Nice post Basnak, I think everyone should read that if they are interested in the UK. I think regional devolution will be the best thing for this country.
Devolution could be a good thing, but it could also have bad consequences. You need some clear rules as to who decides which things, if not you will run into tons of duplicities and disputes over who can do what.
In Spain, a similar thing happened after Franco died, with the "Comunidades Autónomas" (Autonomous Comunities). First of all some of the divisions were decided somewhat arbitrarily (eg Madrid is alone despite it having always been part of Castile, but hell, it's the government, so let's give it special status), and there are plenty of entities where duplicity of functions happens (eg Diputación and local government, both of those with Autonomous Government, and autonomous government with national). A clear example was with local TV stations. Every CA, most big towns, etc used to have various TV stations, loads of which have gone bankrupt simply because there is no demand for so many shit stations. (eg Canal 9, which was the epitome of crap)
Yet again, this is the UK, where things are generally (at least from what I have seen) done slightly better than in Spain, so maybe this will not be an issue.