Author Topic: Iraq falling appart  (Read 58348 times)

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #885 on: January 17, 2016, 05:54:01 pm »
Parasitic leech and proud of it, the motto for the future of western civilization. Don't worry, I'm sure european countries will never, ever again be put into a situation where collective identity beyond immediate family and friends will matter. War and conflict and tribal identities are a thing of the past, after all. What possible use could we have for them? There is nothing but the Long Peace, and obviously it will persist forever.
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #886 on: January 17, 2016, 07:00:18 pm »
Being part of an extended, collective tribal group is absolutely about making your life and the life of your loved ones longer. You've been living in collective peace and prosperity for so long you can't even recognize how that "worthless" flag, land or ideologies or any other tribal marker is the reason for it. Look at the big picture for one second, instead of drowning your critical thinking in emotional cliches and navel-gazing at your own existence as if it was completely divorced from the whole of history that came before it, the whole of history that is happening right now before your eyes.
Selfish hedonist with laughable arguements, filled with naive idiocy. Zero surprise that you are in Krems. I wish I could say you were just a dumb kid, but even adults like Molly are fucking stupid enough to share your hilariously unrealistic point of view, so you're probably just another brainwashed idiot.
We are the only part of the world where tribalism is extinct and we are the only part of the world that is stable and prosperous. Africa is where tribalism is the strongest and it's the most unstable place, notably because democracy is not functioning properly when people vote for their clan instead of voting for the best plan. No correlation?

The only time when european's peace is troubled is when some people are too attached to their identity (aka both jiihadist and white-supremacist).

You blame Turks for whiping out their minority but say that tribalism is good... wtf?? Wasn't tribalism precisely the cause of the wipe out?

But yeah praise tribalism, it just bring so much good! Better go back in time when each european nation was fighting against it's neighbor cause you know our nation is worth more.
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #887 on: January 17, 2016, 07:23:14 pm »
Yes, I am with Oberyn!

Working for production, paying taxes of the paid work, buying local produce at the store... fucking leecher!
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #888 on: January 17, 2016, 07:57:10 pm »
Parasitic leech and proud of it, the motto for the future of western civilization. Don't worry, I'm sure european countries will never, ever again be put into a situation where collective identity beyond immediate family and friends will matter. War and conflict and tribal identities are a thing of the past, after all. What possible use could we have for them? There is nothing but the Long Peace, and obviously it will persist forever.

I suppose you're talking about me? There is nothing to be proud of. As I said, when I die western civilization will be gone for me. I will not be there to experience its future. It only exists to me insofar as I care about it and that caring feeling makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm pretty confident our penchant for tribalism will stay a thing until we lose that trait as a species, if that ever happens. After-all, it took a couple hundred thousand years to develop it.

Besides, if you knew a little more about me I doubt you'd honestly call me parasitic.

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #889 on: January 17, 2016, 08:49:53 pm »
When something falls, another thing will take its place. And usually far more worse.

Nothing to celebrate at.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 09:36:19 pm by Jambi »
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #890 on: January 17, 2016, 11:08:16 pm »
We are the only part of the world where tribalism is extinct and we are the only part of the world that is stable and prosperous. Africa is where tribalism is the strongest and it's the most unstable place, notably because democracy is not functioning properly when people vote for their clan instead of voting for the best plan. No correlation?

The only time when european's peace is troubled is when some people are too attached to their identity (aka both jiihadist and white-supremacist).

You blame Turks for whiping out their minority but say that tribalism is good... wtf?? Wasn't tribalism precisely the cause of the wipe out?

But yeah praise tribalism, it just bring so much good! Better go back in time when each european nation was fighting against it's neighbor cause you know our nation is worth more.

Tribalism is not extinct. The only way you can "kill" any sort of tribalism is by replacing it with another. Despite the best efforts of the postmodern cultural relativists, I'd say people who think like you still represent less than half of the european natives. Most of the governments and elites maybe, persons like Kaffein who have nothing but contempt for their own people, but the people themselves actually have to deal with the fallout, not hide in their fenced off mansions and rich neighborhoods where they will never personally experience any drawbacks from what is nothing but a moral and intellectual quandary in their eyes.

The forms of tribalism that are being slowly "killed" in Europe are entirely determined by a cultural relativism that cuts only one way. If the double standards weren't so blatantly obvious, if Europe lived in a vacuum detached from the rest of the planet, without the millions of foreigners immigrating to Europe every year, plus the millions of so-called "refugees", outbreeding the natives by a large margin, bringing their own tribal identities that are absolutely not subject to the same attempts at eradication, if we held these foreign identities to the same standards we hold our own (i.e they must be obliterated for the greater good) then I would agree with you that it is not a problem. That's not the case. You may eventually learn that casting off your ethnic, cultural, tribal identity doesn't really mean much if the people you are doing it for don't also do the same. In fact they are encouraged to do the exact opposite.

I don't "blame" the turks, no more than I blame the assyrians, or the greeks, or the persians, or etc. I simply recognize that the only reason that they exist today as an identifiable ethnic identity is because of that tribalism. We wouldn't be talking of turks, or french, or germans, or any other present day ethnicity if their ancestors hadn't sacrificed themselves by the thousands, by the millions, like "dumb monkeys", so that their idiot descendents could look down their noses at them as if they were nothing more than backwards subhumans, so inferior to our own noble, modern values. You say tribalism is extinct in Europe. It clearly isn't yet, but that's what you and people like you look forward to. Are you truly naive enough to think once you destroy the french identity, and the german identity, and etc, even the as-yet non-existent european identity, aborted before it was even fully born, strangled in the craddle by idiots like you, that nothing else will take it's place?

« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 11:13:52 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #891 on: January 17, 2016, 11:26:33 pm »
I didn't live in a first world vacuum, from communism to civil war to post war depression to EU. I still don't give a rats ass about how my countrys flag looks like, if anything I've seen first hand what "fighting for your homeland" leads to.
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Offline Oberyn

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #892 on: January 17, 2016, 11:36:58 pm »
Don't you come from the Balkans? You understand what balkanization means, yes? There's absolutely no benefit to cultural and ethnic homogeneity. Take the word of the guy who comes from an area that has become a byword for constant, unending, inter-ethnic conflict. What a beautiful example of multiculturalism in action. Why, I'm sure if we just eradicate the dominant identities in western european countries, replacing them with a "salad bowl" of segregated cultures, nothing similar at all will happen. Hasn't been happening for decades now.

I find your fascination with japanese stuff particularly ironic, incidentally, given your stance on patriotism. Oh hey, look, a stable prosperous country not attempting to kill it's own culture and replace it's own people. Must be a mirage, because clearly the only thing that has made Europe one of the wealthiest and most politically stable areas on the planet is an ideology developped in the 1960's/70's, the birthdate of Europe. Absolutely nothing else had any effect at all.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2016, 11:41:33 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #893 on: January 18, 2016, 12:01:03 am »
Don't you come from the Balkans? You understand what balkanization means, yes? There's absolutely no benefit to cultural and ethnic homogeneity. Take the word of the guy who comes from an area that has become a byword for constant, unending, inter-ethnic conflict. What a beautiful example of multiculturalism in action. Why, I'm sure if we just eradicate the dominant identities in western european countries, replacing them with a "salad bowl" of segregated cultures, nothing similar at all will happen. Hasn't been happening for decades now.

I find your fascination with japanese stuff particularly ironic, incidentally, given your stance on patriotism. Oh hey, look, a stable prosperous country not attempting to kill it's own culture and replace it's own people. Must be a mirage, because clearly the only thing that has made Europe one of the wealthiest and most politically stable areas on the planet is an ideology developped in the 1960's/70's, the birthdate of Europe. Absolutely nothing else had any effect at all.

Well let's just say people of my former country lived happily ever after till years of debt came to pay and standard of living declined, then all the izms started to grow.

Japan actually benefited immensely from opening up after 2 centuries of utter isolation, they are heavily western influenced, they took western civilization as an example and today modern japanese men and women are quite ashamed of their ancestors genocides over the centuries after looking out of the box. I never condoned Nanyang or anything similar, I'm more impressed by Japan today and steps they made in 100 years to becoming a modern society from living in wooden houses, sure many are still racist and chauvinistic but it's a fastly declining trend.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 12:04:08 am by Prpavi »
And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #894 on: January 18, 2016, 12:07:14 am »
Most asians are inherently differential to non-natives, if they live in their home country.

Those that Migrate are some of the most socially adaptable people and tend to form bonds with local countries better. (First Generation is typically isolated, but second+ blends in better. Look at the Japanese in Brazil)
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Offline Angantyr

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #895 on: January 18, 2016, 12:15:51 am »
I like to imagine sometimes the numbers currently mass-emigrating to Europe being made up of young female Japanese, instead of young Arab and African men. How different it would be both in manner and in reception.

The Japanese society is one of the most homogeneous at home, btw.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2016, 12:20:14 am by Angantyr »

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #896 on: January 18, 2016, 01:11:22 am »
Before Allahu Akbar, there was Tenno Heika Banzai.
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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #897 on: January 18, 2016, 01:37:56 am »
Tribalism is not extinct. The only way you can "kill" any sort of tribalism is by replacing it with another. Despite the best efforts of the postmodern cultural relativists, I'd say people who think like you still represent less than half of the european natives. Most of the governments and elites maybe, persons like Kaffein who have nothing but contempt for their own people, but the people themselves actually have to deal with the fallout, not hide in their fenced off mansions and rich neighborhoods where they will never personally experience any drawbacks from what is nothing but a moral and intellectual quandary in their eyes.

The forms of tribalism that are being slowly "killed" in Europe are entirely determined by a cultural relativism that cuts only one way. If the double standards weren't so blatantly obvious, if Europe lived in a vacuum detached from the rest of the planet, without the millions of foreigners immigrating to Europe every year, plus the millions of so-called "refugees", outbreeding the natives by a large margin, bringing their own tribal identities that are absolutely not subject to the same attempts at eradication, if we held these foreign identities to the same standards we hold our own (i.e they must be obliterated for the greater good) then I would agree with you that it is not a problem. That's not the case. You may eventually learn that casting off your ethnic, cultural, tribal identity doesn't really mean much if the people you are doing it for don't also do the same. In fact they are encouraged to do the exact opposite.

I don't "blame" the turks, no more than I blame the assyrians, or the greeks, or the persians, or etc. I simply recognize that the only reason that they exist today as an identifiable ethnic identity is because of that tribalism. We wouldn't be talking of turks, or french, or germans, or any other present day ethnicity if their ancestors hadn't sacrificed themselves by the thousands, by the millions, like "dumb monkeys", so that their idiot descendents could look down their noses at them as if they were nothing more than backwards subhumans, so inferior to our own noble, modern values. You say tribalism is extinct in Europe. It clearly isn't yet, but that's what you and people like you look forward to. Are you truly naive enough to think once you destroy the french identity, and the german identity, and etc, even the as-yet non-existent european identity, aborted before it was even fully born, strangled in the craddle by idiots like you, that nothing else will take it's place?

Will you not try to confront me on the point I'm making?

I feel that the characters in The Talos Principle have colored my speech.

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #898 on: January 18, 2016, 03:23:11 am »
Ffs berenger y u do dis?

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Re: Iraq falling appart
« Reply #899 on: January 18, 2016, 04:04:14 am »
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