Author Topic: Rewamp some things in the mod...  (Read 1959 times)

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Rewamp some things in the mod...
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:29:57 am »
... and trying to make it a bit like mid 2012 would be good to make some people come back.

If you're lazy/unwilling to understand my reasonment, scroll down all this. If you're just an idiot that isn't even willing to read the TLDR part, well, eject from thread.

Why rewanping balance ? Because I remembered how fucking awesome it was when there was actually some teamplay, when people going full rambo actually had what they were looking for : a retarded way to die alone on battlefield. I would love to get back to some kind of population around 70 players on EU1, because I'm growing tired of the usual bullshit that consists in checking if the server's pop is around 40 so I can join for 30 mins before I GTX because people take 5 arrows and still fight/allies prefer charging into ennemies with not a single clue about tactics/over powered mechanics, weapons, builds, and classes people abuse. It makes it incredibly annoying to play, really.

So, I would like to say basically, to anyone who would like to see some people coming back, or coming simply; to read what I wrote some time ago in this sub forum.

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Even thought some things can seem to be unbalanced/strange in this proposal, I believe it's one of the only way to actually fill again servers. Why is it so important ? Because when there are a shit load of people, it not on the same scale : you can't compare a street fight and a real battle. A real battle means teamplay, organized assaults and defences, clans putting on togethers to fight the other team. For that you need a people. And to have some people playing, you need to improve their experience, whether new or old. To get an oldmy old friend playing, you need a server with a decent population, with some intense and tactical fight going. To get new players playing ... you need to tell them to play after you improved their arrival to the mod. Yes, things have been done, but more is needed to do. As Panuru/Rico said on the thread, giving advices and builds on the website along with a description of the role, strength and weaknesses of a class is a way to do it. But lets go a bit further, and introduce a message to log on to create an account, and making its creation extremely simple, in detailled steps, with literally all things written (if they made an error, they should be able to find out why on the website, and how to correct it).

TLDR part :

Change balance, make it like 2012, but keep some things like the wpf spread, the shield bash, the roll (tweaking San is willing to do seems appropriate). About balance changes that could be needed :

  • buff ranged in the ways I listed in my post (hate me for that, I have an opinion that differs from yours).
1/ reduce a lot throwings price, and more generally, all ranged items's prices, to make it more affordable for new players.

2/ increase the randomization into ranged items (pin point accuracy jarids/longbow that don't kill in one headshot is exactly the opposite of common sense if you ask me). For that, a plain buff of damage would be fine (damages automatically reduce accuracy, that's the objective). Ranged players aren't snipers you know, but throwers, archers, and crossbowmen. They need to KILL, not to fire accurately some ridiculously weak sticks to the ennemy.

3/ Create a second wpf spread for ranged, that is two times (or something around) weaker than the melee spread. For example, a guy gainning like 40 wpf in one ranged spec should get 20 wpf in melee ones, or something around, to enforce fighting instead of kiting, and allowing more huscarl builds (shielder + throwing).

  • Buff support melee classes, like pikers and spearmen. Decrease a lot the prices of the 1d weapons, add some of them, make them easier to handle for new players (improve stabbing with those slighly maybe ?) and maybe do kinda the same for 2d weapons (not talking about the high tier ones like the english bill, in fact, there should be some kind of axes used as a 2d weapon). -> If you're too weak, either take a shield or a pike, and stay near of your mates, or take ranged weapons, and skirmish/give support at the cost of your melee ability. To avoid them being overused because OP, buff slighly other weapons directly on their fighting abilities. No need to explain it's to make it having more benefits for old players that know how to play. I'm not that sure about this being needed, but I believe new players also go support.

  • To counter the pike and 1d spears buff, buff again cavs. Even thought I really dislike cavalrymen, they're a part of the battlefield, and if everything is getting buffed, they deserve some love too. Horse archery, horse crossbowmen and particularly horse throwers need to be unfucked. The horse ranged should play a support role, definitely, but they should be way less accurate than the foot version of the class (except for horse throwing, which is actually hard, and inaccurate).

  • Buff damages of medium tier weapons (thinking of the simple sword and the likes), they're completely useless, even at +3 rank.

  • Level 36 should be the new level for characters at 37. This will make OP builds become less OP, simple as that. Some builds are viable only if they are level 37, otherwise, they always lack something (athl, if, or whatever).

  • Even if you disagreed with the things I did write, you will however agree on the fact new players should be helped even more : give them the website adress when they log in, and improve the website by adding tips, builds, and listing the characteristics of each build.

Maybe it's naive, but there's always some hope. Of course, if people come and say "but I want to keep fucking everyone with my playstyle without risk/resistance from other classes, I'm not ready to sacrifice/adapt my OP build to try to fill servers again to have some decent fight", this proposal doesn't stand for anything. Oh, and sorry for english.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 05:38:31 pm by Algarn »

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2015, 04:39:32 am »
3/ Create a second wpf spread for ranged, that is two times (or something around) weaker than the melee spread. For example, a guy gainning like 40 wpf in one ranged spec should get 20 wpf in melee ones, or something around, to enforce fighting instead of kiting, and allowing more huscarl builds (shielder + throwing).

Considering the recent bow damage nerfs, increase of arrow weight and reduction of ammo count, this is a small compensation archers should get. The class will still be weaker than in any other era of the mod before the last patch, but it may become viable again.
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2015, 04:57:58 am »
I picture cav and ranged as the easy-mode. They're just as skill-based at high level, but at lower levels, they test a different set of skills than melee with a few more hard/soft counter mechanics.

I think cav 0 leg armor should be removed and ranged buffed without making things too out of hand.

(click to show/hide)

I also think that wpf should just be 70-100 minimum and ignore what it says on the site if you have below that, but I haven't made a thread about it yet.

The limb change adds importance to accuracy vs rate of fire, and gives significance to both strong (body shots while avoiding limbs) and weak attacks (headshots). Increasing weapon damage is difficult because builds wildly vary, and damage can increase too much/little, while locational damage is for final damage.

Armor/loom change decreases loom differences, prioritizes strengths of builds, and nerfs average armor unless you wear heavy gloves that hurt your wpf even more. Agi would still be great, but a little more exposed to danger.

I think melee only needs difficulty changes, mostly on the armor front.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 05:36:57 am by San »

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2015, 09:06:42 am »
...wants a plain ranged buff and masks it as "I have the best of the mod at heart and want people to come back" - bullshit.
Ranged was one of the major factors that drove people away in the first place. Algarn and his exploiting build before the patch is one of the directly responsible persons.

Obviously just the wrong persons left...
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2015, 12:13:42 pm »
People didnt leave due to annoying archers, they left because the teams were unable to hold together, which ended up by being killed by archers at the end of the round. Blaming archery is just the easy solution for people who dont want to put a lot effort into the topic.
Also, I agree that level 37 should be decreased to 36. I have a level 37 char myself and it is just to easy to make 2h builds like 27/21 and deal huge damage.
Another good idea is buffing support classes. Support classes are necessary for teamwork on every server, which is totally missing at the moment. It would be so nice to see some players again who actually dare to go hybrid, there are just so few of them because pure builds are just too superior :(  Also slighty stronger ranged would force the players to adjust. If support builds, maybe with shield skill, were stronger, more players would chose to play them. This way there could be a better balance between ranged and melees.
Unfortunately I cant comment the balance of the game in 2012 because I started with crpg in 2013.
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2015, 12:44:33 pm »
People didnt leave due to annoying archers, they left because the teams were unable to hold together, which ended up by being killed by archers at the end of the round. Blaming archery is just the easy solution for people who dont want to put a lot effort into the topic.

I left Battle in late 2012 because of archers. A lot of good city/village maps were removed because someone thought that every map had to be open plains with no sufficient cover. I know few who left for the same reason but didn't like siege enough to migrate there.

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2015, 01:12:01 pm »
You have to watch it in a bigger context: Archers just annoy cause of the stupidity of the other players to group up and to come up with some basic ideas. You dont even need to perform amazing and complicated tactis, the basic stuff is already enough. Making the game a bit more tactical with more support classes and slighty stronger classes could make the situation overall way better.
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2015, 01:46:58 pm »
...wants a plain ranged buff and masks it as "I have the best of the mod at heart and want people to come back" - bullshit.
Ranged was one of the major factors that drove people away in the first place. Algarn and his exploiting build before the patch is one of the directly responsible persons.

Obviously just the wrong persons left...

Basically, you misunderstood my intentions. If I wanted to play something completely over powered, I'd go native to kill people with two shots, regardlessly of the armor they wear. I want archery, throwing, and crossbows to get more randomization, reducing accuracy and improving damage. Therefore, what you said about having a plain buff is incorrect. I loved when there was more teamplay, even clans units like Byzantium's pikemen and spearmen, Fallen archers squad, Mercs's shielders squad, and so on. I don't play this game as much as I used to. In my original post, I wanted basically making it easier for new players to get in a position to actually help on the battlefield, instead of taking a randomly created build with completely wrong choices concerning hybridization. Also, I actually wonder if you carefully read everything I wrote.

To San :
Changes you are going to make seem to be fair, but what do you think about making pikemen and spearmen better for new players ?

PS : Molly, I also played other things than ranged, my scores were even better. I know to play other things, but it offers nothing of the experience I wanted to live when I downloaded the mod. If you want to say my build/class is fucking over powered, go on, but as long as you refuse to even give a try to a ranged class, you'll not understand anything. It basically became a survival game for me, counting my shots, having to stay far from the battlefield since otherwise, I'm a dead man, etc... But you can't know it, since you always refused to get your hands dirty and become even for a few minutes a ranged scumbag.

PPS : wrote something about cavs.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 02:51:42 pm by Algarn »

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2015, 03:06:57 pm »
All seem decent ideas. Particularly I do like the ideas on throwing, the first class that I properly enjoyed in cRPG and possibly the one which got me addicted.

As for keeping new players interested with links to the site, good builds etc. how about tutorial videos on good ways to play each class, which can be done by the players?

I am curious however as to the actual reasons why people (coming from them directly) left the game. The mod is old after all.

ALSO there was a post on a mix between the old XP system where it made people stick together and our current XP system which got a lot of votes and opinions, what happened to this?

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2015, 03:09:44 pm »
Thread died probably. If someone could find back a link, I'd add a quote as a part of my OP.

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2015, 06:17:44 pm »
Ranged is clearly underpowered at the moment. So where are all the players that quit due to ranged being overpowered?

Anyway, I think the vast majority of players quit for good. Whether it is because they really can't be arsed to come back, or they won't even hear of a new patch that is supposed to revert cRPG back to an earlier version-ish.

However, I think the changes that Algarn mentioned would make it a bit more enjoyable for the majority of people still playing.

Everybody saying "I will quit if ranged is buffed again" just needs to work as a team more.

I remember when I started playing actual teamwork being used on EU1. Open field battle, nowadays you would quit and say "Fuck that ranged fest!"
But back then 2 shieldwalls were formed and people hid behind it, occasionally trying to advance. Just like in Strat battles.

Buff ranged and supports, make life harder for all those 2h heroes going yolo on EU1 and make teamwork essential.
If the players won't accept to use teamwork, then there is literally nothing that can make this mod better, simply because the players refuse to do their part.
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2015, 07:59:25 pm »
To San :
Changes you are going to make seem to be fair, but what do you think about making pikemen and spearmen better for new players ?

For the revival patch, a number of spears were buffed (just look at the likes of boar spear), pike/long spear weight was reduced, and a few of the shorter 2D polearms were buffed. I don't think they can be buffed much more in terms of stats except for some damage on the pike/longspear which I'm hesitant and I trust someone like Gurnisson's opinion about it. I think they're pretty good already, there's just not much of a need for them since so many other weapons can handle cav. Only devs can do much more such as stagger and turn rate. Score also had an influence on how strong some classes are viewed ever since the reduction of points from proximity.

Even if ranged/cav is buffed, as long as counterplay is strong and the exploitative parts of those classes are kept in check with support weapons/shields, I think it'll work out.

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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #12 on: January 04, 2015, 08:29:50 pm »
If the players won't accept to use teamwork, then there is literally nothing that can make this mod better, simply because the players refuse to do their part.

Well said!
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #13 on: January 04, 2015, 09:44:48 pm »
I think melee only needs difficulty changes, mostly on the armor front.

.. got to here and was like: Yes! High tier armour needs it's STR requirement raised (I've thought this for ages - 15 STR too low for plate) but especially after patch of destiny!!

Then read this:

Ranged was one of the major factors that drove people away in the first place. Algarn and his exploiting build before the patch is one of the directly responsible persons.

... which I think is a pile of crap.

I left Battle in late 2012 because of archers. A lot of good city/village maps were removed because someone thought that every map had to be open plains with no sufficient cover. I know few who left for the same reason but didn't like siege enough to migrate there.

From what I can tell, archery is now the weakest it's ever been - it's not like 2012 for us pew pew's.
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Re: Rewamp some things in the mod...
« Reply #14 on: January 04, 2015, 09:55:19 pm »
except for some damage on the pike/longspear which I'm hesitant and I trust someone like Gurnisson's opinion about it.

Don't know what Gurni says but I think neither Long Spear nor the Pike need a buff.

They are difficult weapons just because of the way they work, especially the Pike. New players just have to go through a period of struggling to learn to play with them.

For some reason there has been an influx of Long Spear/Pike users. Most of them don't do very well with them, but the ones who know how to play them simply dominate the enemies most of the time (Provided the team is not shit)

A damage buff or noticable speed buff would just make more people use them, realise they still can't handle them well and stop using them. While the good pikers have a big advantage due to said buff.

Obviously I wouldn't mind being buffed for once, but it isn't needed :)
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