Author Topic: anyone else hates archery?  (Read 10216 times)

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #60 on: January 09, 2011, 08:33:16 pm »
Everyone keeps talking about the pierce damage issue.  I have to say that although archery got slower and does less damage, the deal breaker for me has been the reduced accuracy.  I have a 275 modified WPF and I still can't aim accurately enough to place my shots beyond 30 feet or so.  I don't mind not doing much damage, but when I can't hit I don't have fun anymore.
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2011, 09:06:13 pm »
Everyone keeps talking about the pierce damage issue.  I have to say that although archery got slower and does less damage, the deal breaker for me has been the reduced accuracy.  I have a 275 modified WPF and I still can't aim accurately enough to place my shots beyond 30 feet or so.  I don't mind not doing much damage, but when I can't hit I don't have fun anymore.

 To my knowledge, there's no modified WPF for archers anymore. If you have lets say 155 real WPF , you have 155 WPF no matter how low your PD is. 

Edit: But of course it can get lower than that by wearing heavier armor or having higher PD.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 09:21:23 pm by Cheapshot »
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #62 on: January 09, 2011, 09:14:35 pm »
I'm levelling a archer atm.

It's fun, although I'm not sure about some of the mechanics, however. For instance, my wpf is nerfed to near-zero by PD/armour (I built str first), is having 0 effective wpf the same thing as having 0 applied wpf? Do I incur any special nerf if I, for instance, have 0 archery wpf and a lot of PD?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #63 on: January 09, 2011, 09:28:31 pm »
Another thing that I've noticed is the emence amount of 2h people now. Not only do they pay less repair costs since they are using one weapon instead of shield+sword for instance. They've also got alot  increased survive ability because of less and less accurate archers. These are kind of secondary effects that you might not think of first but nerfing archers didn't just hit archers badly but it boosted other proffesions as well. A 2h guy can now quite comfortly cross and open area(worese and much less archers) to get to the enemy and start spamming with their high agi builds. At close range Archers are pretty much useless bacuse of their heavy investment and now even heavier investment in ranged skills. This would have been ok, cause archers shall suck in close combat but when it became easier to reached them it ended with a double nerf at least considering their surviveability.

I think few elite and experieced players will acknowledge this but it's just pure logic. They love that archers are so much less powerfull and can't really get them as they move in to finish them of. Many sees killing people with sword as a more "pure" form of killing than ranged. Still hitting a moving target from a distance still require some skill, especially if the target is equiped with a shield. I won't go into discussions about realism and such because it's just not interesting. The interesting thing is to keep the game as balanced as possible and yes, Archers, tincans and cav need some changes to make it more balanced.

I personally mainly play as a shielder atm and i must say that I don't really fear archers at all anymore.  I'm mainly killed by 2h gangbangs marily swinging away. I usually end up in the top third of the score board and keep an even K/D ration which I'm quite ok with considering the time I spend playing.

Btw, horses die more easily now mainly because of people using less heavily armored horses.

A Final note: Pls don't ever pull the "- You're just not skilled" shit on anyone cause is just bloody stupid. People who fall back to that misses the fact that the servers would be quite empty if only the "really skilled" players acctually play. You need us that are more casual player of avarage skill to enjoy the game, period. If you want to measure skill go to the duel servers and measure your ***** there please.
Most of us will never be as skilled as you guys are because of different reasons ranging from bad computer equipment, bad connection, casual player to bad mouse day etc. I do really admire you skill and dedication though, it's really enjoyable to see a highly skilled player play at the top of his/her game! (Btw that's one good thing with dying mid round!)

Regards to you all and see you on the battlefield!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 10:36:19 pm by Endorphine »

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #64 on: January 09, 2011, 09:46:40 pm »
In before gorath starts to realize how fucking deadly throwers are and lobbies chadz to nerf them too  8-)

I see exactly how many fotm throwers there are and how deadly it is, and I think it's fine.  I even gave up my throwing to take riding instead this time around.  Throwing is fine and all of those kills are justified considering the terrible random "Oh I think I'll veer hard left of your reticule" inaccuracy throwing has.  Braeden throws shit into my horse all the time and then throwing axes my head while I'm trying to stand back up.

Throwing is fine.
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #65 on: January 09, 2011, 09:49:55 pm »
I love bows, archers, hunters, rangers and everything like that (books, films, games, all, all, all) and before 0.200 I played archer sooo much, but when the patch 0.200 appeared, i must stop playing archer and i must make a new char, because bow is now useless. Low damage, slow reload, stupid animation.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #66 on: January 09, 2011, 10:26:48 pm »
Archery was beset by a cancer, every other skill-less noob was rolling archer, grinding to high level, then machinegunning 2hit arrows of doom with super accuracy.
Now, its gotten better, now it actually takes effort to be a good archer. Quit your archer chars, roll 2h, facehug my arrows :)

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #67 on: January 09, 2011, 10:54:27 pm »
Also agree that throwing is fine.  Like archers, it takes an extreme skill investment to be accurate, the drop off over range is pretty extreme, and the projectiles move half the speed of arrows/bolts if not less.  So throwers have to engage at much closer range, putting themselves at a lot of risk.  Also, unless you build as a dedicated thrower with tons of strength and PT, you have to settle for lower damage weapons if you want any accuracy.  I have PT 5 and 90 wpf, and I can't throw anything above war dart very accurately.  It takes at least 3 hits with snowflakes & darts to bring down anybody that isn't low level and naked.  This means it's not uncommon to blow through your entire ammo load without a single kill, and that most people can close the mid-range distance at which you're accurate before you can kill them.  And since it's strength based, you're too slow to run away and can easily get torn apart by dedicated melee builds with tons of agility.

Compare to archers who have high ammo loads, get to build lots of agility so they have a chance of running away from trouble, much faster projectiles, much less drop off over range, and faster firing rate than the other two ranged types.

I'm not complaining that throwing is underpowered or anything.  I'm just saying there are a lot more trade-offs than most people in this thread are giving credit for.  The ranged classes are not nearly as skewed as you think.  If archers were to get a damage boost, then they damn well better suffer some of the same penalties as throwers.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #68 on: January 09, 2011, 11:54:19 pm »
Throwing is fine and all of those kills are justified considering the terrible random "Oh I think I'll veer hard left of your reticule" inaccuracy throwing has.  Braeden throws shit into my horse all the time and then throwing axes my head while I'm trying to stand back up.

Throwing is fine.

:idea: Use stones with powerthrow 10

You will be surprised....

Also agree that throwing is fine.  Like archers, it takes an extreme skill investment to be accurate, the drop off over range is pretty extreme, and the projectiles move half the speed of arrows/bolts if not less.  So throwers have to engage at much closer range, putting themselves at a lot of risk.  Also, unless you build as a dedicated thrower with tons of strength and PT, you have to settle for lower damage weapons if you want any accuracy.

This of course too. Well, I'm glad that LLJK_SuperPeasant is save from nerfs at least.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 12:00:06 am by Trout4711 »

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #69 on: January 10, 2011, 12:48:44 am »
:idea: Use stones with powerthrow 10

You will be surprised....

lol no I won't.  I've had Pik Nik, Scott Ray, Braeden, and other high PT throwers stone me to death.  It's hillarious and one of the best parts of throwing.
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #70 on: January 10, 2011, 09:28:41 am »
It's hillarious and one of the best parts of throwing.

Well, in that we agree  8-)

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #71 on: January 10, 2011, 08:59:51 pm »
I really like archery this patch, much more difficult and satisfying.
My favorite thing about this patch is that it cut down on the ranged spam.
I think Xbows could use a slight accuracy nerf.
Horsearcher is really fun now because you can actually be a light horsearcher without your horse getting killed in .5 seconds
heavy armored people are pretty immune to archers but not everyone is heavy armor with the upkeep and you can use melee and teamwork to finish off the heavies

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #72 on: January 10, 2011, 09:40:58 pm »
Archery was beset by a cancer, every other skill-less noob was rolling archer, grinding to high level, then machinegunning 2hit arrows of doom with super accuracy.
Now, its gotten better, now it actually takes effort to be a good archer. Quit your archer chars, roll 2h, facehug my arrows :)

So what u actually mean is that every archer is a skill-less noob?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #73 on: January 10, 2011, 10:08:32 pm »
So what u actually mean is that every archer is a skill-less noob?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #74 on: January 10, 2011, 10:11:45 pm »
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Well if thats what u mean...Fuck u! im not skilless, i actually know how to block and kill other melee guys....