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loginSumpterUseless, cause it doesn't do much charge damage anymore. Also it's the slowest horse ingame. Better save up your money for other horses.
Assarhaddon on that:I've said it before and i say it again: "Sumpter is a 4-legged death trap!" (Well i guess you could use it as expensive transport, it is still faster than running. Like in the beginning of the round, getting into some building before the enemy does. But as a cav: Avoid like the plague!)
RounceyI actually like that horse because it's the 2nd cheapest and has better body armour/ hit points in comparison than the Palfrey, Steppe, Desert & Arabian Horse. Not too slow either. Nice horse for beginners.
PalfreyOnly a bit faster than Rouncey and more maneuver, but not worth the higher upkeep, in my opinion.
Steppe HorseNice Horse for HA and maybe also 1h, because of it's nice maneuver, but useless for lancing because waaaaay tooo slooow. Also very cheap.
Desert HorseSame goes for that, a bit faster, great for HA.
CourserA lancer's favourite, cause of it's high speed, resulting in more damage. I recommend using it with at least riding 6. My horse of choice, got a champion. Good hit points in comparison to the difficulty 3 horses.
Arabian WarhorseAlso one of the best horses for lancers, and has more maneuver, but way less speed. Templar_Tommmy loves it, but also weaker and more expensive than courser. Best horse for HA.
DestrierHorse of choice for people who wannt to play as 1h and bump a lot of people, cause it has nice hp and nice charge damage.
War HorseCheapest armoured horse. Fastest armoured horse (together with the cataphract horse).
Large WarhorseUseless, do not buy it! War Horse has better stats and is cheaper!
Cataphract HorseIn my opinion the best armoured horse there is, stats are better than stats of the warhorse, but also more expensive. Nice maneuver.
ChargerAwesome health & armour, nice charge, but slow.
MamlukAwesome health & armour, nice charge, but slow, still faster than the plated charger
Plated ChargerOMG OMG... no, to be serious, some people say its usefull.... most say it's useless. It is indeed, but I've seen some good players with it in full armour, steel shield, bumping poor archers to death. As an archer it's truly a nightmare coming true, but luckily enough there are not many "elephants" around.