Also agree that throwing is fine. Like archers, it takes an extreme skill investment to be accurate, the drop off over range is pretty extreme, and the projectiles move half the speed of arrows/bolts if not less. So throwers have to engage at much closer range, putting themselves at a lot of risk. Also, unless you build as a dedicated thrower with tons of strength and PT, you have to settle for lower damage weapons if you want any accuracy. I have PT 5 and 90 wpf, and I can't throw anything above war dart very accurately. It takes at least 3 hits with snowflakes & darts to bring down anybody that isn't low level and naked. This means it's not uncommon to blow through your entire ammo load without a single kill, and that most people can close the mid-range distance at which you're accurate before you can kill them. And since it's strength based, you're too slow to run away and can easily get torn apart by dedicated melee builds with tons of agility.
Compare to archers who have high ammo loads, get to build lots of agility so they have a chance of running away from trouble, much faster projectiles, much less drop off over range, and faster firing rate than the other two ranged types.
I'm not complaining that throwing is underpowered or anything. I'm just saying there are a lot more trade-offs than most people in this thread are giving credit for. The ranged classes are not nearly as skewed as you think. If archers were to get a damage boost, then they damn well better suffer some of the same penalties as throwers.