are a pure str build well then im most likely dead....
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #101 on: January 27, 2011, 03:53:02 pm »
I went thrower/polearm spammer - easiest class I've played yet.  Went 27 str and only 9 agi and it didnt hurt my accuracy at all.  Just did 9 powerstrike, 9 powerthrow and a bunch of IF.  Survived 3x as many hits as any of my agility classes, yet with 9 powerthrow and 100 wpf in throwing I could throw accurately across the map (just have to aim higher), my war darts would go farther then arrows froma  warbow or bolts from an xbow.  With 9 powerthrow and the 25 pierce damage of wardarts I could one hit kill half the time and 2 hit kill almost anyone, didnt even need to go to the 34 pierce of javelins except a few rounds which were almost always one hit kills (didnt even bother with the throwing lances 60 pierce damage, which with 9 powerthrow is 103 pierce damage which would have 1-hit killed even goretooth in heirloomed black armor, talk about ridiculous, by the way who ever came up with the lame idea that you could throw a lance?? in ancient cultures you had people throw spears (38 pierce), but never lances, its as lame as black armor, looney toons axe, and wizard's staffs).

None of this is even counting heirloomed throwing weapons which many throwers did, which increases damage and speed.

Wearing heraldic mail, great long axe, mail gauntlets, sipahi helmet, sarranid mail boots, and 3 sets of war darts (21 darts is more then enough ammo) I would consistently make 5000 gold an hour and by the end of that gen had accumulated roughly 150,000 gold.

People keep saying theya re inaccurate, but they reallya re not and they are 5-10 times the width of an arrow or xbow bolt, which makes it much harder to miss if you get within the general area of your target.  The draw speed is phenomenally fast and found it incredibly easy to take out archers as a thrower as you could throw twice in the time they shot once and you could throw while running and dodging.  Considering archersa re so weak now, most maps are close range fights, which is where the thrower really shines as most of you ammo hits somethigna t close range because of how wide the darts and javelins and especially the throwing axes (you can get hit by the handle of the axe and still full damage) are.

The most obvious evidence though is now suddenly after the patch half the people playing any given map are hybrid throwers.  There is actually more ranged in most fights then there was pre-patch and part of that is the effectiveness of throwing weapons.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #102 on: January 27, 2011, 03:53:07 pm »
I'm a 2her and tried a throwing alt to test it myself and no it's not that OP my alt has 7 PT and apart of headshots I have never one shot anyone apart with throwing lances but they have terrible aim.

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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #103 on: January 27, 2011, 03:59:51 pm »
The most obvious evidence though is now suddenly after the patch half the people playing any given map are hybrid throwers.  There is actually more ranged in most fights then there was pre-patch and part of that is the effectiveness of throwing weapons.

Which is annoying as hell. Melee mechanics is where M&B shines, and all the ranged spam is just ruining it. Hopefully it'll be better after the throwers are nerfed.
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Re: Throwing weapons (need balancing )
« Reply #104 on: January 27, 2011, 04:01:46 pm »
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Funny. With 10 PT I don't 1 shot kill people with wardarts and I can't even kill a courser in 1 hit with a throwing lance without the speedbonus. I don't have longer range than bows and their accuracy still surpasses mine in mid-long ranges.

Anyway, to fix your issue Keshian, we could do the right thing and nerf HYBRIDS.
I agree hybrids are too powerfull. It's rather easy to trade IF for throwing and  you're good to go.
Anyone with a polearmbuild can just swap IF for PT and start carrying jarids. They could even use them in melee somewhat effective.
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