i can explain shield buff, you see someone thought that it would be funny to make flags appear after 1 team has less tha 6 players that way forcing them to go to flag and just camp it with shields that way making it unplayable for such class es as HA or Hx ( yes i am mad and i recently respeced to HA ) something should be changed about this because it is impossible to win for team that is outnumbered now.Lets say situation is 4 vs 10 players left, 10 just go camp at flag and 4 people charging those 10 is certain death, befor this flag system those 4 could at least chose place where to fight best and where they have at least some chances to kill remaining 10. Now its impossible.
if it was melee 4 vs melee 10, the 4 still has the chance to win, it takes 30 seconds for the flags to appear when the player count in one team reaches 6, so this directly nerfs HA's, HX's and ranged in general, which in fact a great thing, becausebefore you had to wait 4 minutes if there were 4 HA's running around before you could take flags, now the flags pop up 30 seconds later and the HA's and HX's have to fight directly to have a chance of winning.
I will take last night as an example, there must of been about 15-20 HA's on last night, Fallen, Eques and the shit HA clan with Prpavi and all that were all HA's, all pretty much on the same team. What happened? flags spawned when all their infantry died, becaus ethey didn tprotect them, found they were last ones alive every round and lost because as HA it is impossible to take the flags, all in all i say it has become a great addition, HA's can no longer delay at the end of rounds and that a lot of them will mean that your team will lose.