If you are playing as a twohander you might allready have experienced it. There is a horse archer who stalks you, rides around you and shoots arrows at you until you are so full of rage that you leave the server. But then when you switch to another server he follows you and it starts all over again.
I as a horse archer disaprove of this, but ... accidents may happen. That's why I'd like to offer to all you some special protection.
Option 1) Buy one of the strawhats, stones, knives and other stuff I offer on the market for 10'000 gold. I will know who you are and make sure that such accidents don't happen to you.
Optiont 2) Buy one of the strawhats, stones, knives and other stuff I offer on the market for 30'000 gold. I will know who you are and make sure that such accidents don't happen to you and help you out against other horse archers.
Thank you for your time dear twohander. Remember, not living in fear of accidents is the greatest wealth of all.