
 Do you think that the STRENGTH requirement for Medium/Heavy tier armours, should be increased?


Author Topic: Increase the difficulty requirement on Medium/Heavy tier armours. POLL ADDED!  (Read 29320 times)

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Sorry i read this comments now for half an hour. And i must say why not including an stamina system. that when you wear heavier Armor that you exhaust faster and not be able to run anymore. This would be realistic . The increasing the weight was done and the begin of existing of the mod and it did not work out in the frist Place. So why you think it actually it would change something? It would only change that the assholes what use unrealistic Athletics system from Mount and blade would even be more OP. And i don´t find myself that Op. Using an Milanese Plate set. must of the people are faster then me. What is totally nonsense by realistic standards. Where you can run with this armatures as you can with light armor. But you would exhaust faster. this is how it would be. So what you actually could do and what i found fair. Increase the difficult to use those armatures. But increasing the weight would make them totally useless. And then i want my loompoints back what i invested in this Milanese Plate armor set to loom it. Because i could had loomed something else.

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I think heavy armour should slow you down a lot and reduce your weapon speed.

Im actually wearing light armor with my main and sometimes, i use full plate, what i noticed is no big speed effect on my movements, im like 10 or 20% slower, for 5x survivability.

Thats the main reason 18/21,24,27 can use heavy armour without a huge nerf on their build, who will refuse to trade a little amount of speed for a significant survivability ?

Offline Simon_Templar

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I am playing cav so i don´t use Athletics at all. I will not support an retarded system what was at the begin already retarded.
And when my horse get killed i cant run away with this armor at all. You could not run away in real life as well because you would exhaust faster with this armor runing over longer distances. This is why actually knights would get captured  so that they could get ransom for them. And also the reason of mercy in the battlefield. i could do thousands of things implementing some new game changing systems and ideas. but you always nerfs. It looks for people from outside like a children fun show. I am sorry. You could actually make a systems where you could get more Xp and moneyfor killing people with master titles or other titles. Also you could implement a system for strategus where you could put people into jail. when you capture them. So that people would need to pay ransom to set them free again. Of course it should be a payable ransom. Not to many money so that you could get him out again. So that it is in a responsible balance after all.  And you would ever get him out of it. Another thing is why you not chance more things in strategus anymore who cares about this nerfs. This nerfs are totally nonesence. Because a lot of the people with i spoke want a better strategus system. And already quit the mod because of problems with the OP grey and dhz faction. What get every second stronger. Because of the gaytarded strategus fun battles. i am sorry but this was not the idea behind strategus. So i am just wondering why we need nerfs. Specially the ones for cav. And getting back to a gay tarded weaponmaster system.   :shock: Sorry but it makes me angry.  :(

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Hitting the head almost doubles your damage for some reason.

I want to think of heavy armor as some exclusive equipment for the elite with good stats (then nerf gloves :twisted:). My desire for a clearer difference between light, medium, and heavy equipment is likely not shared by many others. This is coming from someone whose main is currently an agi build. I *only* used strength builds and never tried a build above 15 agi until 2013, but even then, I never went above the 13-14 weight body armor.

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My kd is 1.2 because I absolutely don't care and am running around teamkilling kremsies

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The poll here says otherwise, people are keen for the extra variety that this would bring.

Sorry, I was mostly talking about different loom bonuses when I mentioned that, not the difficulties.

Offline Kafein

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The poll here says otherwise, people are keen for the extra variety that this would bring.

Regardless of votes, arguing that an increase in STR requirements would bring extra variety is moronic.

Offline Panos_

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Regardless of votes, arguing that an increase in STR requirements would bring extra variety is moronic.

of course it will, it will force people to distribute atribute points according to what they want to be.

Slow and tanky with a heavy armour
Fast and maneuverable with a low tier armour.

The only moronic thing is that agi based builds can be tanky with almost no penalties while on the other hand, STR builds can be tanky, but suffer tons of penalties.

For the sake of arguement, I`m gonna run a new poll, with the same question.
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Offline Kafein

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of course it will, it will force people to distribute atribute points according to what they want to be.

Slow and tanky with a heavy armour
Fast and maneuverable with a low tier armour.

The only moronic thing is that agi based builds can be tanky with almost no penalties while on the other hand, STR builds can be tanky, but suffer tons of penalties.

For the sake of arguement, I`m gonna run a new poll, with the same question.

There are plenty of people running around with all kinds of builds and light armor already, I don't see your point. Restricting choices is synonymous with reducing variety. Stop trying to make it sound like all agiwhores are using plate, that's just evidently wrong.

Offline Panos_

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I love it how people claim that agiwhoring and plate is bad and no one uses it, yet they defend it with such a passion  :lol:
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Offline Gravoth_iii

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I love it how people claim that agiwhoring and plate is bad and no one uses it, yet they defend it with such a passion  :lol:

That is exactly why we defend it, we wouldnt if it was so that it actually needed a nerf.

of course it will, it will force people to distribute atribute points according to what they want to be.

Slow and tanky with a heavy armour
Fast and maneuverable with a low tier armour.

The only moronic thing is that agi based builds can be tanky with almost no penalties while on the other hand, STR builds can be tanky, but suffer tons of penalties.

For the sake of arguement, I`m gonna run a new poll, with the same question.

Just because you say theres no penalties using plate with agi build, doesnt make it so. In THEORY it sounds like it would be really good, right, you only lose a bit of your movement speed that you have so plenty of as agiwhore, and you gain some tankyness. Barely any penalties! No. Losing that mobility puts you in the same movementspeed bracket as a balance build, with no health to support the armour you get almost no more tankyness from the armour, and as agiwhore you have no damage without speed bonus and that is exactly whats being lowered in exchange for taking maybe 1 more hit before you die. That loss of movementspeed is enough to stop you from dodging swings with superior athletics, so in reality you kinda lost out on survivability (depending on playstyle ofcourse).

Compare this to a balance build getting plate, they also lose a bit of mobility, not too bad, still very manageable. They have pretty decent amounts of health, even more so if they have skilled IF they can become real brutes. Damage? They never relied on movement for that, they have good amounts of PS to support their damage, so no loss there. Sounds pretty good to me i think i'd go for balance or str based if i wanted plate. WPF has no effect on either side..
« Last Edit: August 10, 2014, 11:06:06 pm by Gravoth_iii »
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Offline Roran Hawkins

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I am completely against this because you are completely ruining what I personally find one of the most attractive things in this mod; the fact that armour is not per se set in 'classes'. You can use the armour you want to use if you can afford it and are willing to face the consequences of using it. It's that simple. I don't want gamey solutions to create 'classes' simply because you don't like someone wanting to play in a plate armour while focussing on speed rather than completely retarded tanking ability.

Armour is meant to protect in the case someone gets hit, not to just spam the LMB and 'tank' hits as you say it. If you do this then the heavier armours are reduced to the latter situation.

Yeah, I understand that a part of my argument is based on realism and a part on my damn personal opinion, buy you want to limit plate from agi-characters because you want to restrict rogues from wearing plate because you don't like that.

My 2 cents, please don't take insult to them.

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Actually ignore my post, I'm not going to get involved in this discussion.

Offline Gravoth_iii

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Actually ignore my post, I'm not going to get involved in this discussion.

Sense doesnt belong in this thread anyways. Here we shall nerf things that doesnt really need nerfing because why the hell not!

Lets also nerf the Long hafted knobbed mace because why not, nobody uses it. And if anyone defends it and thinks its balanced then they are silly, why would they defend it if its balanced?? (i know this makes no sense whatsoever but that sums up panos's posts)
Paprika: ...the Internet and dreams are similar. They're areas where the repressed conscious mind escapes.
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Offline Gurnisson

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Heskey, you're 45/3 build wearing mostly heavy armour that can't block, so I can't help but feel that you're somewhat biased when it comes to this. The only problem with increased survivability from very heavy armour is when it has no downsides, and that is only when you use it on horseback or don't lose movement speed from it (say hello to your build there, Heskey, though it at least doesn't have a bunch of free wpf anymore).
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.