everything done to discourage new players - and old players alike - from picking up a bow and become an archer is done for the good of the mod. Simple as that.
I don't play, or play another class.
Their plan is working then.
And no, Molly, melee is not supposed to be the only class/playstyle adapting to changes. Granted, they haven't really had to. Ever.
At least, not with the consistent nerfs to archery.
I see that there is some effort here to balance effectively (higher accuracy, less arrows, etc), but it still isn't working. I don't recall the last time a patch got this much reaction from archers.
Even on an 8PD build, I was dumping half my arrows into targets. Maybe if I turned myself into a turret with 12 PD, I'd get a better result.
Still, the other issue is that the arrow count is too low, particularly with unloomed quivers. You shouldn't run out of arrows a third of the way through the match.
As others have said, the best approach now is to wait for everyone to get a few hits in, then start taking shots.
Anyway, maybe it's useless to argue for revisions or a compromise if the mindset is -> make archers miserable so we melee players have less to worry about, and therefore, have more fun.
The major thing I'm seeing here though is "ranged players can kill me and I don't like it."
Whenever I'm on my 2h or polearm alt, I
rarely get killed by ranged.
75% of the time it's because I'm not paying attention to my surroundings and charge into the open like a hero.
I liked Huscarlton's idea of capping athletics for archers. That would be fine.
That's a solid compromise worth implementing and trying out.