Author Topic: anyone else hates archery?  (Read 10215 times)

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Offline Eyerra

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2011, 01:37:38 am »
Why dont u support me on both dmg and accuracy? :(

I support you, poor thing. ;)

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2011, 03:34:13 am »
Bows and arrows aren't supposed to do cut damage. If you want to balance them lower the amount of pierce damage. I like the fact that Morningstar has pierce damage now and because of that decision I don't understand why did you give bows cut damage.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2011, 03:58:36 am »
Archers are strong as they are! A experianced one can take out a horse with 3 arrows! Archers are strong enough as they are, they are at a good speed now! Sure, I tried a archer they seem slow when you are one, but good when your not! I tried a 2 hander and i suked at it when i was one but other people were better! So someone somewhere is better at you at something! Noone is better than everyone at everything! If you dont like it try something else! (when they add retirement) I have tried every class, and found im good at flamberge and cav, but some people are much better. So you cant expect to be the best, someone is always better at something! Stop whining noone likes whiners, but yet everyone does. So just try something else. Archers still do alot of damage, i hate them because they kill me so easily. You see, everyone has a weakness and everyone has a strenght, sometimes you cant find them, but you have them.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2011, 04:12:42 am »
I'm no tin-can or horse of course, but as a damage-meter I testify that archers have a reasonable amount of damage now. There are far fewer tin-cans around as well. You have to choose your battles, and most archers can run away from tin cans. Problem happens when they suffer from tunnelvision and become static targets. Archers should have to play smart like everyone else, and pay for their ranged ability.

I haven't played crpg before the new patches,  so I naturally only know what is current. My archer is a pure archer at lvl 23, 18 str, 14 agi - he has 6 PD and 129 WPF. I think that the damage is a little bit on the soft side... I have to hit people ~3 times or four generally to drop them (Longbow, w/ bodkin). That being said I personally don't think that is too bad. Although TRYING to hit someone that many times ends up being fairly difficult...

In my personal opinion it seems that with this poor accuracy the damage needs bumped a bit. OR Keep the damage and bump the accuracy. Also I think changing the damage from pierce to cut is just simply odd. Arrows don't slash, they are going to go THROUGH something. They have a small tip with a load of energy behind them.

Now as for playing smart, obviously I quickly realized I'm not going to take down a tincan. I SHOULD have an option to, it should just be way more difficult... Which it clearly is. I've adapted my play style based on what my character can do. I often just end up trying to hit other archers, horses, or try to pick off people who are running or alone. I've taken down horses on occasion and have scored some lucky headshot across the map that was partly a well placed guess and luck.

 What I think of my archer is that he is a very unique and fun character to play, but he just seems dull... One aspect needs to be as sharp as his arrows...
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #49 on: January 09, 2011, 04:52:35 am »
I often just end up trying to hit other archers, horses,

Archers on my team never seem like they're doing this enough.  They might not be such a pain if they'd actually try to cancel each other out more.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #50 on: January 09, 2011, 07:27:33 am »
Archers still do alot of damage, i hate them because they kill me so easily. You see, everyone has a weakness and everyone has a strenght, sometimes you cant find them, but you have them.

First off, no we dont.  3 arrows to the heart of a cloth armored peasant is not my idea of a lot of damage.

Second if we kill you too easily you are either A: not moving properly and ending up a nice stationary target for 3-5 shots to the chest, B: Not wearing a helmet and getting domed every time while standing still, or C: It's not really an arrow killing you but a crossbow bolt and you are confusing the symbols in the kill-chart

and Third, if you actually read the posts written by intelligent people who put some actual thought, statistics, and game mechanics behind our argument you may understand why exactly we were over-nerfed. 

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #51 on: January 09, 2011, 08:31:13 am »
This guy hates archery too:
Quote from: Merrill Grinch
I rolled a thrower alt tonight after finally re-attaining enough levels to use my war bow on my archer main.

Holy poo poo, throwing is loving easy-mode. I started racking up kills by level 5.

In summary: gently caress archery, gently caress chadz, go throwing.
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And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #52 on: January 09, 2011, 08:42:02 am »
So what do I do now? M&B cRPG for me is whole world of Archerism, used to be. Now? I try, but unlucky. With all my luck hitting the foes I'm not even getting a kill even having 3 arrows in 'em, this is I'm talking about luck. Without luck,... I can't even hit anybody, my char is so slow. I can't get away from CAVs in time, who actually have been all the time dominating in cRPG, but as an archer I didn't care, 'cause I knew I could deal with them, before, not anymore. Not anymore with anyone. It takes 2 shots to get peasant down, if you're lucky and can hit him or her all this 2 hits. So now I'm just waiting till heirlooming comes back and I have to learn new skill. chadz killed Archer in me with new patch. Amen... 8-)

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #53 on: January 09, 2011, 08:45:34 am »
So what do I do now? M&B cRPG for me is whole world of Archerism, used to be. Now? I try, but unlucky. With all my luck hitting the foes I'm not even getting a kill even having 3 arrows in 'em, this is I'm talking about luck. Without luck,... I can't even hit anybody, my char is so slow. I can't get away from CAVs in time, who actually have been all the time dominating in cRPG, but as an archer I didn't care, 'cause I knew I could deal with them, before, not anymore. Not anymore with anyone. It takes 2 shots to get peasant down, if you're lucky and can hit him or her all this 2 hits. So now I'm just waiting till heirlooming comes back and I have to learn new skill. chadz killed Archer in me with new patch. Amen... 8-)

Sarranid horse dies to 2 arrows constantly.  In tribal warrior armor I die to 2-3 body shots, and 1 headshot without a helmet, 90% hp headshot with klappvisor.

Yes, archers got nerfed.  No they're not worthless and inability to get kills is either:
lack of levels
lack of proper build
lack of skill

*Edit:  However I do think that arrows could be put back to pierce damage, considering the other nerfs in place for archers.  Wouldn't change much vs all of us in light armor, but would let them help out against the armored horses and plate guys a bit more.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 08:49:42 am by Gorath »
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #54 on: January 09, 2011, 10:48:51 am »
I think we should make a new topic, this Topic doesent show chadz and his Tin-Can fellows our Opinon.
Somethink like "Back to Pierce", "Archer needs Pierce" or "Brosman is nothing without Pierce".
And by the way, if the modder dont turn the damage back to pierce i will play like Cris, spaming arround and delay the rounds until draw (as a Horse Archer)! [just kidding Cris, your playstyle is what chadz overnerf causes to all of US, nothing else left;)]
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 10:52:08 am by Lanic0r »

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2011, 11:40:52 am »
well i just dumped 6 Weapon master and I have a grand total of 148 archery; just tested my accuracy and it is terrible while zoom is on(the funny thing is that I only have 4 PD ) also I don't think i can do anything to improve - maybe i can get to 7 Weapon master but that's it
so then ... long distance shots are gone, fire rate is slow they nailed it good this time  :P
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 11:43:40 am by buy_dsr »

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2011, 01:03:58 pm »
I would support one of the following to archery. 1. Increase to base damage of archery, likely through the increase of bow damage. 2. Removal of accuracy loss due to Power Draw, or at the very least lowering the penalty significantly. 3. Switch the damage back to pierce, but lower it. I think any of these would do more to make archers better rounded. I still find archers useful, but I could certainly see how people could complain about it feeling less effective than other ranged classes against heavier armored people. The big problem I have with buffing archery too much is the reduction to shield effectiveness, which would make people who carry a shield to protect against arrows have to get quite a bit of shield skill to actually be relatively safe.

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2011, 01:36:43 pm »
This guy hates archery too:This QQ brought to you by LLJK and SA.

In before gorath starts to realize how fucking deadly throwers are and lobbies chadz to nerf them too  8-)

Archers are strong as they are! A experianced one can take out a horse with 3 arrows hits!

Fixed that for you. Do you know how hard it is to actually hit a cavalry player who does not play like a retard?

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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #58 on: January 09, 2011, 01:39:25 pm »
Currently the archer is not that really bad (depends how good you are) ,i whined alot at start then i realized it just not that bad,  with 18/24 build (lvl 30,no ath/PS) im still preety fast and accurate, the only thing that annoys me is that only one hit  in 10 HITS with longbow(!) will kill someone, just buff the cut damage/make it pierce and archery will  decent. (But still would have almost no advantages over other ranged weapons,but W/E)
And about those ninjas whining about getting killed in two shots, i wonder how do enemy archers survive 3 shots from my warbow? Please explain.

My 2 cents.
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Re: anyone else hates archery?
« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2011, 08:28:44 pm »
First off, no we dont.  3 arrows to the heart of a cloth armored peasant is not my idea of a lot of damage.

Second if we kill you too easily you are either A: not moving properly and ending up a nice stationary target for 3-5 shots to the chest, B: Not wearing a helmet and getting domed every time while standing still, or C: It's not really an arrow killing you but a crossbow bolt and you are confusing the symbols in the kill-chart

and Third, if you actually read the posts written by intelligent people who put some actual thought, statistics, and game mechanics behind our argument you may understand why exactly we were over-nerfed.

Look, im just trying to be nice. Archers are good, everyone thinks everyone is nerfed! So wont it make sense everyone is equal? Also, have you ever  heard of "Loz_outcast"? He is pretty much the greatest archer in the game, he hardly dies and everyone is afraid of him! He also doesnt whine, so he is a respectable and great archer! Try not to whine and find good places to kill people with! Buy a siege ladder go up on a tower, destroy the ladder and shoot from there, Archers are supposed to weaken enemies so they are easier to kill for other people, archers are a great help on the battle field especially when they hit each target at least once! People are grateful for you and that you help them so many times! You destroy the pesky and strong 2 handers and that way the people on your team can take care of the rest! Dont say your weak, your great! I agree the fact that arrows are supposed to pierce, because they, well, pierce. But you are even! you just want more power so you will be the great warlords! But it would not be fair! Also your a whole lot faster than crossbowmen, and it makes sense for a slow thing to be strong. example, Flamberge is slow but does alot of damage, Longsword is really fast but doesnt do as much damage as the flamberge, but they both need teamwork and they cant take on everyone else! Just like archers and crossbowmen!