it's only just come to my attention because of this whole byz/nords merger thing, that a lot of people don't like the banner balance.
please correct me if i'm wrong but it currently attributes a score to each player based on certain factors (which i don't know), like
PLAYER Alevel 34 =120 points
kdr 1.3 = 100 points
player's total points =220
etc etc etc
and then balances players based on their score, until you get a
total team 1 points 30,000
total team 2 points 28,500 or something
if this is in fact the way it works (which i'm not actually sure it is), then surely the way to fix banner balance would be to add score for people on the same team sharing the same banner, e.g.
level 34 =120 points
kdr 1.3 = 100 points
2 players with same banner (on same team) =20 points
player's total points =240
level 35 =130 points
kdr 1.7 = 140 points
2 players with same banner (on same team) =20 points
player's total points =290
total team 1 points 30,000
total team 2 points 28,500
etc etc etc
that way you'd be accounting somewhat for the advantage a player gets from playing with the same banner as his mates.
oh, and also, perhaps it'd be a good idea to include a player's round win/loss ratio as well as their kdr into the equation, so
win/loss ratio 1.3 = 50 points
just an idea ;)