
 Do you think that the STRENGTH requirement for Medium/Heavy tier armours, should be increased?


Author Topic: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours. POLL ADDED!  (Read 29317 times)

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Sooo... remove str requirements on weapons? I'd be up for that, except great mauls perhaps.
The whole idea of removing str requirements is that everyone can pick up a weapon and swing it, but the less STR you have the more and more your weapon get useless. It shouldn't change much about the epeen of certain people using that item, but a peasant should be able to pick up a great maul and swing it yes. He will do almost no dmg and be slow as fuck though.

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That's quite strange since I seem to be a lot faster than an average player with 7 athletics and medium heavy armor (~20kg total). I think most players on EU still have 6 athletics. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I'd guess it's more your footwork and less the enemy builds that make you feel slower than you are. Their weapons are a lot longer than yours as well making them even slower.

Ask around, most players that do well have high level builds with 24-27 strength. Their footwork is better than average players which makes them seem a lot faster.

That said, with a 9 athletics ninja build I feel your armor is way too heavy. It's much more fun to play with 2kg armor on that kind of build. Just have to avoid archers even more - try it, it can be super fun and super annoying at the same time trying to survive in rags.
I am not talking about footwork but about round start and everyone running a straight line. I am faster but not nearly as much as 3 ath more (considering you're 6ath average would be true) would expect me to be.
8 ath average might be exaggerated but 7ath average seems fair enough. Or the speed/acceleration gain from more ath is not linear.

And I actually don't mind a requirements raise on heavy armor but on all heavy armor and not just plate and 3 more of them.
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Yeah, i never understood how that worked at round starts because with 0 athletics and medium armour, or very rarely heavy armour or plate, i still reach the battle or castle walls at the same time as everyone else, sometimes before them. Maybe i just run straighter and more direct.
Maybe because athletics skill isn't as much about running speed as you think?
I like how you get into discission about agi being OP without actually knowing how athletics work.

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He used to be such a nice and calm guy when he was a Ninja... now he slowly becomes a proper prick. I blame Byzantium...  8-)
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Let polls last longer time. i could find a few more people who would vote "NO".  :wink:

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just wondering why this polls only last for like a day and then you cant vote anymore.

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Most of the people don´t care about the forum anyways so that the polls are nonsense anyways just saying. Or you would need to at least let them longer open that people could get the information of that. When people like panos don´t have a real life it don´t means that the players what have to work. (From Monday to Friday)  And have no time to read this shit have to suffer pains because of him.

And don´t means that the majority of the people think like that.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 02:09:46 am by Simon_Templar »

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Feel free to use the Modify Post feature.
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character

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Most of the people dont care about the forum anyways so that the polls are nonesence anyways just saying. or you would need to at least let them longer open dead people could get the information of that. When people like panos dont have a real life it dont means that the players what have to work. And have no time to read this shit have to saver pains because of him.

zip your twat mouth you moronic cunt.
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zip your twat mouth you moronic cunt.

ban !

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I think the last page has shown that i'm open to consider new ideas if the poster isnt being a dick about it. I like how you're still trying to drag this back into the petty bitch-contest this thread was a page ago that wasnt going anywhere. But by all means continue, share your great wisdom of why your particular build is infact UP and should be BUFFED if anything, certainly not nerfed heaven forbid. Bring us back to *that* kind of closeminded discussion where we all try to throw jibes at each other cos we think it makes us sound smart (it doesnt).
You can call me a dick (because I did act a bit like a dick which I'm sorry for), but please, I'm playing 18-21 cav right now.  :D Before that, I used to play as 15-30 assassin guy. And before that -  as a 24-18 polearm guy. So I'm not trying to convince you just for my own comfort. And my current build is quite OP by the way.  :)
My point is that restricting isn't equal to balancing. If armored agi is OP, it should be nerfed instead of being restricted. Otherwise it would be unfair since STR builds are free to use light armor as well as heavy one.

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In my opinion everybody should have the ability to do what ever he wants. And not be forced to do things.

What i actually don´t like on the new weaponmaster system is that it fucked up a lot of builds of players who played already for a long time. What would not be that much of an issue. But Greys and Dhz getting stronger every day. What makes the game for people who are just started to play the mod. Really frustrating. And poor out the fun of it.

At this state. It looks for me like that a lot of people looking for conzepts to deal with the new Weaponmaster system. For me the problem are not the thick armors. For me the problem is that weaponmaster system. And diversity of interpretation and interpretation what balance really means. Already you need to know a lot about crpg so that you can do a decent character who is also usable for teamwork. It should not wonder you that crpg is totally boring. And especially strategus is boring. What has nothing to do with plate armors because the gold what you need to pay for them is also already increased. Also for heavy horses. What forced me already to quit strategus. And now you want to fool me out of crpg as well. Only because you and some people simply can not deal the factor of a always changing world. And i always have to retire my cav builds after something is getting nerfed ones again. When i playing cav people start to use spears to stop my horse. So the game is balancing it self. And don´t need that nerfs at all. On the other hand when you cant do something against a class. Like you cant do something against a guy with an great maul , longmaul what ever. (Of course you spam him.) Only because you are not be able to play against it why it should be removed? chadz should go on eu_2 for a while he would see how 2 handed and people with long maul dominates the siege server. And they actually using 21 strengh already. But this is no problem for you panos. (The current balancing is favoring some assholes who don´t want to do teamplay. And they all get stacked up in grey order, Dhz, Kapikulu.) This should be fixed since ages that you could not be allied with so many factions at the same time. Because the world of crpg is a complex systems already with all the    individual players inside it. For me it should be some sort of system like crusader kings 2. That a only a few people could do a faction. And that its more about tactic. And that you bring people together fighting in teamplay. Because some people are simply not made for this ticket crafting system. And also not made for the exhausting trading system. Who has the time to play this shit. When only a leader of a faction would has access to everything. And could do everything it would be much better. The only condition what i would improve that a clan need a size like 40 players to create a strat faction. What can be re adjusted. If needed. I would do it like with all the placement what you can do in strategus. That maybe strat has also his little admin. Who makes sure that everything is going his way. And not that one faction is getting to big. With random events. And condition what a faction need to accomplish. For example conquer some specific territory. Or that your leader what need to get the state of a king or baron, emperor. And that this are actually titles what you could get after achieving some victories. And maybe that then you could equip your armys with better weapons and armors. Because this all based on money system. But all in all it should be more random. What would makes it more interesting. And it would make it that not all the time the same factions are allies again. And that maybe you could not choose who is your ally. More something that you use people for reaching your specific winning conditions.

It is really easy to deal insane much damage with a 2 hander with the current system. And what panos maybe not understand that this change has an influence on other classes as well. Because i can not afford it to use athletics. When i need like 8 riding so that i can ride heavy horses already. it would ruin heavy cav completely. So of course i put heavy armor on then.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 03:02:57 am by Simon_Templar »

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Simon_Templar, we really appreciate that you managed to put all your thoughts into single post.

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You can call me a dick (because I did act a bit like a dick which I'm sorry for), but please, I'm playing 18-21 cav right now.  :D Before that, I used to play as 15-30 assassin guy. And before that -  as a 24-18 polearm guy. So I'm not trying to convince you just for my own comfort. And my current build is quite OP by the way.  :)
My point is that restricting isn't equal to balancing. If armored agi is OP, it should be nerfed instead of being restricted. Otherwise it would be unfair since STR builds are free to use light armor as well as heavy one.

The game is very much balanced around agi atm, with little incentive for players to take more str than around 18. Every build favours agi really opposed to str. Be it melee, cav, archer, xbow, thrower. What do you get by going over 18 str compared to what you get with agi? We definately need str limits of some kind on armour btw. Thats the only negative trait to wearing armour on a horse.

Agi is too good atm for every class. It adds to melee damage, lets you use ranged, use cav, makes you way more efficient in melee. They either need to buff str or give people a good incentive to take less agi. I'm not sure if str requirements are the answer, but it would at least put restrictions on ranged and cav which is fine for balance. Some classes do need to be restricted, its not always possible to simply nerf for each class. Agi melee might suffer, but tbh melee aren't the ones who benefit from high armour the most anyway. Melee need to be fast to catch people because of their short range. Cav aren't affected until dehorsed, and then they just need to soak up damage or run away. Ranged always try to put themselves at a distance and can start to kite way before the negative trait of the armour will impact them too much

I have my wpf split 3 ways and I still reckon just because I have 8 athletics my build is better than my old 24/18.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2014, 10:54:00 am by Grumbs »
If you have ranged troubles use this:

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